BREAKING NOW: Robin Williams Found Dead

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It is called humanity. The passing of a fundamentally decent human being who entertained and essentially enriched people's live should not go uncommemorated.
I think the point was that it's completely out of balance. He was an entertainer, he didn't cure cancer. Didn't invent a product that makes our lives easier and didn't lay down his life for his fellow man, he threw it away when he had so much.

It could not possibly be any more obvious that, in the moment, he didn't see it that way at all.
Duh. That was the point. He didn't focus on what he had. It isn't a disease that sweeps over your helpless brain. I think liberals have a much more difficult time understanding because emotions rule their lives.
I think the point was that it's completely out of balance. He was an entertainer, he didn't cure cancer. Didn't invent a product that makes our lives easier and didn't lay down his life for his fellow man, he threw it away when he had so much.

It could not possibly be any more obvious that, in the moment, he didn't see it that way at all.
Duh. That was the point. He didn't focus on what he had. It isn't a disease that sweeps over your helpless brain. I think liberals have a much more difficult time understanding because emotions rule their lives.

It has nothing to do with emotions. :banghead:

And it has nothing to do with politics. I got bouts of depression as a child, long long before any kind of political interest.

Unlike the usual devolvement of "left versus right", this thread has devolved into empaths versus sociopaths. I see I've sent thanks and reps to several posters in this thread that I would never in a million years agree with in Politics -- because they put up posts that were empathic, thoughtful and honest. I'm sure I've never repped JimBowie before, but I did so here because he gets it. You don't. That doesn't make him a "Liberal". However it does make you an sociopathic asshole.
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It is called humanity. The passing of a fundamentally decent human being who entertained and essentially enriched people's live should not go uncommemorated.
I think the point was that it's completely out of balance. He was an entertainer, he didn't cure cancer. Didn't invent a product that makes our lives easier and didn't lay down his life for his fellow man, he threw it away when he had so much.
You are right, yet you stupidly wrong. I don't believe you understand the concept of actually liking people. I respect the accomplishments of others, yet emotional attachments are not thus formed.

I really liked Robin Williams as a persona and I imagine as a person. There is little to suggest he was not a fine man. So fuck you!
You proved my point.
It could not possibly be any more obvious that, in the moment, he didn't see it that way at all.
Duh. That was the point. He didn't focus on what he had. It isn't a disease that sweeps over your helpless brain. I think liberals have a much more difficult time understanding because emotions rule their lives.

It has nothing to do with emotions. :banghead:

And it has nothing to do with politics. I got bouts of depression as a child, long long before any kind of political interest.
I wasn't talking about politics. Liberalism and conservativism are world views. Politics is how agendas get carried out.
I think the point was that it's completely out of balance. He was an entertainer, he didn't cure cancer. Didn't invent a product that makes our lives easier and didn't lay down his life for his fellow man, he threw it away when he had so much.

It could not possibly be any more obvious that, in the moment, he didn't see it that way at all.
Duh. That was the point. He didn't focus on what he had. It isn't a disease that sweeps over your helpless brain. I think liberals have a much more difficult time understanding because emotions rule their lives.

Until you have seen someone sink into the depths of depression, without any identifiable "reason", it may be difficult to understand. I saw, and I believe, it is a disease. My friend was not ill, far from poor, had family & friends. A respected man in our town.........("Richard Corey" runs through my mind) and one night grew very calm, informed his "decision" was final, and did as Richard Corey did.
It could not possibly be any more obvious that, in the moment, he didn't see it that way at all.
Duh. That was the point. He didn't focus on what he had. It isn't a disease that sweeps over your helpless brain. I think liberals have a much more difficult time understanding because emotions rule their lives.

Until you have seen someone sink into the depths of depression, without any identifiable "reason", it may be difficult to understand. I saw, and I believe, it is a disease. My friend was not ill, far from poor, had family & friends. A respected man in our town.........("Richard Corey" runs through my mind) and one night grew very calm, informed his "decision" was final, and did as Richard Corey did.

Worthy thought ---

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
'Good-morning,' and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich - yes, richer than a king -
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.

--- Edward Arlington Robinson​
Lewis Black weighs in.

Williams really was a genius.

(for those he don't know, he was a Julliard Scholar)

Williams was as smart as he was funny, the comic says

Contrary to popular belief, Robin Williams, who died Monday at the age of 63, wasn’t “always on” and going a mile a minute. But comedian Lewis Black says Williams’ ability to jump from one topic to another was unparalleled among his peers.

