Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

Hasn't this thread burned itself out, yet?

Why aren't I surprised?

Because a number of us will not let Sil have the last word, and because as long as she hangs in here, she will be civil.
You are in favor of toleration or mainstreaming for homosexuality.

She is not.

Neither of you wants the other to have the last word.

Does that pretty much sum-up what this is all about?

Tell the truth, this thread seems to be kinda-sorta past its Freshness Date.

Just saying'...
The case will be decided on the 14th Amendment: I believe the conclusion is foregone.

Sil is arguing because she is unhappy about it.

But, yes, Condor, there is nothing new to argue now.
News Flash: We the People decided our charter of governance is not misinterpreted scripture, whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.

Newsflash: The People decided in Utah in 2/3rds majority to not allow gay marriage in their state's boundaries. Glad to see you agree with the "We the People" decision Jake.. Or is it that "We the People" can only apply to advancing the interests of the cult of LGBT but not the interests of an organized religion like christianity?

There is no "misinterpretation" in scripture. In Jude I, Romans I of the Bible, you are damned to hell for eternity for even not earnestly contending for the common salvation when it comes to staving off homosexual takeover of the culture you find yourself in. Sodom was given as an example in the Jude I passage as representative to what will happen to other cultures if they follow suit. Eternal damnation is the punishment for failing to earnestly contend for the faith in this regard. Read Jude I. Read it. All of you reading here, read it.

To ask a christian to defy Jude I or Romans I is to ask them to submit to the eternal fires in the Pit of Hell. You cannot ask that of a christian. It is tantamount to banning religion officially in the US. For if the faithful are forced to commit mortal sin, they are forced to abandon their faith, which is a violation of the 1st Amendment.
Very good points and valid ones, so it should be determined state by state, and not by a Federal Tyrannical rule in which has been the case so far in all of this I think.
News Flash: We the People decided our charter of governance is not misinterpreted scripture, whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.

Newsflash: The People decided in Utah in 2/3rds majority to not allow gay marriage in their state's boundaries. Glad to see you agree with the "We the People" decision Jake.. Or is it that "We the People" can only apply to advancing the interests of the cult of LGBT but not the interests of an organized religion like christianity?

There is no "misinterpretation" in scripture. In Jude I, Romans I of the Bible, you are damned to hell for eternity for even not earnestly contending for the common salvation when it comes to staving off homosexual takeover of the culture you find yourself in. Sodom was given as an example in the Jude I passage as representative to what will happen to other cultures if they follow suit. Eternal damnation is the punishment for failing to earnestly contend for the faith in this regard. Read Jude I. Read it. All of you reading here, read it.

To ask a christian to defy Jude I or Romans I is to ask them to submit to the eternal fires in the Pit of Hell. You cannot ask that of a christian. It is tantamount to banning religion officially in the US. For if the faithful are forced to commit mortal sin, they are forced to abandon their faith, which is a violation of the 1st Amendment.
Very good points and valid ones, so it should be determined state by state, and not by a Federal Tyrannical rule in which has been the case so far in all of this I think.

Actual only six out of the 16 or 17 was by judicial ruling. Do you believe the SCOTUS should not have ruled in Loving v Virginia, that interracial marriage should not have been by "a Federal Tyrannical rule"?
News Flash: We the People decided our charter of governance is not misinterpreted scripture, whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.

Newsflash: The People decided in Utah in 2/3rds majority to not allow gay marriage in their state's boundaries. Glad to see you agree with the "We the People" decision Jake.. Or is it that "We the People" can only apply to advancing the interests of the cult of LGBT but not the interests of an organized religion like christianity?

There is no "misinterpretation" in scripture. In Jude I, Romans I of the Bible, you are damned to hell for eternity for even not earnestly contending for the common salvation when it comes to staving off homosexual takeover of the culture you find yourself in. Sodom was given as an example in the Jude I passage as representative to what will happen to other cultures if they follow suit. Eternal damnation is the punishment for failing to earnestly contend for the faith in this regard. Read Jude I. Read it. All of you reading here, read it.

To ask a christian to defy Jude I or Romans I is to ask them to submit to the eternal fires in the Pit of Hell. You cannot ask that of a christian. It is tantamount to banning religion officially in the US. For if the faithful are forced to commit mortal sin, they are forced to abandon their faith, which is a violation of the 1st Amendment.
Very good points and valid ones, so it should be determined state by state, and not by a Federal Tyrannical rule in which has been the case so far in all of this I think.

Biblical reference as application to the Constitution is dismissed because Eternal Damnation is not in its purview. No one's civil or religious liberties are infringed by the marriage equality.

