BREAKING NOW: Robin Williams Found Dead

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That you think clinical depression is about trying to "...justify taking drugs and acting a fool", shows your own ignorance.

uranidiot. Most "depressed people" are crooks scamming the system. They claim depression to get free drugs (which they then sell) and to get those nice disability checks. Williams was rich so i don't suppose that was his motive but it's very common among ordinary people.

Mental health is a racket. Like everything else the govt does.

trolling internet boards is a racket too....just sayin....
There is a quirk in the psyche of pop-culture educated Americans that confuses celebrities with the roles they play. Robin Williams was not your friendly neighbor. He was a depraved drug addict and a depressed maniac that you would never want for a friend. If you think he was an approachable nice guy try knocking on his door and you would find yourself in a headlock by a body guard or in a jail cell. It's a shame he took his own life but he wasn't your friend.

Did you know him personally?
uranidiot. Most "depressed people" are crooks scamming the system. They claim depression to get free drugs (which they then sell) and to get those nice disability checks. Williams was rich so i don't suppose that was his motive but it's very common among ordinary people.

Mental health is a racket. Like everything else the govt does.

Your ignorance is stupefying. Even after all I have read, the depth of your stupidity still amazes.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

when you start proving the shit you say....then you can say you are right....until are wrong.....
There is a quirk in the psyche of pop-culture educated Americans that confuses celebrities with the roles they play. Robin Williams was not your friendly neighbor. He was a depraved drug addict and a depressed maniac that you would never want for a friend. If you think he was an approachable nice guy try knocking on his door and you would find yourself in a headlock by a body guard or in a jail cell. It's a shame he took his own life but he wasn't your friend.

I read an article earlier today about how children in Williams' neighborhood would approach him, and he would always make them laugh. The children called him the "funny man." But, no. You seem to know him. Tell us what he's really like.
Family watched Aladdin last night. What a shame.

2 funny things my boys pointed out: When jafar gets the genie he tells the princess and her father you will bow to me...and the sultan starts to bow! We had to rewind it, it was hilarious! Then there was one comment that made my son remark "that's so 90's"

lol, haven't seen that movie for years....guess I'll have to pester my kids to see who has it and watch it again now.

Assuming the research is correct and accurate.

So many times we have been told things that was later shown to be false.

How medical science got it exactly wrong on childhood food allergies

How science goes wrong

Why medical science often gets it wrong

Couldn't help but notice your 3 sources are just conservative propaganda sites and not actual medical or scientific ones.

Prove they are conservative propaganda sites.

TORONTO — When Conrad Black founded the National Post in 1998, the explicit intent was to create a conservative newspaper. And by Canadian broadsheet standards, that’s certainly what the Post was.
Is the National Post still a conservative newspaper? - Winnipeg Free Press

The Economist is a bit more mixed depending on source. Looking at demographic info though it's more conservative than liberal in terms of readership.
Section 4: Demographics and Political Views of News Audiences | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

[As an aside, looking at other demo tables on that link above, Fox News viewers only have 24% being college grads vs CNN's 29% and MSNBC's 26% supporting the arguement Fox News is for stupid people. :)] is defined as liberal by Canadian sources. But it's worth mentioning Canadian, US, and UK ideas of liberal/conservative don't always match up so,

" In Britain and Europe "liberal" and "conservative" political parties fused, disappeared or became indistinguishable, and in politics the traditional conservative-liberal dichotomy was replaced by a conservative-socialist (Marxist, or social-democratic/labour) dichotomy. In the United States classical liberalism became political orthodxoy for both parties, and any "right-left" opposition was based on such questions as race relations and military policy. In Canada the Liberal Party was until well into the twentieth century "liberal" in the traditional sense, being, for example, the party of continental free trade, whereas the Conservative Party represented old "Tory" values: allegiance to the British Empire and protectionism. In the Pearson-Trudeau era the Liberal Party became Keynesian, as did the Conservative Party; in the late 1980's both parties reverted to a classical liberal conception of the minimalist, laissez-faire state."

While is liberal, it's almost a meaningless distinction now.
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The Economist is hardly conservative in its editorial viewpoint, bub.

Yep, Van Gogh comes to mind. These people that are calling someone weak for suffering mental illness are worthless, imo.

They're either weak or more likely they're just crooks. "I feel sad - gimme $3000 a month".

Mental illness is very easy to fake.

I repeat, you're an idiot. I've suffered with clinical depression since my 20s. I work, and I've never taken a dime in government money.

My youngest has aspergers. She had a summer job. She worked. She's buying her own school clothes. She's goes to school, and the school says she's so brilliant, they see no problem with her attending college. (She's very high functioning).

We aren't taking a dime in government money.

I am high functioning autistic and suffer from depression. I also have never taken a single dime from the government. Don't feed the troll. :D
Perhaps he died from choking on his own vomit if he overdosed. Nobody will know for awhile. And that should be for another thread, perhaps? Do folks normaly go to funerals or wakes and talk about the bad things or do they go to show love and respect?

If he was depressed and died from asphyxia I'm guessing he hung himself.

A former friend of mine ... her father suffered the same illness and hung himself in the garage. Very sad.
Another Hollywood star committed suicide. Why is that surprising or even breaking news?

Guess it is the contrast that people have a hard time with and the loss of someone that they felt they knew, like a neighborhood friend.

I couldn't give a rats ass about almost any Hollyweird stars, but some like Williams gave me a whole lot of happiness and laughter, and I think well of them for that. And somehow, I always imagined that this meant that they were happy too in their private lives.

Williams reminds us how untrue that notion is to our disbelief and sadness at a friends passing.

