Breaking News..... Yes Hillary Clinton broke the law.

Just how gullible do you have to be to swallow the disinformation on WND?

Why not try actually posting something related to the OP instead?

You are the gullible one, again she uses Air Force 2 and has secrete agents guarding her, dip twit.....

You wear your ignorance so proudly. The secret service guarding the first family and the SS's requirements as to how the 1st family must travel is not a partisan issue. It is a matter of national security.
Oh, and it is PROTOCOL that when the President is traveling overseas, that both Air Force 1 AND Air force 2, travel with him....

so, the operation of Air Force 2, didn't cost the tax payer's an extra dime, for flying Michelle and family home....

Air force 2 HAD to fly home anyway.

That's like saying the Iraq war costed a bazillion dollars, we didn't have a draft so We were going to pay the military's personal salarys Anyways...

Just how gullible do you have to be to swallow the disinformation on WND?

Why not try actually posting something related to the OP instead?

You are the gullible one, again she uses Air Force 2 and has secrete agents guarding her, dip twit.....
As I explained to you, when a President travels overseas, as PROTOCOL, both Air Force 1 and Air force 2 are deployed, Air force 2 as Back up and decoy.....THIS IS PROCEDURE for the President's safety....

and it makes sense.

So Michelle, staying afterward of the official Presidential conference, and using Air Force 2, to fly home after the President, DID NOT COST the tax payer's an additional dime....

Just how gullible do you have to be to swallow the disinformation on WND?

Why not try actually posting something related to the OP instead?

You are the gullible one, again she uses Air Force 2 and has secrete agents guarding her, dip twit.....

You wear your ignorance so proudly. The secret service guarding the first family and the SS's requirements as to how the 1st family must travel is not a partisan issue. It is a matter of national security.

So now you are saying I am right?

So what do you think fruit loop that S.S. get paid $10 bucks an hour, rent cars from rent a wreck and stay at the local motel 6... ?
Also, FYI

Air Force 1 and Air Force 2,
Are two IDENTICAL planes....
and which ever one the President is on, is called Air Force 1

regardless of which one, of the two planes he is on, and the other one is then called Air Force 2

Just how gullible do you have to be to swallow the disinformation on WND?

Why not try actually posting something related to the OP instead?

You are the gullible one, again she uses Air Force 2 and has secrete agents guarding her, dip twit.....

You wear your ignorance so proudly. The secret service guarding the first family and the SS's requirements as to how the 1st family must travel is not a partisan issue. It is a matter of national security.

So now you are saying I am right?

So what do you think fruit loop that S.S. get paid $10 bucks an hour, rent cars from rent a wreck and stay at the local motel 6... ?
Secret service is still protecting Bush and fam, where ever they travel, do you count michelle's secret service protection as something out of the ordinary? An extra expense?

And do you truly believe tax payer's spent $100 million on Michelle's vacation???


Just how gullible do you have to be to swallow the disinformation on WND?

Why not try actually posting something related to the OP instead?

You are the gullible one, again she uses Air Force 2 and has secrete agents guarding her, dip twit.....
As I explained to you, when a President travels overseas, as PROTOCOL, both Air Force 1 and Air force 2 are deployed, Air force 2 as Back up and decoy.....THIS IS PROCEDURE for the President's safety....

and it makes sense.

So Michelle, staying afterward of the official Presidential conference, and using Air Force 2, to fly home after the President, DID NOT COST the tax payer's an additional dime....

So now you are telling me Air force 1 went home and Air force 2 stayed behind and went to France?

I thought due to Protocol they were both to SUPPOSED to fly together?

Explain that one?

Just how gullible do you have to be to swallow the disinformation on WND?

Why not try actually posting something related to the OP instead?

You are the gullible one, again she uses Air Force 2 and has secrete agents guarding her, dip twit.....

You wear your ignorance so proudly. The secret service guarding the first family and the SS's requirements as to how the 1st family must travel is not a partisan issue. It is a matter of national security.