Here, Black remembers Williams as an endlessly giving and energetic person:
“I had met him before, but I really got to know him when we went on two USO [United Service Organization] tours together [in the late 2000s], and spent time with him on the film Man of the Year.

The first thing was: I got on a plane with him, and he was reading a book which was a history of Iraq.

He sat there and talked about it for 35 minutes, going through the history of Iraq with us. That’s astonishing. I thought, this guy is kind of brilliant. He was a really bright guy who may have had a photographic memory.
[Trying to figure out how he does what he does] is like standing in front of a hurricane and going, gee, I wonder how that happened.

He wasn’t someone who was always on. It’s very much a misconception.
There were jokes of his that made me laugh hard, but it was the going from one thing to another, making those connections. It’s like how you watch an improv group take suggestions. It was like Robin had the most brilliant audience inside his head throwing out suggestions, because he would put combinations together that were just crazy. And how he could work out of the moment. That working out of the moment is a gift, but he did it on another level.

[On the USO tours], the amount of energy he brought when we would get off of a helicopter and walk towards the troops — the amount of energy he gave to them was unbelievable. It was really incredible to be in that kind of giving presence.

I was exhausted. We’re going from place to place, he can’t give enough to them, and I’m trying to think,

‘Where can I take a nap?’ It was inspiring. Wherever we’d land, until the point where we would leave, he’d be talking to them — and not just going off, but being straight with them.

I adored him. If you look at the outpouring that’s gone on, that someone of his stature would come to see them was kind of amazing to them.

It’s proof again that the good die young, and pricks live forever. He’s gonna be missed. There’s a hole, and it’s gonna take a long time to be filled.”

Robin Williams Dead at 63: Lewis Black Remembrance - TIME

I've thought about that - the incredible energy level it took to do that stream of consciousness monolog. Never mind what some here are saying - he was a genius for that ability

and, LOVE Louis Black.

I wonder what Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will say tonight.
Some of y'all sure do like to sit on your pedestals and judge.

While some others place Robin on a pedestal. The amount of coverage is ridiculous. Why we, as a society, worship celebrities is beyond me.

Suicide must come out of the shadows, only through study can it possibly be prevented. When my friend died, I was designated the "victim", and the Victim's Advocate sent me to a mental health counselor to assist in my understanding; yet the feeling is still there, a tiny bit.......why couldnd't I talk him out of it that last night?

I do not wish to glorify suicide, but still want to understand, prevent as many as possible.

That's what his wife and 3 kids and his friends are saying right now -

Why couldn't we help? Why wasn't our love enough?

Why didn't we know how bad it was?

I read what you wrote about your friend's suicide. I also lost a friend to suicide many years ago. It was while I lived in NYC. Very beautiful, very smart, a moderately successful model, lived in the same apt building I did. She came to my door one night and I told her to go home and sober up. She stepped out of her 8th floor window.
No, you are. You can't even articulate something besides emotional blather.

How about taking your grave dancing to a thread in the FZ where you can mingle with your own kind?

I think the rest of us prefer to hold some compassion for Robin and his family.
Hey asshole. I didn't celebrate his passing, grow a brain and follow your own advice. I said the attention level was out of whack. But thanks for proving liberals are slaves to their emotions.
I am no liberal, but I do think Williams has a special place in our cultural. He mat never become what Elvis was, but should be in his league.
Lewis Black weighs in.

Williams really was a genius.

(for those he don't know, he was a Julliard Scholar)

Williams was as smart as he was funny, the comic says

Contrary to popular belief, Robin Williams, who died Monday at the age of 63, wasn’t “always on” and going a mile a minute. But comedian Lewis Black says Williams’ ability to jump from one topic to another was unparalleled among his peers.

Here, Black remembers Williams as an endlessly giving and energetic person:
“I had met him before, but I really got to know him when we went on two USO [United Service Organization] tours together [in the late 2000s], and spent time with him on the film Man of the Year.

The first thing was: I got on a plane with him, and he was reading a book which was a history of Iraq.

He sat there and talked about it for 35 minutes, going through the history of Iraq with us. That’s astonishing. I thought, this guy is kind of brilliant. He was a really bright guy who may have had a photographic memory.
[Trying to figure out how he does what he does] is like standing in front of a hurricane and going, gee, I wonder how that happened.

