Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

I see it is a choice they make, or something that is manipulated/brainwashed into them. It all is spawned from a weakness in their lives I think, whether it be in one form or another in which they were found as weak cubs seperated from reality, the herd, the family, and from what is normal or was supposed to be normal in their lives. Now you see it differently, so we will agree to disagree, and that is that. Just take the wild for example, and what goes on in the wild, where as when the cub is found strayed or weakened, then what happens to that cub ? Sil says Harvey Milk showed up.

No, you don't see. The only choice is in acting upon our natural inclinations. You do not chose the attractions.

Could you chose to be attracted to someone of the same gender?
Yes I could choose anything of course, but I wouldn't choose certain things in life because well I don't follow seemingly weird and/or strange things in life. I was raised and/or was taught that such things were weird or strange in this life, and that it is sinfulness, but (yes) I could choose to do anything I want too, and actually I do engage in anything within reason that I want too, but I have to follow my heart, and my learned and taught ways in my life, and for me it appears that I have been taught actually correctly as according to me and my thinking in which was given me by my parents, but for others I guess they have the right to make their choices as they have been doing also in their life just as well, but that doesn't make them right over me and my thinking about what is right and what is wrong in life for me, and/or for my family in according to our beliefs in life. Now like I said to Jake, what about people teaching their children that these things are wrong and sinful just as I was taught, and that they are not to be engaged in ? How do you deal with that, and at the same time allow us our freedoms and space in which we are entitled to just as well in this nation ? It is a problem..

I didn't ask if you could choose to fuck someone of the same sex, I asked if you could choose to be attracted to them in a sexual and emotional way. Could you?

Gay kids have been taught that being gay is sinful too. Guess what? Being told that WHO YOU ARE is sinful doesn't stop gays from being gay, never has.
Hey Beagle, do you know what happens when you continually tell gay kids that they are "sinful" and going to hell?

As many as 40 Percent Of Homeless Youth Are LGBT, Family Rejection Is Leading Cause

Ran away because of family rejection of sexual orientation or gender identity: 46%
Forced out by parents because of sexual orientation or gender identity: 43%

This too: (Journal of Pediatrics)

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were significantly more likely to attempt suicide in the previous 12 months, compared with heterosexuals (21.5% vs 4.2%). Among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, the risk of attempting suicide was 20% greater in unsupportive environments compared to supportive environments. A more supportive social environment was significantly associated with fewer suicide attempts, controlling for sociodemographic variables and multiple risk factors for suicide attempts, including depressive symptoms, binge drinking, peer victimization, and physical abuse by an adult
Hey Beagle, do you know what happens when you continually tell gay kids that they are "sinful" and going to hell?

As many as 40 Percent Of Homeless Youth Are LGBT, Family Rejection Is Leading Cause

Ran away because of family rejection of sexual orientation or gender identity: 46%
Forced out by parents because of sexual orientation or gender identity: 43%

This too: (Journal of Pediatrics)

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were significantly more likely to attempt suicide in the previous 12 months, compared with heterosexuals (21.5% vs 4.2%). Among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, the risk of attempting suicide was 20% greater in unsupportive environments compared to supportive environments. A more supportive social environment was significantly associated with fewer suicide attempts, controlling for sociodemographic variables and multiple risk factors for suicide attempts, including depressive symptoms, binge drinking, peer victimization, and physical abuse by an adult

Now your going to cast blame on the straight community for what happens to kids who grow up in a now highly confusing situation that is cast upon them as soon as they walk or take a step outside of their home or turn on the TV and computer ? Classic. It just shows how straight families and their children are under assault these days big time, and it's coming in from so many different directions that they can barely hold the fort anymore. Without government help these things would have never gotten as bad as they are these days.

Ok, so your talking about kids who are living in straight families, but somehow think that they are gay or have been told that they are gay by outside forces ? Then the familiy tries to bring them back from what has happened to them, but it is to late ? Oh well I guess that's what happens when you don't keep your children closer to you, and they slip through the cracks. Oh and it isn't about the pressures I don't guess either, you know the ones that have been set up just out side the door of the home, where as soon as they step out the door BAM, it is in their face challenging them to jump to the other side. The tressapassers who are everywhere these days, they are probably full of the same dumb questions awaiting these kids (when they walk outside their door), just like the ones you ask me yesterday. Then when they go to school it only gets worse for them, as the government has infiltrated that situation now worse than ever also. man-O-man.
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Hey Beagle, do you know what happens when you continually tell gay kids that they are "sinful" and going to hell?

