Breaking news: The Russians asked for a secured line, not Kushner

What facts do we know?
What false claims are you now peddling and want to believe?

We know Kushner did meet with a Russian banker
So what? A lot of people meet with Russians. Pretty common to meet with people from the #2 Superpower when you are very high up in government affairs! Is that really all you got?
We know trump does a lot of business with Russia
He does business all over the world. Is that really your "evidence???"
We know trump is financed by Russia
We KNOW that? Show the Proof! I think YOU are financed by George Soros!
The cheeto lies, every day
List them, along with proof not claims any of them were lies.
The entire trump klan is croôked
How? Proof!!! Show me a president who wasn't crooked in some way.
Money laundering
Again, where is there any proof of that! You say it is a FACT.
All of trumps minions lying
Bullshit. You must eat bullshit and jelly on a sandwich everyday until you have nothing but crap coming out of your ears.

As for the "leaks", my bet is the source is trump. When he needs to take attention away from what he's doing, there's another "leak".
Right. Your BET is that Trump is leaking fake conspiracies about himself to take attention away from other bad fake news stories. Man, you are an argument for the value of frontal lobotomies (or maybe the danger of failed ones!).
'Breaking news: The Russians asked for a secured line, not Kushner'

CNN Be Like:


"It's all LIES...and we KNOW about lies.
If we didn't claim it's true then it's not true."


According to a Fox News report from an unnamed source, it was not Kushner who broached the idea of a secured line to Moscow, but the Russians. Which kinda puts a little different spin on this whole imbroglio, which actually isn't a big deal in the 1st place considering how much information is being leaked to the media these days.

Yeah, I get it, unnamed source and a Fox News story. But the WaPo story is based on an anonymous letter; neither story has anything to confirm or deny any part of this incident. It's not like anyone with an ounce of integrity can say which story is right.

Jared Kushner didn't suggest Russian communications channel in meeting, source says
So Jared was just doing what Putin asked Trump to do? And this somehow makes it better for Trump?
Oh the rank hypocrisy of the bi-polar leftists who still cannot get over the fact that Hillary lost...
And yet it's ALWAYS the RWNJs who hide behind derailing all threads.
Stay on topic.

Yes, don't change the topic back to the facts! The truth is that the democrats are over Hillary being the worst candidate in the history of the world yet her being the best thing they had, they are over totally blowing an election they thought they had sewn up against a guy with no experience and little money or backing, they are over the fact that all of their high-priced research was totally blind stupid and wrong, they are OVER the fact that they have lost all three of the last three elections and had their asses handed to them in historic losses each time not seen in many decades, they are over the fact that the whole sea of public opinion has shifted away from them, they are over the fact that they haven't got shit to run against Trump four years from now and even without Trump, the GOP has another 15 good candidates behind him to take his place if need be, they are over the fact that they are losing millions and millions of dollars every day in financial support and backing now because everyone has lost confidence in the DNC, they are OVER the fact that their main avenues of party building, the media and illegal aliens, are now under major attack, the newspapers are dwindling, confidence in media is at an all-time low and now their illegal voters are being blocked from entering the country and cut off by Trump and those especially committing crimes are actually being deported, even as funding for sanctuary cities is being threatened, they are over the fact that the Supreme Court has now swung Right again, they not only lost their chance to secure it Far Left, but it will likely swing even farther Right in the next few years, they are over all of that now and have resigned themselves to the fact that they got nothing left but to try two things in abject desperation until they figure something out:

A). Obstruct/block the functioning of the Trump Administration by the democrats in every legal and illegal way they can even to the harm of the country they serve just to slow him down.

B). Use the media they own and control to publish massive lie after lie on their front pages as fake scandals to try to push Trump's hard work and great successes to the back pages if mentioned at all in the hope that in four years, doing so will give them enough edge to maybe have a chance at getting reelected as dog-catcher! ITMT, they just lost another election to a guy that even assaulted and body-slammed a journalist! Not that it was such a bad idea------- maybe all journalists who are whiny, annoying and whom get caught putting out fake stories ought to be held accountable in some way too?! Maybe start taking journalists who publish blatant false stories proven baseless and start fining them thousands of dollars and throwing them in jail for libel and any news outlet found doing so more than three times charged with sedition, their owner arrested and their doors bolted.

