Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Wow....I can see your username being on the ignore list of a growing number of members here.
BTW, If I work hard enough to earn the money to buy a Porsche that is MY FUCKING BUSINESS....Not yours.. Go suck shit through a straw. You empty headed licker of the bottom of other people's feet.
It is if you run a business and your employees are on welfare because of you. They have every right to set that bitch on fire,steal it and sell it or take over your business.

And it is lawless thugs such as you who deserve to "have a tragic accident in th course of your destruction".............................

What are you, just an ignorant n*gger, ya'll don't get your way so you want to loot and burn, cause destruction??

But yet you acuse me of hatred, what a shit storm of hypocrisy .........................
I am not a ****** :) I just think people deserve a livable wage. Period.

You are a FUCKING MORON, the ones in life who have SKILLS make more money than those IGNORANT masses. We all have to learn to crawl before we can walk.

The person has the option to say, NO, I don't want to work for that low wage.

None of this needs intervention from any government, local, state or federal( well I am for the federal minimum wage) agencies
So people should starve,go without paying bills BEFORE they get a livable wage if ever....keep it coming I am loving this republican common sense and compassion

So it's better for people to go out of business altogether, thus providing no jobs at all, if they can't meet your ridiculous demands? Keep it coming. I am loving this leftist "common sense" and "compassion".

Myself, I'd rather try to make ends meet on 40 hours a week at $9 an hour rather than 0 hours a week at $15 an hour, but that's just me.
Business pay people what they are worth?

That's how it should work. You don't pay people what they think they are worth. That is very childish. Whatever happened to earning your money? Now we have people like you using the legal system or the legislative process to attempt to give people what they in reality don't deserve.

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker.

A corporation doesn't work without leadership. Just like the human body doesn't work without a brain. I'm sorry rich people scare you so much, but it is life. And avarice fuels your arguments.

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars.

And you want people to be paid in equivalent what people were paid 50 years ago? If that is the case, then everyone can kiss their jobs goodbye. How patently ludicrous of you to make such a suggestion. You would absolutely kill every small business in America, and would cause every corporation in the US to outsource almost all of their jobs overseas. Think before you speak.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth?

Why does that even matter? When I was growing up, I was taught that I had to earn my share, not demand it because I thought I deserved it. That isn't how life works. One person is no more valuable than another. People are supposed to prove their worth instead of dictate it to their employers. What is wrong with you?

That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive.

Are you suggesting that people should be paid regardless of their productivity?

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics.

The "pay me what I want, when I want" argument is flawed, purely because it abolishes power, overlooks productivity, and injects politics into the workplace, not to mention the employer is dictated to the worth of their workers by society.
In reality, businesses do not pay people based on productivity. Businesses pay as little as possible in order to maximize profits.
But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.

One question.
Did you read the article?
Or did you just read the headline?
Another question. How many restaurants closed every month/year in Seattle prior to the wage increase.
That information wasn't in the article.
Then compare that to how many restaurants have closed since the wage increase?

It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air
This article is less political and far more accurate. It may answer some of the questions you have mentioned. It explains how the restaurants closed for reasons that have nothing to do with wages. Some of them closed and reopened new ones. I think most of the posters are not interested in accuracy on this topic.
actually, it seems most are not interested in determining whether or not a forced increase in operating costs would have a negative affect on a business.....

I offered this scenario with no response. It is an accurate scenario, as most business owners make less than 75K a year....

A man owns a small was his lifelong dream. He wasn't overly ambitious...he just wanted to cook and serve for a he has a small restaurant with 6 employees. He generates about 1000 a week profit. Not a lot, but he loves what he does, his wife is a nurse making another 70K a year, so they are doing just fine...making 120K a year with 3 kids.

Now he is told by his state government that he must pay an extra 5 an hour to each of his 6 employees.....or 30 an extra 1200 a week.

So now he is losing 200 a week with his lifelong dream his family is now making 60K total....

