BREAKING NOW: Robin Williams Found Dead

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Some of y'all sure do like to sit on your pedestals and judge.

While some others place Robin on a pedestal. The amount of coverage is ridiculous. Why we, as a society, worship celebrities is beyond me.
It is called humanity. The passing of a fundamentally decent human being who entertained and essentially enriched people's live should not go uncommemorated.
I think the point was that it's completely out of balance. He was an entertainer, he didn't cure cancer. Didn't invent a product that makes our lives easier and didn't lay down his life for his fellow man, he threw it away when he had so much.
I'll be glad when I can turn on the news without hearing how awesome he was. I never thought he was funny, he had a low brow type of humor, but a decent actor. It goes to show that fame and fortune doesn't bring happiness. I disagree that depression is an illness, you choose to be depressed. Look at the animals, no matter how bad they have it they try to survive, they don't sit around and mope woe is me. I've had my own battles but chose to stay busy. Too much sitting around is unhealthy for you.

You really are completely clueless.
No, you are. You can't even articulate something besides emotional blather.
I'll be glad when I can turn on the news without hearing how awesome he was. I never thought he was funny, he had a low brow type of humor, but a decent actor. It goes to show that fame and fortune doesn't bring happiness. I disagree that depression is an illness, you choose to be depressed. Look at the animals, no matter how bad they have it they try to survive, they don't sit around and mope woe is me. I've had my own battles but chose to stay busy. Too much sitting around is unhealthy for you.

You really are completely clueless.
No, you are. You can't even articulate something besides emotional blather.

How about taking your grave dancing to a thread in the FZ where you can mingle with your own kind?

I think the rest of us prefer to hold some compassion for Robin and his family.
So many people who have no idea what clinical depression is. I suffer from depression, but it's not the same kind of depression you feel when something bad happens. I was depressed when my mother died. It passed. Clinical depression doesn't just go away because something good happens.

Nope, It's an illness like Diabetes or Heart Disease. It messes with the brain instead. It is not something you can will away or fight off. It's a very real issue and I wish more people would be willing to come out and talk about it. Maybe some of these deaths can be prevented if people were willing to talk to others about this instead of hide.
He was so miserable, he found no reason for life any more. That was his brain talking, not his spirit. He tried.

He was found with a belt around his neck, and slashes on his wrists. Thats what the news is saying. He wanted away from the torment. Yes, he left people that loved him and needed him, but many do not understand that he was not thinking of that. His brain told him they would be better off without him...and he needed so desperately to escape. So he did.

He didn't cure cancer and he was not a scientist..but he was a decent human being that was kind, and brought much love and laughter to those he touched. For that, I am grateful. His family will continue on, and so will we. But our loss of him is legit and anyone that wants to deny us that small bit, can kiss my butt.
While some others place Robin on a pedestal. The amount of coverage is ridiculous. Why we, as a society, worship celebrities is beyond me.
It is called humanity. The passing of a fundamentally decent human being who entertained and essentially enriched people's live should not go uncommemorated.
I think the point was that it's completely out of balance. He was an entertainer, he didn't cure cancer. Didn't invent a product that makes our lives easier and didn't lay down his life for his fellow man, he threw it away when he had so much.
You are right, yet you stupidly wrong. I don't believe you understand the concept of actually liking people. I respect the accomplishments of others, yet emotional attachments are not thus formed.

I really liked Robin Williams as a persona and I imagine as a person. There is little to suggest he was not a fine man. So fuck you!
Lewis Black weighs in.

Williams really was a genius.

(for those he don't know, he was a Julliard Scholar)

Williams was as smart as he was funny, the comic says

Contrary to popular belief, Robin Williams, who died Monday at the age of 63, wasn’t “always on” and going a mile a minute. But comedian Lewis Black says Williams’ ability to jump from one topic to another was unparalleled among his peers.

Here, Black remembers Williams as an endlessly giving and energetic person:
“I had met him before, but I really got to know him when we went on two USO [United Service Organization] tours together [in the late 2000s], and spent time with him on the film Man of the Year.

The first thing was: I got on a plane with him, and he was reading a book which was a history of Iraq.

He sat there and talked about it for 35 minutes, going through the history of Iraq with us. That’s astonishing. I thought, this guy is kind of brilliant. He was a really bright guy who may have had a photographic memory.
[Trying to figure out how he does what he does] is like standing in front of a hurricane and going, gee, I wonder how that happened.

He wasn’t someone who was always on. It’s very much a misconception.
There were jokes of his that made me laugh hard, but it was the going from one thing to another, making those connections. It’s like how you watch an improv group take suggestions. It was like Robin had the most brilliant audience inside his head throwing out suggestions, because he would put combinations together that were just crazy. And how he could work out of the moment. That working out of the moment is a gift, but he did it on another level.

