Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

You do realize that a 9 to 15 raise is much more significant don't you?

And 15 an hour or 31200 a year is a salary that requires some skill and training.

So you are basically saying that people who have worked to increase their skill set are no better than those who can't do anything but stuff crap into a bag

You need those people stuffing crap into bags. Most Americans are way too fat and lazy to do it themselves. It's Supply & Demand. Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.
They do get paid they just get paid in accordance with the job

If they want more money then they should make themselves more valuable to their employer

The reason they get paid MW is because any moron off the street can do what they do
What do you do? I'm OK with people making minimum as long as its a fair wage. Can't trust owners so the gov decides that number.
Define fair

I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay
So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.
$15? That is $31k a year. According to the gubbermint that is upper middle class for a family of three and does qualify for any benefits or ACA subsidies.
"Gubbermint" of what country? We are talking about the USA. How many decades back are you going to find that 31k being upper middle class?
Last week.
I can not find any link that comes even close to that. I don't think "upper middle class" would qualify for any kind of government benefits or ACA. Pretty sure the figure for upper middle class is up over $100,000 a year. Both Obama and Romney put the figure at $200,000 or $250,000. Am I misreading your comment about the $31,000 per year?
LOL a family of three making 25k doesn't qualify.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Ummmm, you're forgetting the part where the patrons will be required to pay 15 bucks for what was once a 8 dollar burger. They will simply go to the next city where the idiots haven't passed their stupid law and buy their meals there.

Truly jake, are you even capable of thinking? Even a little bit?

No. No, he is not.
Have all the restaurants closed down yet? Why the fuck not? All the rethugs say they have to close. Cause every fucking republican on this site is so poor that can't afford a single penny increase in anything. They are that broke.

All you rethugs need to take skulls advice. Either get some training for a better paying job. Or get a second job so you aren't so fucking poor.
Four restaurants closing makes it easier for the other eateries to establish working prices that lead to a profit.

Yes ... because EVERYONE loves going to a ultra crowded, overly priced restaurant.
You need to cut Fakey some slack, dude. He just isn't all that bright.
You don't know much about restaurants. People flock to ultra crowed overly priced restaurants. They get ultra crowed because they get reputations for having above average food worth the extra money. The best advertisement a restaurant can get is to have a line waiting to get in. If you are not willing to pay the higher price for the service and food, go to the restaurant that is only partially full. The one with the fewest customers will almost always have the blandest least appetizing menu and food.
Perhaps who are referring to when the McDonald's is crowded so you go the the less crowed Burger King. That makes sense.
And here's another thing to consider: The number of workers (i.e., people who draw a paycheck signed by somebody else) outnumber by far the number of business owners and corporate big shots.

So if you conservatives ever want to get a firm foothold in governing this country, you'd better stop shitting on the worker.
Your shitty attitude is why you're stuck in a low end job. Businesses aren't started to provide people with comfortable incomes. Why don't some of you snivelbutts go out there and become your own employer since nobody's paycheck is good enough for you? Oh that's right, you have nothing to offer.
Four restaurants closing makes it easier for the other eateries to establish working prices that lead to a profit.

Yes ... because EVERYONE loves going to a ultra crowded, overly priced restaurant.
You need to cut Fakey some slack, dude. He just isn't all that bright.
You don't know much about restaurants. People flock to ultra crowed overly priced restaurants. They get ultra crowed because they get reputations for having above average food worth the extra money. The best advertisement a restaurant can get is to have a line waiting to get in. If you are not willing to pay the higher price for the service and food, go to the restaurant that is only partially full. The one with the fewest customers will almost always have the blandest least appetizing menu and food.
Perhaps who are referring to when the McDonald's is crowded so you go the the less crowed Burger King. That makes sense.

You miss the point(s). I tend to go to good restaurants that are NOT overly crowded or overly priced. The reason I seek them out is because I get seated quickly and enjoy a good meal. There's also a difference between a somewhat crowded restaurant and one with an hour long waiting period. And the third important point is that when the competition is eliminated and the demand increases so do prices. So ... the Washington experiment will likely blow up in their face.
You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?
How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

why? why not 70x or 30x or 90x. whats magic about 60x? Who should invoke those limits, the govt? the shareholders? Should the CEO stop working and go on vacation when he/she kits the magic 60x?

this is foolishness, but you jealousy of successful people is noted.
No ones worth 600x the lowest paid workers. My bro makes over $500k a year. That's ridiculous. But good for him. And good for the union guys getting their fair share.

Is Beyonce worth what society pays her? How about Aaron Rodgers? What does it say about a society when its most valuable members are athletes and entertainers?

But to your point, who should decide how much any person can make? How would you limit Bill Gates income?

Bill Gates desperately needs more foreign workers. Seriously, true story. Great guy, huh?

Do you have any idea why Iphones are made in China rather than the USA?
Have all the restaurants closed down yet? Why the fuck not? All the rethugs say they have to close. Cause every fucking republican on this site is so poor that can't afford a single penny increase in anything. They are that broke.

All you rethugs need to take skulls advice. Either get some training for a better paying job. Or get a second job so you aren't so fucking poor.
The businesses that survive will do so because they can effectively pass the increase on to their customers. If you are relying heavily on moderate incomes they may chose to forgo the frill of eating out. Many people can afford to pay more.

