Breaking: "Not My President Day" Protests Happening Throughout the Country

There is going yo be alot of disappointment when the protesters find out he is still president after their protest.

That's called stupidity

Actually, it's called democracy and exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Did you mind when the Tea Party did it?
So burning down shit and looting is a 1st Amendment right ?

How many of them did that?
There is going yo be alot of disappointment when the protesters find out he is still president after their protest.

That's called stupidity

Actually, it's called democracy and exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Did you mind when the Tea Party did it?
So burning down shit and looting is a 1st Amendment right ?

How many of them did that?
Days not done yet. The fact is when a large group of Liberals get together shit tends to catch fire and get stolen.
And you can wipe your ass with the single-ply impact it will have and for all the good it will do, there, Sparky.

But it did make you LibTards FEEL good, didn't it?

That's the important thing.

Ever hear of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf?

Ever hear the phrase 'Went to the well once too often'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Donor Exhaustion'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Market Saturation'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came'?

When are you emoting LibTards going to grow up and stop wasting energy and whatever pathetically shriveled dab of political capital is still left to you?

Save it for the Big Shit, tiger, and stop shooting your wad on the small stuff and on pointless symbolism.

You've got a four year siege ahead of you, and this is just getting started.

Learn to pace yourself, or people will tune you out more and more, and slowly stop rallying, until, finally, you're sitting in the street by yourself with your thumb up your ass.

America needs an EFFECTIVE Opposition Party today, more than at any other time within Living Memory.

But - given your present emotional state and uber-progressive agenda and devotion to forcible social reengineering - you ain't it.

America needs pragmatism and practical politics to reestablish themselves at the forefront of political thought within the Democratic Party.

Grow the phukk up, stop emoting, stop creaming your jeans every time an excuse to protest manifests itself on the calendar, and get back to work.

You'll be surprised at how well you'll do, politically, amongst your former loyal Middle American base, once you get your heads out of your asses.

Come back down to earth, cupcakes... your country needs you... sane, pragmatic and standing alongside your fellow countrymen once again.

Whether you (collectively) are up to the challenge, is very much in doubt, and remains to be seen.
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Like the protest they had last Friday? You know like the one in New York where they were expecting thousands and about 300 should up.

Didn't they have one this weekend where only 20 showed up as well?
There is going yo be alot of disappointment when the protesters find out he is still president after their protest.

That's called stupidity

Actually, it's called democracy and exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Did you mind when the Tea Party did it?
The country doesn't mind when you protest.

It's when you break shit and burn the city to the ground when the country laughs at you.
Hate protests will never amount to anything

They don't have to. Expressing your disgust for a fake president is inherently noble enough as it is.

I'm sure nazis would agree with you when depressing their disgust and hate for Jews.

I humbly disagree. I don't see anything noble in disgust and hatred of your fellow man. No matter what he or she does.

The principles of nobility are love , truth, forgiveness . Can you love your enemy? Can you love trump? You don't have to agree with everything he says or any of it.

Can you forgive him and others no matter.much you feel hurt?

Can you accept the truth that he really is the president even though you don't want him to be?

That is nobility

LOL....nice try, sugar tits. Thanks for invoking Goodwin. I take it you learned to love and forgive Hitler? Wait -- don't answer that, I already know your answer.

I know you want to pretend as if its not a valid comparison, but it clearly is.

Oh and I don't need to forgive Hitler. He didn't do anything to me personally.
I went to one today and this is what I found.

Phucking Outstanding & Dead On!!!!
And you can wipe your ass with the single-ply impact it will have and for all the good it will do, there, Sparky.

But it did make you LibTards FEEL good, didn't it?

That's the important thing.

Ever hear of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf?

Ever hear the phrase 'Went to the well once too often'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Donor Exhaustion'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Market Saturation'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came'?

When are you emoting LibTards going to grow up and stop wasting energy and whatever pathetically shriveled dab of political capital is still left to you?

Save it for the Big Shit, tiger, and stop shooting your wad on the small stuff and on pointless symbolism.

You've got a four year siege ahead of you, and this is just getting started.

Learn to pace yourself, or people will tune you out more and more, and slowly stop rallying, until, finally, you're sitting in the street by yourself with your thumb up your ass.

America needs an EFFECTIVE Opposition Party today, more than at any other time within Living Memory.

But - given your present emotional state and uber-progressive agenda and devotion to forcible social reengineering - you ain't it.

America needs pragmatism and practical politics to reestablish themselves at the forefront of political thought within the Democratic Party.

Grow the phukk up, stop emoting, stop creaming your jeans every time an excuse to protest manifests itself on the calendar, and get back to work.

You'll be surprised at how well you'll do, politically, amongst your former loyal Middle American base, once you get your heads out of your asses.

Come back down to earth, cupcakes... your country needs you... sane, pragmatic and standing alongside your fellow countrymen once again.

Whether you (collectively) are up to the challenge, is very much in doubt, and remains to be seen.
And you can wipe your ass with the single-ply impact it will have and for all the good it will do, there, Sparky.

But it did make you LibTards FEEL good, didn't it?

That's the important thing.

Ever hear of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf?

Ever hear the phrase 'Went to the well once too often'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Donor Exhaustion'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Market Saturation'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came'?

When are you emoting LibTards going to grow up and stop wasting energy and whatever pathetically shriveled dab of political capital is still left to you?