His employees lose their job, he loses his restaurant...and another middle class family is in a struggle.
I live in a resort and one of the main, if not the main industry happens to be restaurants of every type you can imagine. They close and open every season. Mostly, the same core group of owners that buy and sell their restaurants and even trade with each other. Each year a number of rookies will show up to try and teach everyone how to run a restaurant. Most only last a season. Some close up before the season is over. The real restaurateurs know how to adjust and adapt and continue to make profits. None of the ones I know would ever consider paying employees minimum wage. Quality employees are a must for a successful restaurant. The potential for loss from bad publicity, theft and the lack of quality workmanship is far to great. Successful restaurants in my town use the best employees they can find and are willing to pay a decent wage to get them.
But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.

One question.
Did you read the article?
Or did you just read the headline?
Another question. How many restaurants closed every month/year in Seattle prior to the wage increase.
That information wasn't in the article.
Then compare that to how many restaurants have closed since the wage increase?

It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air
This article is less political and far more accurate. It may answer some of the questions you have mentioned. It explains how the restaurants closed for reasons that have nothing to do with wages. Some of them closed and reopened new ones. I think most of the posters are not interested in accuracy on this topic.
actually, it seems most are not interested in determining whether or not a forced increase in operating costs would have a negative affect on a business.....

I offered this scenario with no response. It is an accurate scenario, as most business owners make less than 75K a year....

A man owns a small was his lifelong dream. He wasn't overly ambitious...he just wanted to cook and serve for a he has a small restaurant with 6 employees. He generates about 1000 a week profit. Not a lot, but he loves what he does, his wife is a nurse making another 70K a year, so they are doing just fine...making 120K a year with 3 kids.

Now he is told by his state government that he must pay an extra 5 an hour to each of his 6 employees.....or 30 an extra 1200 a week.

So now he is losing 200 a week with his lifelong dream his family is now making 60K total....

His employees lose their job, he loses his restaurant...and another middle class family is in a struggle.
But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.

One question.
Did you read the article?
Or did you just read the headline?
Another question. How many restaurants closed every month/year in Seattle prior to the wage increase.
That information wasn't in the article.
Then compare that to how many restaurants have closed since the wage increase?

It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air
This article is less political and far more accurate. It may answer some of the questions you have mentioned. It explains how the restaurants closed for reasons that have nothing to do with wages. Some of them closed and reopened new ones. I think most of the posters are not interested in accuracy on this topic.
actually, it seems most are not interested in determining whether or not a forced increase in operating costs would have a negative affect on a business.....

I offered this scenario with no response. It is an accurate scenario, as most business owners make less than 75K a year....

A man owns a small was his lifelong dream. He wasn't overly ambitious...he just wanted to cook and serve for a he has a small restaurant with 6 employees. He generates about 1000 a week profit. Not a lot, but he loves what he does, his wife is a nurse making another 70K a year, so they are doing just fine...making 120K a year with 3 kids.

Now he is told by his state government that he must pay an extra 5 an hour to each of his 6 employees.....or 30 an extra 1200 a week.

So now he is losing 200 a week with his lifelong dream his family is now making 60K total....

His employees lose their job, he loses his restaurant...and another middle class family is in a struggle.
you are missing my point.

Most small business operate at a very low profit...I am not referring to the mega companies....your typical small business.

Lets use a stationary 6 days a week.....has the owner and 2 employees....he pays the employees 10 an hour.....400 a week per employee....800 a week 10% cost of payroll......880 a week in pyroll.

That means just to make payroll, he needs to generate 46,000 in sales

His store costs him 10 a square foot for 800 square feet or 8,000 a year.

So to cover payroll and rent, he needs to sell 54,000 in goods.

Now lets say his mark up on the goods is his cost of 54,000 in sold goods is 18,000....

SO just to support his rent, cost of goods sold and payroll is 72,000.

So the first 72,000 in sales is for zero profit.....which means the first $1,400 a week in sales results in zero profit.

How much do you think a stationary store can generate in sales? If it is 2500 a week, then he makes a profit of 1100 a week profit.

Now...increase his cost of payroll by 5 an hour per employee....or 400 a week over the two employees.

He just went from making 57,200 a year to 36,500 a year.
It is if you run a business and your employees are on welfare because of you. They have every right to set that bitch on fire,steal it and sell it or take over your business.

And it is lawless thugs such as you who deserve to "have a tragic accident in th course of your destruction".............................

What are you, just an ignorant n*gger, ya'll don't get your way so you want to loot and burn, cause destruction??