Rethugs? LOL. Your hated is turning your speech into mindless drivel.
You don't know much about restaurants. People flock to ultra crowed overly priced restaurants. They get ultra crowed because they get reputations for having above average food worth the extra money. The best advertisement a restaurant can get is to have a line waiting to get in. If you are not willing to pay the higher price for the service and food, go to the restaurant that is only partially full. The one with the fewest customers will almost always have the blandest least appetizing menu and food.
Perhaps who are referring to when the McDonald's is crowded so you go the the less crowed Burger King. That makes sense.
You don't know much about business. People will wait for a good deal. You remove the good deal and where's the motivation for waiting?
Have all the restaurants closed down yet? Why the fuck not? All the rethugs say they have to close. Cause every fucking republican on this site is so poor that can't afford a single penny increase in anything. They are that broke.

All you rethugs need to take skulls advice. Either get some training for a better paying job. Or get a second job so you aren't so fucking poor.

Here's the deal, dude. The upper end restaurants will do fine, and are very likely already paying above minimum wage. Its the lower end ones that will be hurt----you know, the ones that poor and middle class go to.

So this MW bullshit hurts just the people its supposed to help-------like all liberal policies.
. Many people can afford to pay more.

Republicans can't. And you know it. At least if you base the idea on all the whining that goes on here about how a hamburger might cost a bit more. It's like the end of the fucking world to people like you. And you claim to own a business with good income. But OMG if your meal cost three dollars more than it did. It's like you might never eat again. Which wouldn't break my heart. Like you said, I don't like your kind anyway.

But do get a better paying job like the Democrats and Indys have on here. We aren't the ones crying the blues about three a restaurant.
. Many people can afford to pay more.
Republicans can't. And you know it. At least if you base the idea on all the whining that goes on here about how a hamburger might cost a bit more. It's like the end of the fucking world to people like you. And you claim to own a business with good income. But OMG if your meal cost three dollars more than it did. It's like you might never eat again. Which wouldn't break my heart. Like you said, I don't like your kind anyway.

But do get a better paying job like the Democrats and Indys have on here. We aren't the ones crying the blues about three a restaurant.
Typically, you don't know what the fuck you're taking about. I can count on one hand the times I eat out per year. Restaurants failing mean nothing to me personally. But it isn't the government's purpose to dictate wages for private companies. Most fast food joints are franchises, some schmuck payed dearly for the name the corporation owns and business model to operate with. Buys the food and products from their sources.

If he or she were rich they'd find and easier way to make a living. Bumping up their overhead when market expectations are at a given price point can very well put them under. So that means a bunch more unemployed youths sucking on the government tit to get by because we can't stand by and let the poor slobs go hungry, can we? And how does government feed them? With taxes.
Its the lower end ones that will be hurt----you know, the ones that poor and middle class go to.

First of all red. Why are poor people (the 47% you all say are living off the government) spending that money on a restaurant meal when they could have fed themselves for a weeks (rice and beans) on the money they spent in a restaurant?

You know how you hate it when the poor people spend YOUR money.wastefully.

SO why are you supporting that on here at this time? When in a few posts you will be crying about how those poor people are wasting the money you gave them by eating out at restaurants.

See why your kind is known as "hypocrites" ? You talk out of both sides of your mouth.
Restaurants failing mean nothing to me personally

Then fucking quit whining about them. Good god. You can't find something that does matter to you to whine about?
Try whining about how the government took your money and gave it to the poor person so they could eat out more than you. LMAO.
Restaurants failing mean nothing to me personally
Then fucking quit whining about them. Good god. You can't find something that does matter to you to whine about?
Try whining about how the government took your money and gave it to the poor person so they could eat out more than you. LMAO.
You're a liar. My response wasn't a whine, you're just a sensitive boy that doesn't like being challenged.
Its the lower end ones that will be hurt----you know, the ones that poor and middle class go to.

First of all red. Why are poor people (the 47% you all say are living off the government) spending that money on a restaurant meal when they could have fed themselves for a weeks (rice and beans) on the money they spent in a restaurant?

You know how you hate it when the poor people spend YOUR money.wastefully.

SO why are you supporting that on here at this time? When in a few posts you will be crying about how those poor people are wasting the money you gave them by eating out at restaurants.

See why your kind is known as "hypocrites" ? You talk out of both sides of your mouth.

I don't care what poor people spend their money on. Its their money.

My point, which apparently was over your head, is that raising the MW will put lower end restaurants out of business because they operate on a lower profit margin than upper end restaurants. That will reduce the number to places that the poor and middle class have available for a restaurant meal.
Yo, zeke

if $15/hr is good why isn't $50 even better? Why not have the government guarantee every citizen an income of 100K per year no matter what job they do, or even if they don't have a job? Everyone gets 100k, no more, no less.

This is the ridiculous end to your libtardian thinking process. Now, would you vote for that?
But it isn't the government's purpose to dictate wages for private companies.

Governments been doing that for quite some time. Why don't the Republicans in Congress (you all do control Congress you know) eliminate the MW. Right now why don't they do that?

So you don't eat out, you don't own restaurants but you want to bitch about an issue that was taken up by the voters and passed.

Why don't you respect Democracy and the voters of this part of the country?

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