Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

Milk wasn't "famous" for the sex he was having either. Milk would barely be a footnote in history if some homophobic prick hadn't shot him to death.

OK, so far to keep up with Seawytch, defending Harvey Milk...she says the following:

1. That somehow the minor 16 year old Jack McKinley who Milk sodomized while officiating as his father for several years until he became 18, was 'actually 17' in New York where Milk found him, despite the fact that it was documented he was only 16. She claims the difference in age is fact because of some diary in some museum from Milk. And she refuses to discuss how Milk took McKinley to a bank acting as his guardian in order to open an investment account. If Milk didn't know he was sodomizing a minor that he was acting as a guardian to, why accompany the boy to the bank as a guardian?

2. Milk is today was and always will be famous for his sexuality and being open about it while holding a public office. It is the core of why the church of LGBT venerates him.

3. Milk was not shot by a "homophobe". He was shot by a fellow democrat politician who also shot and killed the mayor standing right next to him. The mayor was not gay. The killings were over political differences.
Milk wasn't "famous" for the sex he was having either. Milk would barely be a footnote in history if some homophobic prick hadn't shot him to death.

OK, so far to keep up with Seawytch, defending Harvey Milk...she says the following:

1. That somehow the minor 16 year old Jack McKinley who Milk sodomized while officiating as his father for several years until he became 18, was 'actually 17' in New York where Milk found him, despite the fact that it was documented he was only 16. She claims the difference in age is fact because of some diary in some museum from Milk. And she refuses to discuss how Milk took McKinley to a bank acting as his guardian in order to open an investment account. If Milk didn't know he was sodomizing a minor that he was acting as a guardian to, why accompany the boy to the bank as a guardian?

2. Milk is today was and always will be famous for his sexuality and being open about it while holding a public office. It is the core of why the church of LGBT venerates him.

3. Milk was not shot by a "homophobe". He was shot by a fellow democrat politician who also shot and killed the mayor standing right next to him. The mayor was not gay. The killings were over political differences.

Sil, bearing false witness is a sin. God is watching you. :lol:
Sil bears false witness regularly.

No one on this board defends Harvey Milk's sexual activities.

There is no Church of LGBT.

When Sil descends to ad hom, she admits she has failed.
I guess it will be the children themselves over time, that will ultimately report as to whether it was a problem or not, so time will tell I guess as to whether people are wrong or they were right about these things. Don't you agree ?

We've already heard from them. They're fine.

"Good evening, Mr. Chairman," the young man said. "My name is Zach Wahls. I'm a sixth-generation Iowan and an engineering student at the University of Iowa, and I was raised by two women."

"Over the next two hours, I'm sure we're going to hear plenty of testimony about how damaging having gay parents is on kids. But in my 19 years not once have I ever been confronted by an individual who realized independently that I was raised by a gay couple.

"And you know why? Because the sexual orientation of my parents has had zero effect on the content of my character..."​

Here's what the American Academy of Pediatrics had to say:

A great deal of scientific research documents there is no cause-and-effect relationship between parents’ sexual orientation and children’s well-being, according to the AAP policy. In fact, many studies attest to the normal development of children of same-gender couples when the child is wanted, the parents have a commitment to shared parenting, and the parents have strong social and economic support. Critical factors that affect the normal development and mental health of children are parental stress, economic and social stability, community resources, discrimination, and children’s exposure to toxic stressors at home or in their communities -- not the sexual orientation of their parents.
The sexual orientation of parents is not a major factor in raising children. It's the Parent's dedication to being good parents that makes the difference.
The sexual orientation of parents is not a major factor in raising children. It's the Parent's dedication to being good parents that makes the difference.
And nothing spells dedication to children like requiring them to venerate a sexual predator of children as a matter of law in their school each May. A predator named Harvey Milk who liked "young waifs with substance abuse problems" to sodomize one after the other.
We all know that red wine is good......wait wait its bad for you etc etc. etc.

