Breaking News. SCOTUS rejects the premature Special Counsel bid to rule on his cases

Fool, the Appellate Court is going to bitch slap Trump faster then you can say Supreme Court. Because that's where this is going & they're going to laugh your orange knuck dragger right back to Judge Chutkan for trial.

Save those MAGA tears.

Yep, and unless there is a mistake at trial, the orange shit stain won't get a second shot at the SCOTUS.
Here's some irony for you. Now that this 9-0 ruling from SCOTUS happened. The trial can now go forward n the fastest docket in the country.

If Trump is convicted, and he appeals to the 4th circuit, which is where he has to appeal, and they find the conviction sound. SCOTUS won't touch it again, and he will be shit out of luck on sentencing day.

Be careful what you wish for.
Denied! Most likely never get there
Here's some irony for you. Now that this 9-0 ruling from SCOTUS happened. The trial can now go forward n the fastest docket in the country.

If Trump is convicted, and he appeals to the 4th circuit, which is where he has to appeal, and they find the conviction sound. SCOTUS won't touch it again, and he will be shit out of luck on sentencing day.

Be careful what you wish for.

Only a completely deluded ignorant hack like you would predict that SCOTUS would deny cert on this case.

You’re beyond retarded. But you are amusing as fuck.
Don’t cry. Your irrational chittering was already refuted.

Repeating yourself doesn’t change that fact.
The AC has scheduled arguments starting J9, fast tracking Trump's bullshit arguement. They've been down this road before with the orange mouth breather with his yap open wide. And they're on to his horsehit of trying to delay, delay, delay. And guess what? Courts don't take lightly to assholes like Trump trying to play whack- a- mole with the Federal Court System.

Your MAGA tears for Trump are very touching.
The AC has scheduled arguments starting J9, fast tracking Trump's bullshit arguement. They've been down this road before with the orange mouth breather with his yap open wide. And they're on to his horsehit of trying to delay, delay, delay. And guess what? Courts don't take lightly to assholes like Trump trying to play whack- a- mole with the Federal Court System.

Your MAGA tears for Trump are very touching.
The AC has scheduled arguments starting J9, fast tracking Trump's bullshit arguement. They've been down this road before with the orange mouth breather with his yap open wide. And they're on to his horsehit of trying to delay, delay, delay. And guess what? Courts don't take lightly to assholes like Trump trying to play whack- a- mole with the Federal Court System.

Your MAGA tears for Trump are very touching.
You’re an impossibly lame stupid little fail.

The appeals court can fast track briefing and oral arguments. They can then rush to judgment. It won’t matter.

If Trump then says, “ok. Now I’d like the SCOTUS to review this appeal,” the SCOTUS very well might decide that — at that point — the time is right.

If they do, you have zero notion about how the court will then decide that issue.

For that matter, even the circuit court of appeals might surprise you and make the proper legal call. The underlying legal claim is far more soundly based than a hack like you could ever admit.

Have a good cry, Clap. It’s all very much not just over your ability to comprehend but also absolutely out of your control.

Please expedite that case of tissues and butt salve for Clap!
You’re beyond retarded.

The legal argument for it is very clear. And unlike the chittering gibberish you spew, it is logical and holds water.

Fuck the nonsense about “double jeopardy.” Don’t sidestep the actual legal claim.

Simply stated (perhaps overly simplified) it maintains that it IS within the clear mandate and ambits of the duties of the President to seek to insure that an election was conducted validly and legally. Therefore, the President is absolutely immune from subsequent criminal prosecution.

It doesn’t claim that he is “above the law.” It is a reiteration of precedent to make sure that the President doesn’t have to hedge his official decisions for fear of subsequent civil or criminal complaints being lodged against him.
Utter gibberish. The idea of presidential immunity is absent from the constitution. Even if we did believe the nonsense claim that he was acting as president (which is factually absurd and has been slapped down every time its been tried with defendants after the election), there is no such thing as criminal immunity for acts as president that are criminal.

There is no precedent. Frankly, the idea that presidents don’t fear criminal prosecution for violating the law is absolutely frightening and does indeed claim the president is above the law.

