Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

:lol: There is no "there" there. Digging deeper to find what? Nothing.

Harvey Milk has nothing to do with marriage equality just as his relationship has nothing to do with his accomplishments.

It's called grasping at straws for a reason.
Which side is grasping at straws again ?

Why don't you tell me. Who is bringing up a guy who has been dead over two decades in a pathetic attempt to paint gays as pedophiles? I think you know damn good and well who is grasping at straws.

What we see in Sil's continued insistence in bringing up completely irrelevant topics like Milk is the last flopping, dying gasps of the anti-gay movement. It's over, you lost. We are marrying in 17 states and it's just going to grow.

You have two choices; 1) Capitalize on it. Go into the gay wedding business. 2) Get over it, there's nothing you can do to stop it.

I remember reading a news report on the Utah appeal, sorry I don't have my fingers on it, which had a link to the actual document.

For all of the clamoring about "Harvey Milk v. Utah" being the case, I couldn't find Milk mentioned once.

Which side is grasping at straws again ?

Why don't you tell me. Who is bringing up a guy who has been dead over two decades in a pathetic attempt to paint gays as pedophiles? I think you know damn good and well who is grasping at straws.

What we see in Sil's continued insistence in bringing up completely irrelevant topics like Milk is the last flopping, dying gasps of the anti-gay movement. It's over, you lost. We are marrying in 17 states and it's just going to grow.

You have two choices; 1) Capitalize on it. Go into the gay wedding business. 2) Get over it, there's nothing you can do to stop it.

I remember reading a news report on the Utah appeal, sorry I don't have my fingers on it, which had a link to the actual document.

For all of the clamoring about "Harvey Milk v. Utah" being the case, I couldn't find Milk mentioned once.


Not even when they tried the "but, but, but the children" defense? Sil should let them know of their missed opportunity.
I remember reading a news report on the Utah appeal, sorry I don't have my fingers on it, which had a link to the actual document.

For all of the clamoring about "Harvey Milk v. Utah" being the case, I couldn't find Milk mentioned once.

That's because the entire world knows that this isn't going to stop at the 10th. No matter what is decided there, the losing side will appeal. Flat out. The stakes are too high. That's why Utah was...oh..nevermind. You'll see..

Let's just put it this way, if his name comes up, don't be surprised. Utah brought up adoption and kids as part of their concerns. "There's your sign" [see my signature for details...]
Which side is grasping at straws again ?

Why don't you tell me. Who is bringing up a guy who has been dead over two decades in a pathetic attempt to paint gays as pedophiles? I think you know damn good and well who is grasping at straws.

What we see in Sil's continued insistence in bringing up completely irrelevant topics like Milk is the last flopping, dying gasps of the anti-gay movement. It's over, you lost. We are marrying in 17 states and it's just going to grow.

You have two choices; 1) Capitalize on it. Go into the gay wedding business. 2) Get over it, there's nothing you can do to stop it.

I remember reading a news report on the Utah appeal, sorry I don't have my fingers on it, which had a link to the actual document.

For all of the clamoring about "Harvey Milk v. Utah" being the case, I couldn't find Milk mentioned once.

Doesn't have to be mentioned literally does it ? I mean it just has to end up on the judges minds when they consider a case therefore in opinion of, and in consideration of once know all the facts or the story that is surrounding a case or cases. Next the opinion and/or judgment in which they come to an ultimate conclusion on or a final decision on, is finally rendered in a case as based upon partly their opinions also, but mostly it is the facts in which are submitted in a case that matters the most. I mean isn't this how those things work, where as people on all sides put their opinions and views out there, and then it is reasoned out by the judges afterwards through a studying of such things and/or of all things considered ?

Do yall think Sil has been wrong in her studies upon her findings about this Milk character, and this upon how he has been iconized even though he was a bad person in his life ? I don't believe in broad brushes, but shouldn't someone be speaking maybe about how she is right about Milk, and that it is a mistake to lift such a character up as a role model, and especially when he was nothing of the such through her studied findings ?

Is she wrong in her findings ?
:lol: There is no "there" there. Digging deeper to find what? Nothing.

Harvey Milk has nothing to do with marriage equality just as his relationship has nothing to do with his accomplishments.

It's called grasping at straws for a reason.
Which side is grasping at straws again ?

What's sad and telling is you perceive "sides."
You think so eh ? Hmm, I am just looking at the back and forth, and then wondering who is the best at their defense upon their sides or the case. Not sure, but Sil has had some powerful points with that Milk story. I'd be running from that cat as far as I could get after seeing what he was all about, just like Joe Perterno should have run from Sandusky, and straight to the police.
Which side is grasping at straws again ?