Maybe that's it?
Your ignorance is stupefying. Even after all I have read, the depth of your stupidity still amazes.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

when you start proving the shit you say....then you can say you are right....until are wrong.....

Shootspeeders thinks Obama personally raises the price of stamps and the government was behind 9/11. So that's what you're dealing with.
Couldn't help but notice your 3 sources are just conservative propaganda sites and not actual medical or scientific ones.

Prove they are conservative propaganda sites.

TORONTO — When Conrad Black founded the National Post in 1998, the explicit intent was to create a conservative newspaper. And by Canadian broadsheet standards, that’s certainly what the Post was.
Is the National Post still a conservative newspaper? - Winnipeg Free Press

The Economist is a bit more mixed depending on source. Looking at demographic info though it's more conservative than liberal in terms of readership.
Section 4: Demographics and Political Views of News Audiences | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

[As an aside, looking at other demo tables on that link above, Fox News viewers only have 24% being college grads vs CNN's 29% and MSNBC's 26% supporting the arguement Fox News is for stupid people. :)] is defined as liberal by Canadian sources. But it's worth mentioning Canadian, US, and UK ideas of liberal/conservative don't always match up so,

" In Britain and Europe "liberal" and "conservative" political parties fused, disappeared or became indistinguishable, and in politics the traditional conservative-liberal dichotomy was replaced by a conservative-socialist (Marxist, or social-democratic/labour) dichotomy. In the United States classical liberalism became political orthodxoy for both parties, and any "right-left" opposition was based on such questions as race relations and military policy. In Canada the Liberal Party was until well into the twentieth century "liberal" in the traditional sense, being, for example, the party of continental free trade, whereas the Conservative Party represented old "Tory" values: allegiance to the British Empire and protectionism. In the Pearson-Trudeau era the Liberal Party became Keynesian, as did the Conservative Party; in the late 1980's both parties reverted to a classical liberal conception of the minimalist, laissez-faire state."

While is liberal, it's almost a meaningless distinction now.

Williams was probably the greatest comedian of his generation. Only Steve Martin rivaled him IMHO.

Steve Martin is ten times the comedian as Williams on Martin's worst day and Williams' best day. Williams did crazy voices and that was about it. He was more on par with the 'Hey Vern" guy than Martin from that era.
The Economist is hardly conservative in its editorial viewpoint, bub.

If I'm recalling correctly I'd agree with you. Will check if that's where I got that table showing the comparative harm of illicit drugs.

But we are way off-topic now. :) If you wanna discuss political theory there's a group for that :) If it's about Robin Williams, I'll respond, if not, there's a Politics group to continue this. :)
Another Hollywood star committed suicide. Why is that surprising or even breaking news?

Guess it is the contrast that people have a hard time with and the loss of someone that they felt they knew, like a neighborhood friend.

I couldn't give a rats ass about almost any Hollyweird stars, but some like Williams gave me a whole lot of happiness and laughter, and I think well of them for that. And somehow, I always imagined that this meant that they were happy too in their private lives.

Williams reminds us how untrue that notion is to our disbelief and sadness at a friends passing.

Maybe that's it?

Williams is a prime example of why a person shouldn't be idolized for their fame.
Enjoying a performer's work and mourning his death is not idolatry, bub.
IMO depression is for the weak minded and weak willed. Lots of people have bad days, falls on hard times and suffers tragedies in their lives. It takes a strong person to overcome life's hardships.

Clinical depression isn't about being tough minded, dude.

I have been diagnosed as hypomanic, not bipolar, but my autism makes me emotional, so when I get sad I get very sad, but that isn't clinical depression either.

I grew up knowing a person who is bipolar and their sadness was not caused by events so much as what was going on in their heads. It was like whatever in the brain would cause one to feel sadness about something, that thing was firing 'BE SAD' at time or 'BE HAPPY' other times. It was impossible to really cheer them up when they were down or caution them when they were up, and when I was with them while they were up was a dangerous thing for our personal safety, literally.

The brains emotional response systems can be naturally balanced. I keep a collection of happy memories that cheer me up when I need it, and I think most people do. This does not work on a clinically depressed person because no matter what the brains says 'BE SAD'. Chemical alteration of the mind is about the only escape. I don't do that, but he did. He is no longer with us, and I know that it wasn't because of bad choices on his part so much as his brain was just not wired right.

I know it calls for some empathy to try and connect with the notion that sometimes people don't have control of their mental state, but I have seen it and I know it is true.

So when you say things like, 'depression is for the weak minded and weak willed' it really makes you look like an ignorant ass hat. I don't think this an accurate characterization of you, but the impression is still there and thought you should know.
I saw at least one mod try to keep this thread on course.

They've failed, but I cannot blame them.

Another Hollywood star committed suicide. Why is that surprising or even breaking news?

Guess it is the contrast that people have a hard time with and the loss of someone that they felt they knew, like a neighborhood friend.

I couldn't give a rats ass about almost any Hollyweird stars, but some like Williams gave me a whole lot of happiness and laughter, and I think well of them for that. And somehow, I always imagined that this meant that they were happy too in their private lives.

Williams reminds us how untrue that notion is to our disbelief and sadness at a friends passing.

Maybe that's it?

Williams is a prime example of why a person shouldn't be idolized for their fame.

I did not idolize him. This feeling that you know someone who is often in movies is just a media 'trick' that Hollyweird uses to build stars.

I liked Williams for making me and my friends laugh.

Is that so hard for you to grasp? Do you laugh in your private life? When you do doesn't it make you like the comedian a little more?
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