The 2/3 vote then on Amendment 3 or the 48/48 split now in Utah remains immaterial because state Jacksonian democratic majority rule cannot inhibit civil liberties.

Only the 14th Amendment will determine that outcome of Utah's appeal.
The matter is this: in no way form or fashion does marriage equality affect the religious and civil liberties of any citizen.

Except the mandates in Jude I, Romans I of the Bible and Poets 26 of the Koran which discuss how anyone who even enables a culture to be overtaken by homosexuality [Sodom] will be destroyed along with the culture itself. Sent to hell to burn in the eternal Pit of Fire.

Has absolutely no relevance to the laws of the United States. Try again, Silly!

So yeah, gay marriage does infringe on 1st Amendment rights. And it also infringes on the welfare of adoptable orphans. [See my signature]. A cult that worships a messiah who stood for buggering orphaned teen boys on drugs has no business gaining access to adoptable orphans through marriage. For as soon as you grant them marriage, they immediately "cannot be discriminated against" when going to adopt.

Read about their messiah. Read well. Remember: these are the values advancing at our nation's most vulnerable children. Imagine being an orphaned child today, the dangers that are right on your doorstep with only the thinnest of legal lines between you and that danger..

And more of the same tired old bullshit, as always.
News Flash: We the People decided our charter of governance is not misinterpreted scripture, whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.

Newsflash: The People decided in Utah in 2/3rds majority to not allow gay marriage in their state's boundaries. Glad to see you agree with the "We the People" decision Jake.. Or is it that "We the People" can only apply to advancing the interests of the cult of LGBT but not the interests of an organized religion like christianity?

There is no "misinterpretation" in scripture. In Jude I, Romans I of the Bible, you are damned to hell for eternity for even not earnestly contending for the common salvation when it comes to staving off homosexual takeover of the culture you find yourself in. Sodom was given as an example in the Jude I passage as representative to what will happen to other cultures if they follow suit. Eternal damnation is the punishment for failing to earnestly contend for the faith in this regard. Read Jude I. Read it. All of you reading here, read it.

To ask a christian to defy Jude I or Romans I is to ask them to submit to the eternal fires in the Pit of Hell. You cannot ask that of a christian. It is tantamount to banning religion officially in the US. For if the faithful are forced to commit mortal sin, they are forced to abandon their faith, which is a violation of the 1st Amendment.
Very good points and valid ones, so it should be determined state by state, and not by a Federal Tyrannical rule in which has been the case so far in all of this I think.

Those ‘points’ are neither ‘good’ nor ‘valid,’ they’re irrelevant.

Nor is there ‘Federal Tyrannical rule,’ the states are at liberty to enact whatever laws they wish, but they must afford all American citizens who happen to reside in the states access to those laws, including marriage law. Indeed, the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment succeeds in preventing tyranny by the states.

Same-sex couples are first and foremost citizens of the United States, entitled to protections of the Federal Constitution, their state of residence is irrelevant, they do not forfeit their civil liberties as a consequence of their state of residence, and the people of the states do not have the authority to determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.
The matter is this: in no way form or fashion does marriage equality affect the religious and civil liberties of any citizen.

Except the mandates in Jude I, Romans I of the Bible and Poets 26 of the Koran which discuss how anyone who even enables a culture to be overtaken by homosexuality [Sodom] will be destroyed along with the culture itself. Sent to hell to burn in the eternal Pit of Fire.

Has absolutely no relevance to the laws of the United States. Try again, Silly!

So yeah, gay marriage does infringe on 1st Amendment rights. And it also infringes on the welfare of adoptable orphans. [See my signature]. A cult that worships a messiah who stood for buggering orphaned teen boys on drugs has no business gaining access to adoptable orphans through marriage. For as soon as you grant them marriage, they immediately "cannot be discriminated against" when going to adopt.

Read about their messiah. Read well. Remember: these are the values advancing at our nation's most vulnerable children. Imagine being an orphaned child today, the dangers that are right on your doorstep with only the thinnest of legal lines between you and that danger..

And more of the same tired old bullshit, as always.

So, the 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion is "tired old bullshit"?

I guess the US Supreme Court will weigh whether or not that's to weighing what they already wrote about states' "unquestioned authority" under the context of consensus on gay marriage...along with the evidence showing LGBT to be a cult with values that belong nowhere near orphaned children [see my signature].

