Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Oh stop. Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ everyday. Both large and small businesses. Most of my Republican friends don't have a problem with businesses going to Government for handouts. They only have a problem when Government intervenes on behalf of struggling workers. It's the ultimate greed & hypocrisy.
You're a liar. You said "Y'all just love Big Government intervention in business if you think it will benefit you."

And what kind of friend would trash people he knows on the internet. That's not what friends do so I believe you're lying about that as well.
Oh stop. Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ everyday. Both large and small businesses. Most of my Republican friends don't have a problem with businesses going to Government for handouts. They only have a problem when Government intervenes on behalf of struggling workers. It's the ultimate greed & hypocrisy.
You're a liar. You said "Y'all just love Big Government intervention in business if you think it will benefit you."

And what kind of friend would trash people he knows on the internet. That's not what friends do so I believe you're lying about that as well.

Are you denying American Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ all the time?
Oh stop. Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ everyday. Both large and small businesses. Most of my Republican friends don't have a problem with businesses going to Government for handouts. They only have a problem when Government intervenes on behalf of struggling workers. It's the ultimate greed & hypocrisy.
You're a liar. You said "Y'all just love Big Government intervention in business if you think it will benefit you."

And what kind of friend would trash people he knows on the internet. That's not what friends do so I believe you're lying about that as well.

Are you denying American Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ all the time?
You're a lying retard.
Oh stop. Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ everyday. Both large and small businesses. Most of my Republican friends don't have a problem with businesses going to Government for handouts. They only have a problem when Government intervenes on behalf of struggling workers. It's the ultimate greed & hypocrisy.
You're a liar. You said "Y'all just love Big Government intervention in business if you think it will benefit you."

And what kind of friend would trash people he knows on the internet. That's not what friends do so I believe you're lying about that as well.

Are you denying American Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ all the time?
You're a lying retard.

Ha, y'all love Big Government intervention, just as long as you're getting something out of it. Good to see struggling workers getting theirs. It's a good thing.
Oh stop. Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ everyday. Both large and small businesses. Most of my Republican friends don't have a problem with businesses going to Government for handouts. They only have a problem when Government intervenes on behalf of struggling workers. It's the ultimate greed & hypocrisy.
You're a liar. You said "Y'all just love Big Government intervention in business if you think it will benefit you."

And what kind of friend would trash people he knows on the internet. That's not what friends do so I believe you're lying about that as well.

Are you denying American Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ all the time?
You're a lying retard.

Ha, y'all love Big Government intervention, just as long as you're getting something out of it. Good to see struggling workers getting theirs. It's a good thing.
You're a lying retard.
Oh stop. Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ everyday. Both large and small businesses. Most of my Republican friends don't have a problem with businesses going to Government for handouts. They only have a problem when Government intervenes on behalf of struggling workers. It's the ultimate greed & hypocrisy.
You're a liar. You said "Y'all just love Big Government intervention in business if you think it will benefit you."

And what kind of friend would trash people he knows on the internet. That's not what friends do so I believe you're lying about that as well.

Are you denying American Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ all the time?
You're a lying retard.

Ha, y'all love Big Government intervention, just as long as you're getting something out of it. Good to see struggling workers getting theirs. It's a good thing.
You're a lying retard.

I'm happy for workers. You should be too. Score one for the little guy. Doesn't happen often enough.
Oh stop. Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ everyday. Both large and small businesses. Most of my Republican friends don't have a problem with businesses going to Government for handouts. They only have a problem when Government intervenes on behalf of struggling workers. It's the ultimate greed & hypocrisy.
You're a liar. You said "Y'all just love Big Government intervention in business if you think it will benefit you."

And what kind of friend would trash people he knows on the internet. That's not what friends do so I believe you're lying about that as well.

Are you denying American Businesses lobby Government for breaks and $$ all the time?

