Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

Good points koshergrl. You mean the majority are sick of this? I can't imagine why...

I'd you're willing to stand by anecdotal evidence about the gay community, are you willing to defend heterosexual porn as virtuous? Or ar you just engaging. In some good old fashioned gay bashing due to utter foolishness and ignorance?

Care to discuss the venue in context? As in, the porn act you're seeing reinacted in the picture was in broad daylight, in the Heartland, down Main Street in the presence of children who came to see what all the bright rainbow colors were all about. You know how children like rainbow colors right? Quite the lure for them.

There's the context...

...And in related news... Harvey Milk is the icon of the LGBT movement "across the nation and the world"...

What's the context for this at Mardi Gras?

I'd you're willing to stand by anecdotal evidence about the gay community, are you willing to defend heterosexual porn as virtuous? Or ar you just engaging. In some good old fashioned gay bashing due to utter foolishness and ignorance?

Care to discuss the venue in context? As in, the porn act you're seeing reinacted in the picture was in broad daylight, in the Heartland, down Main Street in the presence of children who came to see what all the bright rainbow colors were all about. You know how children like rainbow colors right? Quite the lure for them.

There's the context...

...And in related news... Harvey Milk is the icon of the LGBT movement "across the nation and the world"...

What's the context for this at Mardi Gras?

Wow talk about an extreme comparison.

Definitely a far left zombie.
Care to discuss the venue in context? As in, the porn act you're seeing reinacted in the picture was in broad daylight, in the Heartland, down Main Street in the presence of children who came to see what all the bright rainbow colors were all about. You know how children like rainbow colors right? Quite the lure for them.

There's the context...

...And in related news... Harvey Milk is the icon of the LGBT movement "across the nation and the world"...

What's the context for this at Mardi Gras?

Wow talk about an extreme comparison.

Definitely a far left zombie.

So you don't think condemning an entire group based on an individuals behaviors at a party is a good idea. That's good.
What's the context for this at Mardi Gras?

Mardi Gras is a place where parents know is going to be a fleshy adult party, largely in these later years influenced by the rainbow cultural movement actually, usually getting bawdy as the evening approaches and is near all the bars. If parents bring their kids, they should get a visit from child protective services the next day if spotted.

The gay pride parade is held on Main street in the picture, in the Heartland, in the middle of the day. Where Mardi Gras is just a wayward inebriated bacchanal where people wake up the next day usually hung over and very ashamed of what they can't remember they did the night before, the gay pride parade is a parade of sober and expressed values. Where people are showing the world "this is what we are proud of every single day and want to encourage you to be proud of too, and to teach your children to be proud of". It is a promotion of cultural values while Mardi Gras is a temporary and regrettable suspension of them.

There's the context. There's the difference. And it's mainly the message to kids "here's something to be proud of" instead of "oops, honey cover the kids eyes, there's another drunk party slut in New Orleans showing her boobs".
What's the context for this at Mardi Gras?

Mardi Gras is a place where parents know is going to be a fleshy adult party, largely in these later years influenced by the rainbow cultural movement actually, usually getting bawdy as the evening approaches and is near all the bars. If parents bring their kids, they should get a visit from child protective services the next day if spotted.

The gay pride parade is held on Main street in the picture, in the Heartland, in the middle of the day. Where Mardi Gras is just a wayward inebriated bacchanal where people wake up the next day usually hung over and very ashamed of what they can't remember they did the night before, the gay pride parade is a parade of sober and expressed values. Where people are showing the world "this is what we are proud of every single day and want to encourage you to be proud of too, and to teach your children to be proud of". It is a promotion of cultural values while Mardi Gras is a temporary and regrettable suspension of them.

There's the context. There's the difference. And it's mainly the message to kids "here's something to be proud of" instead of "oops, honey cover the kids eyes, there's another drunk party slut in New Orleans showing her boobs".

Ah.....then a LOT of CPS workers are going to be busy. Go to any Mardi Gras or watch it on Live Cam...there are tons and tons of parents with their young children there. And yet, somehow, this isn't much of an issue....until just now...........hmmmmmmmmmm.
Ah.....then a LOT of CPS workers are going to be busy. Go to any Mardi Gras or watch it on Live Cam...there are tons and tons of parents with their young children there. And yet, somehow, this isn't much of an issue....until just now...........hmmmmmmmmmm.

There are "tons and tons" of people who cheat on their taxes too. Doesn't legitimize the activity by the number of people doing it, or catching on socially that "brining your kids to Mardi Gras is the thing to do". Your "logic' is that if enough stupid people do something, it is thereby legitimate.

Lots of sad people are overeating and/or popping vicadin, Xanax etc. Is that the "new legitimate"?

1. Mardis Gras is a regrettable temporary suspension of values before the chaste activity of self denial of that Holy Week. The lesson is: suspend your base animal behavior for one day so that for the rest of the year you can remain of sober temperament.

2. Gay pride parade is a declaration in a broad daylit public venue down Main Street declaring year-round value system kids are supposed to see as "normal" "acceptable" "reasonable" and "healthy".