But yet you acuse me of hatred, what a shit storm of hypocrisy .........................
I am not a ****** :) I just think people deserve a livable wage. Period.

You are a FUCKING MORON, the ones in life who have SKILLS make more money than those IGNORANT masses. We all have to learn to crawl before we can walk.

The person has the option to say, NO, I don't want to work for that low wage.

None of this needs intervention from any government, local, state or federal( well I am for the federal minimum wage) agencies
So people should starve,go without paying bills BEFORE they get a livable wage if ever....keep it coming I am loving this republican common sense and compassion

So it's better for people to go out of business altogether, thus providing no jobs at all, if they can't meet your ridiculous demands? Keep it coming. I am loving this leftist "common sense" and "compassion".

Myself, I'd rather try to make ends meet on 40 hours a week at $9 an hour rather than 0 hours a week at $15 an hour, but that's just me.
How would few about companies that can only afford to pay you $5.00 an hour, or a buck fifty a day? Are those companies we should support? If you have no job, because the labor market is smaller, then you have plenty of time to build your own company or go back to school, on the cheap if the system is done right.
Thank you for making a good point. The one stated by my post.

But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.

One question.
Did you read the article?
Or did you just read the headline?
Another question. How many restaurants closed every month/year in Seattle prior to the wage increase.
That information wasn't in the article.
Then compare that to how many restaurants have closed since the wage increase?

It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air
This article is less political and far more accurate. It may answer some of the questions you have mentioned. It explains how the restaurants closed for reasons that have nothing to do with wages. Some of them closed and reopened new ones. I think most of the posters are not interested in accuracy on this topic.
actually, it seems most are not interested in determining whether or not a forced increase in operating costs would have a negative affect on a business.....

I offered this scenario with no response. It is an accurate scenario, as most business owners make less than 75K a year....

A man owns a small was his lifelong dream. He wasn't overly ambitious...he just wanted to cook and serve for a he has a small restaurant with 6 employees. He generates about 1000 a week profit. Not a lot, but he loves what he does, his wife is a nurse making another 70K a year, so they are doing just fine...making 120K a year with 3 kids.

Now he is told by his state government that he must pay an extra 5 an hour to each of his 6 employees.....or 30 an extra 1200 a week.

So now he is losing 200 a week with his lifelong dream his family is now making 60K total....

His employees lose their job, he loses his restaurant...and another middle class family is in a struggle.
I live in a resort and one of the main, if not the main industry happens to be restaurants of every type you can imagine. They close and open every season. Mostly, the same core group of owners that buy and sell their restaurants and even trade with each other. Each year a number of rookies will show up to try and teach everyone how to run a restaurant. Most only last a season. Some close up before the season is over. The real restaurateurs know how to adjust and adapt and continue to make profits. None of the ones I know would ever consider paying employees minimum wage. Quality employees are a must for a successful restaurant. The potential for loss from bad publicity, theft and the lack of quality workmanship is far to great. Successful restaurants in my town use the best employees they can find and are willing to pay a decent wage to get them.
But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.

One question.
Did you read the article?
Or did you just read the headline?
Another question. How many restaurants closed every month/year in Seattle prior to the wage increase.
That information wasn't in the article.
Then compare that to how many restaurants have closed since the wage increase?

It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air
This article is less political and far more accurate. It may answer some of the questions you have mentioned. It explains how the restaurants closed for reasons that have nothing to do with wages. Some of them closed and reopened new ones. I think most of the posters are not interested in accuracy on this topic.
actually, it seems most are not interested in determining whether or not a forced increase in operating costs would have a negative affect on a business.....

I offered this scenario with no response. It is an accurate scenario, as most business owners make less than 75K a year....

A man owns a small was his lifelong dream. He wasn't overly ambitious...he just wanted to cook and serve for a he has a small restaurant with 6 employees. He generates about 1000 a week profit. Not a lot, but he loves what he does, his wife is a nurse making another 70K a year, so they are doing just fine...making 120K a year with 3 kids.

Now he is told by his state government that he must pay an extra 5 an hour to each of his 6 employees.....or 30 an extra 1200 a week.

So now he is losing 200 a week with his lifelong dream his family is now making 60K total....