So now you are saying I am right?

So what do you think fruit loop that S.S. get paid $10 bucks an hour, rent cars from rent a wreck and stay at the local motel 6... ?
Secret service is still protecting Bush and fam, where ever they travel, do you count michelle's secret service protection as something out of the ordinary? An extra expense?

And do you truly believe tax payer's spent $100 million on Michelle's vacation???


Bearly-sentient believes whatever he is told to believe.

In essence a waste of bandwidth because he is incapable of learning from his repeated mistakes.
The continued denial coming from the Hillary Supporters and Left alike is simultaneously both funny and pathetically sad.

The fact that Hillary Clinton Violated the law, attempted to hide it, lied about it, and continues to do so could not be more obvious, as many legal experts have already repeatedly spelled it out for people. Here is only a SMALL SAMPLING of the LAWS she BROKE:

- 44 U.S. Code § 3106: Unlawful removal, destruction of records

- 18 USC Sec. 1924: Unauthorized removal and Storage of Classified Information - Penalties can include fines and imprisonment for up to one year.

- 18 USC Sec. 793: Deals with national defense information and people who misuse it to injure the United States or benefit a foreign power
-- 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) and (f): "Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information"

- 44 U.S. Code § 3101 & 5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1: Federal Records Act; failing to keep copies of all government correspondence - Hillary declared she had turned all such correspondence over to the State Department. The FBI just proved she lied and did not.

- Executive Order 13526: RE - Classified National Security Information; This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information, including information relating to defense against transnational terrorism.

These, of course, do NOT include the other charges that COULD be brought against her, such as:
- Perjury
- Obstructing a Federal Investigation
- Conspiracy

The SAD thing is the Liberals who respond to these given facts by claiming unless there are criminal charges filed, no such crimes were COMMITTED. This, of course, is completely WRONG!

While she has not been charged or found guilty of these crimes to date, the fact is that the crimes have already been committed have been proven. The case of Obama US Attorney General Eric Holder is proof that a lack of criminal charges and prosecution when the case includes extremely protected political entities.

Holder, as known, was caught perpetrating 3 Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress in his attempt to keep covered up the STILL on-going 'Fast and Furious' investigation in which the Obama administration provided thousands of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels. Despite being caught, President Obama and his Justice department refused to press charges against the man that continued to protect President Obama's 'backside'. Despite this criminal obstruction of justice, a UNANIMOUS, BI-PARTISAN Congress executed the only legal form of punishment still within their power, which was to CENSURE Holder. This made Holder the only US Atty General in US History to ever be Censured (for crimes), which will now and forever be part of the Obama Administration 'Legacy'.


Yes, she broke the law.
Yes, it has been proven that she has been found to have surpassed the level of criminal activity required to prosecute General Patraeus...


- It would be a 'black mark' on the US to prosecute and jail an Ex-1st Lady

- It would be a 'black mark' on the Obama 'Legacy'

- Who knows what the Clintons have on Obama (We know she hired investigators to investigate and dig up blackmail information on the women who could potentially 'derail' their political climb / stay at the 'top') the very LEAST, were Hillary to be charged, Obama would most assuredly 'Pardon' her. (The only shot there is for Hillary to go to jail is to drag the investigation out until he is out of office. If no charges are filed until AFTER he is out of office, there is nothing for him to 'pardon'...and I hate 'political' cr@p like that! It is obvious she broke the law. She should be treated like everyone else. She should be Charged. She will NOT be. Welcome to the '2 Americas'!)

Just how gullible do you have to be to swallow the disinformation on WND?

Why not try actually posting something related to the OP instead?

You are the gullible one, again she uses Air Force 2 and has secrete agents guarding her, dip twit.....

You wear your ignorance so proudly. The secret service guarding the first family and the SS's requirements as to how the 1st family must travel is not a partisan issue. It is a matter of national security.

