Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

The Bible doesn't motivate or enter the argument for me or the legislative process of Constitutional amendment.
The Bible doesn't motivate the right-wing GOP Christian Conservative community to outlaw gay marriage? So if it's not the Bible, then what is it? The Book of Mormon? Why are Republicans so rabid about this issue if it's not because of your ridiculous "faith"? What do you base your opposition on? Why do you care if two men or two women get married? How is it any of your business? No one is forcing you to do anything. All they want are the same rights and privileges afforded to every other married couple in America.

That's called "equality under the law". It's supposed to be an American ideal.
I've never watched the TV show, "Girls" but apparently its a huge hit. The star, Lena Dunham said, "I don't want to get married until all gay people can get married." Good for her. Dr. Martin Luther King was right when he said, "no one is free until we are all free."
The drama-queen verbiage around here is thick enough to cut with a knife...
relationship status should not determine tax breaks. NO marriage, gay or otherwise should receive tax breaks merely for being married.

If the courts are really interested in doing this thing right. they aught to take away the term marriage from all governments and prohibit tax breaks based on relational status.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...and yet I've seen no legislation proposed anywhere to do that. In the meantime, my legal marriage gets treated like yours...hooray!

all of a sudden, you who look to the courts for answers, want legislation?

your marriage could not be treated like mine cause I'm not married. Why is it fair that I dont get a tax break???

You getting married. I don't get the tax break for owning a private jet. Is that "fair"?
Dr. Martin Luther King was right when he said, "no one is free until we are all free."
I am not certain MLK was a homosexual supporter. Perhaps you are glomming on too much to that legacy in the most vile form of tacit racism.
It's amazing how brazen Gays and their sympaticos are, in drawing faux analogies to the race-equalization struggle.

There are no biblical stories of the godhead destroying a Sodom and Gomorrah because most of the population was black.

There are no biblical stories of the godhead communicating to mortals that blacks should be stoned or put to death because they were black.

There are no stories of blacks being too effeminate to defend their country or because blacks created a weakening effect or created a faction of buggerers within their own army.

There are, indeed, some similarities between the Civil Rights Struggle of the 20th Century and the Gay-Rights Struggle...

But there are far fewer similarities than the Gay Lobby is attempting to portray.

Try as the Gay Lobby might, to ride the coattails of that older and far more honorable struggle.
The Bible doesn't motivate or enter the argument for me or the legislative process of Constitutional amendment.
The Bible doesn't motivate the right-wing GOP Christian Conservative community to outlaw gay marriage? So if it's not the Bible, then what is it? The Book of Mormon? Why are Republicans so rabid about this issue if it's not because of your ridiculous "faith"? What do you base your opposition on? Why do you care if two men or two women get married? How is it any of your business? No one is forcing you to do anything. All they want are the same rights and privileges afforded to every other married couple in America.

That's called "equality under the law". It's supposed to be an American ideal.

Because if gays or lesbians get married, they automatically get access to adoptable orphaned children. This is problematic because the LGBT movement across the nation and the world, evidenced by a recent release of a postage stamp, has at the head of their cultural value system an icon who preyed sexually on orphaned teen boys on drugs; one after the other..

It's not like when you remind them that their icon was a child sex offender, they back down and denounce him. Oh no. Instead, they defend him saying "you should focus on his achievements and not who he had sex with". The problem with that is they tout his "achievments" as being open about his sexuality while in office. So you can't really throw out that integral aspect of them celebrating his "achievements" can you?

And if that fails, gays and lesbians line up in unison on the Harvey Milk issue in another way. If you corner them on it, their counter defense of Milk is to say the age of consent should be lowered. Well, you can lower the age of consent clear down to 6 year olds like what Ancient Greece evolved to, but if those six year olds are homeless orphans on drugs, according to the laws in most states, they are not able to consent. Nor would they be if they were addicted to drugs and over the age of consent. The laws read that any person inebriated and sexually exploited is drug raped. So, essentially, Harvey Milk, seeking young homeless boy-targets who had substance abuse issues, was really seeking pre-roofied victims to sodomize.

Here's a quote from his biography, indicating what gays and lesbians celebrate, and require children to celebrate as a matter of law in California. In context the book was speaking about Milk's sexual appetites:

"Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems". [page 180]. The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, by Randy Shilts.

The only thing is, is that minors with emotional problems aren't "ruined goods", things, items, objects, "waifs" that because of their unfortunate circumstances are open to exploitation sexually or otherwise. They are human beings. They have feelings and need help to reach their full potential in life, not to be taken in, called some pervert's "son" [a think Milk did with one of his boy toys], bent over and sodomized repeatedly. The one documented minor he did this to, eventually commited suicide on Milk's birthday. That young man was a person just like you and me.

Gays and lesbians line up in unison behind this guy and this becomes a very secular, very problematic issue for the LGBT people telling Courts to "think of the children" [they have in their midst] when trying to play on heartstrings to win advances in the courts. Also, christians at the very least have a completely clear mandate to not enable gay lifestyles in the story of Sodom and all its inhabitants, gay and gay-enablers wiped off the map; as referenced in Jude 1. The very first passage of Jude says to the loyal, "if you don't want to go to the pit of fire forever, you will earnestly contend for the common salvation and not participate in any way with a gay cultural movement". It really does say that too in its essence and specific wording. The christian faith considers enabling homosexuality as a mortal sin worthy of eternal damnation.