As many as 40 Percent Of Homeless Youth Are LGBT, Family Rejection Is Leading Cause

Ran away because of family rejection of sexual orientation or gender identity: 46%
Forced out by parents because of sexual orientation or gender identity: 43%

This too: (Journal of Pediatrics)

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were significantly more likely to attempt suicide in the previous 12 months, compared with heterosexuals (21.5% vs 4.2%). Among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, the risk of attempting suicide was 20% greater in unsupportive environments compared to supportive environments. A more supportive social environment was significantly associated with fewer suicide attempts, controlling for sociodemographic variables and multiple risk factors for suicide attempts, including depressive symptoms, binge drinking, peer victimization, and physical abuse by an adult
Now your going to cast blame on the straight community for what happens to kids who grow up in a confusing situation eh ? Classic.

It only shows by your stats that it is a very confusing situation for those children, and so it isn't working out to well then is it ? I'm listening.

No, the facts of the study is placing blame where it belongs, on intolerant assholes. 43% of gay teens are forced out by their parents...parents that are supposed to love and protect them until they can take care of themselves.

And what happens to gay teen suicide when kids are raised in loving and supportive environments? Fucking goes down. Who would have ever imagined that?

Fuck you and your "gays are bad for kids".
Hey Beagle, do you know what happens when you continually tell gay kids that they are "sinful" and going to hell?

As many as 40 Percent Of Homeless Youth Are LGBT, Family Rejection Is Leading Cause

Ran away because of family rejection of sexual orientation or gender identity: 46%
Forced out by parents because of sexual orientation or gender identity: 43%

This too: (Journal of Pediatrics)

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were significantly more likely to attempt suicide in the previous 12 months, compared with heterosexuals (21.5% vs 4.2%). Among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, the risk of attempting suicide was 20% greater in unsupportive environments compared to supportive environments. A more supportive social environment was significantly associated with fewer suicide attempts, controlling for sociodemographic variables and multiple risk factors for suicide attempts, including depressive symptoms, binge drinking, peer victimization, and physical abuse by an adult
Now your going to cast blame on the straight community for what happens to kids who grow up in a confusing situation eh ? Classic.

It only shows by your stats that it is a very confusing situation for those children, and so it isn't working out to well then is it ? I'm listening.

No, the facts of the study is placing blame where it belongs, on intolerant assholes. 43% of gay teens are forced out by their parents...parents that are supposed to love and protect them until they can take care of themselves.

And what happens to gay teen suicide when kids are raised in loving and supportive environments? Fucking goes down. Who would have ever imagined that?

Fuck you and your "gays are bad for kids".
Seawytch, why so hostile in a debate ? If you can't handle it like you expect us to, then go somewhere else and be happy being there. You have the higher ground these days, but you still aren't happy ? What will it take then, maybe you finally controlling all straight families who have a certain belief system or thinking maybe ?
No, the facts of the study is placing blame where it belongs, on intolerant assholes. 43% of gay teens are forced out by their parents...parents that are supposed to love and protect them until they can take care of themselves.

You know where I stand, but the above needs a little clarification from your previous post.

It's not "43% of gays teens" it was 43% of homeless teens there were gay. I'm 100% in agreement that parents that force a gay teen out of the home are intolerant assholes but your misstatements paints a picture which I believe you weren't going for in that 43% of straight parent will kick out a gay teen. I don't think that is true.

No, the facts of the study is placing blame where it belongs, on intolerant assholes. 43% of gay teens are forced out by their parents...parents that are supposed to love and protect them until they can take care of themselves.

You know where I stand, but the above needs a little clarification from your previous post.

It's not "43% of gays teens" it was 43% of homeless teens there were gay. I'm 100% in agreement that parents that force a gay teen out of the home are intolerant assholes but your misstatements paints a picture which I believe you weren't going for in that 43% of straight parent will kick out a gay teen. I don't think that is true.

I don't think that it is either, but there it is in an attempt to scew the facts maybe, or to miss-interpret the stats as to where they are coming from, and all in order to make a point that favors her side, even if the point might have been bogus in which she was trying to make in that way.

So yes, if you are going to debate something, then I think it best to stay away from tactics that may be easily seen through. So I agree with what you may have seen in what she was attempting to do.
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Seawytch, why so hostile in a debate ? If you can't handle it like you expect us to, then go somewhere else and be happy being there. You have the higher ground these days, but you still aren't happy ? What will it take then, maybe you finally controlling all straight families who have a certain belief system or thinking maybe ?

Kind of a hypocritical post there Beagle about being hostile in the debate. I've been in many threads and Seawytch has demonstrated an ability to be respectful to other posters, even posters that disagree with her as long as the mutual bounds of respect are maintained.