[On the USO tours], the amount of energy he brought when we would get off of a helicopter and walk towards the troops — the amount of energy he gave to them was unbelievable. It was really incredible to be in that kind of giving presence.

I was exhausted. We’re going from place to place, he can’t give enough to them, and I’m trying to think,

‘Where can I take a nap?’ It was inspiring. Wherever we’d land, until the point where we would leave, he’d be talking to them — and not just going off, but being straight with them.

I adored him. If you look at the outpouring that’s gone on, that someone of his stature would come to see them was kind of amazing to them.

It’s proof again that the good die young, and pricks live forever. He’s gonna be missed. There’s a hole, and it’s gonna take a long time to be filled.”

Robin Williams Dead at 63: Lewis Black Remembrance - TIME
So many people who have no idea what clinical depression is. I suffer from depression, but it's not the same kind of depression you feel when something bad happens. I was depressed when my mother died. It passed. Clinical depression doesn't just go away because something good happens.

Nope, It's an illness like Diabetes or Heart Disease. It messes with the brain instead. It is not something you can will away or fight off. It's a very real issue and I wish more people would be willing to come out and talk about it. Maybe some of these deaths can be prevented if people were willing to talk to others about this instead of hide.

Conversations are two way streets though. "It's not your place to judge", STFU, "fuck you" and all the rest his superfans offer up is not a conversation. By the time people are permitted to discuss it, the people you want to be having that conversation with have moved their attention elsewhere. If you are not open to other people's perspectives, they are not going to be open to yours.
Some of y'all sure do like to sit on your pedestals and judge.

While some others place Robin on a pedestal. The amount of coverage is ridiculous. Why we, as a society, worship celebrities is beyond me.

Suicide must come out of the shadows, only through study can it possibly be prevented. When my friend died, I was designated the "victim", and the Victim's Advocate sent me to a mental health counselor to assist in my understanding; yet the feeling is still there, a tiny bit.......why couldnd't I talk him out of it that last night?

I do not wish to glorify suicide, but still want to understand, prevent as many as possible.
One of my best friend's in this world found his father who shot himself.. It doesn't matter the method when it comes to suicide.. It's a tragedy all around. The family needs love and support.. Not judgement.. Give them that respect.. The man made billions of people around the world laugh when inside there was no laughter.. The least we can do is honor him and his family now.

We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to unjuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regu;ar basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, ansd surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.

Chemical depression doesn't come from the circumstances around one's life, nor does it come from outside chemicals. That's the part you sociopaths don't get.

I've had it -- a sense of deep deep foreboding that washes over the brain for no discernible reason, with no warning whatsoever, even coming on at times when life was going pretty well. It's internal. It's the body's chemistry. And it's something that if you haven't experienced, you're in absolutely no position to say it doesn't exist, or that it's a result of whatever cockamamie agenda you're pushing this week.
All I know is if they ever find me hung, they will know it wasn't a suicide. Of all the ways to do yourself in, that would be the one I would never ever choose. It was heartless of him to do that to whoever ultimately found his body dangling.

That's not for us to judge. "I woulda done this, I would never do that" is pointless, clueless and profoundly irrelevant. This thread ain't about you.

It was heartless of him to do that. I have known two people who came in and found relatives dangling. It is for me to judge. I know what effect it had on them, including being told by 911 to cut them down and try to resuscitate them. To be all non-judgmental, you are nothing but judgmental.

Absolute horse shit. You're in no position to know what drove him to such a decision, period.

You ass clowns who think the thread is about you do us one service here-- you answer the question, "who are the self-absorbed narcissists of USMB?". Thanks for raising your hand. Now sit the fuck down.
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So many people who have no idea what clinical depression is. I suffer from depression, but it's not the same kind of depression you feel when something bad happens. I was depressed when my mother died. It passed. Clinical depression doesn't just go away because something good happens.

Exactly. It's got zero to do with what's "happening".
While some others place Robin on a pedestal. The amount of coverage is ridiculous. Why we, as a society, worship celebrities is beyond me.
It is called humanity. The passing of a fundamentally decent human being who entertained and essentially enriched people's live should not go uncommemorated.
I think the point was that it's completely out of balance. He was an entertainer, he didn't cure cancer. Didn't invent a product that makes our lives easier and didn't lay down his life for his fellow man, he threw it away when he had so much.

It could not possibly be any more obvious that, in the moment, he didn't see it that way at all.
So many people who have no idea what clinical depression is. I suffer from depression, but it's not the same kind of depression you feel when something bad happens. I was depressed when my mother died. It passed. Clinical depression doesn't just go away because something good happens.

Exactly. It's got zero to do with what's "happening".