What's sad and telling is you perceive "sides."
You think so eh ? Hmm, I am just looking at the back and forth, and then wondering who is the best at their defense upon their sides or the case. Not sure, but Sil has had some powerful points with that Milk story. I'd be running from that cat as far as I could get after seeing what he was all about, just like Joe Perterno should have run from Sandusky, and straight to the police.

Sil's Harvey Milk posts are an attempt at distraction and an classic example of poison the well fallacy. She's trying to paint homosexuals as pedophiles though association.

It's telling that Harvey Milk hasn't been brought up in one of the many cases over the last decade in the courts. There is a reason, he's irrelevant to a discussion concerning committed consenting adults as they pertain to Civil Marriage.

What's sad and telling is you perceive "sides."
You think so eh ? Hmm, I am just looking at the back and forth, and then wondering who is the best at their defense upon their sides or the case. Not sure, but Sil has had some powerful points with that Milk story. I'd be running from that cat as far as I could get after seeing what he was all about, just like Joe Perterno should have run from Sandusky, and straight to the police.

Sil's Harvey Milk posts are an attempt at distraction and an classic example of poison the well fallacy. She's trying to paint homosexuals as pedophiles though association.

It's telling that Harvey Milk hasn't been brought up in one of the many cases over the last decade in the courts. There is a reason, he's irrelevant to a discussion concerning committed consenting adults as they pertain to Civil Marriage.

Until they denounce this Milk character, and demand that his stamp be taken away, as well as the school children in California not having to celebrate his so called achievements in life, then she has a valid point about it all. That is where the connections are, and so your poisoning the well doesn't work to well with her really, because she is concerned that with this also comes that, and with that also comes this, now don't you see?
You think so eh ? Hmm, I am just looking at the back and forth, and then wondering who is the best at their defense upon their sides or the case. Not sure, but Sil has had some powerful points with that Milk story. I'd be running from that cat as far as I could get after seeing what he was all about, just like Joe Perterno should have run from Sandusky, and straight to the police.

Sil's Harvey Milk posts are an attempt at distraction and an classic example of poison the well fallacy. She's trying to paint homosexuals as pedophiles though association.

It's telling that Harvey Milk hasn't been brought up in one of the many cases over the last decade in the courts. There is a reason, he's irrelevant to a discussion concerning committed consenting adults as they pertain to Civil Marriage.

Until they denounce this Milk character, and demand that his stamp be taken away, as well as the school children in California not having to celebrate his so called achievements in life, then she has a valid point about it all. That is where the connections are, and so your poisoning the well doesn't work to well with her really, because she is concerned that with this also comes that, and with that also comes this, now don't you see?


I see exactly what she's doing.

It's like saying that heterosexuals should be allowed to marry and that Poe's works should be stricken from all government owned libraries because he was a pedophile and practiced incest because of his relationship with his 13-year old cousin Virginia Clemm.

Ya, it sounds silly. But so does denying consenting adult couples today because of the actions of an individual 2 generations ago.

It's smoke and mirrors beagle9 and usually you are smart enough to see that. Do I condone Milk's actions in his private life? Absolutely not. Do I think it has any relevance to denying equal treatment under the laws for homosexuals today? Absolutely not.

The fact is that the Marriage Equality movement is much better off today with those like Sil continuing to do what they do. People see it and actually turn around and go in the other direction because the vitriol spouted turns people away. So on second thought, keep it up Sil - rant away. You are helping those you oppose.

I see exactly what she's doing.

It's like saying that heterosexuals should be allowed to marry and that Poe's works should be stricken from all government owned libraries because he was a pedophile and practiced incest because of his relationship with his 13-year old cousin Virginia Clemm.

13 year olds are still allowed as a matter of isolated law in New Hampshire, to marry. As are cousins in many states. Should they be allowed as such in all states? No, certainly not. But I digress from the topic of these weird and questionable marriages..

Poe was not revered for his sexuality at all. And upon its discovery, brought a sullying to his achievements.

In contrast, and illuminating the key difference of reverence in the cult of LGBT, not only are they aware of Harvey Milk's sordid sexuality, it is the hinge of why they celebrate him. LGBTers celebrate Harvey Milk because he was the first openly gay man holding a public office. See my signature for the faithful's definition of "openly gay"...
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OK, this will make some peoples head explode...

Texas Decision -->> Judge Orlando Garcia's decision


Not at all bro. In case what's going on with all these uber conservative states' activist judges and activist AGs has flown right over the top of your head, their actions are calculated to rile the populace into active rejection of this insult to democracy and erosion of christian values.

The subtleties of these events have escaped you. They have not, however, escaped me...
Sil's Harvey Milk posts are an attempt at distraction and an classic example of poison the well fallacy. She's trying to paint homosexuals as pedophiles though association.