So now you are saying I am right?

So what do you think fruit loop that S.S. get paid $10 bucks an hour, rent cars from rent a wreck and stay at the local motel 6... ?
Secret service is still protecting Bush and fam, where ever they travel, do you count michelle's secret service protection as something out of the ordinary? An extra expense?

And do you truly believe tax payer's spent $100 million on Michelle's vacation???


What you don't know math now?

Fuel cost
Hotel cost
Labor cost
Maintenance fees
Car rental fees

I wonder how much the popes vist was? If you say he just redeemed his mileage ...I would laugh my ass off

The whole premise of this argument is you don't think michelle trip to France didn't cost tax payers a dime and I say you are fibbing...
of course she broke the law; and this is why her boss at the time obama needs to be the focus of the investigation, same for the IRS scandal, obama should be the central focus of that as well as Lois Lerner

Fast and Furious! Solyndra! IRS! Benghazi! Emails! Rarrrrrrr..

Fake bullshit scandal after fake bullshit scandals that wound up costing tax payers millions to investigate while congress got zero done.

You guys wonder why republican approval ratings are in low double digits?
Reminds me of the bullshit lie liberals still spew till this day. Bush lied people died.
The continued denial coming from the Hillary Supporters and Left alike is simultaneously both funny and pathetically sad.

The fact that Hillary Clinton Violated the law, attempted to hide it, lied about it, and continues to do so could not be more obvious, as many legal experts have already repeatedly spelled it out for people. Here is only a SMALL SAMPLING of the LAWS she BROKE:

- 44 U.S. Code § 3106: Unlawful removal, destruction of records

- 18 USC Sec. 1924: Unauthorized removal and Storage of Classified Information - Penalties can include fines and imprisonment for up to one year.

- 18 USC Sec. 793: Deals with national defense information and people who misuse it to injure the United States or benefit a foreign power
-- 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) and (f): "Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information"

- 44 U.S. Code § 3101 & 5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1: Federal Records Act; failing to keep copies of all government correspondence - Hillary declared she had turned all such correspondence over to the State Department. The FBI just proved she lied and did not.

- Executive Order 13526: RE - Classified National Security Information; This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information, including information relating to defense against transnational terrorism.

These, of course, do NOT include the other charges that COULD be brought against her, such as:
- Perjury
- Obstructing a Federal Investigation
- Conspiracy

The SAD thing is the Liberals who respond to these given facts by claiming unless there are criminal charges filed, no such crimes were COMMITTED. This, of course, is completely WRONG!

While she has not been charged or found guilty of these crimes to date, the fact is that the crimes have already been committed have been proven. The case of Obama US Attorney General Eric Holder is proof that a lack of criminal charges and prosecution when the case includes extremely protected political entities.

Holder, as known, was caught perpetrating 3 Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress in his attempt to keep covered up the STILL on-going 'Fast and Furious' investigation in which the Obama administration provided thousands of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels. Despite being caught, President Obama and his Justice department refused to press charges against the man that continued to protect President Obama's 'backside'. Despite this criminal obstruction of justice, a UNANIMOUS, BI-PARTISAN Congress executed the only legal form of punishment still within their power, which was to CENSURE Holder. This made Holder the only US Atty General in US History to ever be Censured (for crimes), which will now and forever be part of the Obama Administration 'Legacy'.


Yes, she broke the law.
Yes, it has been proven that she has been found to have surpassed the level of criminal activity required to prosecute General Patraeus...


- It would be a 'black mark' on the US to prosecute and jail an Ex-1st Lady

- It would be a 'black mark' on the Obama 'Legacy'

- Who knows what the Clintons have on Obama (We know she hired investigators to investigate and dig up blackmail information on the women who could potentially 'derail' their political climb / stay at the 'top') the very LEAST, were Hillary to be charged, Obama would most assuredly 'Pardon' her. (The only shot there is for Hillary to go to jail is to drag the investigation out until he is out of office. If no charges are filed until AFTER he is out of office, there is nothing for him to 'pardon'...and I hate 'political' cr@p like that! It is obvious she broke the law. She should be treated like everyone else. She should be Charged. She will NOT be. Welcome to the '2 Americas'!)