Jar Jar, this isn't up to you or me. It's up to the Constitution, child welfare laws and 9 people in black robes that we've charged to be custodians to those documents and their final interpretation.
Except the mandates in Jude I, Romans I of the Bible and Poets 26 of the Koran which discuss how anyone who even enables a culture to be overtaken by homosexuality [Sodom] will be destroyed along with the culture itself. Sent to hell to burn in the eternal Pit of Fire.
Has absolutely no relevance to the laws of the United States. Try again, Silly!
So yeah, gay marriage does infringe on 1st Amendment rights. And it also infringes on the welfare of adoptable orphans. [See my signature]. A cult that worships a messiah who stood for buggering orphaned teen boys on drugs has no business gaining access to adoptable orphans through marriage. For as soon as you grant them marriage, they immediately "cannot be discriminated against" when going to adopt.
Read about their messiah. Read well. Remember: these are the values advancing at our nation's most vulnerable children. Imagine being an orphaned child today, the dangers that are right on your doorstep with only the thinnest of legal lines between you and that danger..
And more of the same tired old bullshit, as always.
So, the 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion is "tired old bullshit"?
I guess the US Supreme Court will weigh whether or not that's to weighing what they already wrote about states' "unquestioned authority" under the context of consensus on gay marriage...along with the evidence showing LGBT to be a cult with values that belong nowhere near orphaned children [see my signature].
Jar Jar, this isn't up to you or me. It's up to the Constitution, child welfare laws and 9 people in black robes that we've charged to be custodians to those documents and their final interpretation.

Part of the problem with this whole question is that we leave it up to 9 people in black robes. FDR wanted to add more people to the court. WE should. The court has not grown with the growth in Our population.
Good that the Supreme Court put a halt to this. The solution here is to ask the residents of Utah during the midterms later this year. Let the residents of Utah decide the direction of their state.

The problem with that approach is that Gays can never win a Free election in the Mormon State -- their moral standards are too high. They only way they can achieve their goals is to utilize the Liberal Mob to force it on the people of Utah against their will.
How is anyone's 1st Amendment right to religious belief and expression violated by marriage equality?

Holy scripture does not determine the interpretation of the Constitution.

Natural law does not determine the interpretation of the Constitution.

The states are supreme in making marriage law within the scope of the 14th Amendment.

Whether LGBT is a cult or not is immaterial: that is a matter for LEO and the criminal law.

Jacksonian democratic majorities may not violate the civil rights of minorities.

SCOTUS will make the final determinations.
Good that the Supreme Court put a halt to this. The solution here is to ask the residents of Utah during the midterms later this year. Let the residents of Utah decide the direction of their state.

The problem with that approach is that Gays can never win a Free election in the Mormon State -- their moral standards are too high. They only way they can achieve their goals is to utilize the Liberal Mob to force it on the people of Utah against their will.

The will of the citizens of a state cannot take away civil liberties, GreenBean, of a minority.
Good that the Supreme Court put a halt to this. The solution here is to ask the residents of Utah during the midterms later this year. Let the residents of Utah decide the direction of their state.

The problem with that approach is that Gays can never win a Free election in the Mormon State -- their moral standards are too high. They only way they can achieve their goals is to utilize the Liberal Mob to force it on the people of Utah against their will.

The will of the citizens of a state cannot take away civil liberties, GreenBean, of a minority.

marriage isnt a civil liberty
The problem with that approach is that Gays can never win a Free election in the Mormon State -- their moral standards are too high. They only way they can achieve their goals is to utilize the Liberal Mob to force it on the people of Utah against their will.

The will of the citizens of a state cannot take away civil liberties, GreenBean, of a minority.

marriage isnt a civil liberty

Take that up with SCOTUS, and look up Loving.
Those living in the sick abomination of sexual perversion want the usa to be another sodom and gomorrah but they need to remember the fate of the old sodom and gomorrah!!!
The will of the citizens of a state cannot take away civil liberties, GreenBean, of a minority.

marriage isnt a civil liberty

Take that up with SCOTUS, and look up Loving.

loving has nothing to do with this, that was about race

and like I said below part of the problem is that it shouldn't be up to 9 or maybe even 5 people. Even if you think it should be a matter of Court edict. The court has not grown to match growth in US population.
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Take that up with SCOTUS, and look up Loving.

loving has nothing to do with this, that was about race

Read the opinion. It was far more than race. If you tried that in SCOTUS arguments, they would turn you out into the alley.

Im not going to read it, it is irrelevant. If the Court thought so it it was simply wrong.

and like I said below part of the problem is that it shouldn't be up to 9 or maybe even 5 people. Even if you think it should be a matter of Court edict. The court has not grown to match growth in US population.

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