It's telling that Harvey Milk hasn't been brought up in one of the many cases over the last decade in the courts. There is a reason, he's irrelevant to a discussion concerning committed consenting adults as they pertain to Civil Marriage.

Until they denounce this Milk character, and demand that his stamp be taken away, as well as the school children in California not having to celebrate his so called achievements in life, then she has a valid point about it all. That is where the connections are, and so your poisoning the well doesn't work to well with her really, because she is concerned that with this also comes that, and with that also comes this, now don't you see?


I see exactly what she's doing.

It's like saying that heterosexuals should be allowed to marry and that Poe's works should be stricken from all government owned libraries because he was a pedophile and practiced incest because of his relationship with his 13-year old cousin Virginia Clemm.

If Poe was a pedophile and practiced incest, then he should be stricken from all government owned libraries & records, thus blotting out his name that is associated with his achievements of course. People who do these things should get absolutely no recognition at all. Period! If their achievements are to be recognized, then the name should be blanked out whether it be as the author and/or the inventor etc. A place could be there for a name to have been present on a plaque, but the space should be left blank where the name should have gone or it once was. When school children visit a museum and/or an historic place, archives and etc. and they view works of historic value and achievements here is my opinion - if a person is a huge disgrace to said works in signature there of, then the name should be stricken from the record, and a blank should fill the space where the name would have gone. Everyone would know the universal language of this undoing or protocol, and they would understand it when they see it in this way. The name should be sought after only upon one really wanting to know who the person was in association with, but it could only be found in private records anymore, and not in those that are public.
Until they denounce this Milk character, and demand that his stamp be taken away, as well as the school children in California not having to celebrate his so called achievements in life, then she has a valid point about it all. That is where the connections are, and so your poisoning the well doesn't work to well with her really, because she is concerned that with this also comes that, and with that also comes this, now don't you see?


I see exactly what she's doing.

It's like saying that heterosexuals should be allowed to marry and that Poe's works should be stricken from all government owned libraries because he was a pedophile and practiced incest because of his relationship with his 13-year old cousin Virginia Clemm.

If Poe was a pedophile and practiced incest, then he should be stricken from all government owned libraries & records, thus blotting out his name that is associated with his achievements of course. People who do these things should get absolutely no recognition at all. Period! If their achievements are to be recognized, then the name should be blanked out whether it be as the author and/or the inventor etc. A place could be there for a name to have been present on a plaque, but the space should be left blank where the name should have gone or it once was. When school children visit a museum and/or an historic place, archives and etc. and they view works of historic value and achievements here is my opinion - if a person is a huge disgrace to said works in signature there of, then the name should be stricken from the record, and a blank should fill the space where the name would have gone. Everyone would know the universal language of this undoing or protocol, and they would understand it when they see it in this way. The name should be sought after only upon one really wanting to know who the person was in association with, but it could only be found in private records anymore, and not in those that are public.

And yet the Church of Poe got him on a stamp.


I see exactly what she's doing.

If Poe was a pedophile and practiced incest, then he should be stricken from all government owned libraries & records, thus blotting out his name that is associated with his achievements of course. People who do these things should get absolutely no recognition at all. Period! If their achievements are to be recognized, then the name should be blanked out whether it be as the author and/or the inventor etc. A place could be there for a name to have been present on a plaque, but the space should be left blank where the name should have gone or it once was. When school children visit a museum and/or an historic place, archives and etc. and they view works of historic value and achievements here is my opinion - if a person is a huge disgrace to said works in signature there of, then the name should be stricken from the record, and a blank should fill the space where the name would have gone. Everyone would know the universal language of this undoing or protocol, and they would understand it when they see it in this way. The name should be sought after only upon one really wanting to know who the person was in association with, but it could only be found in private records anymore, and not in those that are public.

And yet the Church of Poe got him on a stamp.

Well they are or were wrong also...
Well they are or were wrong also...

You know we may disagree on whether same-sex couples should be treated equally under the law, and that's OK.

Just wanted to say "Thank You". Beagle, you are a class act - an honest poster and a pleasure to have on the boards. You have my respect (that plus $3.50 will by a coffee at Starbucks.)

And yet the Church of Poe got him on a stamp.


What a man is venerated for is not a reflection of the man, but of the people who venerate him.

I repeat, Poe was and is famous for his poetry, not the sex he was having. Harvey Milk in contrast is venerated for his sexuality. Which of course was sodomizing teen homeless boys on drugs. One of which at least was a minor for years while this was going on, and who Milk was officiating as a father/guardian to.