Another ridiculous "reading" of the law.

It's funny how "strict" you guys get on folks not in your ideological group and how loose you become when folks are in it.
The continued denial coming from the Hillary Supporters and Left alike is simultaneously both funny and pathetically sad.

The fact that Hillary Clinton Violated the law, attempted to hide it, lied about it, and continues to do so could not be more obvious, as many legal experts have already repeatedly spelled it out for people. Here is only a SMALL SAMPLING of the LAWS she BROKE:

- 44 U.S. Code § 3106: Unlawful removal, destruction of records

- 18 USC Sec. 1924: Unauthorized removal and Storage of Classified Information - Penalties can include fines and imprisonment for up to one year.

- 18 USC Sec. 793: Deals with national defense information and people who misuse it to injure the United States or benefit a foreign power
-- 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) and (f): "Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information"

- 44 U.S. Code § 3101 & 5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1: Federal Records Act; failing to keep copies of all government correspondence - Hillary declared she had turned all such correspondence over to the State Department. The FBI just proved she lied and did not.

- Executive Order 13526: RE - Classified National Security Information; This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information, including information relating to defense against transnational terrorism.

These, of course, do NOT include the other charges that COULD be brought against her, such as:
- Perjury
- Obstructing a Federal Investigation
- Conspiracy

The SAD thing is the Liberals who respond to these given facts by claiming unless there are criminal charges filed, no such crimes were COMMITTED. This, of course, is completely WRONG!

While she has not been charged or found guilty of these crimes to date, the fact is that the crimes have already been committed have been proven. The case of Obama US Attorney General Eric Holder is proof that a lack of criminal charges and prosecution when the case includes extremely protected political entities.

Holder, as known, was caught perpetrating 3 Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress in his attempt to keep covered up the STILL on-going 'Fast and Furious' investigation in which the Obama administration provided thousands of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels. Despite being caught, President Obama and his Justice department refused to press charges against the man that continued to protect President Obama's 'backside'. Despite this criminal obstruction of justice, a UNANIMOUS, BI-PARTISAN Congress executed the only legal form of punishment still within their power, which was to CENSURE Holder. This made Holder the only US Atty General in US History to ever be Censured (for crimes), which will now and forever be part of the Obama Administration 'Legacy'.


Yes, she broke the law.
Yes, it has been proven that she has been found to have surpassed the level of criminal activity required to prosecute General Patraeus...


- It would be a 'black mark' on the US to prosecute and jail an Ex-1st Lady

- It would be a 'black mark' on the Obama 'Legacy'

- Who knows what the Clintons have on Obama (We know she hired investigators to investigate and dig up blackmail information on the women who could potentially 'derail' their political climb / stay at the 'top') the very LEAST, were Hillary to be charged, Obama would most assuredly 'Pardon' her. (The only shot there is for Hillary to go to jail is to drag the investigation out until he is out of office. If no charges are filed until AFTER he is out of office, there is nothing for him to 'pardon'...and I hate 'political' cr@p like that! It is obvious she broke the law. She should be treated like everyone else. She should be Charged. She will NOT be. Welcome to the '2 Americas'!)
See, NONE of what you have posted has come from any kind of government official, it is mere political posturing speculation. When someone charges her with something, anything at all... illegal, and then convicts her on such, I will accept such conviction.

Right now it's just a bunch of know it all editorials and blogs, and no news.

Too much of what the right wing, and even some lefties like the new York Times, has posted on this has turned out to be flat out wrong, so the boy who cried wolf has taken place one too many times already....!!!

