Breaking News: Thugs Given Green Light to Kill Cops

They gave a quick story...they didn't cover the presser...nor did they report that the gangs are going after cops.
Yes they did.... Maybe you should check your facts before you post stuff.
No, they didn't. I am watching FNC right now. I flpped over when CNN started the presser....FNC did not cover it. Durng the presser...there was a 1 minute segment...they mentioned nothing about the threat to police.
Teapers don't really care about the police. They only use them as pawns in their hate narrative.

They covered it pretty thoroughly yesterday, way ahead of CNN.
Highway troopers were pulling over motorcyclists to question them and see if they were headed to Waco to join in the previous fray, Fox News reported.

Notice the Date?
May 18th,2015
Who are they...that isn't FNC...:rofl: Teapers never quit with their hyperbole, lies and hysteria. imagine if this were a black gang.

Funny. I saw Fox interviewing Waco policr spokesman yesterday who outlined this threat on cops.
Really, what time...because the 'Green Light" threat wasn't revealed untl the presseer today.

Just are a hypocrite. You haven't even condemned the bikers...because you are a racist hypocrite.
I expect leaders in the white community to condemn this and for white people all over the country to do some serious soul searching.
Nah, time to kill, burn, pillage and loot!!! Hell they haven't done that since the Indian wars of the 1800s........ Well, maybe a little bit afterwards...... in the south...... 1900s.......
Well, if you don't include white anger or joy over a sports event.
As biker gangs head to Waco...they have been given the green light to kill peace officers. Presser on CNN right now.
How are you watching TV and posting on your "bike"............ ? :eusa_whistle:
This isn't pirate age Captain Oblivious...there s something called technology. Google Glasses, voice to text... am covered Vroom - Vroom!
Thugs "green-lighted" to kill cops goes back to the Mafia. A lot of those who followed are on death rows across the country.
Yes they did.... Maybe you should check your facts before you post stuff.
No, they didn't. I am watching FNC right now. I flpped over when CNN started the presser....FNC did not cover it. Durng the presser...there was a 1 minute segment...they mentioned nothing about the threat to police.
Teapers don't really care about the police. They only use them as pawns in their hate narrative.

They covered it pretty thoroughly yesterday, way ahead of CNN.
Highway troopers were pulling over motorcyclists to question them and see if they were headed to Waco to join in the previous fray, Fox News reported.

Notice the Date?
May 18th,2015
Who are they...that isn't FNC...:rofl: Teapers never quit with their hyperbole, lies and hysteria. imagine if this were a black gang.

Funny. I saw Fox interviewing Waco policr spokesman yesterday who outlined this threat on cops.
Really, what time...because the 'Green Light" threat wasn't revealed untl the presseer today.

Just are a hypocrite. You haven't even condemned the bikers...because you are a racist hypocrite.

He said they had intel that the gangs may retaliate against cops. You ever been a cop working in a gang infested area? I have. They ALWAYS have a green light against cops. CNN had the Dekalb County GA gang unit leader on yesterday who said just that.

You're so gullible. A "green light" haha. Yeah...thats pretty much always in tact.
Please note...FNC not covering presser...they and the teapers don't care when whites kill cops....or make that threat. They will condone it by noon.

And once again you lie like a champ.
I saw this story this morning on Fox, most likely they had it before CNN.

No, they didn't. I am watching FNC right now. I flpped over when CNN started the presser....FNC did not cover it. Durng the presser...there was a 1 minute segment...they mentioned nothing about the threat to police.
Teapers don't really care about the police. They only use them as pawns in their hate narrative.

They covered it pretty thoroughly yesterday, way ahead of CNN.
Highway troopers were pulling over motorcyclists to question them and see if they were headed to Waco to join in the previous fray, Fox News reported.

Notice the Date?
May 18th,2015
Who are they...that isn't FNC...:rofl: Teapers never quit with their hyperbole, lies and hysteria. imagine if this were a black gang.

Funny. I saw Fox interviewing Waco policr spokesman yesterday who outlined this threat on cops.
Really, what time...because the 'Green Light" threat wasn't revealed untl the presseer today.