We have a poster in this very thread who continually refers to the "cult of LGBT", has referred to the "evangelizing/deviant LGBT genie", and "deviant sexual behaviors/cult who worship as their messiah a sodomizer of teen boys on drugs". BTW - those are direct quotes looking back at just the last single page of this thread (I use a 40 post count).

You have members of the LGBT community being labeled or associated continually with:
* Perverts

* Deviants

* Child molesters

* Animal fuckers​

In this country homosexuals have been jailed for being homosexual, thrown involuntarily into mental institutions, had involuntary electroshock "therapy" as "treatment". In most states business can deny you service or fire you for no other reason than they think you are gay. In the UK they castrated one of the greatest code-breaking minds that helped us win WWII (and he wasn't the only one).

So ya don't think that someone might get a little hostile because SIL is not alone in her denigration. Take off you glasses that only allow you to see outright hostility only against the side you agree with.

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Seawytch, why so hostile in a debate ? If you can't handle it like you expect us to, then go somewhere else and be happy being there. You have the higher ground these days, but you still aren't happy ? What will it take then, maybe you finally controlling all straight families who have a certain belief system or thinking maybe ?

Kind of a hypocritical post there Beagle about being hostile in the debate. I've been in many threads and Seawytch has demonstrated an ability to be respectful to other posters, even posters that disagree with her as long as the mutual bounds of respect are maintained.

We have a poster in this very thread who continually refers to the "cult of LGBT", has referred to the "evangelizing/deviant LGBT genie", and "deviant sexual behaviors/cult who worship as their messiah a sodomizer of teen boys on drugs". BTW - those are direct quotes looking back at just the last single page of this thread (I use a 40 post count).

You have members of the LGBT community being labeled or associated continually with:
* Perverts

* Deviants

* Child molesters

* Animal fuckers​

In this country homosexuals have been jailed for being homosexual, thrown involuntarily into mental institutions, had involuntary electroshock "therapy" as "treatment". In most states business can deny you service or fire you for no other reason than they think you are gay. In the UK they castrated one of the greatest code-breaking minds that helped us win WWII (and he wasn't the only one).

So ya don't think that someone might get a little hostile because SIL is not alone in her denigration. Take off you glasses that only allow you to see outright hostility only against the side you agree with.

Sil is only trying to see (by my watching this thread), if they will diss-associate themselves with the one that they (sil's claim) have lifted up as according to her findings, but they won't do it by what she is finding here, and instead they defend by challenging her findings in every way possible, otherwise instead of saying to themselves hmmmm didn't know that.

Guilt by association may just be a legitimate find by sil here while in their defense mode, so is she wrong when they defend instead of saying to her (Yep) now that is a problem sil. Maybe they should check in on that one, because they don't want to be associated with that type of person be it in no way, shape, or form, wouldn't you agree ? I mean she (sil) made the claim through her findings, now if the claim is true or there is any truth to it, then wouldn't you think that they would want to help her understand that they don't believe in being associated with such a person as this Harvey Milk character at all ? They actually tried to defend Harvey Milk by saying the boy was one year older than he was, otherwise as a technicality to suggest that this should clear Milk from his problems in which she has brought forth and laid upon the table.

I have said before that I don't believe in blanket assumptions on people, but she has put it out there, and they have responded. Now so far I haven't seen a total rebuking of this Harvey Milk person as of yet, and he is a bad character that it would seem no one would want to associate themselves with, especially after all that is learned about him thus far.

Maybe it's like it is with any group that is striving to survive against the masses for whom think or see things differently, and so they are strained when it comes to the numbers and support in those numbers in which they are dealing with and so desperately need to remain intact. So they choose to hang on to every number that they can, even if within those numbers they have some real problems lying there within them or is being found in the characters for which are in and among those numbers. What do you think of that one maybe?
Another tactic used maybe ? I'll be here for a while, but bring something else into the frey, because we have already adressed these points time and time again, and we have won some and we have tied on some time and time again. Now go back and read in order to keep us from adressing these points yet again and again and again please.

You and others who seek to deny gay Americans their civil liberties haven’t ‘won’ anything, your series of defeats in Federal court is proof of that.

You have failed to demonstrate a rational basis to deny same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law.

You have failed to provide objective, documented evidence in support of denying same-sex couples access to marriage law, as required by the 14th Amendment.

And you have failed to demonstrate a proper legislative end in seeking to deny gay Americans their equal protection right to access marriage law; you only seek to make gay Americans unequal to everyone else, in violation of the Constitution.
No, the facts of the study is placing blame where it belongs, on intolerant assholes. 43% of gay teens are forced out by their parents...parents that are supposed to love and protect them until they can take care of themselves.

