BREAKING NOW: Robin Williams Found Dead

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It might. Unless there was actual scientific research showing a difference in brain chemistry and that the imbalances cause certain reactions.

Assuming the research is correct and accurate.

So many times we have been told things that was later shown to be false.

How medical science got it exactly wrong on childhood food allergies

How science goes wrong

Why medical science often gets it wrong

Couldn't help but notice your 3 sources are just conservative propaganda sites and not actual medical or scientific ones.

Yeah, because there are no LIBERAL propaganda sources (which is every thing in the MSM) pushing junk science.

uranidiot. Most "depressed people" are crooks scamming the system. They claim depression to get free drugs (which they then sell) and to get those nice disability checks. Williams was rich so i don't suppose that was his motive but it's very common among ordinary people.

Mental health is a racket. Like everything else the govt does.

Your ignorance is stupefying. Even after all I have read, the depth of your stupidity still amazes.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

Um, no that's not what they are doing. Trust me.
uranidiot. Most "depressed people" are crooks scamming the system. They claim depression to get free drugs (which they then sell) and to get those nice disability checks. Williams was rich so i don't suppose that was his motive but it's very common among ordinary people.

Mental health is a racket. Like everything else the govt does.

Your ignorance is stupefying. Even after all I have read, the depth of your stupidity still amazes.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

If that is the case, then your name-calling after quoting my post shows you admitting I am right.

Thanks for playing.
It might. Unless there was actual scientific research showing a difference in brain chemistry and that the imbalances cause certain reactions.

Assuming the research is correct and accurate.

So many times we have been told things that was later shown to be false.

How medical science got it exactly wrong on childhood food allergies

How science goes wrong

Why medical science often gets it wrong

Couldn't help but notice your 3 sources are just conservative propaganda sites and not actual medical or scientific ones.

Prove they are conservative propaganda sites.

Yep, Van Gogh comes to mind. These people that are calling someone weak for suffering mental illness are worthless, imo.

They're either weak or more likely they're just crooks. "I feel sad - gimme $3000 a month".

Mental illness is very easy to fake.
SUICIDE AT AGE 63! MONEY AND FAME IS NOT ENOUGH,WE ALL NEED JESUS IN OUR LIVES !! LET US ALL TRY to help people that we see are having problems while we can,as we can do them no good after they are gone! Think about those you love,help them now!!! NOW!!!
Of all THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THAT KNEW ROBIN WILLIAMS I WONDER HOW MANY TRYED TO HELP HIM SEEK AND FIND TRUTH=GOD!!!!!===I sure hope Robin Williams accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his death, if so he is one happy,blessed man flooded with joy tonight!!!! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK!! WHAT WILL LIFE BE LIKE FOR YOU THE SPLIT second after you die!! DEATH IS NOT THE END of life, it is the real beginning!!! but where??? you get to chose today!! Make sure you choose wisely!
Assuming the research is correct and accurate.

So many times we have been told things that was later shown to be false.

How medical science got it exactly wrong on childhood food allergies

How science goes wrong

Why medical science often gets it wrong

Couldn't help but notice your 3 sources are just conservative propaganda sites and not actual medical or scientific ones.

Yeah, because there are no LIBERAL propaganda sources (which is every thing in the MSM) pushing junk science.


They're many but I don't cite them as sources. :)
You're assuming what the science says to be true when it has proven to be wrong in the past. Why place so much faith in something that may change in the future?

I don't have to prove anything. I have an opinion and it is based on life experiences. I don't need to find a culprit to blame when life's struggles seem to be overwhelming. I simply find the strength to overcome without the use of drugs. I don't place my mental health in the hands of those who I don't believe fully understand the human brain and what it is capable of.

YOu are dismissing medical research for no reason other than that you have not experienced clinical depression and because there have been mistakes in past research on other topics.

This "if you are strong you will overcome" is great for some things. But it is not the answer when a chemical imbalance in the brain causes depression.

I asked before, what training or education do you have to enable you to make an educated judgement against the standard, widely held belief in what research has shown?

He's denying it because he's a cattlerancher in Texas who's breathes in cow crap all day long. And it seems to having an effect. Garbage in, garbage out as they say.

The sad part is that people like this idiot will convince some that they don't need medical help, they just need to be tougher and stronger. How many men have died from various ailments because of the ridiculous macho need to be able to say "I haven't been to a doctor since I was a kid".
I'll always remember Robin Williams as Garp.

The World According To Garp

Amazingly, I only just completed reading the book for a second time on Sunday, and was planning to rent the movie when I heard of Williams' (untimely?) death.

I challenge any of you to see this film, or read the book, and not shed a tear for Garp/Williams:

You know, everybody dies. My parents died. Your father died. Everybody dies. I'm going to die too. So will you. The thing is, to have a life before we die. It can be a real adventure having a life."- The World According To Garp, by John Irving.