Save it for the Big Shit, tiger, and stop shooting your wad on the small stuff and on pointless symbolism.

You've got a four year siege ahead of you, and this is just getting started.

Learn to pace yourself, or people will tune you out more and more, and slowly stop rallying, until, finally, you're sitting in the street by yourself with your thumb up your ass.

America needs an EFFECTIVE Opposition Party today, more than at any other time within Living Memory.

But - given your present emotional state and uber-progressive agenda and devotion to forcible social reengineering - you ain't it.

America needs pragmatism and practical politics to reestablish themselves at the forefront of political thought within the Democratic Party.

Grow the phukk up, stop emoting, stop creaming your jeans every time an excuse to protest manifests itself on the calendar, and get back to work.

You'll be surprised at how well you'll do, politically, amongst your former loyal Middle American base, once you get your heads out of your asses.

Come back down to earth, cupcakes... your country needs you... sane, pragmatic and standing alongside your fellow countrymen once again.

Whether you (collectively) are up to the challenge, is very much in doubt, and remains to be seen.

Shut the fuck up, ya twat. I've never seen someone write so much and say so little. Go chew on your crayons, conservatard.
And you can wipe your ass with the single-ply impact it will have and for all the good it will do, there, Sparky.

But it did make you LibTards FEEL good, didn't it?

That's the important thing.

Ever hear of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf?

Ever hear the phrase 'Went to the well once too often'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Donor Exhaustion'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Market Saturation'?

Ever hear the phrase 'Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came'?

When are you emoting LibTards going to grow up and stop wasting energy and whatever pathetically shriveled dab of political capital is still left to you?

Save it for the Big Shit, tiger, and stop shooting your wad on the small stuff and on pointless symbolism.

You've got a four year siege ahead of you, and this is just getting started.

Learn to pace yourself, or people will tune you out more and more, and slowly stop rallying, until, finally, you're sitting in the street by yourself with your thumb up your ass.

America needs an EFFECTIVE Opposition Party today, more than at any other time within Living Memory.

But - given your present emotional state and uber-progressive agenda and devotion to forcible social reengineering - you ain't it.

America needs pragmatism and practical politics to reestablish themselves at the forefront of political thought within the Democratic Party.

Grow the phukk up, stop emoting, stop creaming your jeans every time an excuse to protest manifests itself on the calendar, and get back to work.

You'll be surprised at how well you'll do, politically, amongst your former loyal Middle American base, once you get your heads out of your asses.

Come back down to earth, cupcakes... your country needs you... sane, pragmatic and standing alongside your fellow countrymen once again.

Whether you (collectively) are up to the challenge, is very much in doubt, and remains to be seen.

Shut the fuck up, ya twat. I've never seen someone write so much and say so little. Go chew on your crayons, conservatard.
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.



Bite me, snowflake.

Hopefully, far wiser and more pragmatic people than you, will gain control of the Democratic Party, and move it back towards Left-Center again.

That's what it's going to take, before America gives you another shot at political power.

The truth hurts, doesn't it, Princess?
There is going yo be alot of disappointment when the protesters find out he is still president after their protest.

That's called stupidity

Actually, it's called democracy and exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Did you mind when the Tea Party did it?
If he isn't your president, you can just get the hell out of America and leave your Constitutional rights at the door on your way out.

Do you ever consider the ramifications of saying he's "not my president"?
Since the left wing keeps repeating that the right wing didn't give Obama a chance. Can you cite an example of when the right wing did anything close to the insurrection that the left wing is engaged? Threatening the president seems to now be a party game to the liberal left. I suggest that the liberal left has lost their collective minds. They are always so sure and once again proven that they are always so wrong. And it has been driven home to them the last two elections. America is on to you folks don't expect you form of "patriotism" to catch on.

BTW, when are you taking immigrants, especially illegal, into your home? And not just to do you laundry, watch your kids or pick your cotton.
Or as we like to call it, Ollie Assburn Day, or Lefty Jihad Day.

You can't tell the difference between the two groups, so I guess naming it "Not My President Day" is fitting.

Soon to follow, "Not My Country Day" "Not My Underwear Day" and Not My Dildo Day"

Also on a side note, we recently went through " A Day Without An Illegal Day" where multitudes of illegals did not show up to work for their illegal and under the table jobs.

Lots of people were fired the following day.
the result of those getting fired is the result of liberal ideology. The opposite of the stated objective is always the result. those who hired them in the first place have no worry they will just ship in more slaves as the left did pre-1865.
Protests such as this mean nothing anymore. They are bought and paid for. Doesn't in anyway represent how the country feels.
Just saying "Yuck, Donald" is not much of a message. They should hold their water until they've got something specific to bitch about, like the refugee E.O. That was specific.
Yep and yep.

At some point it just becomes a wall of noise - like lefties screaming RACIST or righties screaming SOCIALIST - and its value drops significantly.

Also at some point, people need to stop screaming at start communicating. You know, like adults. No sign of that on the horizon yet, not even close.
There is going yo be alot of disappointment when the protesters find out he is still president after their protest.

That's called stupidity

Actually, it's called democracy and exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Did you mind when the Tea Party did it?
If he isn't your president, you can just get the hell out of America and leave your Constitutional rights at the door on your way out.

Do you ever consider the ramifications of saying he's "not my president"?

If he considered the ramifications of anything he wouldn't be a progressive

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