Freedom of the press meant free to operate independent of the government for honest coverage of facts, not free to work for special government interests to publish lie after lie, just as freedom of religion means religions free to operate without government oversight, restriction and regulation, not a government just totally free of religion!

---Kicking lying democrat's asses wherever I go, and you know what? It isn't even hard.
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I don't pretend to know what to believe from these stories. This latest source is interesting mostly in the sense that it backs up story that there was something going on between Kushner and the Russians.


Ridiculous to call it a back channel. It was a covert channel.

And we know of enough facts that it's plain there is no way they can pretend it's all innocent or circumstantial.

Sent from my iPad using

Yeah, that old innocent until proven guilty thing is so yesterday. All you commiecrats need is little supposition, innuendo and a few unsourced stories and you're good to pronounce sentence.

According to a Fox News report from an unnamed source, it was not Kushner who broached the idea of a secured line to Moscow, but the Russians. Which kinda puts a little different spin on this whole imbroglio, which actually isn't a big deal in the 1st place considering how much information is being leaked to the media these days.

Yeah, I get it, unnamed source and a Fox News story. But the WaPo story is based on an anonymous letter; neither story has anything to confirm or deny any part of this incident. It's not like anyone with an ounce of integrity can say which story is right.

Jared Kushner didn't suggest Russian communications channel in meeting, source says

LMAO, a perfect example of Fox News continuous right wing hypocrisy. From the link above:

"During the meeting the Russians broached the idea of using a secure line between the Trump administration and Russia, not Kushner, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News."

"The idea of a permanent back channel was never discussed, according to the source"

"In addition, the source told Fox News the December meeting focused on Russia's contention that the Obama administration's policy on Syria was deeply flawed.

"The source has told Fox News..."
And the another anti-Trump attack starts to completely fall apart............

How about when obama sent a member of his campaign to Iran, before he won, to tell them not to make a deal with the U.S. because he would give them better terms..........did anyone notice the stink made about that back channel at the time? Considering Iran was actually killing U.S. military members in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Still waiting for Luddly Luddite to answer any of my questions or provide some verifiable documentation to support any of the facts "we all know!"
Fact, obama and clinton colluded with both russia and iran to give them a path to nuclear material and the ability and money to buy modern arms all the while restraining OUR ability to do the same. THAT IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE aiding and comforting the enemies of this country and for most part the world. You can talk all of the shit you want about Trump, he has done NOTHING whatsoever that even comes close to these actions. All of this shit is just to keep the investigation from being about the real lying treasonous scum in the dimshtocrat party. It is really time the Republicans either decide to join the dimshit party, or close the case and try the treasonous shit on the other side and hang them.
The US was part of a 7 country deal to keep Iran FROM nuclear weapons nitwit. What is wrong with you?
Obama wasn't a traitor. Not like our Russian Poodle. Remember, Obama opened White House logs to the public so we knew who visited the White House and who let them in. All that is secret under Trump. Go ahead, justify it.

We know this to be a fact, but it's so easy for Republicans to ignore it. It's like they have suddenly learned to love Russia over America. Go figure.
At the end of the day, the left's fabrication of things using no more hearsay will amount to exactly what it is today. They're very butt-hurt over the election, and they need help.
At the end of the day, the left's fabrication of things using no more hearsay will amount to exactly what it is today. They're very butt-hurt over the election, and they need help.
Drop a little truth on a Republican and suddenly, it's a "fabrication". Republicans haven't been able to point to anything they have "accomplished" they aren't ashamed of for decades. And now they support a traitor.

Remember, instead of denying the meeting happened, which they didn't, they are trying to "change it". Why were they even having that meeting in the first place and why were they discussing working around US intelligence agencies and what was they were and still are "hiding"?