Not at all. Corrupt corporations thrive on their ability to control their markets via government. That's what minimum wage is really all about. Large corporations, with the power to manipulate public policy, love the regulatory state. It let's them raise the barriers to entry, keeping them firmly in control. Power serves those in power.
You've lost your way son. Listen to yourself sometime. You celebrate American Workers making less than their counterparts made 30yrs ago. You've allowed your hate & greed to consume you.

Not really. I celebrate that I am paid what my work is worth. I could work for any of big three, but apparently they cant afford me.

Hey enjoy your cars while American Workers suffer. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But don't think for one minute you're a good person. Cause yuze sure ain't.

Here's a hint. Make better cars at a better price and they won't be suffering.

The High Cost of Low Price. And it's become incredibly costly for American Workers. And now they'll turn to Welfare Entitlements for survival. A wonderful success story. You guys are great. What would we do without you?

Why do you want to deny the poor a chance at the goods the wealthy take for granted?

We don't. We just aren't interested in 1) buying them for them, or 2) having a handful of people get them at the expense of vast numbers of people losing their livelihoods.
You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?

I've asked that question a thousand times here. What is a decent livable wage in America today? I've asked people to put a number on it. Most decline and run as far away from the question as fast as possible. So i'll ask you too. What do you think is a decent livable wage for average Americans? Put a number out there.

You need to explain first what "livable wage" is.

No i don't. I'm asking you personally to put a number out there. What do you think is a decent livable wage for an American Worker today?

It is whatever the worker and employer agree on. No one is forced to work for less than he thinks he is worth.

Everyone is forced to work for less than he or she thinks they're worth.

Wrong. I work for less than I WANT, but the wage I get paid is quite fair and appropriate for the job I do, relative to the cost of living in my city.
And here's another thing to consider: The number of workers (i.e., people who draw a paycheck signed by somebody else) outnumber by far the number of business owners and corporate big shots.

So if you conservatives ever want to get a firm foothold in governing this country, you'd better stop shitting on the worker.

Yes, yes, we're all aware of the efforts leftists have made to dumb down and Balkanize the general public into a bunch of hostile, spoiled brats, but not everyone is as comfortable with bribery and blatant pandering as Democrats are.
Ah, gives me a headache. Celebrating American Workers making less than counterparts made 30-40 years ago? WTF?? Seriously, sometimes i get very ashamed of my Republican friends.

Don't get too comfortable with the idea that any of us are your friends, Chuckles. Most of us have standards. And I feel safe in saying none of us really gives a rat's ass for your approval or disapproval.
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wrong again. he american blue collar workers in the car factories in the south are making good wage, good benefits, good working conditions, and good retirement programs. They don't need to give any money to the UAW fat cats so they they can sit on their yachts eating fancy meals.

Mercedes, BMW, Subaru, Honda, Toyota, VW, Kia, Mazda, Nissan---------thousands of good paying blue collar american jobs-----------and no fricken union dues. Not only that, but they are putting out excellent products at competitive prices.

Because of the Un-American practice of Outsourcing and hateful greedy Americans, those workers are now making less $$ than their counterparts made 30-40 years ago.

Congratulations guys! You did it! American Workers are now broke and need Welfare Entitlements just to survive. A resounding success. Thank you. :cuckoo:

exactly how is assembling foreign cars in the USA outsourcing? and you are totally full of shit claiming that they make less than UAW workers made 30-40 years ago. that is one of your most stupid claims ever.

I've seen this before. Don't expect any change.

the guy calls himself paulitician, but he is a raving liberal. But liberal lying has been documented many times already.

I am 'Liberal' on some issues. But so what? Not everything Liberal is 'Bad.' Doing what's right is far more important than being obsessed with adhering to a rigid inflexible Political Ideology.

If there is any occasion in which you think the government should micro-manage economic issues, you need to hand in your Ron Paul Fan Club membership card, because you're a hypocrite.
Filipinos Say They Worked For $3 Per Hour As U.S. Guestworkers

Eleven Filipino bakery workers say they were lured to the U.S. by the promise of high wages to support their poor families back home. Instead, they claim in a lawsuit filed Wednesday in California court, they were forced to work 14-hour days for as little $3 an hour, threatened with debt and deportation if they spoke up about their working conditions.