I can't believe I'm agreeing with somebody who would implement Bush Sr. in the JFK assassination. :eusa_shifty:


Edit: It would be awesome if S.J. actually repped me for this post. :lol:
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One of my best friend's in this world found his father who shot himself.. It doesn't matter the method when it comes to suicide.. It's a tragedy all around. The family needs love and support.. Not judgement.. Give them that respect.. The man made billions of people around the world laugh when inside there was no laughter.. The least we can do is honor him and his family now.

We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to unjuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regu;ar basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, ansd surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.

Chemical depression doesn't come from the circumstances around one's life, nor does it come from outside chemicals. That's the part you sociopaths don't get.

I've had it -- a sense of deep deep foreboding that washes over the brain for no discernible reason, with no warning whatsoever, even coming on at times when life was going pretty well. It's internal. It's the body's chemistry. And it's something that if you haven't experienced, you're in absolutely no position to say it doesn't exist, or that it's a result of whatever cockamamie agenda you're pushing this week.

Often the outside chemicals, the drugs and alcohol are the Depressed person's way of dealing with this terrible disease.

It is not a temporary grief you get when something tragic happens and you eventually heal.

It's like you are always grieving.

It's a fucked up brain chemistry. Extremely difficult to deal with.
So many people who have no idea what clinical depression is. I suffer from depression, but it's not the same kind of depression you feel when something bad happens. I was depressed when my mother died. It passed. Clinical depression doesn't just go away because something good happens.

Exactly. It's got zero to do with what's "happening".

I can't believe I'm agreeing with somebody who would implement Bush Sr. in the JFK assassination. :eusa_shifty:


As I say at a fancy restaurant, "my implements to the chef"... :eusa_shifty:
We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to unjuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regu;ar basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, ansd surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.

Chemical depression doesn't come from the circumstances around one's life, nor does it come from outside chemicals. That's the part you sociopaths don't get.

I've had it -- a sense of deep deep foreboding that washes over the brain for no discernible reason, with no warning whatsoever, even coming on at times when life was going pretty well. It's internal. It's the body's chemistry. And it's something that if you haven't experienced, you're in absolutely no position to say it doesn't exist, or that it's a result of whatever cockamamie agenda you're pushing this week.

Often the outside chemicals, the drugs and alcohol are the Depressed person's way of dealing with this terrible disease.

It is not a temporary grief you get when something tragic happens and you eventually heal.

It's like you are always grieving.

It's a fucked up brain chemistry. Extremely difficult to deal with.

Exactly. They're attempts to dull the pain that's already there.

Shit, I remember this stuff coming on as a child. I remember wracking my brain to figure out what might have gone wrong recently to bring this on, and coming up blank.
So many people who have no idea what clinical depression is. I suffer from depression, but it's not the same kind of depression you feel when something bad happens. I was depressed when my mother died. It passed. Clinical depression doesn't just go away because something good happens.

Nope, It's an illness like Diabetes or Heart Disease. It messes with the brain instead. It is not something you can will away or fight off. It's a very real issue and I wish more people would be willing to come out and talk about it. Maybe some of these deaths can be prevented if people were willing to talk to others about this instead of hide.

Conversations are two way streets though. "It's not your place to judge", STFU, "fuck you" and all the rest his superfans offer up is not a conversation. By the time people are permitted to discuss it, the people you want to be having that conversation with have moved their attention elsewhere. If you are not open to other people's perspectives, they are not going to be open to yours.

I am open to any other perspectives but this kind of thing always elicits strong reactions from people.
Chemical depression doesn't come from the circumstances around one's life, nor does it come from outside chemicals. That's the part you sociopaths don't get.

I've had it -- a sense of deep deep foreboding that washes over the brain for no discernible reason, with no warning whatsoever, even coming on at times when life was going pretty well. It's internal. It's the body's chemistry. And it's something that if you haven't experienced, you're in absolutely no position to say it doesn't exist, or that it's a result of whatever cockamamie agenda you're pushing this week.

Often the outside chemicals, the drugs and alcohol are the Depressed person's way of dealing with this terrible disease.

It is not a temporary grief you get when something tragic happens and you eventually heal.

It's like you are always grieving.

It's a fucked up brain chemistry. Extremely difficult to deal with.

Exactly. They're attempts to dull the pain that's already there.

Shit, I remember this stuff coming on as a child. I remember wracking my brain to figure out what might have gone wrong recently to bring this on, and coming up blank.

And that's a big problem. The guilt. You feel like you did something wrong and for someone who is Depressed, it is never their fault. It would be tough for a child to deal with.
You really are completely clueless.
No, you are. You can't even articulate something besides emotional blather.

How about taking your grave dancing to a thread in the FZ where you can mingle with your own kind?

I think the rest of us prefer to hold some compassion for Robin and his family.
Hey asshole. I didn't celebrate his passing, grow a brain and follow your own advice. I said the attention level was out of whack. But thanks for proving liberals are slaves to their emotions.
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