BREAKING: Obama Cuts Loose – Biden Stunned

because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
We are centralized around an idea. We dont care that you'll never figure it out. Your inability to comprehend where the AMERICAN People are will keep us in power.
Yeah. The idea is agree with whatever Trump says.

I’ve noticed. It’s creepy.
meanwhile you agree with all the dems say.

fucked up.

Theres actually some diversity on the part of the Dems. People have different ideas and different priorities. It’s literally impossible to agree with “all the Dems” since they don’t agree with themselves on all things.

The Republican Party is just basically just one person. It’s creepy.
I don't really see anything for the GOP after Trump's second term, except PR pros trying to manufacture a copycat 'Image' out some Party stooge or other. Trump is essentially a 'third party' President, and few others have the name and the connections to pull off what he did. Hopefully the DNC crime syndicates are mostly all in jail and removed from the Federal Court benches by then, along with their Red Chinese patrons.
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Theres actually some diversity on the part of the Dems.

LOL quit being silly; over a dozen of them were on stage in the primaries, all babbling nearly the same slogans and all of them fell all over themselves promising to throw the borders wide open as they pandered to to the criminal illegal alien vote. If you think that mumbling con artist Sanders was a serious candidate, you should have your voter registration card taken away from you and burned.
because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
We are centralized around an idea. We dont care that you'll never figure it out. Your inability to comprehend where the AMERICAN People are will keep us in power.
Yeah. The idea is agree with whatever Trump says.

I’ve noticed. It’s creepy.
We are lucky he's always right and your ideas are always wrong for America
Exactly! That dude is never wrong. Like when he said COVID was totally under control and was about to disappear.

Covid was under control---he stopped travel from foreign infected lands and had already slowed the crossing of illegals over here (who turn our are our super spreaders). He had no ideal that cuomo, the penn dem governor, and the michigan dem governor were purposely going to try to spread the disease by doing such stupid stunts as forcing nursing homes to take in the infected and then purposely kill their states economies by doing unnecessary and unhelpful lock down while screaming about Florida beaches which btw were perfectly safe since the sun which we in Florida have lots of kills the virus in 11-34 minutes.

It was never under control. He didn't shut down travel from infected lands which is how it got to New York in the first place.


He shut it down---then Cuomo ordered that the infected be put in nursing homes where the disease could spread easier and kill more.

And worse then cuomo went on air and said that he and fauci were life long friends and were talking almost every night------most everyone especially in the medical field knows that you don't put contagious people in a nursing unless you want to spread the disease. As cuomo personally caused the death of thousands------he used their deaths to demand billions $$$ from the federal government.

Don't blame Trump for what the GREEDY psychopaths dems did. Dems own their actions in purposely spreading the disease......Trump saved tens of thousands with his actions but couldn't save everyone----the new yorkers sealed their fate when they allow corrupt dems like Cuomo and Deblasio in.
because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
funny - the left is centralized around that very same person.
Really? When did the Democratic Party platform become “whatever Obama says”?

Pretty much the second he said "I have a pen, and a phone."
I guess we can add "The Outraged Patriot" to the list of TrumpWorld-approved "news" sources.
because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
The difference being is that President Trump is obedient to things of God. He has a respect for life in all its stages. He is only getting flack from traitors and seriously mentally challenged, confused people. He is a person with a family-centered heart, and he works for the good of working men and women. He cares about what's good for impressionable children who do best when they are raised with other children near their own age and two parents who do their best they can for family.
because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
We are centralized around an idea. We dont care that you'll never figure it out. Your inability to comprehend where the AMERICAN People are will keep us in power.
Yeah. The idea is agree with whatever Trump says.

I’ve noticed. It’s creepy.
meanwhile you agree with all the dems say.

fucked up.

Theres actually some diversity on the part of the Dems. People have different ideas and different priorities. It’s literally impossible to agree with “all the Dems” since they don’t agree with themselves on all things.