And at this point, I'll only believe this Hillary will look good in Orange stuff, when it officially happens.... I won't be holding my breath.
Another ridiculous "reading" of the law.

"If we don't like IT... Ya must ACQUIT!"

Thank you, Johnnie Cochran, for that highly enlightening, fact/evidence-based intellectual retort!


Well, you had Dick Cheney having heads of private oil companies in secret meeting with him discussing public policy. And part of the policy was to go to war with Iraq. Yet? Those meetings are deemed "protected" by "executive privilege." This was a policy that caused a massive amount of destruction and accrued great cost to this nation.

The last time a conservative bitched about that, was when? Exactly..
Well, you had Dick Cheney having heads of private oil companies in secret meeting with him discussing public policy. ..

There's quite a big difference between Cheney meeting with heads of private oil companies (which Obama had done also in discussing the energy policies of this country) and Obama's private documented meetings with members of the Internationally Recognized TERRORIST GROUP the Muslim Brotherhood, though!
It was hilarious to me at the time when Kennth Star report came out though.

The left on the newspaper opinion papers shit in their pants..

All they did for years is :


I repeat......they spent $100 million and eight years trying to remove him from office and he finished his two terms with a 65% approval rating.

Michelle spent that much money on a vacation to France a few years ago...dork
just another right wing fabrication you believed...

Q: Did Michelle Obama and her daughters use taxpayer money to take a European vacation?

A: The first lady, her mother and her children did stay in Europe for a private vacation after the president completed an overseas trip on official business. However, no taxpayer money was used for the first family’s personal expenses.

Michelle’s European Vacation

You have to be a complete moron to believe that one, she flew on Air force 2, what do you think she flew 3rd class on some commuter plane..


I forgot to add no secrete service agents?
nope, it's you that is crazy and believes factoid sources like WND, which always lies....

The secret service would have protected her if she were in Timbuktu or in San Francisco...the secret service even protects ex presidents and family and ex vice presidents and family, in fact Cheney asked Obama if he could get his secret service protection for 6 months longer than the law required and Obama said yes....

I've got a bridge to sell you if you think Michelle's vacation cost us tax payers 100 million.

They do it every time....telling the truth has never occurred to them. Remember when W. Bush handed the banks $800 billion and for months the news channels reported every kind of expensive conference, meeting, outing, party etc. that the bank's employees attended? They never missed a step or slowed down one iota yet they denied the first reports of all of them.

I have a close friend who is a top employee in a Charlotte, NC was Wachovia then but has since become a Wells Fargo bank. Anyway while all that stuff was happening his big boss made a special trip from San Francisco to hand him a $75,000 bonus.
Remember when W. Bush handed the banks $800 billion....

1. Congress controls the purse strings. If I remember right, this money was doled out in the last 2 years of the Bush administration. Who controlled Congress and those purse strings then? DEMOCRATS!

2. Remember when Obama and the Democrats passed the nearly $1 trillion failed Stimulus bill that contained over $7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY Pork, contained millions for 'shovel-ready' projects that even OBAMA admitted did not exist, and ended up costing tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have 'saved / created' (even though businesses told how Obama had claimed to have saved more jobs than existed in their businesses)?!

Bush is credited with spending $800 billion and condemned by Liberals for wasting money...then Obama spends nearly a TRILLION, and Liberals say he did not spend enough!

Well, you had Dick Cheney having heads of private oil companies in secret meeting with him discussing public policy. ..

There's quite a big difference between Cheney meeting with heads of private oil companies (which Obama had done also in discussing the energy policies of this country) and Obama's private documented meetings with members of the Internationally Recognized TERRORIST GROUP the Muslim Brotherhood, though!
the muslim brotherhood is not a terrorist organization, nor have they been designated one...............

WHEN is your curiosity on knowing the truth... going to come to the party, and you begin to check your sources instead of taking easy street, and just believing what some right wing blogger, and a thousand copy cat blogs, tell you? honestly....i'm wondering?

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