Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

Since Where_ and Sil know the SCOTUS most likely will rule against their beliefs, they know resort to ad hom and meanness, identifiers of narcissistic personalities who despise all those other people who see them differently.

Say what bro?

I was asking Seawytch how, since she is a lesbian by her own admission here, she managed to have 5 babies. Her girlfriend didn't put them there. That's completely fair game. I know some lesbians who just get a man from a bar or a friend or whoever to inseminate one or both of them to get their children. Others who have more money go to fertility clinics and thumb through stud information there. I'm a livestock owner, remember? We do this stuff too.

Calling people narcissists who are just asking legitimate questions is pretty low brow. And no, if I was on truth serum right now, I'd admit to you that I most likely believe that SCOTUS will rule in favor of children and the people of Utah to regulate marriage within their own boundaries when it comes to the cult of LGBT. I've read DOMA. If you have read DOMA/Windsor also, the case cited to obtain the stay on gay marriage in Utah, you know that it has teeth. You know that because you've alluded as how you are an attorney.

So you are being mean and intellectually dishonest in the quote above. How ironic you would accuse me of that instead.

Seawytch, did you use a fertility clinic or just a friend to get pregnant. We do it both ways on the ranch here. We use a stud if we have one handy here or in the neighborhood. Or we use artificial insemination to get our girls pregnant.
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Since Where_ and Sil know the SCOTUS most likely will rule against their beliefs, they know resort to ad hom and meanness, identifiers of narcissistic personalities who despise all those other people who see them differently.

Say what bro?

I was asking Seawytch how, since she is a lesbian by her own admission here, she managed to have 5 babies. Her girlfriend didn't put them there. That's completely fair game. I know some lesbians who just get a man from a bar or a friend or whoever to inseminate one or both of them to get their children. Others who have more money go to fertility clinics and thumb through stud information there. I'm a livestock owner, remember? We do this stuff too.

Calling people narcissists who are just asking legitimate questions is pretty low brow. And no, if I was on truth serum right now, I'd admit to you that I most likely believe that SCOTUS will rule in favor of children and the people of Utah to regulate marriage within their own boundaries when it comes to the cult of LGBT. I've read DOMA. If you have read DOMA/Windsor also, the case cited to obtain the stay on gay marriage in Utah, you know that it has teeth. You know that because you've alluded as how you are an attorney.

So you are being mean and intellectually dishonest in the quote above. How ironic you would accuse me of that instead.

Seawytch, did you use a fertility clinic or just a friend to get pregnant. We do it both ways on the ranch here. We use a stud if we have one handy here or in the neighborhood. Or we use artificial insemination to get our girls pregnant.

Mean?! Are you fucking kidding?

1) the word "admit" alludes to guilt.

2) implying by comparison to your livestock that a lesbian is less than human is reprehensible. Would you compare the processes that hetro females who cannot get pregnant with their hetro partners go through to become pregnant to your livestock? The fuck you would. :evil:

Only you and your fellow travelers call the LBGT community and the family and friends who support their efforts to equal protection under our laws a "cult."

Intellectually dishonest?!

Your every post on this thread has been such
15 years ago I could have modeled for the avatar...5 babies later, not so much ;)

Congrats yourself. The time flies doesn't it?

Thank goodness there was someone around to provide the sperm for those 5 babies. I guess men are good for something after all. Did they insert something into you, did you use a turkey baster, or just a friend? I'm not being grotesque or irreverent. I'm curious actually. I hear of lesbians having babies and I really wonder how most of them do it. Not all of them have the money to go to fertility clinics.

Well...let's see...first two at home with a syringe using sperm from the same gay male donor, a close friend. The last two pregnancies, resulting in three babies, was a surrogacy with donated eggs. A gay male couple fathered the children. I bore twins that had two different fathers. Cool, huh? Science and technology is amazing.

Soon, we may not need the sperm.

As to how many? 1/4th of couples according to the census.
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Since Where_ and Sil know the SCOTUS most likely will rule against their beliefs, they know resort to ad hom and meanness, identifiers of narcissistic personalities who despise all those other people who see them differently.

Say what bro?

I was asking Seawytch how, since she is a lesbian by her own admission here, she managed to have 5 babies. Her girlfriend didn't put them there. That's completely fair game. I know some lesbians who just get a man from a bar or a friend or whoever to inseminate one or both of them to get their children. Others who have more money go to fertility clinics and thumb through stud information there. I'm a livestock owner, remember? We do this stuff too.

