BREAKING! NO DEAL! HUNTER PLEA DEAL FALLS APART! – According to Prosecutors the Deal is "Null and Void" – Investigation is Ongoing!!

Don't care, you'll recover, if not? Don't care

You don’t get why this is important to the Judge do you?

Again going with usual and customary. The person taking the plea deal is required to provide information on all criminal activity and can’t take the fifth. He is not subject to prosecution himself so he can’t refuse to answer.

The trap the prosecution was laying was to get Hunter talking about everything and then charge him claiming he made the statements voluntarily. The Judge saw the trap and asked about it. The Prosecution isn’t happy. They wanted Hunter on record. The Defense isn’t happy. But they’re in a much better position than the Prosecution.

And sure enough. It’s the Right getting mad about all of this. I’m not mad. I am a moderate who is a tiny bit right of center. I don’t care. I just think it is funny.
"We Americans" and the grifters aren't true patriotic Americans.
You support the trump cult and the trump crime family.

Who has been indicted? >>>>. Yup, that would be trump the grifter.
Eyup. The Biden Crime Family Syndicate assumed Hunter would walk away from his crimes with a "sweetheart" deal. After all, the Dems / Marxists have a corrupt FBI and DOJ to protect their favored criminals.
It wasn’t a sweetheart deal. It was a trap. The judge exposed the trap. Let me know when Tucker or whatever propaganda site explains it to you.
The judge certainly did not admonish as if she had uncovered something wrong
There is no way anyone can deny this wasn’t a sweetheart deal now.

Multiple felonies turned into two misdemeanors. And today it was exposed the Biden DOJ signed off on pretty much blanket immunity for any crimes already committed by Crackhead.

If the DOJ want to salvage any credibility they need to charge Crackhead with the multiple felonies he committed, AND appoint a Special Council to take over the investigation into his other crimes.

Im sure Merritless Gestapoland will do no such thing due to the fact he is Tater’s bagman

Yes, but if judges--in DELAWARE no less--see the writing on the wall on the total collapse of trust in our judicial system, they'll start making more just and fair decisions like this.

No crime family can own everyone. And America--thank God--is set up so they don't.
She can answer questions, she's just not answering them in a manner that is satisfying to you. Then again that is her job.
She is a habitual liar. Republicans are attacked from the beginning at these press conferences. Progs bring this to themselves after a while. The Prog attack dog shills that the Rump press secretaries saw everyday left after the 2020 election.
You're the only ones who cry when the elite go to prison provided they are on your side. No Democrat is going to call for the abolition of the IRS because Hunter faced the music.
um the DOJ is prosecuting him. I am calling to abolish this corrupt Xiden DOJ. The spotlight now is on them for what is now obvious, they are corrupt
They are just trying to distract attention from the real news.

Hunter Biden in trending #7 on Twitter, along with many other trends involving him. Trump does not appear on the list. It's been this way for a while.

And no, I do not accept that wah wah, it's just social media. That's YOUR wheelhouse, and even there, many of the people don't care enough to make Trump trend.
Yup. It takes a very brave judge in Delaware to go against the The Biden Crime Machine.

She better not go paddle-boarding.
Q. What "Biden Crime Machine"?

Name the names of those members of the Biden Crime.

Are able to debate me: I'll name every member in the Administration in the Nixon, Reagan and Trump indicted; I'll name every member in the Carter, Clinton and Obama indicted.

A little bit of history would be an enlightenment for you!
I don't blame you for wanting to scream! It sure hasn't been a good month for Democrats!

um the DOJ is prosecuting him. I am calling to abolish this corrupt Xiden DOJ. The spotlight now is on them for what is now obvious, they are corrupt
Why would the prosecution of Hunter Biden result in the abolition of Joe Biden's administration? Jesus Christ you folks are some dumb Bingos. 😄
Can someone explain to me why I should care about any of this? Like I know you’re going to try to connect this with Joe, but since there is no verifiable information that he was involved besides some random person claiming it, I don’t care.

I think republicans were surprised with the lack of defense coming from the left over Hunter’s legal issues so they decided they needed to connect Joe to it. They are desperate for more scandal. What would they do without it?


As you know, today could not have gone worse for Biden and his sheep.

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