That says a lot about the people who celebrate that Milk was "the first openly gay politician"... You remind them of his crimes and instead of wincing, their defense gets louder. That's the difference between venerators of Poe vs venerators of Milk.
Gay marriage is inevitable. And only religious progressives believe in Government controlling our sex lives as marriage. Marriage is a Government issue for tax reasons only, get rid of the deductions and taxes and there is no reason for Government to be involved in a religious matter.

Right to benefits while married:
Employment assistance and transitional services for spouses of members being separated from military service; continued commissary privileges

Per diem payment to spouse for federal civil service employees when relocating

Indian Health Service care for spouses of Native Americans (in some circumstances)

Sponsor husband/wife for immigration benefits

Larger benefits under some programs if married, including:

Veteran's disability

Supplemental Security Income

Disability payments for federal employees


Property tax exemption for homes of totally disabled veterans

Income tax deductions, credits, rates exemption, and estimates

Wages of an employee working for one's spouse are exempt from federal unemployment tax

Joint and family-related rights:

Joint filing of bankruptcy permitted

Joint parenting rights, such as access to children's school records

Family visitation rights for the spouse and non-biological children, such as to visit a spouse in a hospital or prison

Next-of-kin status for emergency medical decisions or filing wrongful death claims

Custodial rights to children, shared property, child support, and alimony after divorce

Domestic violence intervention

Access to "family only" services, such as reduced rate memberships to clubs & organizations or residency in certain neighborhoods

Preferential hiring for spouses of veterans in government jobs

Tax-free transfer of property between spouses (including on death) and exemption from "due-on-sale" clauses.

Special consideration to spouses of citizens and resident aliens

Threats against spouses of various federal employees is a federal crime

Right to continue living on land purchased from spouse by National Park Service when easement granted to spouse

Court notice of probate proceedings

Domestic violence protection orders

Existing homestead lease continuation of rights

Regulation of condominium sales to owner-occupants exemption

Funeral and bereavement leave

Joint adoption and foster care

Joint tax filing

Insurance licenses, coverage, eligibility, and benefits organization of mutual benefits society

Legal status with stepchildren

Making spousal medical decisions

Spousal non-resident tuition deferential waiver

Permission to make funeral arrangements for a deceased spouse, including burial or cremation

Right of survivorship of custodial trust

Right to change surname upon marriage

Right to enter into prenuptial agreement

Right to inheritance of property

Spousal privilege in court cases (the marital confidences privilege and the spousal testimonial privilege)

For those divorced or widowed, the right to many of ex- or late spouse's benefits, including:

Social Security pension

Veteran's pensions, indemnity compensation for service-connected deaths, medical care, and nursing home care, right to burial in veterans' cemeteries, educational assistance, and housing

survivor benefits for federal employees

Survivor benefits for spouses of longshoremen, harbor workers, railroad workers

Additional benefits to spouses of coal miners who die of black lung disease

$100,000 to spouse of any public safety officer killed in the line of duty

Continuation of employer-sponsored health benefits

Renewal and termination rights to spouse's copyrights on death of spouse

Continued water rights of spouse in some circumstances

Payment of wages and workers compensation benefits after worker death

Making, revoking, and objecting to post-mortem anatomical gifts


Spousal income and assets are counted in determining need in many forms of government assistance, including:
Veteran's medical and home care benefits
Housing assistance
Housing loans for veterans
Child's education loans
Educational loan repayment schedule
Agricultural price supports and loans
Eligibility for federal matching campaign funds​
Ineligible for National Affordable Housing program if spouse ever purchased a home:
Subject to conflict-of-interest rules for many government and government-related jobs
Ineligible to receive various survivor benefits upon remarriage
Providing financial support for raising children born of the marriage
Well they are or were wrong also...

You know we may disagree on whether same-sex couples should be treated equally under the law, and that's OK.

Just wanted to say "Thank You". Beagle, you are a class act - an honest poster and a pleasure to have on the boards. You have my respect (that plus $3.50 will by a coffee at Starbucks.)

Right back at cha my friend.
And yet the Church of Poe got him on a stamp.


What a man is venerated for is not a reflection of the man, but of the people who venerate him.

I repeat, Poe was and is famous for his poetry, not the sex he was having. Harvey Milk in contrast is venerated for his sexuality. Which of course was sodomizing teen homeless boys on drugs. One of which at least was a minor for years while this was going on, and who Milk was officiating as a father/guardian to.

That says a lot about the people who celebrate that Milk was "the first openly gay politician"... You remind them of his crimes and instead of wincing, their defense gets louder. That's the difference between venerators of Poe vs venerators of Milk.

Milk wasn't "famous" for the sex he was having either. Milk would barely be a footnote in history if some homophobic prick hadn't shot him to death.

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