Calling people narcissists who are just asking legitimate questions is pretty low brow. And no, if I was on truth serum right now, I'd admit to you that I most likely believe that SCOTUS will rule in favor of children and the people of Utah to regulate marriage within their own boundaries when it comes to the cult of LGBT. I've read DOMA. If you have read DOMA/Windsor also, the case cited to obtain the stay on gay marriage in Utah, you know that it has teeth. You know that because you've alluded as how you are an attorney.

So you are being mean and intellectually dishonest in the quote above. How ironic you would accuse me of that instead.

Seawytch, did you use a fertility clinic or just a friend to get pregnant. We do it both ways on the ranch here. We use a stud if we have one handy here or in the neighborhood. Or we use artificial insemination to get our girls pregnant.

The very act of 'calling' someone a narcissist, is usually employed by the Narcissist. Just as the bigot is most often found touting that his opposition is guilty of bigotry.

This is simply a function of nature and the law therein, which holds that wherever you find a socialist accusing someone of a crime, you can rests assured that they're not only guilty of that crime, but that they're in process of committing it, even as they advance the accusation.

This stems from the principle that people generally judge others based upon their own perspective and experiences.
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Since Where_ and Sil know the SCOTUS most likely will rule against their beliefs, they know resort to ad hom and meanness, identifiers of narcissistic personalities who despise all those other people who see them differently.

Say what bro?

I was asking Seawytch how, since she is a lesbian by her own admission here, she managed to have 5 babies. Her girlfriend didn't put them there. That's completely fair game. I know some lesbians who just get a man from a bar or a friend or whoever to inseminate one or both of them to get their children. Others who have more money go to fertility clinics and thumb through stud information there. I'm a livestock owner, remember? We do this stuff too.

Calling people narcissists who are just asking legitimate questions is pretty low brow. And no, if I was on truth serum right now, I'd admit to you that I most likely believe that SCOTUS will rule in favor of children and the people of Utah to regulate marriage within their own boundaries when it comes to the cult of LGBT. I've read DOMA. If you have read DOMA/Windsor also, the case cited to obtain the stay on gay marriage in Utah, you know that it has teeth. You know that because you've alluded as how you are an attorney.

So you are being mean and intellectually dishonest in the quote above. How ironic you would accuse me of that instead.

Seawytch, did you use a fertility clinic or just a friend to get pregnant. We do it both ways on the ranch here. We use a stud if we have one handy here or in the neighborhood. Or we use artificial insemination to get our girls pregnant.

Mean?! Are you fucking kidding?

1) the word "admit" alludes to guilt.

2) implying by comparison to your livestock that a lesbian is less than human is reprehensible. Would you compare the processes that hetro females who cannot get pregnant with their hetro partners go through to become pregnant to your livestock? The fuck you would. :evil:

Only you and your fellow travelers call the LBGT community and the family and friends who support their efforts to equal protection under our laws a "cult."

Intellectually dishonest?!

Your every post on this thread has been such

So, humanity is defined by being human?


Barb let's you and I discuss this. Now I've found that some people of a particular intellectual threshold, tend to define things with which they claim some kinship in minimal terms. This makes sustaining membership, easier. Oddly enough, those people tend to associate themselves with a particular political bent, which provides for minimal effort, in pretty much everything.

Let me ask ya Barb, what defines the threshold which would establish a human being as sound and otherwise 'whole'?

I'd like to know, if you feel that there exist a 'standard', which would represent a whole human? Thus in your mind, is it even possible for there to exist an example of the species which could reasonably be categorized as sub-standard, thus sub-human?

Take your time. Let the blood run back into your head and please, resist your natural instinct to burst with an emotional diatribe that assesses your opposition as sub-human. Try to find some means to answer the question objectively and, therefore: HONESTLY.
Well...let's see...first two at home with a syringe using sperm from the same gay male donor, a close friend. The last two pregnancies, resulting in three babies, was a surrogacy with donated eggs. A gay male couple fathered the children. I bore twins that had two different fathers. Cool, huh? Science and technology is amazing.

Soon, we may not need the sperm.