You assholes would tear down the country to protect this piece of shit and the rational people just can’t understand why.
Ya know, you really should take your lame shit to some naive college kids. You're one pathetic creature.
What’s pathetic is a loser like you who only repeats what they’re told.

You don’t think for yourself. You have an elite telling you what to do, and they don’t even like you.

You might as well be livestock to them. They don’t want you around except that you’re useful to achieve a goal.
You’re an impossibly lame stupid little fail.

The appeals court can fast track briefing and oral arguments. They can then rush to judgment. It won’t matter.

If Trump then says, “ok. Now I’d like the SCOTUS to review this appeal,” the SCOTUS very well might decide that — at that point — the time is right.

If they do, you have zero notion about how the court will then decide that issue.

For that matter, even the circuit court of appeals might surprise you and make the proper legal call. The underlying legal claim is far more soundly based than a hack like you could ever admit.

Have a good cry, Clap. It’s all very much not just over your ability to comprehend but also absolutely out of your control.

Please expedite that case of tissues and butt salve for Clap!
The SCOTUS will hand Trump's ass back to him. You may think Trump is god, your problem

Keep jizzing.
What’s pathetic is a loser like you who only repeats what they’re told.

You don’t think for yourself. You have an elite telling you what to do, and they don’t even like you.

You might as well be livestock to them. They don’t want you around except that you’re useful to achieve a goal.
Funny shit. You're insane. Adios.
Fool, the Appellate Court is going to bitch slap Trump faster then you can say Supreme Court. Because that's where this is going & they're going to laugh your orange knuck dragger right back to Judge Chutkan for trial.

Save those MAGA tears.

You seem upset.
RICO charges and appraisals. You gottem now! Hahahahhaahhahaahaaaa
The AC has scheduled arguments starting J9, fast tracking Trump's bullshit arguement. They've been down this road before with the orange mouth breather with his yap open wide. And they're on to his horsehit of trying to delay, delay, delay. And guess what? Courts don't take lightly to assholes like Trump trying to play whack- a- mole with the Federal Court System.

Your MAGA tears for Trump are very touching.
lol ! Trumps cruising to a 2024 election win ... he's going up in the polls every time dims indict him or bring him before a marxist judge ! lol ! MAGA 2024 !

Funny shit. You're insane. Adios.
Sure buddy. Sure. Just keep thinking that an asshole like Trump who has billions of dollars and is willing to stiff or fuck over any middle class American to get a little more cares about you.
It never made sense from a legal standpoint to me.
(I am not a lawyer, but I have seen every episode of Perry Mason.)

Perhaps the supreme court will consider the question after a lower court has made a ruling.
In our house,growing-up in the 5o's and 60's ....
My Mother was almost a bully when her Parry Mason came on.
No talking was allowed.I am going to take you to task.Since I have
ALL 9 seasons of Perry Mason.First off why was Paul Drake so insistent
on making sure to have a cig on hand.,The guy was cigarette crazy.
Maybe because in the 50's and all throughout the 60's cigarette
smoking was not stigmatized but encouraged.It was just not
allowed to deny anyone at a cocktail party to put out their Cig.
Plus in WW II K-Rations had chewing gum,matches and
a few cigarettes.
Utter gibberish. The idea of presidential immunity is absent from the constitution. Even if we did believe the nonsense claim that he was acting as president (which is factually absurd and has been slapped down every time its been tried with defendants after the election), there is no such thing as criminal immunity for acts as president that are criminal.

There is no precedent. Frankly, the idea that presidents don’t fear criminal prosecution for violating the law is absolutely frightening and does indeed claim the president is above the law.

You assholes would tear down the country to protect this piece of shit and the rational people just can’t understand why.

Suddenly a libturd gives a shit about what’s in the Constitution. That’s funny af.

The SCOTUS has already touched on this topic as Trump knows but you don’t.

The President has absolute immunity from liability for civil damages arising from any official action taken while in office.

Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 731, (1982).

The logic is equally applicable, here, when the new President seeks to criminally prosecute a predecessor.

You’re too ignorant to grasp that. But it is a very weighty issue; and it only makes sense that the SCOTUS will now have to resolve this very issue.

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