Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

I am not certain MLK was a homosexual supporter.

Perhaps you are glomming on too much to that legacy in the most vile form of tacit racism.

I am not sure that he wasn't. Are you trying to make an unimportant point?

Comparing unacceptance of your personal sexual practices to the struggle of the Negro race is pretty fucked up.

I am neither homosexual nor black, but you are completely wrong in your personal opinion,

And they are not based on one's sexual practices either.

We are talking about civil rights, which include marriage. Tuff that.

We are talking about the gay which is not a Federally protected civil right. Tuff that.

You gotta know that your values are screwed up when you have to petition, strike, parade, boycott and have an overall shitfit for the "right" to bunghole somebody else.

Not only do the perverts want to us establish their deviance as a "right", they want us to accept it as normal.

Why do perverts demand that the rest of us elevate their depravity to some artificial social acceptance? Most people I know don't consider the lowest common denominator as something to strive for.
relationship status should not determine tax breaks. NO marriage, gay or otherwise should receive tax breaks merely for being married.

If the courts are really interested in doing this thing right. they aught to take away the term marriage from all governments and prohibit tax breaks based on relational status.

They don't get tax breaks. It's called the marriage penalty. What they get tax breaks for is having children, but even single people get tax breaks for having children.

TPC Tax Topics | Marriage Penalty

When two individuals marry, their income tax liability as a married couple may exceed their combined income tax liabilities as singles. This additional tax burden resulting from marriage is referred to as a "marriage penalty" (or "marriage tax"). Marriage can also reduce the federal tax liability of two people, in which case the reduction in tax is called a "marriage bonus" (or "marriage subsidy").


YOUR own link says there is a subsidy, at least in certain situations

all of a sudden, you who look to the courts for answers, want legislation?

your marriage could not be treated like mine cause I'm not married. Why is it fair that I dont get a tax break???

You getting married. I don't get the tax break for owning a private jet. Is that "fair"?

By that same logic I could say to you get married to someone of the opposite sex to get your tax break.

That's pretty dern close to what they said to interracial couples. How'd that argument turn out in court?
They don't get tax breaks. It's called the marriage penalty. What they get tax breaks for is having children, but even single people get tax breaks for having children.
TPC Tax Topics | Marriage Penalty
When two individuals marry, their income tax liability as a married couple may exceed their combined income tax liabilities as singles. This additional tax burden resulting from marriage is referred to as a "marriage penalty" (or "marriage tax"). Marriage can also reduce the federal tax liability of two people, in which case the reduction in tax is called a "marriage bonus" (or "marriage subsidy").
YOUR own link says there is a subsidy, at least in certain situations
You getting married. I don't get the tax break for owning a private jet. Is that "fair"?
By that same logic I could say to you get married to someone of the opposite sex to get your tax break.
That's pretty dern close to what they said to interracial couples. How'd that argument turn out in court?


The 14th amendment was never meant to apply to gender issues or it would have legalized womens' suffrage.
That's pretty dern close to what they said to interracial couples. How'd that argument turn out in court?

Still on about that Loving v Virginia angle eh Seawytch?

SCOTUS brought it up in DOMA and then went on to affirm that gay marriage as of their Decision, was "only allowed" "in some states", not all of them. So I guess they could completely change their minds within one year's time about the applicability of Loving to LGBT/Harvey Milk cult, but don't hold your breath..
And they are not based on one's sexual practices either.
Civil rights are based on the government treating all law-abiding tax paying citizens equally under the law. It's really that simple.

if its really that simple than no person on the basis of their relationship status should get favorable tax treatment.

Yet they do already.

I'm sorry, the idea that favorable tax treatment for different-gender couples is going to be removed just to deny same-sex couples the same treatment isn't going to be popular with all the different-sex Civilly Married couples.

Civil rights are not limited to one's race, you know.


And they are not based on one's sexual practices either.

Civil rights are based on the government treating all law-abiding tax paying citizens equally under the law. It's really that simple.

Not according to SCOTUS.

States can define marriage.

It is really that simple.

The will of the people of those states is paramount.

Why can't you respect that ?
Civil rights are not limited to one's race, you know.


And they are not based on one's sexual practices either.

Civil rights are based on the government treating all law-abiding tax paying citizens equally under the law. It's really that simple.

All law-abiding tax-paying men are free to marry law-abiding tax-paying women.

All law-abiding tax-paying women are free to marry law-abiding tax-paying men.

And they are not based on one's sexual practices either.

Civil rights are based on the government treating all law-abiding tax paying citizens equally under the law. It's really that simple.

All law-abiding tax-paying men are free to marry law-abiding tax-paying women.

All law-abiding tax-paying women are free to marry law-abiding tax-paying men.

So you admit to gender discrimination.
If Obama had the same power as Lincoln he could legalize it nationally with a wave of his hand ;) With drugs.... :) :) :) With a wave Lincoln of hands hand he did things Obama could only dream of.

Fdr wasn't even as powerful as Lincoln. I am talking changing the constitution...
Not only do the perverts want to us establish their deviance as a "right", they want us to accept it as normal.

The social, cultural, and political far right reactionary world is not normal.

You sound exactly like the far right segregationists in the 1950s opposing civil rights and the far right chauvinists in the 1970s and 1980s opposing women's rights.

Your time has come and gone.

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