So no hetero men were used for the donations. Just curious as to why that was? ie: with the prevalence of HIV in the gay male population, were'n't you worried about choosing a man to father your child who was least likely to carry that virus?

Are any of your children boys?
Well...let's see...first two at home with a syringe using sperm from the same gay male donor, a close friend. The last two pregnancies, resulting in three babies, was a surrogacy with donated eggs. A gay male couple fathered the children. I bore twins that had two different fathers. Cool, huh? Science and technology is amazing.

Soon, we may not need the sperm.

So no hetero men were used for the donations. Just curious as to why that was? ie: with the prevalence of HIV in the gay male population, were'n't you worried about choosing a man to father your child who was least likely to carry that virus?

Are any of your children boys?

Yes, all gay. The only thing straight were the surrogate eggs. :lol: Nope, wasn't worried. We were all tested prior to all procedures for all STDs. Standard practice.

Yes, I have one boy and they have one boy.
15 years ago I could have modeled for the avatar...5 babies later, not so much ;)

Congrats yourself. The time flies doesn't it?

Thank goodness there was someone around to provide the sperm for those 5 babies. I guess men are good for something after all. Did they insert something into you, did you use a turkey baster, or just a friend? I'm not being grotesque or irreverent. I'm curious actually. I hear of lesbians having babies and I really wonder how most of them do it. Not all of them have the money to go to fertility clinics.

Well...let's see...first two at home with a syringe using sperm from the same gay male donor, a close friend. The last two pregnancies, resulting in three babies, was a surrogacy with donated eggs. A gay male couple fathered the children. I bore twins that had two different fathers. Cool, huh? Science and technology is amazing.

Soon, we may not need the sperm.

Ova-Fusion and the Elimination of the Male

As to how many? 1/4th of couples according to the census.

Same-Sex Couples Census Data Trickles Out: One-Quarter Are Raising Children - ABC News

Well, that's as FABULOUS an example of amoral and unsustainable relativist freakiocity as I've encountered in over a half century of experience.

Well...let's see...first two at home with a syringe using sperm from the same gay male donor, a close friend. The last two pregnancies, resulting in three babies, was a surrogacy with donated eggs. A gay male couple fathered the children. I bore twins that had two different fathers. Cool, huh? Science and technology is amazing.

Soon, we may not need the sperm.

So no hetero men were used for the donations. Just curious as to why that was? ie: with the prevalence of HIV in the gay male population, were'n't you worried about choosing a man to father your child who was least likely to carry that virus?

Are any of your children boys?

Yes, all gay. The only thing straight were the surrogate eggs. :lol: Nope, wasn't worried. We were all tested prior to all procedures for all STDs. Standard practice.

Yes, I have one boy and they have one boy.

A couple of questions then, if I may. Are you aware that there is still a 6 month period where HIV can be in a person's body but tests show up negative? Also, are the boys straight or gay? Did you mean to say that one of the boys you bore you gave to the gay male couple? Was that the deal you struck with them in exchange for the semen? Please bear in mind like I said, we do similar things on the farm. I would hope that people here would be grown up enough to see this isn't a play on morality but one of the nuts and bolts of how gay people will bear children. I would think it would be particularly hard for gay men to have them!
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Well...let's see...first two at home with a syringe using sperm from the same gay male donor, a close friend. The last two pregnancies, resulting in three babies, was a surrogacy with donated eggs. A gay male couple fathered the children. I bore twins that had two different fathers. Cool, huh? Science and technology is amazing.

Soon, we may not need the sperm.

So no hetero men were used for the donations. Just curious as to why that was? ie: with the prevalence of HIV in the gay male population, were'n't you worried about choosing a man to father your child who was least likely to carry that virus?

Are any of your children boys?

Yes, all gay. The only thing straight were the surrogate eggs. :lol: Nope, wasn't worried. We were all tested prior to all procedures for all STDs. Standard practice.

Yes, I have one boy and they have one boy.

Now Barb, just to help you through this, I am going to offer this soundly reasoned hypothesis:

Nature established the biological >Standard< in the innate design of the species.

This, reason suggests, is a function of providing for the biological imperative to propagate, thus to provide for the survival of the species through sustainable procreation.

Meaning that Skins pursue Shirts and, Outies merge with Innies.

Now, given that standard, we can be sure that where an example deviates from that standard, that the deviancy will either exceed the performance of the standard, or fail to rise to the performance of the standard.