Just are a hypocrite. You haven't even condemned the bikers...because you are a racist hypocrite.

He said they had intel that the gangs may retaliate against cops. You ever been a cop working in a gang infested area? I have. They ALWAYS have a green light against cops. CNN had the Dekalb County GA gang unit leader on yesterday who said just that.

You're so gullible. A "green light" haha. Yeah...thats pretty much always in tact.
No...they don't always have a green light you dolt...because it brings undue attention to the gang. Idiot.

Still waiting for you to condemn these white thugs who want to kill cops.

But I am sure you are going to mention the FL men who threatened was a negro.
Please note...FNC not covering presser...they and the teapers don't care when whites kill cops....or make that threat. They will condone it by noon.

And once again you lie like a champ.
I saw this story this morning on Fox, most likely they had it before CNN.

:lol: He isn't on in the morning...he comes on at 4p. Liar. How pathetic.
Please note...FNC not covering presser...they and the teapers don't care when whites kill cops....or make that threat. They will condone it by noon.

And once again you lie like a champ.
I saw this story this morning on Fox, most likely they had it before CNN.

:lol: He isn't on in the morning...he comes on at 4p. Liar. How pathetic.

I never said this was a clip from this morning corn bread for brains.
Yeah...the presser was THIS MORniNG...not at 4pm (3:58). :lmao: You teapers are pathetic. Keep on trying.
Please note...FNC not covering presser...they and the teapers don't care when whites kill cops....or make that threat. They will condone it by noon.

And once again you lie like a champ.
I saw this story this morning on Fox, most likely they had it before CNN.

:lol: He isn't on in the morning...he comes on at 4p. Liar. How pathetic.

I never said this was a clip from this morning corn bread for brains.
:lol: Exactly...the presser about the threat against cops was only revealed this morning...FNC did not cover it. They gnored it because the bkers are white.
Where is the report about the "Green Light' threat against cops in Waco? Why didn;t they cover the press conference where the Waco Police talked about the threat. Oh Yeah...FNC doesn't care about those threats because the bkers are white.
I expect leaders in the white community to condemn this and for white people all over the country to do some serious soul searching.

Why aren't the christian cracker leaders condemning this white savagery ?
:lol: You really are low info...sure they covered the shootout...somewhat...but they didn't cover the threats against cops. The Green Light threat that was only revealed this morning at the 11am presser. Of course, you don't know about that because FNC didn't cover the presser or the threat...because the bikers are white. But. they did cover the threat exposed in FL against of the suspects were black. Hell, they covered the hell out of that one and ignore waco..because of race.
:lol: You really are low info...sure they covered the shootout...somewhat...but they didn't cover the threats against cops. The Green Light threat that was only revealed this morning at the 11am presser. Of course, you don't know about that because FNC didn't cover the presser or the threat...because the bikers are white. But. they did cover the threat exposed in FL against of the suspects were black. Hell, they covered the hell out of that one and ignore waco..because of race.

My God you liberals are retarded.

Fox has covered the threats against cops....for about a year now...from all sorts of gangs and thugs. Fox has been very supportive and fair to cops.

This is so dumb...barely worth the effort debating.
:lol: You really are low info...sure they covered the shootout...somewhat...but they didn't cover the threats against cops. The Green Light threat that was only revealed this morning at the 11am presser. Of course, you don't know about that because FNC didn't cover the presser or the threat...because the bikers are white. But. they did cover the threat exposed in FL against of the suspects were black. Hell, they covered the hell out of that one and ignore waco..because of race.

My God you liberals are retarded.

Fox has covered the threats against cops....for about a year now...from all sorts of gangs and thugs. Fox has been very supportive and fair to cops.

This is so dumb...barely worth the effort debating.
:lmao: No, they only cover it if there is a racial angle. Matthew Frein...virtually no coverage. The ambush attacks by whites on cops in 2014...not covered at all. Low info lemmings are pathetic. In 2014, whites klled more cops than any other race COMBINED. Fox covered maybe 1 of those incidents...VERY brefly. I mean, there was a manhunt for this Fren guy...they didn't even touch that story.

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