BREAKING NOW: Robin Williams Found Dead

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One of my best friend's in this world found his father who shot himself.. It doesn't matter the method when it comes to suicide.. It's a tragedy all around. The family needs love and support.. Not judgement.. Give them that respect.. The man made billions of people around the world laugh when inside there was no laughter.. The least we can do is honor him and his family now.
Depression is not a well understood mental illness. It literally messes with your brain chemistry and causes you to think things a person without Depression wouldn't even consider.

It should be taken very seriously. It can be deadly.

I don't think anyone who hasn't dealt with it could ever understand.
Williams was last seen alive by his wife, Susan Schneider, at 10:30 p.m. on Sunday, in their home, Boyd said.

"Mr. Williams' wife retired prior to Mr. Williams into a room in the home," Boyd said. "It is not known exactly at this time when Mr. Williams retired for the evening but he went to a different room of the home."

The next morning, Schneider left the house, believing Williams was still asleep, Boyd added.

When the actor did not respond to knocks on his door, his assistant gained entry into the room, where Williams was discovered "suspended from the belt which was wedged between the door and the door frame in a seated position slightly suspended off the ground," Boyd said.

On a subsequent 911 call, Boyd added, "The caller was distraught and indicated at that time that it was an apparent suicide due to a hanging had taken place."

Williams was pronounced dead at 12:02 p.m. on Monday.

Robin Williams Died in an Apparent Suicide by Hanging - ABC News
He hanged himself with a belt.
That's how David Carradine hanged himself I believe.

Bob Zmuda (Comic Relief producer) in a CNN interview just said Robin Williams was bipolar.

My hubby is bipolar. You know the saying that if you save someone's life you become responsible for that life? It's true. I saved him and he married me.

Bipolar is the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. It is awesome in its terribleness.

Medicine does not help all bipolars. If it doesn't, being forced to live that way takes tremendous strength and courage.

I know 3 bipolar widows and Robin left another one. This disease seems to affect men more than women.

I am peddling as fast as I can so that I will not become a bipolar widow, too.

If I go first, I worry that his daughter will not be able to handle it.

We might have had thirty more years of Robin if this damnable disease did not steal him from us.

Regards from Rosie
One of my best friend's in this world found his father who shot himself.. It doesn't matter the method when it comes to suicide.. It's a tragedy all around. The family needs love and support.. Not judgement.. Give them that respect.. The man made billions of people around the world laugh when inside there was no laughter.. The least we can do is honor him and his family now.

We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to unjuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regu;ar basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, ansd surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.
All I know is if they ever find me hung, they will know it wasn't a suicide. Of all the ways to do yourself in, that would be the one I would never ever choose. It was heartless of him to do that to whoever ultimately found his body dangling.

That's not for us to judge. "I woulda done this, I would never do that" is pointless, clueless and profoundly irrelevant. This thread ain't about you.

It was heartless of him to do that. I have known two people who came in and found relatives dangling. It is for me to judge. I know what effect it had on them, including being told by 911 to cut them down and try to resuscitate them. To be all non-judgmental, you are nothing but judgmental.
One of my best friend's in this world found his father who shot himself.. It doesn't matter the method when it comes to suicide.. It's a tragedy all around. The family needs love and support.. Not judgement.. Give them that respect.. The man made billions of people around the world laugh when inside there was no laughter.. The least we can do is honor him and his family now.

We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to unjuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regu;ar basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, ansd surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.
Who the hell are you to judge?

"Self-righteousness is the enemy of compassion and judging another human being's private struggle is a disgrace to our own humanity." - Maria Popova
Sometimes people want to check out on their own terms. Did he do a good job while he was here? Did he give? Did he leave the world better? The world is answering today.

In some cases, Some of these troubled souls with serious mental illness and addiction problems do feel they are making what is the best decision with their loved ones in mind. There is a string of thought that *gets it*. I do. Yes, seems so needless, so extreme and it hurts like hell to witness it.

This may have no relation, but I was sent back today to thinking about Virginia Woolfs' suicide.

She drowned herself by filling her overcoat pockets with rocks and she walked into the River Ouse behind her house and was gone forever.

She too was haunted with lifelong depression and likely bipolar disorder. Her suicide note, written to her husband Leonard, whom she deeply and dearly loved is just...well, I beg you to read it, in all its unadorned sincerity. Here she was, with such love, and still -- felt she needed to make this choice -- for him:


I feel certain I am going mad again.
I feel we can’t go through another of those terrible times.

And I shan’t recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can’t concentrate.

So I am doing what seems the best thing to do.

You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be.

I don’t think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came.

I can’t fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can’t even write this properly. I can’t read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you.

You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that – everybody knows it.

If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can’t go on spoiling your life any longer.

I don’t think two people could have been happier than we have been.

That fine line between genius and madness. Starry starry night.
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Some of y'all sure do like to sit on your pedestals and judge.

While some others place Robin on a pedestal. The amount of coverage is ridiculous. Why we, as a society, worship celebrities is beyond me.
It is called humanity. The passing of a fundamentally decent human being who entertained and essentially enriched people's live should not go uncommemorated.
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He hanged himself with a belt.

In the long view, he also hung his family with the belt. That's what suicide does.

Pity though, what a huge talent.

I can't imagine the torture inside his head that to him, killing himself was best choice.

My comment was not meant to be judgmental, just stating the fact. Had a nephew do the same as well as both the Mother and Father of a past girlfriend. The husband of a close friend also did the same. You would not have guessed that any of them would have done this. All had bright futures and part of happy families.

What it did to the families was simply unbearable to watch. It is a completely different kind of living hell that it puts the families through

I will never understand this, but will grieve and pray for the families.
In the long view, he also hung his family with the belt. That's what suicide does.

Pity though, what a huge talent.

I can't imagine the torture inside his head that to him, killing himself was best choice.

My comment was not meant to be judgmental, just stating the fact. Had a nephew do the same as well as both the Mother and Father of a past girlfriend. The husband of a close friend also did the same. You would not have guessed that any of them would have done this. All had bright futures and part of happy families.

What it did to the families was simply unbearable to watch. It is a completely different kind of living hell that it puts the families through

I will never understand this, but will grieve and pray for the families.
You are one of the few posters on this site I have any respect for, but your comment was far too soon. What people are grieving for now is the man and his early demise.
Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, ansd surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

You know nothing about clinical depression. Nothing (good or bad) needs to HAPPEN. Being rich and famous doesn't cure clinical depression.
I'll be glad when I can turn on the news without hearing how awesome he was. I never thought he was funny, he had a low brow type of humor, but a decent actor. It goes to show that fame and fortune doesn't bring happiness. I disagree that depression is an illness, you choose to be depressed. Look at the animals, no matter how bad they have it they try to survive, they don't sit around and mope woe is me. I've had my own battles but chose to stay busy. Too much sitting around is unhealthy for you.
I'll be glad when I can turn on the news without hearing how awesome he was. I never thought he was funny, he had a low brow type of humor, but a decent actor. It goes to show that fame and fortune doesn't bring happiness. I disagree that depression is an illness, you choose to be depressed. Look at the animals, no matter how bad they have it they try to survive, they don't sit around and mope woe is me. I've had my own battles but chose to stay busy. Too much sitting around is unhealthy for you.

You really are completely clueless.
So many people who have no idea what clinical depression is. I suffer from depression, but it's not the same kind of depression you feel when something bad happens. I was depressed when my mother died. It passed. Clinical depression doesn't just go away because something good happens.
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