His employees lose their job, he loses his restaurant...and another middle class family is in a struggle.
I live in a resort and one of the main, if not the main industry happens to be restaurants of every type you can imagine. They close and open every season. Mostly, the same core group of owners that buy and sell their restaurants and even trade with each other. Each year a number of rookies will show up to try and teach everyone how to run a restaurant. Most only last a season. Some close up before the season is over. The real restaurateurs know how to adjust and adapt and continue to make profits. None of the ones I know would ever consider paying employees minimum wage. Quality employees are a must for a successful restaurant. The potential for loss from bad publicity, theft and the lack of quality workmanship is far to great. Successful restaurants in my town use the best employees they can find and are willing to pay a decent wage to get them.
are you actually implying that an establishment with a built in consumer audience is an example of a typical small business in middle America?
The point too is, that most refuse to factor in, are the huge corporate business that can change employees like socks and pay them wages to maximize their profits.
When John Q. Public starts to realize patronizing local small business makes a community prosper , things will get better.
Corporate profits leave the community to pay shareholders.

But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.

One question.
Did you read the article?
Or did you just read the headline?
Another question. How many restaurants closed every month/year in Seattle prior to the wage increase.
That information wasn't in the article.
Then compare that to how many restaurants have closed since the wage increase?

It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air
This article is less political and far more accurate. It may answer some of the questions you have mentioned. It explains how the restaurants closed for reasons that have nothing to do with wages. Some of them closed and reopened new ones. I think most of the posters are not interested in accuracy on this topic.
actually, it seems most are not interested in determining whether or not a forced increase in operating costs would have a negative affect on a business.....

I offered this scenario with no response. It is an accurate scenario, as most business owners make less than 75K a year....

A man owns a small was his lifelong dream. He wasn't overly ambitious...he just wanted to cook and serve for a he has a small restaurant with 6 employees. He generates about 1000 a week profit. Not a lot, but he loves what he does, his wife is a nurse making another 70K a year, so they are doing just fine...making 120K a year with 3 kids.

Now he is told by his state government that he must pay an extra 5 an hour to each of his 6 employees.....or 30 an extra 1200 a week.

So now he is losing 200 a week with his lifelong dream his family is now making 60K total....

His employees lose their job, he loses his restaurant...and another middle class family is in a struggle.
But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.

One question.
Did you read the article?
Or did you just read the headline?
Another question. How many restaurants closed every month/year in Seattle prior to the wage increase.
That information wasn't in the article.
Then compare that to how many restaurants have closed since the wage increase?

It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air
This article is less political and far more accurate. It may answer some of the questions you have mentioned. It explains how the restaurants closed for reasons that have nothing to do with wages. Some of them closed and reopened new ones. I think most of the posters are not interested in accuracy on this topic.
actually, it seems most are not interested in determining whether or not a forced increase in operating costs would have a negative affect on a business.....

I offered this scenario with no response. It is an accurate scenario, as most business owners make less than 75K a year....

A man owns a small was his lifelong dream. He wasn't overly ambitious...he just wanted to cook and serve for a he has a small restaurant with 6 employees. He generates about 1000 a week profit. Not a lot, but he loves what he does, his wife is a nurse making another 70K a year, so they are doing just fine...making 120K a year with 3 kids.

Now he is told by his state government that he must pay an extra 5 an hour to each of his 6 employees.....or 30 an extra 1200 a week.

So now he is losing 200 a week with his lifelong dream his family is now making 60K total....

His employees lose their job, he loses his restaurant...and another middle class family is in a struggle.
you are missing my point.

Most small business operate at a very low profit...I am not referring to the mega companies....your typical small business.

Lets use a stationary 6 days a week.....has the owner and 2 employees....he pays the employees 10 an hour.....400 a week per employee....800 a week 10% cost of payroll......880 a week in pyroll.

That means just to make payroll, he needs to generate 46,000 in sales

His store costs him 10 a square foot for 800 square feet or 8,000 a year.

So to cover payroll and rent, he needs to sell 54,000 in goods.

Now lets say his mark up on the goods is his cost of 54,000 in sold goods is 18,000....

SO just to support his rent, cost of goods sold and payroll is 72,000.

So the first 72,000 in sales is for zero profit.....which means the first $1,400 a week in sales results in zero profit.

