Breaking News: UK Hacking Whistleblower Found Dead

One of my Brit friends told me he saw Murdoch's Saudi prince friend interviewed on the BBC.

I haven't heard much about him in all this.
Speaking of Fox News - latest ratings. They continue to kick ass -
In addition to an inability to run a nation - seems the Liberals can't even run a news organization.
How many stations does Air America have on their nationwide Liberal-Media-Blast these days?

Not surprising.

Americans are not known for their political acuity -- or for their intelligence in general.
I missed the first season of this soap opera. What happened now? Who hacked what and why should I care?
The reason this story has such short legs thus far is the terminology assigned to the offense(s) under investigation. The media is calling it "phone hacking," which is a relatively amorphous term. The word "hacking" evokes images of mischievous teen-agers breaking into other's computers for the hell of it.

The proper word for what is being investigated is systematic wiretapping, which is what brought the Nixon Administration down. The major difference in this example is the scope of the illegal activity dwarfs the Nixon scandal. At this point it is believed that high-level officials in the British government and Scotland Yard are involved in a massive conspiracy to unlawfully invade the privacy of thousand if not millions of people, possibly including Americans.

KA - POW!!!


Knockout punch!
The reports I've heard is that it didn't even involve wire tapping.

Phones in the UK come with a default password which many people don't bother to change. The "hacking" involved just trying the default to see if it would work.
They will dismiss anything in the name of the right wing failed ideas.

Murdoc must be incapable of any wrong doing.

He agrees with their historically failed ideas

I have to wonder what it's like to be so delusional to believe this when no one has even suggested such a thing but yourself.
Well Rupert Murdoch is about as close as you can get to jeebus for conservatives.

And of course there is the Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal..

Tell me again about conservatives being "patriotic"?
Oh boy...the shat just hit the fan now.

News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found dead | Media | The Guardian

Now we have a dead reporter on our hands, whether it be suicide or murder, this thing has just gone into the stratosphere.

I wonder how Rupert will fair tomorrow.

This just keeps getting better and better.

So people being killed is "getting better and better" now?

Conservatives like when people die.

Ask Jan Brewer.

Die..and die quickly.
Rupert is the propaganda king..

He can do anything!

(apologies to Jim Morrison)
Oh boy...the shat just hit the fan now.

News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found dead | Media | The Guardian

Now we have a dead reporter on our hands, whether it be suicide or murder, this thing has just gone into the stratosphere.

I wonder how Rupert will fair tomorrow.

I wonder how Putin is fairing:eusa_think:


[ame=]‪Smoke Screen defending a very large warehouse‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
This just keeps getting better and better.

So people being killed is "getting better and better" now?

Conservatives like when people die.

Ask Jan Brewer.

Die..and die quickly.


TruthDon'tMatter recently said that the idea of people making their own decisions was outdated. By your logic, all liberals believe that.

Try and understand how totally ridiculous you look with this drivel. Shame on you.
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I think, while it might be fun to engage in conspiracy theory speculation, that there isn't enough information and that the investigation needs to be completed.

maybe casey anthony knows....:rolleyes:its a cinch caylee does.
So people being killed is "getting better and better" now?

Conservatives like when people die.

Ask Jan Brewer.

Die..and die quickly.


TruthDon'tMatter recently said that the idea of people making their own decisions was outdated. By your logic, all liberals believe that.

Try and understand how totally ridiculous you look with this drivel. Shame on you.

When you say Hack..I think Taxi..

[ame=]‪Taxi: "Jim's Inheritance" 1/3‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Oh boy...the shat just hit the fan now.

News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found dead | Media | The Guardian

Now we have a dead reporter on our hands, whether it be suicide or murder, this thing has just gone into the stratosphere.

I wonder how Rupert will fair tomorrow.

This just keeps getting better and better.

So people being killed is "getting better and better" now?

Some people are going to have fall on their own swords here and Murdoch and his entire family will be the ones instead of people in the UK Government. News Corp. will be the scapegoat here.. so yeah, that's getting better and better.
Wow - this thread has attracted some left-winged kooks.
Perhaps George Soros doesn't have enough entertainment on for you to watch/jerk off to.
How are those cable news ratings / Presidental approval numbers shaping up this week?

Please Obama, run on your "accomplishments" in 2012.

Should be a real crowd pleaser.

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