Trump retweets report based on anonymous source after blasting anonymous sources
This description of Jared Kushner from one of his former employees makes me wonder if we ever dated

The Russian ambassador has been around Washington a LONG LONG time.
He used a NON SECURE line when HE called Kushner! He KNEW the NSA/CIA etc etc were 100% guaranteed to be recording the call.
Be assured that Kushner et al have learned a very important lesson when dealing with the Russians.
Yesterday on MSNBC Donny Dutshe claimed there is only "one explanation to the whole Russian collusion FACT!" His conclusion was the President Trump is 100% "owned by Putin because Putin is blackmailing Trump".
Obama wasn't a traitor.


Barak Obama:

Immediately after taking the oath of office declared publicly that he was ordering the DOJ NOT to enforce laws that HE disagreed with, specifically (1st) DOMA...(to be followed by Immigration and others)

Is responsible for providing THOUSANDS of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of reportedly hundreds of men, women, and children - to include 4 American citizens.

Aided the TERRORIST GROUP the Muslim Brotherhood oust a US-Supporting leader in the allied nation of Egypt, who was keeping order and preventing terrorism and the murder of Christians, injected himself into Egypt's election process to move their election date forward (which only benefitted the Muslim Brotherhood), and helped them come to power.
- After the election Obama agreed to give them weapons. The moderate, anti-radical/terrorist Egyptian military was forced to hold a coup to strip control of their nation from TERRORISTS. AFTER a more moderate govt was voted into power, Obama sought to cancel the weapons deals and was pissed that Egyptians took back their cou8ntry from the TERRORISTS Obama helped put into power.

Drug the United States into an UN-CONSTITUTIONAL, UN-AUTHOIRZED War to help AL QAEDA - the TERRORISTS who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - murder and replace Gaddafi, the Libyan leader who was HELPING THE COALITION FIGHT TERRORISTS IN NORTHERN AFRICA. Obama HELPED turn Libya into a TERRORIST SAFE HAVEN and a home for terrorist training camps, Al Qaeda, AND ISIS!
-- He and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die in Libya by refusing to pull them out when EVERY OTHER NATION PULLED THEIR PEOPLE OUT because of the known grown terrorist violence and upcoming attack on 9/11/12.

Drug the United States into an UN-CONSTITUTIONAL, UN-AUTHOIRZED War in SYRIA, where we have no business being. After promising ;no boots on the ground, Obama INVADED 'Syria'.
- Obama refused to allow the US military to decimate mile-long ISIS military convoys traveling through desolate desert on the way to Iraq. Instead he allowed ISIS to freely flow into Iraq, taking over territory and cities our military had already liberated at GREAT expense.


RELEASED the Taliban 5 from Gitmo while using the Bo Bergdahl prisoner release as an excuse for doing so. The terrorists holding Bergdahl, who were paid a RANSOM from Obama for Bo's release, never asked for the Taliban 5 and never got the Taliban 5 in exchange for Bergdahl. They were released in Qatar.

REFUSED to allow the Coalition military to strike ISIS Black Market oil production sites / assets, which funded 50% of the terrorist group's terrorist attacks / actions, LIKE THE PARIS BOMBING, THE WORST ATTACK ON FRANCE SINCE WWII!
- After the attack France and Russia ignored Obama's 'Rules of Engagement' which had prevented them from attacking ISIS' oil production facilities and launched a joint air strike on them. INSTEAD OF IMMEDIATELY JOINING IN ON THE STRIKE, OBAMA HAD THE MILITARY DROP LEAFLETS WARNING THE TERRORISTS WHO HAD JUST EXECUTED SUCH A DEADLY ATTACK IN PARIS THAT A COALITION ATTACK WAS COMING.
-- During his 8 years in office Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and drug the US into personal wars to help terrorists.

MOCKED American citizens for being concerned for our national security and their personal safety by opposing the large number of 'refugees' from Syria and other nations hostile to the US after the Paris attacks, DESPITE his own Intel agencies telling him ISIS had already infiltrated the 'refugee' ranks and despite Obama himself admitting that his administration's ability to vet the refuges was nearly impossible.
-- Shortly thereafter, a TERRORIST to whom Obama had given a Visa murdered 7 American citizens in California.

SENT out his US AG to threaten AMERICANS for exercising their Constitutionally protected right to Freedom of Speech right after the above terrorist murdered Americans.