You know where I stand, but the above needs a little clarification from your previous post.

It's not "43% of gays teens" it was 43% of homeless teens there were gay. I'm 100% in agreement that parents that force a gay teen out of the home are intolerant assholes but your misstatements paints a picture which I believe you weren't going for in that 43% of straight parent will kick out a gay teen. I don't think that is true.


No, that wasn't a picture I ever intended to paint. 43% of the gay homeless teens were told to be there by their parents and another 46% left because their parents made it intolerable to be, you know, telling them they are sick, perverted and will burn in hell. That's the kind of thing a kid wants to hear from their parents isn't it?
what it boils down to is that this kind of decision should be decided by the people, not a couple of senile swing voters on the Supreme Court.
Now your going to cast blame on the straight community for what happens to kids who grow up in a confusing situation eh ? Classic.

It only shows by your stats that it is a very confusing situation for those children, and so it isn't working out to well then is it ? I'm listening.

No, the facts of the study is placing blame where it belongs, on intolerant assholes. 43% of gay teens are forced out by their parents...parents that are supposed to love and protect them until they can take care of themselves.

And what happens to gay teen suicide when kids are raised in loving and supportive environments? Fucking goes down. Who would have ever imagined that?

Fuck you and your "gays are bad for kids".
Seawytch, why so hostile in a debate ? If you can't handle it like you expect us to, then go somewhere else and be happy being there. You have the higher ground these days, but you still aren't happy ? What will it take then, maybe you finally controlling all straight families who have a certain belief system or thinking maybe ?

Oh, I've taken plenty of "higher ground", but I'm tired of you and Sil suggesting that gays can't be good parents or that our existence is a danger to children. I'm FUCKING tired of it so I'll say it again, fuck ya'll and your bullshit.

If those statistics I had provided earlier were attributed to the children of gay parents, would you be so blase about it?
what it boils down to is that this kind of decision should be decided by the people, not a couple of senile swing voters on the Supreme Court.

Oh really? "The people" should decide civil rights? Should they have decided in the 60s when Loving v Virginia was ruled on?
what it boils down to is that this kind of decision should be decided by the people, not a couple of senile swing voters on the Supreme Court.

Equal rights isn't a popularity contest.

decisions of WE the people aren't popularity contests either. If that is your attitude towards Democracy/Republicanism, Then maybe you should move to some dictatorship somewhere. Apparently you would rather have a panel of judges such as a beauty contest would have.
what it boils down to is that this kind of decision should be decided by the people, not a couple of senile swing voters on the Supreme Court.

Equal rights isn't a popularity contest.

decisions of WE the people aren't popularity contests either. If that is your attitude towards Democracy/Republicanism, Then maybe you should move to some dictatorship somewhere. Apparently you would rather have a panel of judges such as a beauty contest would have.

If we had waited for interracial marriage to be "popular"...


Oops, and how about this?


So let's get that National referendum eh? The blue states (where all the people live) will decide.

what it boils down to is that this kind of decision should be decided by the people, not a couple of senile swing voters on the Supreme Court.

Equal rights isn't a popularity contest.

decisions of WE the people aren't popularity contests either. If that is your attitude towards Democracy/Republicanism, Then maybe you should move to some dictatorship somewhere. Apparently you would rather have a panel of judges such as a beauty contest would have.

I'd much rather a real judge making the call then a bunch of homophobes.:eusa_whistle:
Equal rights isn't a popularity contest.

decisions of WE the people aren't popularity contests either. If that is your attitude towards Democracy/Republicanism, Then maybe you should move to some dictatorship somewhere. Apparently you would rather have a panel of judges such as a beauty contest would have.

If we had waited for interracial marriage to be "popular"...


Oops, and how about this?


So let's get that National referendum eh? The blue states (where all the people live) will decide.

I am an advocate for a national initiative/referendum option....I have no problem with that...that is the way it should be done.
No, that wasn't a picture I ever intended to paint. 43% of the gay homeless teens were told to be there by their parents and another 46% left because their parents made it intolerable to be, you know, telling them they are sick, perverted and will burn in hell. That's the kind of thing a kid wants to hear from their parents isn't it?

Or maybe seeing your kid heading towards statistically dying of AIDS breaks your heart and you can't bear to see it happening in front of your face every minute? That and if he was molested, you are legally banned [in California and New Jersey] from getting him therapy to throw off his compulsive and frightening/deadly new "sexual orientation"? Nobody should turn their back on their child, but encouraging him to surely commit AIDS suicide is not an option for most parents either. What do you suggest they do? Tell him to embrace what was done to him as a child and "love it" death...?

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