Studies are all over the place
Studies of studies show that we get things wrong | Ben Goldacre | Comment is free | The Guardian

the book
Wrong: Why experts* keep failing us
"An exposé of the multiple ways that society's so-called experts let us down, if not outright betray us. It's a chunk of spicy populist outrage, and it can be a hoot....It's news you can use." (New York Times Dwight Garner )

A revealing look at the fallibility of "experts," and tips on how to glean facts from the mass of published misinformation...Informative and engaging, if not groundbreaking news to more cynical readers." (Kirkus Reviews )
The sexual orientation of parents is not a major factor in raising children. It's the Parent's dedication to being good parents that makes the difference.
And nothing spells dedication to children like requiring them to venerate a sexual predator of children as a matter of law in their school each May. A predator named Harvey Milk who liked "young waifs with substance abuse problems" to sodomize one after the other.

I'm pretty sure this is why Utah made its appeal based on children. I still think the worship of Harvey Milk is going to be an issue. How could a sexual cult NOT be judged by its messiah's sexual values?
We all know that red wine is good......wait wait its bad for you etc etc. etc.

Studies are all over the place..

That's why you pay attention to the ones that come from prestigious sources and cast an eye of scepticism on ones that come from the American Psychological Association [when you trace the funding money backwards to its source].

The Mayo Clinic and the CDC are known for their impartial examination of the facts. They like and adhere to science. So if they publish something, like they have, that indicates that homosexuality or other fetish orientations are learned, vs born that way, then you sit up and notice them more.

Anything coming out of the APA or its distant tendrils at this point is simply rainbow cult propaganda. That organizations "prestige" committed suicide in the 1980s when it threw out the Leona Tyler principle.
The sexual orientation of parents is not a major factor in raising children. It's the Parent's dedication to being good parents that makes the difference.
And nothing spells dedication to children like requiring them to venerate a sexual predator of children as a matter of law in their school each May. A predator named Harvey Milk who liked "young waifs with substance abuse problems" to sodomize one after the other.
That is simply amazing when one really thinks about it.. Has this nation lost it's entire mind finally ? It's so wonder now, that this nation is becoming the laughing stock of the world anymore.

The only ones that are not laughing anymore is us, and it's because we have become to embarassed to laugh or smile about anything anymore.
I guess it will be the children themselves over time, that will ultimately report as to whether it was a problem or not, so time will tell I guess as to whether people are wrong or they were right about these things. Don't you agree ?

We've already heard from them. They're fine.

"Good evening, Mr. Chairman," the young man said. "My name is Zach Wahls. I'm a sixth-generation Iowan and an engineering student at the University of Iowa, and I was raised by two women."

"Over the next two hours, I'm sure we're going to hear plenty of testimony about how damaging having gay parents is on kids. But in my 19 years not once have I ever been confronted by an individual who realized independently that I was raised by a gay couple.

"And you know why? Because the sexual orientation of my parents has had zero effect on the content of my character..."​

Here's what the American Academy of Pediatrics had to say:

A great deal of scientific research documents there is no cause-and-effect relationship between parents’ sexual orientation and children’s well-being, according to the AAP policy. In fact, many studies attest to the normal development of children of same-gender couples when the child is wanted, the parents have a commitment to shared parenting, and the parents have strong social and economic support. Critical factors that affect the normal development and mental health of children are parental stress, economic and social stability, community resources, discrimination, and children’s exposure to toxic stressors at home or in their communities -- not the sexual orientation of their parents.
The sexual orientation of parents is not a major factor in raising children. It's the Parent's dedication to being good parents that makes the difference.


And same-sex parents are just as capable as opposite-sex parents.

And same-sex parents are just as capable as opposite-sex parents.

That's like saying actors and actresses are "just as capable" of actually being the roles they play as real life people they're trying to depict.

Have you ever seen how in gay weddings, or everyday life, one is dressed or looks feminine and the other looks or dresses masculine? That's because they are role playing a normal couple. That type of untreated mental illness, that subconscious "knowing" without conscious realization is a dangerous person to have around children. For if they are capable of that level of delusion about their own deep issues surrounding their gender, sex and what was likely done to them as a child, and the knowledge that most pedophiles come from stock that were themselve molested as children, you have an inundation of mental illness that if left unchecked will become a generational plague.

When you subsitute abnormal for normal, all sorts of things can go wrong.