Gay marriage DOES hurt the citizens of each state: the minor ones. And just because they can't vote doesn't mean their custodians must have their hands tied behind their back while the LGBT cult advances on their youngsters...
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Only their Federal Taxes. They will have to file separately for state and jointly for Federal. It's the exact opposite of the way I've been doing it since 2003...until this year. This year my spouse and I will be filing joint Federal and State taxes. I'm very excited.
relationship status should not determine tax breaks. NO marriage, gay or otherwise should receive tax breaks merely for being married.
If the courts are really interested in doing this thing right. they aught to take away the term marriage from all governments and prohibit tax breaks based on relational status.
They don't get tax breaks. It's called the marriage penalty. What they get tax breaks for is having children, but even single people get tax breaks for having children.

TPC Tax Topics | Marriage Penalty

When two individuals marry, their income tax liability as a married couple may exceed their combined income tax liabilities as singles. This additional tax burden resulting from marriage is referred to as a "marriage penalty" (or "marriage tax"). Marriage can also reduce the federal tax liability of two people, in which case the reduction in tax is called a "marriage bonus" (or "marriage subsidy").

YOUR own link says there is a subsidy, at least in certain situations

Yeah, yeah, yeah...and yet I've seen no legislation proposed anywhere to do that. In the meantime, my legal marriage gets treated like yours...hooray!
all of a sudden, you who look to the courts for answers, want legislation?
your marriage could not be treated like mine cause I'm not married. Why is it fair that I dont get a tax break???
You getting married. I don't get the tax break for owning a private jet. Is that "fair"?

By that same logic I could say to you get married to someone of the opposite sex to get your tax break.
Silhouette, you appear to be saying that all homosexuals and lesbians are child molesters because Harvey Milk was a leader of the movement.

So by that "logic", does that mean that all Republican voters are war criminals because they love Ronald Reagan who sold weapons to terrorist groups and funded Contra death squad mercenaries?

Do you see that you don't have a point? As for Sodom and the Bible, rational society ignores it. That has no bearing on reality today because there isn't an invisible man in the sky who kills people for being gay. That's just religious insanity.
The Bible doesn't motivate or enter the argument for me or the legislative process of Constitutional amendment.
The Bible doesn't motivate the right-wing GOP Christian Conservative community to outlaw gay marriage?

Bible doesn't motivate me.

Legislation is not based on biblical grounds.

I can not speak to the right-wing GOP Christian Conservative community's personal motivations, which, being a free and liberal thinker, I am sure you are in support of their right to have and promote.
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Only their Federal Taxes. They will have to file separately for state and jointly for Federal. It's the exact opposite of the way I've been doing it since 2003...until this year. This year my spouse and I will be filing joint Federal and State taxes. I'm very excited.

relationship status should not determine tax breaks. NO marriage, gay or otherwise should receive tax breaks merely for being married.

If the courts are really interested in doing this thing right. they aught to take away the term marriage from all governments and prohibit tax breaks based on relational status.

They don't get tax breaks. It's called the marriage penalty. What they get tax breaks for is having children, but even single people get tax breaks for having children.

The tax code consists of more than just the Income Tax code. Three off the top of my head are:

1. Tax free transfer of property to a living spouse.

2. Exceptions for Estate/Inheritance Taxes for surviving spouses.

3. A window(er) being able to take a $500,000 exemption on the sale of a home for up to two years after the death of a spouse even though they are single and the single exemption is $250,000.​

None of the above are contingent on having children.

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The 1st Amendment was long ago incorporated into federal supremacy, and no state may ignore 14th Amendment protections of individual rights

Where in conflict, state law can never overrule federal law.

Thanks. I filed this in


Thank you for agreeing the state then will lose on this matter.

Lose on the matter of establishing a religion ?

The State is not establishing a religion by making marriage between a man and a woman as part of its Consitution
"There are no biblical stories of the godhead destroying a Sodom and Gomorrah because most of the population was black. // There are no biblical stories of the godhead communicating to mortals that blacks should be stoned or put to death because they were black."

American law originates in the Constitution, nothing else.
Christian institutions for generations "across the nation and the world" are know to have preyed on abandoned and orphaned children."

Sil, humans are imperfect, all humans, dear. Christians are no better than anyone else. The fact that they know better means their condemnation is greater.
Dr. Martin Luther King was right when he said, "no one is free until we are all free."

I am not certain MLK was a homosexual supporter.

Perhaps you are glomming on too much to that legacy in the most vile form of tacit racism.

I am not sure that he wasn't. Are you trying to make an unimportant point?

Comparing unacceptance of your personal sexual practices to the struggle of the Negro race is pretty fucked up.
Why are "small government" Republicans always so interested in what free people do in their own homes? Are gay people committing a crime that directly affects you? Does it really concern you if two women are married? Why does that concern you? You're not involved in their social arrangement at all, in any imaginable way, so why do you get to force your mangled version of "morality" on other segments of the population that don't believe in your stupid fairy tale? That is unconstitutional.

I'm not a "small government" Republican but it seems you have taken the issue mainstream and far from the privacy of any home.

The collective will of the citizenry of my State and its Constitution is paramount.

I view homosexuality like any other paraphilia, as the did the DSM prior to the 1970's. You are free to engage all you want but my community doesn't have to legitimize, sanction or otherwise condone of such behavior.

You should now submit to having a neutral third party examine your computer for evidence of lesbian pornography!
Silhouette, you appear to be saying that all homosexuals and lesbians are child molesters because Harvey Milk was a leader of the movement.

So by that "logic", does that mean that all Republican voters are war criminals because they love Ronald Reagan who sold weapons to terrorist groups and funded Contra death squad mercenaries?

Do you see that you don't have a point? As for Sodom and the Bible, rational society ignores it. That has no bearing on reality today because there isn't an invisible man in the sky who kills people for being gay. That's just religious insanity.

Silly NEVER has a point. She's a human spambot, no more and no less.

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