How much do you think a stationary store can generate in sales? If it is 2500 a week, then he makes a profit of 1100 a week profit.

Now...increase his cost of payroll by 5 an hour per employee....or 400 a week over the two employees.

He just went from making 57,200 a year to 36,500 a year.
Business pay people what they are worth?

That's how it should work. You don't pay people what they think they are worth. That is very childish. Whatever happened to earning your money? Now we have people like you using the legal system or the legislative process to attempt to give people what they in reality don't deserve.

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker.

A corporation doesn't work without leadership. Just like the human body doesn't work without a brain. I'm sorry rich people scare you so much, but it is life. And avarice fuels your arguments.

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars.

And you want people to be paid in equivalent what people were paid 50 years ago? If that is the case, then everyone can kiss their jobs goodbye. How patently ludicrous of you to make such a suggestion. You would absolutely kill every small business in America, and would cause every corporation in the US to outsource almost all of their jobs overseas. Think before you speak.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth?

Why does that even matter? When I was growing up, I was taught that I had to earn my share, not demand it because I thought I deserved it. That isn't how life works. One person is no more valuable than another. People are supposed to prove their worth instead of dictate it to their employers. What is wrong with you?

That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive.

Are you suggesting that people should be paid regardless of their productivity?

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics.

The "pay me what I want, when I want" argument is flawed, purely because it abolishes power, overlooks productivity, and injects politics into the workplace, not to mention the employer is dictated to the worth of their workers by society.
In reality, businesses do not pay people based on productivity. Businesses pay as little as possible in order to maximize profits.

Yes, that is a given. So, we limit the profits of a business to pay the workers more in your scenario. I disagree with that in more ways than one
The point too is, that most refuse to factor in, are the huge corporate business that can change employees like socks and pay them wages to maximize their profits.
When John Q. Public starts to realize patronizing local small business makes a community prosper , things will get better.
Corporate profits leave the community to pay shareholders.

But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.

One question.
Did you read the article?
Or did you just read the headline?
Another question. How many restaurants closed every month/year in Seattle prior to the wage increase.
That information wasn't in the article.
Then compare that to how many restaurants have closed since the wage increase?
This article is less political and far more accurate. It may answer some of the questions you have mentioned. It explains how the restaurants closed for reasons that have nothing to do with wages. Some of them closed and reopened new ones. I think most of the posters are not interested in accuracy on this topic.
actually, it seems most are not interested in determining whether or not a forced increase in operating costs would have a negative affect on a business.....

I offered this scenario with no response. It is an accurate scenario, as most business owners make less than 75K a year....

A man owns a small was his lifelong dream. He wasn't overly ambitious...he just wanted to cook and serve for a he has a small restaurant with 6 employees. He generates about 1000 a week profit. Not a lot, but he loves what he does, his wife is a nurse making another 70K a year, so they are doing just fine...making 120K a year with 3 kids.

Now he is told by his state government that he must pay an extra 5 an hour to each of his 6 employees.....or 30 an extra 1200 a week.

So now he is losing 200 a week with his lifelong dream his family is now making 60K total....

His employees lose their job, he loses his restaurant...and another middle class family is in a struggle.
I live in a resort and one of the main, if not the main industry happens to be restaurants of every type you can imagine. They close and open every season. Mostly, the same core group of owners that buy and sell their restaurants and even trade with each other. Each year a number of rookies will show up to try and teach everyone how to run a restaurant. Most only last a season. Some close up before the season is over. The real restaurateurs know how to adjust and adapt and continue to make profits. None of the ones I know would ever consider paying employees minimum wage. Quality employees are a must for a successful restaurant. The potential for loss from bad publicity, theft and the lack of quality workmanship is far to great. Successful restaurants in my town use the best employees they can find and are willing to pay a decent wage to get them.
are you actually implying that an establishment with a built in consumer audience is an example of a typical small business in middle America?
And it is lawless thugs such as you who deserve to "have a tragic accident in th course of your destruction".............................

What are you, just an ignorant n*gger, ya'll don't get your way so you want to loot and burn, cause destruction??

But yet you acuse me of hatred, what a shit storm of hypocrisy .........................
I am not a ****** :) I just think people deserve a livable wage. Period.