One topic I bring up over and over related to this role-playing arrangement that all gay couples seem to exhibit subtlely or very overtly is this: What's going on mentally with the one who is attracted to all the trappings of the opposite gender in their partner? The "gay" man who is attracted to an effeminant man with a slender form, wiggling hips and a falsetto lisp and the lesbian woman attracted to her masculine partner with broad shoulders, macho swagger and falsetto lowered voice. Aren't we really dealing with closet heterosexuality?

And how will we ever know what we're dealing with when the gay-owned American Psychological Association has abandoned science in favor of cult dogma? Will the APA ever investigate the starkly obvious phenomenon of closet heterosexuality in the homosexual population and what causes it?

No, not likely. But that doesn't prevent lawyers and other scholars from debating it when considering placing these role players around children to raise "normally"...
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And same-sex parents are just as capable as opposite-sex parents.

That's like saying actors and actresses are "just as capable" of actually being the roles they play as real life people they're trying to depict.

Have you ever seen how in gay weddings, or everyday life, one is dressed or looks feminine and the other looks or dresses masculine? That's because they are role playing a normal couple. That type of untreated mental illness, that subconscious "knowing" without conscious realization is a dangerous person to have around children. For if they are capable of that level of delusion about their own deep issues surrounding their gender, sex and what was likely done to them as a child, and the knowledge that most pedophiles come from stock that were themselve molested as children, you have an inundation of mental illness that if left unchecked will become a generational plague.

When you subsitute abnormal for normal, all sorts of things can go wrong.

One topic I bring up over and over related to this role-playing arrangement that all gay couples seem to exhibit subtlely or very overtly is this: What's going on mentally with the one who is attracted to all the trappings of the opposite gender in their partner? The "gay" man who is attracted to an effeminant man with a slender form, wiggling hips and a falsetto lisp and the lesbian woman attracted to her masculine partner with broad shoulders, macho swagger and falsetto lowered voice. Aren't we really dealing with closet heterosexuality?

And how will we ever know what we're dealing with when the gay-owned American Psychological Association has abandoned science in favor of cult dogma? Will the APA ever investigate the starkly obvious phenomenon of closet heterosexuality in the homosexual population and what causes it?

No, not likely. But that doesn't prevent lawyers and other scholars from debating it when considering placing these role players around children to raise "normally"...
Interesting analysis and/or observation of these sorts of things.
The sexual orientation of parents is not a major factor in raising children. It's the Parent's dedication to being good parents that makes the difference.
And nothing spells dedication to children like requiring them to venerate a sexual predator of children as a matter of law in their school each May. A predator named Harvey Milk who liked "young waifs with substance abuse problems" to sodomize one after the other.

No one requires anyone to venerate Milk's sexual activities.
"I'm pretty sure this is why Utah made its appeal based on children. I still think the worship of Harvey Milk is going to be an issue."

Absolutely incorrect.
The sexual orientation of parents is not a major factor in raising children. It's the Parent's dedication to being good parents that makes the difference.
And nothing spells dedication to children like requiring them to venerate a sexual predator of children as a matter of law in their school each May. A predator named Harvey Milk who liked "young waifs with substance abuse problems" to sodomize one after the other.

No one requires anyone to venerate Milk's sexual activities.
So your saying that the school requiring the children to honor his so called achievements on a certain day is not correct ? I mean isn't that what he is celebrated for (being a gay man who finally made into the office he made it into)? Isn't being gay attached to his being celebrated ?
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And nothing spells dedication to children like requiring them to venerate a sexual predator of children as a matter of law in their school each May. A predator named Harvey Milk who liked "young waifs with substance abuse problems" to sodomize one after the other.

No one requires anyone to venerate Milk's sexual activities.
So your saying that the school requiring the children to honor his so called achievements on a certain day is not correct ? I mean isn't that what he is celebrated for (being a gay man who finally made into the office he made it into)? Isn't being gay attached to his being celebrated ?

No, his private life is not "attached" to why Harvey Milk is honored. Yes, he was the first openly gay politician, but that is not his private life, that is who is was, a gay man. He is honored for the strides he made for LGBT equality and for his non violet activism.

For the last time, the late Harvey Milk has absolutely nothing to do with marriage equality. He is not a factor for anyone but apparently you and Sil. Have fun with it.
Suggesting that Milk is venerated because of his private life is similar to suggesting the same of DDE or JFK or WJC or WH or others.

Simply idiotic.

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