The Republican Party is just basically just one person. It’s creepy.
So this is how you TRY and justify the democrats being fragmented and broken.

OK sunshine. lie to yourself all you wish.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. Either we're fragmented or broken or we only have one single motive. Stop contradicting yourself.

I'll take a big tent over a cult of personality.

Seriously, this is getting really creepy.
because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
funny - the left is centralized around that very same person.

Hmm. That's not what I saw last week. I saw a diverse group of individuals speaking on a number of issues. Who all rallied around their nominee. The only one who really took Trump to the woodshed was his predecessor. Compared to the last two nights of the basically Trump Family Convention where I'm listening to a bunch of white people saying it will be the end of our country if Biden is elected. I guess they opted to throw Tim Scott out there first to blunt the rest of what was coming. Because they're getting it backwards. If Trump is re-elected, it will probably mean the end of us all....except for Trump and his family. :)
because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
We are centralized around an idea. We dont care that you'll never figure it out. Your inability to comprehend where the AMERICAN People are will keep us in power.
Yeah. The idea is agree with whatever Trump says.

I’ve noticed. It’s creepy.
We are lucky he's always right and your ideas are always wrong for America
Exactly! That dude is never wrong. Like when he said COVID was totally under control and was about to disappear.

Covid was under control---he stopped travel from foreign infected lands and had already slowed the crossing of illegals over here (who turn our are our super spreaders). He had no ideal that cuomo, the penn dem governor, and the michigan dem governor were purposely going to try to spread the disease by doing such stupid stunts as forcing nursing homes to take in the infected and then purposely kill their states economies by doing unnecessary and unhelpful lock down while screaming about Florida beaches which btw were perfectly safe since the sun which we in Florida have lots of kills the virus in 11-34 minutes.

It was never under control. He didn't shut down travel from infected lands which is how it got to New York in the first place.


He shut it down---then Cuomo ordered that the infected be put in nursing homes where the disease could spread easier and kill more.

And worse then cuomo went on air and said that he and fauci were life long friends and were talking almost every night------most everyone especially in the medical field knows that you don't put contagious people in a nursing unless you want to spread the disease. As cuomo personally caused the death of thousands------he used their deaths to demand billions $$$ from the federal government.

Don't blame Trump for what the GREEDY psychopaths dems did. Dems own their actions in purposely spreading the disease......Trump saved tens of thousands with his actions but couldn't save everyone----the new yorkers sealed their fate when they allow corrupt dems like Cuomo and Deblasio in.

He didn’t shut it down and COVID entered New York from travelers to Europe.

Could have stopped this early, but Trump was too afraid.
He didn’t shut it down and COVID entered New York from travelers to Europe.

Could have stopped this early, but Trump was too afraid

From your CDC

and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China

because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
We are centralized around an idea. We dont care that you'll never figure it out. Your inability to comprehend where the AMERICAN People are will keep us in power.
Yeah. The idea is agree with whatever Trump says.

I’ve noticed. It’s creepy.
We are lucky he's always right and your ideas are always wrong for America
Exactly! That dude is never wrong. Like when he said COVID was totally under control and was about to disappear.

Covid was under control---he stopped travel from foreign infected lands and had already slowed the crossing of illegals over here (who turn our are our super spreaders). He had no ideal that cuomo, the penn dem governor, and the michigan dem governor were purposely going to try to spread the disease by doing such stupid stunts as forcing nursing homes to take in the infected and then purposely kill their states economies by doing unnecessary and unhelpful lock down while screaming about Florida beaches which btw were perfectly safe since the sun which we in Florida have lots of kills the virus in 11-34 minutes.

No he didn't stop people from coming here. And the virus was never under control. I'm not sure how many times we have to go over this. Or explain that these governors while making admittedly bad decisions, were following guidelines set down by their states and the federal government. But you keep pushing that narrative. Say, how did injecting those disinfectants and inserting the UV lights turn out? And the Florida sun? How's that working out for you?
because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
We are centralized around an idea. We dont care that you'll never figure it out. Your inability to comprehend where the AMERICAN People are will keep us in power.
Yeah. The idea is agree with whatever Trump says.