You are a FUCKING MORON, the ones in life who have SKILLS make more money than those IGNORANT masses. We all have to learn to crawl before we can walk.

The person has the option to say, NO, I don't want to work for that low wage.

None of this needs intervention from any government, local, state or federal( well I am for the federal minimum wage) agencies
So people should starve,go without paying bills BEFORE they get a livable wage if ever....keep it coming I am loving this republican common sense and compassion

So it's better for people to go out of business altogether, thus providing no jobs at all, if they can't meet your ridiculous demands? Keep it coming. I am loving this leftist "common sense" and "compassion".

Myself, I'd rather try to make ends meet on 40 hours a week at $9 an hour rather than 0 hours a week at $15 an hour, but that's just me.
How would few about companies that can only afford to pay you $5.00 an hour, or a buck fifty a day? Are those companies we should support? If you have no job, because the labor market is smaller, then you have plenty of time to build your own company or go back to school, on the cheap if the system is done right.
a company that can only afford to pay 5 an hour will be unable to secure employees.

So your premise is a failed one.
It is if you run a business and your employees are on welfare because of you. They have every right to set that bitch on fire,steal it and sell it or take over your business.
Because suddenly the math will work out and you can pay people more right? And I'm sure a business is going to be run so much better with a dishwasher making the decisions. There's a reason these people have minimum wage jobs. You want to take a guess as to why?

Hey rich republicans wanna go out of business rather than paying a decent wage good riddance. Cut off your nose to spite your one cares.

Oh, yeah, those restaurant owners are "rich Republicans", and they're OBVIOUSLY just choosing to forego their business and profits JUST to spite you and their poor, deserving workers . . . who are, either way you slice it, STILL going to be making $0 thanks to your "compassionate" demand for more money on their behalf.
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I am not a ****** :) I just think people deserve a livable wage. Period.

You are a FUCKING MORON, the ones in life who have SKILLS make more money than those IGNORANT masses. We all have to learn to crawl before we can walk.

The person has the option to say, NO, I don't want to work for that low wage.

None of this needs intervention from any government, local, state or federal( well I am for the federal minimum wage) agencies
So people should starve,go without paying bills BEFORE they get a livable wage if ever....keep it coming I am loving this republican common sense and compassion

So it's better for people to go out of business altogether, thus providing no jobs at all, if they can't meet your ridiculous demands? Keep it coming. I am loving this leftist "common sense" and "compassion".

Myself, I'd rather try to make ends meet on 40 hours a week at $9 an hour rather than 0 hours a week at $15 an hour, but that's just me.
How would few about companies that can only afford to pay you $5.00 an hour, or a buck fifty a day? Are those companies we should support? If you have no job, because the labor market is smaller, then you have plenty of time to build your own company or go back to school, on the cheap if the system is done right.
a company that can only afford to pay 5 an hour will be unable to secure employees.

So your premise is a failed one.
Not at all. At that rate the turnover is terrific, or I can only hire teens, but the point is at what wage level do we just say the hell with it, there has to be a better way of doing business? If you can't afford to pay a living wage there's a very good chance that you shouldn't be in business in the first place.
Business pay people what they are worth?

That's how it should work. You don't pay people what they think they are worth. That is very childish. Whatever happened to earning your money? Now we have people like you using the legal system or the legislative process to attempt to give people what they in reality don't deserve.

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker.

A corporation doesn't work without leadership. Just like the human body doesn't work without a brain. I'm sorry rich people scare you so much, but it is life. And avarice fuels your arguments.

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars.

And you want people to be paid in equivalent what people were paid 50 years ago? If that is the case, then everyone can kiss their jobs goodbye. How patently ludicrous of you to make such a suggestion. You would absolutely kill every small business in America, and would cause every corporation in the US to outsource almost all of their jobs overseas. Think before you speak.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth?

Why does that even matter? When I was growing up, I was taught that I had to earn my share, not demand it because I thought I deserved it. That isn't how life works. One person is no more valuable than another. People are supposed to prove their worth instead of dictate it to their employers. What is wrong with you?

That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive.

Are you suggesting that people should be paid regardless of their productivity?

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics.