So we've two choices here, as I see it and you're welcome to disagree, but the question now comes: Does homosexuality exceed the biological standard, or does it fail to rise to this natural qualifying threshold?

What say you, Barb?
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Say what bro?

I was asking Seawytch how, since she is a lesbian by her own admission here, she managed to have 5 babies. Her girlfriend didn't put them there. That's completely fair game. I know some lesbians who just get a man from a bar or a friend or whoever to inseminate one or both of them to get their children. Others who have more money go to fertility clinics and thumb through stud information there. I'm a livestock owner, remember? We do this stuff too.

Calling people narcissists who are just asking legitimate questions is pretty low brow. And no, if I was on truth serum right now, I'd admit to you that I most likely believe that SCOTUS will rule in favor of children and the people of Utah to regulate marriage within their own boundaries when it comes to the cult of LGBT. I've read DOMA. If you have read DOMA/Windsor also, the case cited to obtain the stay on gay marriage in Utah, you know that it has teeth. You know that because you've alluded as how you are an attorney.

So you are being mean and intellectually dishonest in the quote above. How ironic you would accuse me of that instead.

Seawytch, did you use a fertility clinic or just a friend to get pregnant. We do it both ways on the ranch here. We use a stud if we have one handy here or in the neighborhood. Or we use artificial insemination to get our girls pregnant.

Mean?! Are you fucking kidding?

1) the word "admit" alludes to guilt.

2) implying by comparison to your livestock that a lesbian is less than human is reprehensible. Would you compare the processes that hetro females who cannot get pregnant with their hetro partners go through to become pregnant to your livestock? The fuck you would. :evil:

Only you and your fellow travelers call the LBGT community and the family and friends who support their efforts to equal protection under our laws a "cult."

Intellectually dishonest?!

Your every post on this thread has been such

So, humanity is defined by being human?


Barb let's you and I discuss this. Now I've found that some people of a particular intellectual threshold, tend to define things with which they claim some kinship in minimal terms. This makes sustaining membership, easier. Oddly enough, those people tend to associate themselves with a particular political bent, which provides for minimal effort, in pretty much everything.

Let me ask ya Barb, what defines the threshold which would establish a human being as sound and otherwise 'whole'?

I'd like to know, if you feel that there exist a 'standard', which would represent a whole human? Thus in your mind, is it even possible for there to exist an example of the species which could reasonably be categorized as sub-standard, thus sub-human?

Take your time. Let the blood run back into your head and please, resist your natural instinct to burst with an emotional diatribe that assesses your opposition as sub-human. Try to find some means to answer the question objectively and, therefore: HONESTLY.

Thus in your mind, is it even possible for there to exist an example of the species which could reasonably be categorized as sub-standard, thus sub-human?

No. While the temptation is great in this thread to identify you an Sil as sub-human, you are both fully human, if not humane or any example I would hope my progeny would us as an example.
Mean?! Are you fucking kidding?

1) the word "admit" alludes to guilt.

2) implying by comparison to your livestock that a lesbian is less than human is reprehensible. Would you compare the processes that hetro females who cannot get pregnant with their hetro partners go through to become pregnant to your livestock? The fuck you would. :evil:

Only you and your fellow travelers call the LBGT community and the family and friends who support their efforts to equal protection under our laws a "cult."

Intellectually dishonest?!

Your every post on this thread has been such

So, humanity is defined by being human?


Barb let's you and I discuss this. Now I've found that some people of a particular intellectual threshold, tend to define things with which they claim some kinship in minimal terms. This makes sustaining membership, easier. Oddly enough, those people tend to associate themselves with a particular political bent, which provides for minimal effort, in pretty much everything.

Let me ask ya Barb, what defines the threshold which would establish a human being as sound and otherwise 'whole'?

I'd like to know, if you feel that there exist a 'standard', which would represent a whole human? Thus in your mind, is it even possible for there to exist an example of the species which could reasonably be categorized as sub-standard, thus sub-human?

Take your time. Let the blood run back into your head and please, resist your natural instinct to burst with an emotional diatribe that assesses your opposition as sub-human. Try to find some means to answer the question objectively and, therefore: HONESTLY.

Thus in your mind, is it even possible for there to exist an example of the species which could reasonably be categorized as sub-standard, thus sub-human?