I’ve noticed. It’s creepy.
We are lucky he's always right and your ideas are always wrong for America
Exactly! That dude is never wrong. Like when he said COVID was totally under control and was about to disappear.

Covid was under control---he stopped travel from foreign infected lands and had already slowed the crossing of illegals over here (who turn our are our super spreaders). He had no ideal that cuomo, the penn dem governor, and the michigan dem governor were purposely going to try to spread the disease by doing such stupid stunts as forcing nursing homes to take in the infected and then purposely kill their states economies by doing unnecessary and unhelpful lock down while screaming about Florida beaches which btw were perfectly safe since the sun which we in Florida have lots of kills the virus in 11-34 minutes.

No he didn't stop people from coming here. And the virus was never under control. I'm not sure how many times we have to go over this. Or explain that these governors while making admittedly bad decisions, were following guidelines set down by their states and the federal government. But you keep pushing that narrative. Say, how did injecting those disinfectants and inserting the UV lights turn out? And the Florida sun? How's that working out for you?
In case you ignored it:

(CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China

He didn’t shut it down and COVID entered New York from travelers to Europe.

Could have stopped this early, but Trump was too afraid

From your CDC

and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China

Washington isn't New York. I know geography sometimes gets confusing, but they're actually different places.
An outraged patriot dishing second hand talk from his "successful" podcast. Sounds like two teenagers gossiping. It's amusing what bubbles on in the minds of the alt-right. And no one has to go on how bad Trump is. We've all seen it for 3.5 years. :)
A President and VP don't have to like each other, they just need to work well together. Obama and Biden did just that.

I think the point here is that Obama doesn’t respect Biden. Obama was insecure and narcisstic enough that he felt compelled to have a white man as VP but one that could not be a threat to his ego to overshadow him.
He didn’t shut it down and COVID entered New York from travelers to Europe.

Could have stopped this early, but Trump was too afraid

From your CDC

and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China

Washington isn't New York. I know geography sometimes gets confusing, but they're actually different places.
IT CAME FROM CHINA. Being defensive wont change the fact that the virus entered the country from CHINA.

Spreading the LIE that the virus came here from Europe is a LIE

(CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China

because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
funny - the left is centralized around that very same person.
Really? When did the Democratic Party platform become “whatever Obama says”?
actually their position is everything Trump says is a lie.
so you are totally focused on one person too.
because the ONLY focus for the left anymore is GET RID OF TRUMP.

they offer nothing else. NOTHING.

Republicans can’t even write a party platform. Literally. It’s just “whatever Trump says”.
they adopted his platform.

pray tell, what is bidens? i can list you many things trump has spelled out what he wants to do, how he's going to do it, and why.

all biden has is "Trump sucks!" but hey - feel free to expand upon that pile of festering crap you seem to approve of as a "platform".

That’s what so creepy about today’s Republican Party. It’s so centralized around one person.
funny - the left is centralized around that very same person.
Really? When did the Democratic Party platform become “whatever Obama says”?
actually their position is everything Trump says is a lie.
so you are totally focused on one person too.
Dems want to take this country back from Trump so that we can focus on our own lives and not have to deal with Trump constantly demanding to be the center of attention.

Frankly, I am so tired. This is exhausting.
He didn’t shut it down and COVID entered New York from travelers to Europe.

Could have stopped this early, but Trump was too afraid

From your CDC

and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China

Washington isn't New York. I know geography sometimes gets confusing, but they're actually different places.
IT CAME FROM CHINA. Being defensive wont change the fact that the virus entered the country from CHINA.

Spreading the LIE that the virus came here from Europe is a LIE

(CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China


It didn’t just come from one place, genius. Cases in Washington primarily came from China. Cases in New York primarily came from Europe.

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