Breaking News..... Yes Hillary Clinton broke the law.

She never claimed none of them were classified.

If she said any of them were classified, the would mean instant incrimination. End of story.

She said none of them were marked classified when she used them.

Easy, when you strip files of their classified markers, it absolves you from having to admit that to the authorities. Did she really think they wouldn't find out?

I was the computing and telecommunications security officer(CTSO) in a large mainframe government data processing facility which ran all classifications up to and including Top Secret. Our plant, the K-25 gaseous diffusion plant(ORGDP) in Oak Ridge, TN had two classification officers and until one of them reviewed a project and it's data it wasn't marked at all and people who were handling the data treated it as unclassified.

Doesn't matter. The emails had already been marked classified. That means the classification officers in charge of that information had already reviewed it and deemed it necessary to mark it as such.

Your logic fails.
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And Dick Cheney cleared a cool $25 million from his holdings in Halliburton while the fighting was hot over there. Seems to me that's a little more than pocket change.

Now now, don't get all pi$$y because the man has more money than you. BTW, How much did Obama 'clear' for arming the Mexican Drug cartels, for helping Al Qaeida take over Libya, for helping the Muslim Brotherhood take over the Egyptian Government, or running weapons to ISIS...oh excuse me - 'Syrian Rebels'...from Benghazi?

You're a liar!

Speaking of liars Cheney and the rest of the Bush regime told a documented 935 bare faced lies to gain support for an invasion of Iraq. They should be charged with multiple homicides and or war crimes:

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
And Dick Cheney cleared a cool $25 million from his holdings in Halliburton while the fighting was hot over there. Seems to me that's a little more than pocket change.

Now now, don't get all pi$$y because the man has more money than you. BTW, How much did Obama 'clear' for arming the Mexican Drug cartels, for helping Al Qaeida take over Libya, for helping the Muslim Brotherhood take over the Egyptian Government, or running weapons to ISIS...oh excuse me - 'Syrian Rebels'...from Benghazi?

You're a liar!

Speaking of liars Cheney and the rest of the Bush regime told a documented 935 bare faced lies to gain support for an invasion of Iraq. They should be charged with multiple homicides and or war crimes:

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -

Read 5322 pages of Hillary Clintoons e-mails here,
Yes, of course! :rolleyes:

Our founding fathers wrote in to our constitution, the 5th amendment so all that are guilty can escape prosecution and jail of their crimes....

Is that what you truly think, is this what they taught you in school?

No, I taught myself a lot of things. More than I can glean from a liberalized college education.

I know how the fifth works. It's clear you don't. It is an oft cited amendment used to avoid making testimony that would incriminate the person in question. By that logic, any time a person pleads the fifth, more likely than not, the testimony would infer guilt on the defendant or at least on someone else.

That amendment was also written to protect people from reprisal should their testimony also incriminate someone else, say an accomplice or accomplices. It also protects someone who has been found not guilty by a grand jury to be tried again for the same crime, double jeopardy. Oh, and lets not forget the right to due process under the law along with property rights.

I've basically given myself a college level education simply by doing reading and research on the internet. Imagine the wealth of knowledge you would attain if you would bother to read into the actual purposes of things like the fifth amendment.

Don't lecture me. Really. Educate yourself before trying to educate someone else.
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Yes, of course! :rolleyes:

Our founding fathers wrote in to our constitution, the 5th amendment so all that are guilty can escape prosecution and jail of their crimes....

Is that what you truly think, is this what they taught you in school?

No, I taught myself a lot of things. More than I can glean from a liberalized college education.

I know how the fifth works. It's clear you don't. It is an oft cited amendment used to avoid making testimony that would incriminate the person in question. By that logic, any time a person pleads the fifth, more likely than not, the testimony would infer guilt on the defendant or at least on someone else.

That amendment was also written to protect people from reprisal should their testimony also incriminate someone else, say an accomplice or accomplices. It also protects someone who has been found not guilty by a grand jury to be tried again for the same crime, double jeopardy. Oh, and lets not forget the right to due process under the law.

I've basically given myself a college level education simply by doing reading and research on the internet. Imagine the wealth of knowledge you would attain if you would bother to read into the actual purposes of things like the fifth amendment.

Don't lecture me. Really. Educate yourself before trying to educate someone else.

Templar, you are trying to talk sense to an idiot, which is a waste of time. She rips the heads off of children to make America a better place..... Let that sink in for a while.
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Yes, of course! :rolleyes:

Our founding fathers wrote in to our constitution, the 5th amendment so all that are guilty can escape prosecution and jail of their crimes....

Is that what you truly think, is this what they taught you in school?

No, I taught myself a lot of things. More than I can glean from a liberalized college education.

I know how the fifth works. It's clear you don't. It is an oft cited amendment used to avoid making testimony that would incriminate the person in question. By that logic, any time a person pleads the fifth, more likely than not, the testimony would infer guilt on the defendant or at least on someone else.

That amendment was also written to protect people from reprisal should their testimony also incriminate someone else, say an accomplice or accomplices. It also protects someone who has been found not guilty by a grand jury to be tried again for the same crime, double jeopardy. Oh, and lets not forget the right to due process under the law.

I've basically given myself a college level education simply by doing reading and research on the internet. Imagine the wealth of knowledge you would attain if you would bother to read into the actual purposes of things like the fifth amendment.

Don't lecture me. Really. Educate yourself before trying to educate someone else.

Templar, you are trying to talk sense to an idiot, which is a waste of time. She rips the head off of children to make America a better place..... Let that sink in for a while.


Her silence is all I need.

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