The "pay me what I want, when I want" argument is flawed, purely because it abolishes power, overlooks productivity, and injects politics into the workplace, not to mention the employer is dictated to the worth of their workers by society.
In reality, businesses do not pay people based on productivity. Businesses pay as little as possible in order to maximize profits.
you are wrong with that statement.

Such is true as it pertains to unskilled labor seeing as experience in stuffing a bag offers no more efficiency than no experience in stuffing a bag.

But efficiency studies are conducted on a regular basis by medium and large sized companies....and in the skilled positions, efficiency usually means more productivity and thus more selectiveness as it pertains to the employee and thus, higher salaries for the selected employees.

Your statement is 100% wrong as it pertains to a business model that proves to be successful.
The point too is, that most refuse to factor in, are the huge corporate business that can change employees like socks and pay them wages to maximize their profits.
When John Q. Public starts to realize patronizing local small business makes a community prosper , things will get better.
Corporate profits leave the community to pay shareholders.
John Q. Public is fully aware of that but they voted with their dollars and made Walmart, Home Depot, McDonalds, etc. bigger.
You are a FUCKING MORON, the ones in life who have SKILLS make more money than those IGNORANT masses. We all have to learn to crawl before we can walk.

The person has the option to say, NO, I don't want to work for that low wage.

None of this needs intervention from any government, local, state or federal( well I am for the federal minimum wage) agencies
So people should starve,go without paying bills BEFORE they get a livable wage if ever....keep it coming I am loving this republican common sense and compassion

So it's better for people to go out of business altogether, thus providing no jobs at all, if they can't meet your ridiculous demands? Keep it coming. I am loving this leftist "common sense" and "compassion".

Myself, I'd rather try to make ends meet on 40 hours a week at $9 an hour rather than 0 hours a week at $15 an hour, but that's just me.
How would few about companies that can only afford to pay you $5.00 an hour, or a buck fifty a day? Are those companies we should support? If you have no job, because the labor market is smaller, then you have plenty of time to build your own company or go back to school, on the cheap if the system is done right.
a company that can only afford to pay 5 an hour will be unable to secure employees.

So your premise is a failed one.
Not at all. At that rate the turnover is terrific, or I can only hire teens, but the point is at what wage level do we just say the hell with it, there has to be a better way of doing business? If you can't afford to pay a living wage there's a very good chance that you shouldn't be in business in the first place.
there are many jobs that do not require those that need a living wage.....and only require the high school sophomore.

Don't know your age, but when I was a kid, every single person working at McDonalds was my age....16-18.....every single person pricing the Peas at the A&P were my age.....every kid cleaning the tables at the local deli was...well.....a kid.
Business pay people what they are worth?

That's how it should work. You don't pay people what they think they are worth. That is very childish. Whatever happened to earning your money? Now we have people like you using the legal system or the legislative process to attempt to give people what they in reality don't deserve.

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker.

A corporation doesn't work without leadership. Just like the human body doesn't work without a brain. I'm sorry rich people scare you so much, but it is life. And avarice fuels your arguments.

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars.

And you want people to be paid in equivalent what people were paid 50 years ago? If that is the case, then everyone can kiss their jobs goodbye. How patently ludicrous of you to make such a suggestion. You would absolutely kill every small business in America, and would cause every corporation in the US to outsource almost all of their jobs overseas. Think before you speak.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth?

Why does that even matter? When I was growing up, I was taught that I had to earn my share, not demand it because I thought I deserved it. That isn't how life works. One person is no more valuable than another. People are supposed to prove their worth instead of dictate it to their employers. What is wrong with you?

That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive.

Are you suggesting that people should be paid regardless of their productivity?

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics.

The "pay me what I want, when I want" argument is flawed, purely because it abolishes power, overlooks productivity, and injects politics into the workplace, not to mention the employer is dictated to the worth of their workers by society.
In reality, businesses do not pay people based on productivity. Businesses pay as little as possible in order to maximize profits.
But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.

One question.
Did you read the article?
Or did you just read the headline?
Another question. How many restaurants closed every month/year in Seattle prior to the wage increase.
That information wasn't in the article.
Then compare that to how many restaurants have closed since the wage increase?
This article is less political and far more accurate. It may answer some of the questions you have mentioned. It explains how the restaurants closed for reasons that have nothing to do with wages. Some of them closed and reopened new ones. I think most of the posters are not interested in accuracy on this topic.
actually, it seems most are not interested in determining whether or not a forced increase in operating costs would have a negative affect on a business.....

