Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

Do you figure that the world should follow suit in what America is creating or influencing now here, and then next the attempt of it out in the world, and should they (other nations) remain soveriegn in their nation states without following in lock step with America's declining values or it's new strange influencing for which it has now ? Once we in this nation projected strength through values out in the world, but no more is that the case it seems. So what is left ? Let me see maybe blackmail through economics or money in order to get others to accept our ways all over the world now ? It's worked here, so why not try it on the world also eh ? Nah that won't work either, so a return to values is paramount here first, but that isn't going to happen anymore either is it ? Man-O-Man.:eek:

I have said before, and it is no exaggeration either, that if the US deposed of the evangelizing/deviant LGBT genie and put it back in its bottle with compassionate restriction, that our foreign relations with our enemies would INSTANTLY measurably improve.

Not that we need that right now. For God's sake, let's rile the world some more against us. It's all worth it for that sudden sharp rise in teen boys getting HIV.
What are you blathering about? You feel sorry for the children of gays? Don't. Our kids are doing just fine. If you want to pity any kids, pity the kids of divorce.

You are aware of the laws of biology and reproduction, right? And homes where orphans are adopted into need to be on the up and up for the sake of the orphaned child, yes?

So then your cult worshipping a child sex predator poses problems and does make people worry for and pity "children of gays".
Who is gaining or attempting to gain control here Jake ? You better wake up, because no one is changing or attempting to change things except for yall. Everyone or rather the majority was satisfied with the way America was in it's values and morals in which most had adopted as their own when come here through out the years, but all that is being turned on it's head as we speak, so don't even try to suggest that all of a sudden the Americans who have believed in this nation and it's core values over time, are now the strangers attempting to take it over or away from another. We all know who the thieves are, so who are you trying to fool with your fancy yet empty words ?

Because he's a lawyer advocating for the overthrow of state democracy on behalf of a little-understood partial list of deviant sexual behaviors/cult who worship as their messiah a sodomizer of teen boys on drugs?
What are you blathering about? You feel sorry for the children of gays? Don't. Our kids are doing just fine. If you want to pity any kids, pity the kids of divorce.

You are aware of the laws of biology and reproduction, right? And homes where orphans are adopted into need to be on the up and up for the sake of the orphaned child, yes?

So then your cult worshipping a child sex predator poses problems and does make people worry for and pity "children of gays".

The only cut that exists in your swiss-cheese mind, Sil.

Your sociology is perverse, as are you.
What are you blathering about? You feel sorry for the children of gays? Don't. Our kids are doing just fine. If you want to pity any kids, pity the kids of divorce.

You are aware of the laws of biology and reproduction, right? And homes where orphans are adopted into need to be on the up and up for the sake of the orphaned child, yes?

So then your cult worshipping a child sex predator poses problems and does make people worry for and pity "children of gays".

You're forgetting about those people who were straight then had kids then all the sudden were reborn gay.
The following is clear indication of the worminess infecting Sil's mind: " if the US deposed of the evangelizing/deviant LGBT genie and put it back in its bottle with compassionate restriction, that our foreign relations with our enemies would INSTANTLY measurably improve."
From your signature section:

The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to "free White persons" of "good moral character." It thus left out American Indians, free Blacks, Asians and illegal Mexican immigrants.

You do know there was so such place as "Mexico" in 1790...right?
What are you blathering about? You feel sorry for the children of gays? Don't. Our kids are doing just fine. If you want to pity any kids, pity the kids of divorce.

You are aware of the laws of biology and reproduction, right? And homes where orphans are adopted into need to be on the up and up for the sake of the orphaned child, yes?

So then your cult worshipping a child sex predator poses problems and does make people worry for and pity "children of gays".

You're forgetting about those people who were straight then had kids then all the sudden were reborn gay.
I know of a family who were completely destroyed, and just devastated in that for which you speak.
The only cut that exists in your swiss-cheese mind, Sil.

Your sociology is perverse, as are you.

When someone is stuck and scared in a debate, they resort to ad hominem. Noted Jake.

You have been a queen of the ad hom, dear. :lol:

It's truth, not ad hom, to tell you that your interpretation of sociology and psychology is perverse and that the level of your argumentation indicates cognitive dysfunction.

I am not being mean, simply reporting the obvious.
The only cut that exists in your swiss-cheese mind, Sil.

Your sociology is perverse, as are you.

