Breaking news, the electoral college has just chosen Trump as the next President

And a hearty round of APPLAUSE for Vice-President Mike Pence who also got over 300 EC votes!

The GOP has 52 Senate seats.

That means EIGHT Democrats have to come around for anything Trump wants to do, with some exceptions for some kinds of bills.

Good luck suckers!


There are 26 filthy ass Democrat Senators up for election in two years. They will have to think very hard about being the impediment to making America great again.

For instance, how many of them are going to vote against a tax cut for the America people? How many of the asshole are going to vote against sealing the border? How about improving the VA or trade deals that will benefit the US?

Trump will steamroll over the Moon Bats in Congress by directly going to the American people just like he steamrolled over his primary election opponent and that Crooked Hillary asshole. He is not a pussy like this Obama piece of shit that you voted for.
The GOP has 52 Senate seats.

That means EIGHT Democrats have to come around for anything Trump wants to do, with some exceptions for some kinds of bills.

Good luck suckers!


There are 26 filthy ass Democrat Senators up for election in two years. They will have to think very hard about being the impediment to making America great again.

For instance, how many of them are going to vote against a tax cut for the America people? How many of the asshole are going to vote against sealing the border? How about improving the VA or trade deals that will benefit the US?

Trump will steamroll over the Moon Bats in Congress by directly going to the American people just like he steamrolled over his primary election opponent and that Crooked Hillary asshole. He is not a pussy like this Obama piece of shit that you voted for.

As I just started a thread about,

the Democrats won the national Senate elections vote by 11 million.

I had posted this as a thread but some butthurt hillarytard cried about it as usual and deleted it.
Trump is an embarrassment to himself and to this country

He will go down in history as our worst President
It's official

He has to be inaugurated first

The Dems have another losing plan to stop it from happening?

If it's an assassination plot, the idiot you hire would likely shoot his own balls off............

It's what you incompetents do afterall.
Trump is an embarrassment to himself and to this country

He will go down in history as our worst President

I fear you may be right, based on his cabinet picks, but to be fair, we have to let him get into office for a month or two to determine if he's gonna do good or start us on a long downhill slide.

I'm waiting to see what the stock market is going to look like in June.
Trump is an embarrassment to himself and to this country

He will go down in history as our worst President

He's won more prior to taking office than Obama had in 8 friggin years.

But I'll give obama credit for one thing.......

His golf game is much better.

As I just started a thread about,

the Democrats won the national Senate elections vote by 11 million.

26 of the Moon Bats Senators will be up for election in 2018. We will see how many of them outside of New York, Massachusetts and California will chose to become obstructionist to Trump's mission to make America great again.

If they do they will suffer the same fate as they did in 2010 and 2014.

Democrats are the scum of this country and they are lucky they have even the number of seats in the federal, state and local government that they have now, which has been diminished considerably in the last eight years.

Being a commie isn't cool any more. Only you stupid Moon Bats still think so.
Harry Reid used the nuclear option for appointments, and Reconciliation for Obamacare. Republican can, and probably will, use the same methods for their appointments and to repeal Obamacare. I can't wait to hear them yowl like mashed cats over it.

Just proves how short sighted Democrats are.

"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) used the nuclear option Thursday morning, meaning he called for a vote to change the Senate rules by a simple majority vote. It passed, 52 to 48." Nov 21, 2013

Senate goes for 'nuclear option'
Up to state attorneys general to consider the faithless and decide whether their actions were or were not legal under state law. There is no federal law pertaining but, if there were, it might involve charges of treason and appropriate (see Julius and Ethel) sentencing.

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