He wasn’t someone who was always on. It’s very much a misconception.
There were jokes of his that made me laugh hard, but it was the going from one thing to another, making those connections. It’s like how you watch an improv group take suggestions. It was like Robin had the most brilliant audience inside his head throwing out suggestions, because he would put combinations together that were just crazy. And how he could work out of the moment. That working out of the moment is a gift, but he did it on another level.

[On the USO tours], the amount of energy he brought when we would get off of a helicopter and walk towards the troops — the amount of energy he gave to them was unbelievable. It was really incredible to be in that kind of giving presence.

I was exhausted. We’re going from place to place, he can’t give enough to them, and I’m trying to think,

‘Where can I take a nap?’ It was inspiring. Wherever we’d land, until the point where we would leave, he’d be talking to them — and not just going off, but being straight with them.

I adored him. If you look at the outpouring that’s gone on, that someone of his stature would come to see them was kind of amazing to them.

It’s proof again that the good die young, and pricks live forever. He’s gonna be missed. There’s a hole, and it’s gonna take a long time to be filled.”

Robin Williams Dead at 63: Lewis Black Remembrance - TIME

I've thought about that - the incredible energy level it took to do that stream of consciousness monolog. Never mind what some here are saying - he was a genius for that ability

and, LOVE Louis Black.

I wonder what Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will say tonight.

Yeah, we're all wondering what Colbert and Stewart will say.
Nope, It's an illness like Diabetes or Heart Disease. It messes with the brain instead. It is not something you can will away or fight off. It's a very real issue and I wish more people would be willing to come out and talk about it. Maybe some of these deaths can be prevented if people were willing to talk to others about this instead of hide.

Conversations are two way streets though. "It's not your place to judge", STFU, "fuck you" and all the rest his superfans offer up is not a conversation. By the time people are permitted to discuss it, the people you want to be having that conversation with have moved their attention elsewhere. If you are not open to other people's perspectives, they are not going to be open to yours.

I am open to any other perspectives but this kind of thing always elicits strong reactions from people.

Not every issue has a one-size fits all warm-fuzzy solution. Making excuses for/rationalizing/covering up Robin Williams' behavior is part of a culture that enables the mentally ill to engage in reckless behavior of their own--like self-medicating with street drugs and alcohol instead of seeking/continuing proper therapy. Likewise, discussing the negatives about his decision to kill himself and the manner in which he did it might cause someone contemplating the same to think about it a bit longer, giving them more time to weather their current storm. Nonetheless, the enablers and obsessive control freaks don't want anybody thinking, speaking, acting in any manner that does not meet with their approval, thereby costing an opportunity to possibly have a constructive conversation under the guise that it is impolite, rude, classless, etc. as if they do not otherwise conduct themselves the same way the rest of the year regarding the living.
Robin Williams is burning in Hell for killing himself. All the good he has done in life is going up in smoke.

If you can prove that, you'll fundamentally change The Story of Earth's Monkeys and your name will never be forgotten.
True Story! :thup:

While some others place Robin on a pedestal. The amount of coverage is ridiculous. Why we, as a society, worship celebrities is beyond me.

Suicide must come out of the shadows, only through study can it possibly be prevented. When my friend died, I was designated the "victim", and the Victim's Advocate sent me to a mental health counselor to assist in my understanding; yet the feeling is still there, a tiny bit.......why couldnd't I talk him out of it that last night?

I do not wish to glorify suicide, but still want to understand, prevent as many as possible.

That's what his wife and 3 kids and his friends are saying right now -

Why couldn't we help? Why wasn't our love enough?

Why didn't we know how bad it was?

I read what you wrote about your friend's suicide. I also lost a friend to suicide many years ago. It was while I lived in NYC. Very beautiful, very smart, a moderately successful model, lived in the same apt building I did. She came to my door one night and I told her to go home and sober up. She stepped out of her 8th floor window.

why didn't you invite her in and help her?
Robin Williams is burning in Hell for killing himself. All the good he has done in life is going up in smoke.

Hell is a fairy tale bud. Used to scare & control the dupeable
prove Hell doesn't exist. You can't, so your statement is false. I despise suicides. They destroy what God created.

Huh?!? :disbelief:

It's you who is making the fantastic claims of a specific existence after death... Those claims are yours to prove, not the rest of the worlds to disprove.
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