Protected human traffickers, engaged in human trafficking, brought the former President of Mexico to lecture the US from the House floor on how the US did not have the right to have / run its own Immigration laws to ensure our national security, CREATED NEW 'RIGHTS' FOR ILLEGALS - RIGHTS THAT DID NOT APPLY TO US CITIZENS (at one point Obama ordered his DOJ not to detain/arrest/charge/convict/jail any illegal who committed crimes below the level of 'Felony'), protected criminal illegals, and protected law-Constitution-violating Sanctuary cites.

WAS exposed for having ILLEGALLY / UN=CONSTITUTIONALLY spied on MILLIONS of American citizens, reporters, the media, CONGRESS, and even potentially the USSC.

ILLEGALLY and abusively use the IRS as a political WEAPON against American citizens he referred to as his 'political enemies', becoming only the 2nd President in US history to do so (BOTH Democrats).

WAS recently exposed for his administration ILLEGALLY sharing Protected Classified Personal Information deemed to have had NO Intel value with (loyalists in ) 16 US Intel agencies for POLITICAL reasons and for ILLEGALLY 'un-masking' US citizens for POLITICAL reasons.

AND his administration aided and abetted FELONY ESPIONAGE by releasing that information who then ILLEGALLY released that information, again for POLITICAL reasons - crimes deemed by the Directors of both the FBI and NSA to constitute FELONY ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected US President and his administration!
- Can you say 'SEDITION' at the very LEAST and 'TREASON' at the very worst? (Of course you snowflakes can't / WON'T!)

And sadly this only scratches the surface of what Obama did as President.

There has never been a more Islamic Extremist / Terrorist-Sympathizing, terrorist/enemy of the United States-aiding, corrupt, treasonous, Constitution/Law-violating CRIMINAL President in this nation's history!

And out of pure partisan worship / indoctrination, snowflakes defend this traitor / enemy of the state with their lying breath. Had a Republican President done a quarter as much as Obama did I would have been screaming from the proverbial rooftops for his Impeachment, if not for his arrest as well. UNLIKE with snowflakes, my loyalties lie with the United States, not with any Party of Man!

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Who gives a shit which story is right. There was nothing wrong or illegal about discussing lines of communication. It's just that simple.


Using the communications gear of the enemy for classified communications is a violation of a shitload of laws.
The ambassador called Putin on an OPEN non-secure phone line you moron!!!!!!!
Don't you think the ambassador would now by doing so he was 100% guaranteed that the NSA etc would record the call?
I don't pretend to know what to believe from these stories. This latest source is interesting mostly in the sense that it backs up story that there was something going on between Kushner and the Russians.
SPECIFICALLY! What "something going on"???????
No one in the LIB MSM has ever ONCE been able to answer this simple question.
According to a Fox News report from an unnamed source, it was not Kushner who broached the idea of a secured line to Moscow, but the Russians. Which kinda puts a little different spin on this whole imbroglio, which actually isn't a big deal in the 1st place considering how much information is being leaked to the media these days.

Yeah, I get it, unnamed source and a Fox News story. But the WaPo story is based on an anonymous letter; neither story has anything to confirm or deny any part of this incident. It's not like anyone with an ounce of integrity can say which story is right.

Jared Kushner didn't suggest Russian communications channel in meeting, source says

Fake news, Trump said it was fake news, so it's fake news what you've just said.

So you don't believe anything unless Trump says it? But Trump lies. Or changes his story.

He says that the leakers should be prosecuted but then he says the leaks are lies and fake news. If the leaks aren't true, then how can the leakers be prosecuted?
So in your tiny brain it's not possible for some of the (cough) news to be outright fake and some 'leaks'?
The conversation with the Australian PM was 'leaked'. The bullshit fake news that Comey asked Trump for more money for the investigation was total bullshit. Even Comey is now REFUSING to release the so-called notes he claimed to have taken. When President Trump suggested all his conversations with Comey 'may have been recorded' Comey's claims that he had notes of the conversations dissapeared like a fart in a windstorm from Hillary's ample asshole.

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