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Ah.....then a LOT of CPS workers are going to be busy. Go to any Mardi Gras or watch it on Live Cam...there are tons and tons of parents with their young children there. And yet, somehow, this isn't much of an issue....until just now...........hmmmmmmmmmm.

There are "tons and tons" of people who cheat on their taxes too. Doesn't legitimize the activity by the number of people doing it, or catching on socially that "brining your kids to Mardi Gras is the thing to do". Your "logic' is that if enough stupid people do something, it is thereby legitimate.

Lots of sad people are overeating and/or popping vicadin, Xanax etc. Is that the "new legitimate"?

1. Mardis Gras is a regrettable temporary suspension of values before the chaste activity of self denial of that Holy Week. The lesson is: suspend your base animal behavior for one day so that for the rest of the year you can remain of sober temperament.

2. Gay pride parade is a declaration in a broad daylit public venue down Main Street declaring year-round value system kids are supposed to see as "normal" "acceptable" "reasonable" and "healthy".


So...let me be clear on equate taking your children to Mardi Gras with cheating on your taxes.
So...let me be clear on equate taking your children to Mardi Gras with cheating on your taxes.

So let me be clear that you like to take things out of context to create non sequitors and strawmen?

In context of "if everyone is doing it, then it must be legitimate" [remember? of course you do..] yes, taking your children to Mardi Gras is the same as cheating on taxes in that numbers of people doing something does not = that thing being right.
So a JoP whose faith dictates whites shouldn't marry blacks is justified in not performing interracial marriages? Jesus actually spoke against divorce. Should a Christian JoP be able to use his faith and not marry divorced people?
Most of us have no issues with interracial marriage and divorce. However, under these exceptional circumstances, the JoP would have no alternative but to resign from his job.

And yet Jesus actually spoke out against divorce, unlike homosexuality so please help me understand how it is that you have "no problem" with divorced people but turn off the TV if it gets the ghey on it?

Luke 16:18 “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery"

Mark 10:2-12

2 Some Pharisees came and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?”

3 “What did Moses command you?” he replied.

4 They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.”

5 “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,” Jesus replied. 6 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’[a] 7 ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, 8 and the two will become one flesh.’[c] So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. 11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”

Marriage today is a mockery, it isn't permanent to too many people anymore, so I have no issues with dissolving legal marriages and changing them to civil or uncivil unions as the case maybe. When I got married my wife and I thought the law as a requirement. The marriage was covenant between ourselves and God, the legal issue was tripe.

We have worked our way through economic hard times, the death of a child, the raising of children and now into our later years enjoying each others company. Marriage to us is sacred and nothing to be taken lightly.

So, you are very correct, God hates a divorcing, but today, it is treated as a convenience. I don't think God has any pleasure in seeing marriage treated the way it is today.

Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy of most people's view of marriage today.
So...let me be clear on equate taking your children to Mardi Gras with cheating on your taxes.

So let me be clear that you like to take things out of context to create non sequitors and strawmen?

In context of "if everyone is doing it, then it must be legitimate" [remember? of course you do..] yes, taking your children to Mardi Gras is the same as cheating on taxes in that numbers of people doing something does not = that thing being right.

One more time...and a simple answer would do.

You equate taking your children to Mardi Gras with cheating on your taxes?
So, have we figured out yet that these perverted fudge-packers, spreading on the pavement in broad daylight, should be sent to Iran as goodwill ambassadors?

Eric Holder is not the US Supreme Court. And in my opinion, this act of his is defiance of the US Supreme Court's Order to stay the "legality" of gay marriage in Utah until their final say has been rendered.

Holder's actions very much carry the flavor of AG Harris and Gov Brown in California and that of contempt and defiance. They are in essence, flipping the middle finger to the US Supreme Court and their own voters/employers.

Of course this plays nicely right into the hand of the GOP since the net result of Holder doing this will be more votes for the republican party in this pivotal election year.

I'm going to rename the democratic party: The Dumb Party. They're just plain stupid, there's really not much more to say about it. Lining up behind gay "supporters" when all that reported "support" was a lot of smoke and mirrors from some very clever gay activists in powerful places [like Hollywood for example, and maybe an education Czar?], is like political suicide. I guess Holder figures they've got so much support and the elections this year will be such a slam dunk for dems that they can afford to lose a couple million voters here and there?

Maybe he has ahold of numbers we don't know about that gives the dems this kind of frankly foolish confidence in "the numbers" they are spoon fed from clever hands...?

Eric Holder is not the US Supreme Court. And in my opinion, this act of his is defiance of the US Supreme Court's Order to stay the "legality" of gay marriage in Utah until their final say has been rendered.

Holder's actions very much carry the flavor of AG Harris and Gov Brown in California and that of contempt and defiance. They are in essence, flipping the middle finger to the US Supreme Court and their own voters/employers.

Of course this plays nicely right into the hand of the GOP since the net result of Holder doing this will be more votes for the republican party in this pivotal election year.