More: Filipinos Say They Worked For $3 Per Hour As U.S. Guestworkers

Welcome to America! Land of unbridled capitalistic greed.

You forget to mention this:

The workers are now suing the Los Angeles bakery and its owners, a Filipino couple...

This is an excellent example of why the United States needs a more restrictive immigration policy. We constantly import a substantial amount of other countries' trash.

"A Filipino couple"? That makes it even more despicable that they would cheat their own people!

No, I think that's pretty much the same level of despicable, but then, I'm not a leftist, so I'm not a bigot who sees people through a "group identity" lens.
The idea that outsiders should determine the wage (minimum, maximum, or otherwise) for any individual is an affront to personal liberty. The wages negotiated between an employer and an employee are no one else's business.

Ha, businesses love Big Government just fine when it's giving em Tax Breaks & $$.

What you're not getting is that they also love it when government dictates our economic decisions because they know they can control it.

Most Republicans i know, have no problem with businesses lobbying Government for handouts. So they like Big Government interference just fine. But only if it benefits them. When it comes to Workers wanting a piece of the pie, they're all about "Government should stay out of it!!"

Seriously, i really am ashamed of my Republican friends on issues like this. Their greed and hypocrisy is pretty embarrassing.
You said that already. If you can't address the points I'm raising, please don't quote my posts.

I did address it. You're just fine with Big Government interference in business if it benefits you. Otherwise, you're all "Government should stay out of it!!" Such high & mighty hypocrisy. Shame on ya.

Actually, I'm neutral on the subject of my city and county actively trying to convince businesses to move here. They can or not, as they choose. But yes, I think IF they are going to do so, it's completely appropriate for the businesses to negotiate for tax incentives in exchange for what the city/county wants. I also think business owners have the same right to petition government as every other citizen does. There's no equivalency between that and government high-handedly dealing itself into business decisions.
To those who believe there wont be a federal min wage hike due to the GOP, you are morons. It's wont be 15 an hr, but likely $10.00 a hr. The GOP is already in favor of it.
Because of the Un-American practice of Outsourcing and hateful greedy Americans, those workers are now making less $$ than their counterparts made 30-40 years ago.

Congratulations guys! You did it! American Workers are now broke and need Welfare Entitlements just to survive. A resounding success. Thank you. :cuckoo:

exactly how is assembling foreign cars in the USA outsourcing? and you are totally full of shit claiming that they make less than UAW workers made 30-40 years ago. that is one of your most stupid claims ever.

I've seen this before. Don't expect any change.

the guy calls himself paulitician, but he is a raving liberal. But liberal lying has been documented many times already.

I am 'Liberal' on some issues. But so what? Not everything Liberal is 'Bad.' Doing what's right is far more important than being obsessed with adhering to a rigid inflexible Political Ideology.

If there is any occasion in which you think the government should micro-manage economic issues, you need to hand in your Ron Paul Fan Club membership card, because you're a hypocrite.

I don't think the 'paul' in 'paulitician' has anything to do with Ron Paul.
Most Republicans i know, have no problem with businesses lobbying Government for handouts. So they like Big Government interference just fine. But only if it benefits them. When it comes to Workers wanting a piece of the pie, they're all about "Government should stay out of it!!"

Seriously, i really am ashamed of my Republican friends on issues like this. Their greed and hypocrisy is pretty embarrassing.
A. You don't know any Republicans.
B. You have no friends.

Oh i know plenty. That's why i know how many of you think. Y'all just love Big Government intervention in business if you think it will benefit you. But God forbid the struggling worker catches a break every now & then.

Anyway, the thread is B.S. Businesses are not closing all over Seattle due to higher wages. That's just greedy wanker 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite. They'll deal with it and pay their workers a little more. Life will go on.
So you hate big government yet you want the government to tell businesses what to pay people

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