When someone is stuck and scared in a debate, they resort to ad hominem. Noted Jake.
I wonder if Jake even knows the meaning of "perverse", and when it should be applied or when it shouldn't be applied ? It's not a word to be used loosley, but if it is relevent in some subjects or situations, then it is to be applied as is needed. Jake likes to throw it around loosley it seems, and this instead of using it where it is needed or where it should be applied as is appropriate.
beagle9 is perverse in argumentation in twisting arguments without basis and solid fact. The 9 gets mad when it is pointed out.
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This is where I become confused. Marriage s a conservative concept.

Why are conservatives against it and gays for it?

Gays want to be more conservative why don't we let them?

Almost right. Marriage between a man and a woman is not only a "conservative concept" but an historical reality. If it works ... no need to fix it.
This is where I become confused. Marriage s a conservative concept.

Why are conservatives against it and gays for it?

Gays want to be more conservative why don't we let them?

Almost right. Marriage between a man and a woman is not only a "conservative concept" but an historical reality. If it works ... no need to fix it.

No one is fixing anything, kiddo.

Marriage equality in no way harms heterosexual marriage.
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beagle9 is perverse in argumentation in twisting arguments without basis and solid fact. The 9 gets mad when it is pointed out.
There you go again loosley appying a word that is not applicable or appropriate within your reply to me, but there it is, and here you are doing it again Jake. LOL

At least you've calmed down a little though, because you ain't saying "I'm running and telling on yall" here lately... LOL
You are aware of the laws of biology and reproduction, right? And homes where orphans are adopted into need to be on the up and up for the sake of the orphaned child, yes?

So then your cult worshipping a child sex predator poses problems and does make people worry for and pity "children of gays".

You're forgetting about those people who were straight then had kids then all the sudden were reborn gay.
I know of a family who were completely destroyed, and just devastated in that for which you speak.
You don't become homosexual or for that matter a heterosexual all of the sudden. You are what you are. When a closeted homosexual married to a heterosexual comes out, either divorce or an open marriage relationship is usually the result. Both paths are very damaging to the children. The best solution is for homosexuals to become openly gay as early in their life as possible and marry their own sex. There are some very good mixed marriages but they're rare.
This is where I become confused. Marriage s a conservative concept.

Why are conservatives against it and gays for it?

Gays want to be more conservative why don't we let them?

Almost right. Marriage between a man and a woman is not only a "conservative concept" but an historical reality. If it works ... no need to fix it.

No one is fixing anything, kiddo.

Marriage equality in no way harms heterosexual marriage.
What is equality according to you Jake, and should it be as a blanket equality or should people have to strive to better themselves, and then actually qualify themselves to reach certain goals, grades or levels in their life before being granted open and free equality among all the others as being the same when it comes to values, standards and morality ? I think certian criteria as a minimal should be met in life by people, and such standards should be honored in order to have a civilized society that is and remains united on these things. However what we see these days is every door and doorway that once meant something in America, is now being breeched or broken down, and then trampled upon by those who are not team players as one would think that they are. It reminds me of the Alamo now in this nation, and how that garison was over run by Santa Anta and his troops before reinforcements arrived. Texas stood as a beacon of hope for America, and for the American will at the time, and now America must stand again, just like it stood back then all the same.
You don't become homosexual or for that matter a heterosexual all of the sudden.

Your right, as it is a choice that is made either way in life, so it all comes down to choices, and not giving in to sin when choices are being made at any time in ones life.

Apart from God and his guidence in ones life, there is no telling what people are capable of, and it has been seen over time as to what they are capable of, especially when they make the choices that they make in life without God in their lives. Funny how when those choices are made, that it matters not who it hurts or anything else when the choices are bad ones in which they make, so it always best to thrive to make good choices in ones life, and not allow the devil to win the day as he has been doing more and more and more in this nation it seems.
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beagle9 is perverse in argumentation in twisting arguments without basis and solid fact. The 9 gets mad when it is pointed out.
There you go again loosley appying a word that is not applicable or appropriate within your reply to me, but there it is, and here you are doing it again Jake. LOL

At least you've calmed down a little though, because you ain't saying "I'm running and telling on yall" here lately... LOL

The word 'perverse' certainly and accurately characterizes your vapid discussion. That you can't argue more rationally with fact and evidence and law is something you need to work on.

I will report anyone who attacks family or makes allegations of pedophilia, as they are violations of the rules.
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