I offered this scenario with no response. It is an accurate scenario, as most business owners make less than 75K a year....

A man owns a small was his lifelong dream. He wasn't overly ambitious...he just wanted to cook and serve for a he has a small restaurant with 6 employees. He generates about 1000 a week profit. Not a lot, but he loves what he does, his wife is a nurse making another 70K a year, so they are doing just fine...making 120K a year with 3 kids.

Now he is told by his state government that he must pay an extra 5 an hour to each of his 6 employees.....or 30 an extra 1200 a week.

So now he is losing 200 a week with his lifelong dream his family is now making 60K total....

His employees lose their job, he loses his restaurant...and another middle class family is in a struggle.
I live in a resort and one of the main, if not the main industry happens to be restaurants of every type you can imagine. They close and open every season. Mostly, the same core group of owners that buy and sell their restaurants and even trade with each other. Each year a number of rookies will show up to try and teach everyone how to run a restaurant. Most only last a season. Some close up before the season is over. The real restaurateurs know how to adjust and adapt and continue to make profits. None of the ones I know would ever consider paying employees minimum wage. Quality employees are a must for a successful restaurant. The potential for loss from bad publicity, theft and the lack of quality workmanship is far to great. Successful restaurants in my town use the best employees they can find and are willing to pay a decent wage to get them.
are you actually implying that an establishment with a built in consumer audience is an example of a typical small business in middle America?
The discussion is about restaurants. Some of you guys are lumping restaurants in with other small businesses. The restaurant business is different. I you don't have quality employees you probably will not produce a quality product.
So people should starve,go without paying bills BEFORE they get a livable wage if ever....keep it coming I am loving this republican common sense and compassion

So it's better for people to go out of business altogether, thus providing no jobs at all, if they can't meet your ridiculous demands? Keep it coming. I am loving this leftist "common sense" and "compassion".

Myself, I'd rather try to make ends meet on 40 hours a week at $9 an hour rather than 0 hours a week at $15 an hour, but that's just me.
How would few about companies that can only afford to pay you $5.00 an hour, or a buck fifty a day? Are those companies we should support? If you have no job, because the labor market is smaller, then you have plenty of time to build your own company or go back to school, on the cheap if the system is done right.
a company that can only afford to pay 5 an hour will be unable to secure employees.

So your premise is a failed one.
Not at all. At that rate the turnover is terrific, or I can only hire teens, but the point is at what wage level do we just say the hell with it, there has to be a better way of doing business? If you can't afford to pay a living wage there's a very good chance that you shouldn't be in business in the first place.
there are many jobs that do not require those that need a living wage.....and only require the high school sophomore.

Don't know your age, but when I was a kid, every single person working at McDonalds was my age....16-18.....every single person pricing the Peas at the A&P were my age.....every kid cleaning the tables at the local deli was...well.....a kid.
I don't have an issue with kids being paid like kids, I have an issue with adults being paid that way. And if the only way you can stay in business is by using teen labor, you need another business plan.
Hey rich republicans wanna go out of business rather than paying a decent wage good riddance. Cut off your nose to spite your one cares.

yeah didn't, or couldn't, read the part about all the waiters and waitresses who will now make no must have graduated last in your class at whatever government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party that you attended.......
Yeah but now they can collect unemployment and find new work at places that WILL do the right thing and raise their wage. :) Also I guess you didn't read the link I posted earlier but even though some businesses are closing some are opening up as well.

See? Liberal "compassion". "Oh, that's okay that we made them lose their job. We'll just give them unemployment - which is probably less money than they were making before we lost them their jobs - and then they can go find another job at one of the few remaining restaurants - which are being mobbed with applications from all the OTHER poor saps we put out of work."

And never mind the fact that being unemployed FOR ANY REASON while you're looking for a job automatically makes you less desirable to the prospective employer - something that leftists apparently know nothing about, having never been gainfully employed themselves.

You just have these people's lives all planned out and lived for 'em, dontcha?

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