No. While the temptation is great in this thread to identify you an Sil as sub-human, you are both fully human, if not humane or any example I would hope my progeny would us as an example.

Well, looky there. A modicum of objectivity and PRESTO, your political opposition qualifies as wholly human! That's mighty white of ya.

Now let's push ourselves, shall we?

And return to the queries at issue. FOCUS Barb and let's see if we can find some ground on which to agree!
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The incessant narcissistic display of meanness by Sil and Where_ will continue right to the day when SCOTUS refuses to hear Utah's appeal.

Neither "cult" or natural law defenses will even be permitted by the Circuit Court much less SCOTUS.

These two boobs know it is over, so all they can do is emit a fury that signifies nothing.
The incessant narcissistic display of meanness by Sil and Where_ will continue right to the day when SCOTUS refuses to hear Utah's appeal.

Neither "cult" or natural law defenses will even be permitted by the Circuit Court much less SCOTUS.

These two boobs know it is over, so all they can do is emit a fury that signifies nothing.

So in your interpretation, to have a differing opinion on a very controversial topic, complete with back and forth exchange, probing questions and the like, renders one a "narcissist" who is "mean"?

I'm thinking maybe Hitler had a peculiarly offensive label he used to put on people who disagreed heatedly and intrepidly that jews shouldn't be sent to the gas chambers. Is absence of a debate on this topic your end-game Jake? By any means necessary to get there?
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In case this discussion is in danger of getting buried under Jake's ad hominem distraction...

Well...let's see...first two at home with a syringe using sperm from the same gay male donor, a close friend. The last two pregnancies, resulting in three babies, was a surrogacy with donated eggs. A gay male couple fathered the children. I bore twins that had two different fathers. Cool, huh? Science and technology is amazing.

Soon, we may not need the sperm.

So no hetero men were used for the donations. Just curious as to why that was? ie: with the prevalence of HIV in the gay male population, were'n't you worried about choosing a man to father your child who was least likely to carry that virus?

Are any of your children boys?

Yes, all gay. The only thing straight were the surrogate eggs. :lol: Nope, wasn't worried. We were all tested prior to all procedures for all STDs. Standard practice.

Yes, I have one boy and they have one boy.

A couple of questions then, if I may. Are you aware that there is still a 6 month period where HIV can be in a person's body but tests show up negative? Also, are the boys straight or gay? Did you mean to say that one of the boys you bore you gave to the gay male couple? Was that the deal you struck with them in exchange for the semen? Please bear in mind like I said, we do similar things on the farm. I would hope that people here would be grown up enough to see this isn't a play on morality but one of the nuts and bolts of how gay people will bear children. I would think it would be particularly hard for gay men to have them!
Sil writes ironically, "In case this discussion is in danger of getting buried under Jake's ad hominem distraction...". Sil gives herself away in this classic self transference of behavior by a narcissist.
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So no hetero men were used for the donations. Just curious as to why that was? ie: with the prevalence of HIV in the gay male population, were'n't you worried about choosing a man to father your child who was least likely to carry that virus?

Are any of your children boys?

Yes, all gay. The only thing straight were the surrogate eggs. :lol: Nope, wasn't worried. We were all tested prior to all procedures for all STDs. Standard practice.

Yes, I have one boy and they have one boy.

A couple of questions then, if I may. Are you aware that there is still a 6 month period where HIV can be in a person's body but tests show up negative? Also, are the boys straight or gay? Did you mean to say that one of the boys you bore you gave to the gay male couple? Was that the deal you struck with them in exchange for the semen? Please bear in mind like I said, we do similar things on the farm. I would hope that people here would be grown up enough to see this isn't a play on morality but one of the nuts and bolts of how gay people will bear children. I would think it would be particularly hard for gay men to have them!

Thank you for your concern, but all parties involved were and remain HIV negative.

I was a surrogate for a gay male couple. Donated eggs, their sperm, my womb three kids for them.

The surrogate fathers are not the father of my children.
Thank you for your concern, but all parties involved were and remain HIV negative.

I was a surrogate for a gay male couple. Donated eggs, their sperm, my womb three kids for them.

The surrogate fathers are not the father of my children.
Honestly, all that makes gay marriage look worse. Children shouldn't be bred like lab rats.

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