I'm going to rename the democratic party: The Dumb Party. They're just plain stupid, there's really not much more to say about it. Lining up behind gay "supporters" when all that reported "support" was a lot of smoke and mirrors from some very clever gay activists in powerful places [like Hollywood for example, and maybe an education Czar?], is like political suicide. I guess Holder figures they've got so much support and the elections this year will be such a slam dunk for dems that they can afford to lose a couple million voters here and there?

Maybe he has ahold of numbers we don't know about that gives the dems this kind of frankly foolish confidence in "the numbers" they are spoon fed from clever hands...?

Are we to assume then that you would prefer a "smarter" approach? Maybe an approach that appeals to bigots and fear mongers? An approach that erodes personal rights and freedoms? An approach that alienates not only young voters, but educated voters and homosexuals all in one fell swoop?

What was it you were saying about a "Dumb Party"?
Are we to assume then that you would prefer a "smarter" approach? Maybe an approach that appeals to bigots and fear mongers? An approach that erodes personal rights and freedoms? An approach that alienates not only young voters, but educated voters and homosexuals all in one fell swoop?

What was it you were saying about a "Dumb Party"?

The 1st Amendment rights and the rights reaffirmed in DOMA in Utah are superior to the pleas of the Harvey Milk-worshipping LGBTers. Sorry. Sexual fetish cults don't take precedence over state's consensus' rights in marriage qualifiers. If they did, polygamy would have to be affirmed in Utah as well.

Don't look for that to happen with this SCOTUS. I guarantee they are not going down in US history as "the Court that ushered polygamy back in Utah as a mandate" way Jose'. Not in a million years.
Holder made it very plain that federal law will be upheld in Utah.

Since Utah income tax is based on a platform of federal taxed income first, the married couples -- all married couples in Utah -- will be treated the same on the Utah income tax form.

Or the governor and the state AG will be upheld for contempt of federal law: not a good place to be.
Are we to assume then that you would prefer a "smarter" approach? Maybe an approach that appeals to bigots and fear mongers? An approach that erodes personal rights and freedoms? An approach that alienates not only young voters, but educated voters and homosexuals all in one fell swoop?

What was it you were saying about a "Dumb Party"?

The 1st Amendment rights and the rights reaffirmed in DOMA in Utah are superior to the pleas of the Harvey Milk-worshipping LGBTers. Sorry. Sexual fetish cults don't take precedence over state's consensus' rights in marriage qualifiers. If they did, polygamy would have to be affirmed in Utah as well.

Don't look for that to happen with this SCOTUS. I guarantee they are not going down in US history as "the Court that ushered polygamy back in Utah as a mandate" way Jose'. Not in a million years.

We don't actually know that yet...but we will soon. The lawsuits are piling up...the SCOTUS won't be able to punt next time.

You never could get your wish, that states can decide marriage equality for themselves. I'd actually be okay with that as long as the rest of DOMA is repealed that says my marriage license isn't good in all 50 states like other couple's marriage licenses are. You 1st cousins, Phil Robertson's 15 and 16 year olds, etc.
Holder made it very plain that federal law will be upheld in Utah.

Since Utah income tax is based on a platform of federal taxed income first, the married couples -- all married couples in Utah -- will be treated the same on the Utah income tax form.

Or the governor and the state AG will be upheld for contempt of federal law: not a good place to be.

Only their Federal Taxes. They will have to file separately for state and jointly for Federal. It's the exact opposite of the way I've been doing it since 2003...until this year. This year my spouse and I will be filing joint Federal and State taxes. I'm very excited.
Holder made it very plain that federal law will be upheld in Utah.

Since Utah income tax is based on a platform of federal taxed income first, the married couples -- all married couples in Utah -- will be treated the same on the Utah income tax form.

Or the governor and the state AG will be upheld for contempt of federal law: not a good place to be.

Only their Federal Taxes. They will have to file separately for state and jointly for Federal. It's the exact opposite of the way I've been doing it since 2003...until this year. This year my spouse and I will be filing joint Federal and State taxes. I'm very excited.

relationship status should not determine tax breaks. NO marriage, gay or otherwise should receive tax breaks merely for being married.

If the courts are really interested in doing this thing right. they aught to take away the term marriage from all governments and prohibit tax breaks based on relational status.
Holder made it very plain that federal law will be upheld in Utah.

Since Utah income tax is based on a platform of federal taxed income first, the married couples -- all married couples in Utah -- will be treated the same on the Utah income tax form.

Or the governor and the state AG will be upheld for contempt of federal law: not a good place to be.

Only their Federal Taxes. They will have to file separately for state and jointly for Federal. It's the exact opposite of the way I've been doing it since 2003...until this year. This year my spouse and I will be filing joint Federal and State taxes. I'm very excited.

relationship status should not determine tax breaks. NO marriage, gay or otherwise should receive tax breaks merely for being married.

If the courts are really interested in doing this thing right. they aught to take away the term marriage from all governments and prohibit tax breaks based on relational status.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...and yet I've seen no legislation proposed anywhere to do that. In the meantime, my legal marriage gets treated like yours...hooray!

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