BREAKING: Obama Cuts Loose – Biden Stunned

He didn’t shut it down and COVID entered New York from travelers to Europe.

Could have stopped this early, but Trump was too afraid

From your CDC

and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China

Washington isn't New York. I know geography sometimes gets confusing, but they're actually different places.
IT CAME FROM CHINA. Being defensive wont change the fact that the virus entered the country from CHINA.

Spreading the LIE that the virus came here from Europe is a LIE

(CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China


It didn’t just come from one place, genius. Cases in Washington primarily came from China. Cases in New York primarily came from Europe.

I know it is important to the left to steer the blame away from CHINA, but that is Ground Zero.

Nothing you say changed that. Neither does insulting me for correcting you. I also ran across a report that I didnt post, that said NY can trace their early infections from the cases in Washington
He didn’t shut it down and COVID entered New York from travelers to Europe.

Could have stopped this early, but Trump was too afraid

From your CDC

and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China

Washington isn't New York. I know geography sometimes gets confusing, but they're actually different places.
IT CAME FROM CHINA. Being defensive wont change the fact that the virus entered the country from CHINA.

Spreading the LIE that the virus came here from Europe is a LIE

(CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China


It didn’t just come from one place, genius. Cases in Washington primarily came from China. Cases in New York primarily came from Europe.

I know it is important to the left to steer 5he blame away from CHINA, but that is Ground Zero.

Nothing you say changed that. Neither does insulting me for correcting you. I also ran across a report that I didnt post, that said NY can trace their early infections from the cases in Washington
I didn’t say where it first entered. I said where it got to New York.

The first confirmed case came from a woman who had been in Iran.
because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
We are centralized around an idea. We dont care that you'll never figure it out. Your inability to comprehend where the AMERICAN People are will keep us in power.
Yeah. The idea is agree with whatever Trump says.

I’ve noticed. It’s creepy.
We are lucky he's always right and your ideas are always wrong for America
Exactly! That dude is never wrong. Like when he said COVID was totally under control and was about to disappear.

Covid was under control---he stopped travel from foreign infected lands and had already slowed the crossing of illegals over here (who turn our are our super spreaders). He had no ideal that cuomo, the penn dem governor, and the michigan dem governor were purposely going to try to spread the disease by doing such stupid stunts as forcing nursing homes to take in the infected and then purposely kill their states economies by doing unnecessary and unhelpful lock down while screaming about Florida beaches which btw were perfectly safe since the sun which we in Florida have lots of kills the virus in 11-34 minutes.

No he didn't stop people from coming here. And the virus was never under control. I'm not sure how many times we have to go over this. Or explain that these governors while making admittedly bad decisions, were following guidelines set down by their states and the federal government. But you keep pushing that narrative. Say, how did injecting those disinfectants and inserting the UV lights turn out? And the Florida sun? How's that working out for you?
In case you ignored it:

(CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China


And? This means what? You get to label it? You get to blame someone else for it? You can absolve your lord and savior of his inaction and incompetence? You can chant China Virus along with the rest of the sycophants? Again, when did we as a country ever wait for someone else to take action? Trump had been briefed on the possibility of a pandemic as early as the beginning of January. And because he doesn't have the patience to digest a piece of information bigger than a Chicken McNugget or because he flat out didn't want anything interrupting his re-election campaign, he chose to ignore it. That's on him...period.

Coming back to the topic, a President and VP don't need to like each other. They just need to work well together. Look at Reagan and Bush Sr. Hell, I'll admit, even Pence is a good foot soldier for Trump. I wonder if Pence lays awake at night at conflict with his Christian values?...nah...probably not. Reflection is like believing in science for Republicans.

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