The Under Toad eventually effects us all...

Yep, Van Gogh comes to mind. These people that are calling someone weak for suffering mental illness are worthless, imo.

They're either weak or more likely they're just crooks. "I feel sad - gimme $3000 a month".

Mental illness is very easy to fake.

I repeat, you're an idiot. I've suffered with clinical depression since my 20s. I work, and I've never taken a dime in government money.

My youngest has aspergers. She had a summer job. She worked. She's buying her own school clothes. She's goes to school, and the school says she's so brilliant, they see no problem with her attending college. (She's very high functioning).

We aren't taking a dime in government money.
I suffer from depression and it's not always easy. Some days are better than others. It's not always easy to know what demons somebody is wrestling with. I wish his family the best.

You prolly get hundreds of dollars of drugs each month at taxpayer expense for your phony "condition". Maybe you're on disability and refuse to work and get $3000 a month from the taxpayers. All because "i feel sad".

You are an asshole

big time....and he cant back up 90% of the shit he posts....
SUICIDE AT AGE 63! MONEY AND FAME IS NOT ENOUGH,WE ALL NEED JESUS IN OUR LIVES !! LET US ALL TRY to help people that we see are having problems while we can,as we can do them no good after they are gone! Think about those you love,help them now!!! NOW!!!
Of all THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THAT KNEW ROBIN WILLIAMS I WONDER HOW MANY TRYED TO HELP HIM SEEK AND FIND TRUTH=GOD!!!!!===I sure hope Robin Williams accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his death, if so he is one happy,blessed man flooded with joy tonight!!!! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK!! WHAT WILL LIFE BE LIKE FOR YOU THE SPLIT second after you die!! DEATH IS NOT THE END of life, it is the real beginning!!! but where??? you get to chose today!! Make sure you choose wisely!


I see people rejecting God, and seeking the God of Fame. But in the end, it's hallow and they either end up dead from a drug over-dose or killing themselves.

How many there have been since I was a child, how many more will fall for this deception from the devil?

Jimmi Hendrix
Jim Morrison
Janis Joplin
John Belushi
Kurt Cobane
Michael Hutchence

Add Robin Williams to the list. :(
uranidiot. Most "depressed people" are crooks scamming the system. They claim depression to get free drugs (which they then sell) and to get those nice disability checks. Williams was rich so i don't suppose that was his motive but it's very common among ordinary people.

Mental health is a racket. Like everything else the govt does.

Your ignorance is stupefying. Even after all I have read, the depth of your stupidity still amazes.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

No, you sad, sorry, pathetic little human being, the rest of the board knows you for what you are and has nothing but contempt for you, as do I...

Just ask them, I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you the very same.
This was the lead story on the "Today" show this morning. In fact the first 10 minutes were about robin williams, then they did 5 minutes of real news and then back to RW. Just shows how sick the news media is. Williams was a silly useless entertainer and drug addict and his death is nothing to mourn. A tragedy is when a great scientist dies or businessman dies. Those are the people that create wealth and make america great.

does this include the business men who fuck people over to make a buck?.......
YOu are dismissing medical research for no reason other than that you have not experienced clinical depression and because there have been mistakes in past research on other topics.

This "if you are strong you will overcome" is great for some things. But it is not the answer when a chemical imbalance in the brain causes depression.

I asked before, what training or education do you have to enable you to make an educated judgement against the standard, widely held belief in what research has shown?

He's denying it because he's a cattlerancher in Texas who's breathes in cow crap all day long. And it seems to having an effect. Garbage in, garbage out as they say.

The sad part is that people like this idiot will convince some that they don't need medical help, they just need to be tougher and stronger. How many men have died from various ailments because of the ridiculous macho need to be able to say "I haven't been to a doctor since I was a kid".

Don't be jealous because you're weak and don't put all medical help in the same category. We are talking about mental health and I believe that it's all in your head.

Yep, Van Gogh comes to mind. These people that are calling someone weak for suffering mental illness are worthless, imo.

They're either weak or more likely they're just crooks. "I feel sad - gimme $3000 a month".

Mental illness is very easy to fake.

So, what happened to Robin Williams? Was he faking it?

Who's to say he wasn't in some drug induced state that made him act irrationally?
There is a quirk in the psyche of pop-culture educated Americans that confuses celebrities with the roles they play. Robin Williams was not your friendly neighbor. He was a depraved drug addict and a depressed maniac that you would never want for a friend. If you think he was an approachable nice guy try knocking on his door and you would find yourself in a headlock by a body guard or in a jail cell. It's a shame he took his own life but he wasn't your friend.
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