Breaking: "Not My President Day" Protests Happening Throughout the Country

Actually, it's called democracy and exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Did you mind when the Tea Party did it?

I don't recall the Tea Party staging "Not My President" rallies. Can you reference one?
Hate protests will never amount to anything

They don't have to. Expressing your disgust for a fake president is inherently noble enough as it is.

I'm sure nazis would agree with you when depressing their disgust and hate for Jews.

I humbly disagree. I don't see anything noble in disgust and hatred of your fellow man. No matter what he or she does.

The principles of nobility are love , truth, forgiveness . Can you love your enemy? Can you love trump? You don't have to agree with everything he says or any of it.

Can you forgive him and others no matter.much you feel hurt?

Can you accept the truth that he really is the president even though you don't want him to be?

That is nobility

LOL....nice try, sugar tits. Thanks for invoking Goodwin. I take it you learned to love and forgive Hitler? Wait -- don't answer that, I already know your answer.
I have to assume by the link title you are referring to trump, since if you were referring to hillary it would read "Not Our President"

Pipe down, pipsqueak. Don't try to be clever or funny, you only look stupid.
But it's the spot on part that you object to isn't it? I could tell by the very clever and funny use of the final well placed adjective.
LOL....nice try, sugar tits. Thanks for invoking Goodwin. I take it you learned to love and forgive Hitler? Wait -- don't answer that, I already know your answer.

I forgive you for being mentally ill.

Still, it doesn't change the fact that you are mentally ill and are out of touch with reality. Donald Trump is the president, your delusions do not alter reality, even if mommy and daddy gave you everything you threw a fit for your entire life.
I believe this oldie but goodie is perfect for the protesters thought process,
But when Americans did this against BO, it's called treason. Right?

Tea Party, 2009. Don't remember anyone calling the tea party protests "treasonous."

I think your post is bullshit.
Please don't be stupid. Is that hard for you?

Did my post refer to the TP? Liberals ugh!!!

You might remember the state of Texas spoke of secession, under the liberal's Messiah...and the Left was none to happy about it.
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Hate protests will never amount to anything

They don't have to. Expressing your disgust for a fake president is inherently noble enough as it is.

Evident you haven't bothered to read the rules:

  • Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box.
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You don't "fix" things inside the quote box as you have done in this thread.

Reported, you're welcome.
Tea Party, 2009. Don't remember anyone calling the tea party protests "treasonous."

I think your post is bullshit.

It's not treason Catzshit, it's mental illness. You morons can protest, PROVIDED you stay out of the street and don't threaten normals. But the TEA party was "taxed enough already," it was "BWAHHHHHHHAAAAA we lost an election," like it is with you mentally ill fools.

Look, I support your right to be mentally ill - but YOU ARE mentally ill. :thup:
Imagine if California were to seceded. A Dem would never again be POTUS...and it just might kill the D Party altogether. How great would that be?

Liberals....they never consider consequences.

I'm sure theres a community organizer somewhere working hard behind the scenes. This doesnt just happen by itself. If hillary had been elected and conservatives were doing what you guys are, would it still be patriotism?

Obama had criticizm, but it was miniscule compred to this, and he was given a chance to settle in.
There is going yo be alot of disappointment when the protesters find out he is still president after their protest.

That's called stupidity

Actually, it's called democracy and exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Did you mind when the Tea Party did it?
So burning down shit and looting is a 1st Amendment right ?

Shittingbull thinks so!

The mentally ill "not my president" folk look like and are fools.
Will they be serving sour grapes at these protests? While you libwits waste time protesting, President Trump is implementing his policies. :eusa_boohoo:
The fact is that these fools are shitting on all the Presidents that have come before him, just to make a "statement", that has already been made, about President Trump. That's what is really going on here. This is a day to remember, and honor the men who have lead this great land, not shit on them. Want to make a statement? Run for office. Come up with ideas that will beat his out in a real debate. Can't do that? Sit down, shut up, and let the adults work.

Sorry, bub, but you don't get to tell people how they express themselves. If you want to do that, then get the fuck out of America and move to North Korea.

Take your own advice. He is perfectly free to criticize you when you act like a fool.

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