BREAKING: Obama Holdover Accused of Corruption Approved Trump Lawyer Raid

You guys never fail to "question reading comprehension" when you don't like what someone has posted. It's a well known tactic liberals employ to demean people. Next you'll accuse him of being 12 years old. The guy is an Obama holdover and allowed for an illegal search and seizure. You aren't concerned with that because destroying civil rights is the number one thing regressive liberals want.
They're tryhing every scam they know to deflect from the fact that the Cohen warrant is as corrupt as the day is long. The Mewler investigation is just as corrupt.
Hey you have the whining kid pic.
Very apt
I missed where you got your law degree from.
Do tell
You don't need a law degree to recognize an illegal search.
No, but you do need the underlining facts to be able to judge the illegality of it. Since you nor I have that, and the OP provides nothing but a vague sense of bias of 1 of the several people who needed to approve the warrant to begin with you don't have nothing to base your opinion on.
What they are doing is trolling. Trying to attack the messenger. I'll just have to disagree with you that I have nothing to base my opinion on as well.
What do you base it on then. Enlighten me.
They're tryhing every scam they know to deflect from the fact that the Cohen warrant is as corrupt as the day is long. The Mewler investigation is just as corrupt.
Hey you have the whining kid pic.
Very apt
I missed where you got your law degree from.
Do tell
You don't need a law degree to recognize an illegal search.
No, but you do need the underlining facts to be able to judge the illegality of it. Since you nor I have that, and the OP provides nothing but a vague sense of bias of 1 of the several people who needed to approve the warrant to begin with you don't have nothing to base your opinion on.
What they are doing is trolling. Trying to attack the messenger. I'll just have to disagree with you that I have nothing to base my opinion on as well.
What do you base it on then. Enlighten me.
Seeing it.
Discuss the topic please and cool it on the personal flamefests.
Hey you have the whining kid pic.
Very apt
I missed where you got your law degree from.
Do tell
You don't need a law degree to recognize an illegal search.
No, but you do need the underlining facts to be able to judge the illegality of it. Since you nor I have that, and the OP provides nothing but a vague sense of bias of 1 of the several people who needed to approve the warrant to begin with you don't have nothing to base your opinion on.
What they are doing is trolling. Trying to attack the messenger. I'll just have to disagree with you that I have nothing to base my opinion on as well.
What do you base it on then. Enlighten me.
Seeing it.
So you base your opinion on your opinion? Well I guess when you never question yourself it's not hard to be right. Good luck with that.
The gullibility of the OP astounds me. How somebody that was a partner in a private law practice from 2013-2018 can be labelled any sort of holdover is beyond comprehension.

Ex-SEC Enforcement Chief Khuzami Named No. 2 N.Y. Prosecutor
He served in the Clinton Administration and then in the Obama administration. He ain't no Republican.

Wow you still at that....

Republicans can serve in Democratic Administrations... Seemingly Democrats or Competent Republicans are not allowed to serve in Trump Administration...

Trump was the one who made the warrant possible... Why are you not blaming him...
Well, well, well, who would have ever suspected an Obama douchebag approved this sleazy insult to our system of justice? Every judge Obama appointed should be considered an enemy of the people. They don't give a damn about the law. Their primary concern is advancing the leftwing agenda, no matter what it takes.

Make sure you read the story. It shows precisely the kind of sleazy douchebags we're up against.

BREAKING: Obama Holdover Accused of Corruption Approved Trump Lawyer Raid


The inmates are running the asylum and locking up the guards.

When the media first began to spin the raid on the president's lawyer, they claimed that it had been approved by a Trump appointee. Of course it hadn't. It came from Rosenstein on one end. And Trump's appointee had recused himself. That left his deputy, an Obama holdover.

Robert Khuzami. And there are reports that he allegedly made the decision.

Khuzami was in charge of SEC enforcement under Obama. He did speak at the RNC convention in '04 in support of the Patriot Act and donated to McCain in '08. But as we've seen with Mueller, that kind of thing is old news. The much more significant factor is his SEC gig.

poor pathetic hack... yes, everyone is corrupt except for the orange sociopath, right?

jeeze... find a job. do something.
Democrats are corrupt. That has been proven over and over. Hillary and Obama are the two most nauseating examples.

No it hasn't... But your delusions are getting worse....
Fascinating to watch the contards continue to melt down over the Mueller investigation.

Anyone who dares threaten their Dear Leader becomes an enemy of the state in their minds.
Wow, it's getting harder and harder for you guys to get the name "Obama" somehow involved.'s getting easy as shit.
Seems the media, the DOJ, and a few select judges are in collision with Obama and Hillary.
Don't forget to wear your purple ribbon next time you attend a liberal circle-jerk.

Wow, it's getting harder and harder for you guys to get the name "Obama" somehow involved.
No, it's really quite simple. If there is sleaze involved, you can bet your ass that Obama, a member of his administration, or an Obama ass-kisser was involved. Obama developed the must corrupt, unethical, lying, backstabbing bunch of shithead politicians and lawyers known to mankind.
The Mueller investigation is a cover up to tie down The Trump Administration from discovering that The Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign Actively Solicited The Help of Vladimir Putin and The KGB to interfere in our election in the hopes of keeping Donald Trump out of Office.
Well, well, well, who would have ever suspected an Obama douchebag approved this sleazy insult to our system of justice? Every judge Obama appointed should be considered an enemy of the people. They don't give a damn about the law. Their primary concern is advancing the leftwing agenda, no matter what it takes.

Make sure you read the story. It shows precisely the kind of sleazy douchebags we're up against.

BREAKING: Obama Holdover Accused of Corruption Approved Trump Lawyer Raid


The inmates are running the asylum and locking up the guards.

When the media first began to spin the raid on the president's lawyer, they claimed that it had been approved by a Trump appointee. Of course it hadn't. It came from Rosenstein on one end. And Trump's appointee had recused himself. That left his deputy, an Obama holdover.

Robert Khuzami. And there are reports that he allegedly made the decision.

Khuzami was in charge of SEC enforcement under Obama. He did speak at the RNC convention in '04 in support of the Patriot Act and donated to McCain in '08. But as we've seen with Mueller, that kind of thing is old news. The much more significant factor is his SEC gig.
So someone who spoke at the RNC convention twice in support of the patriot act wanted to advance the left wing agenda???? Rosenstein is a Trump appointee by the way, what's his excuse to approve it?
The Democrats love Rosenstein. He does what they want. You are full of shit. Rosenstein has been around since GWB...and stayed on when Obubba was feigning being President.

Schumer’s Prosecutor Extortion

The irony is that Mr. Rosenstein is the independent operator that Democrats say the country needs. He started as U.S. Attorney in 2005 under President George W. Bush and was confirmed by voice vote. In 2007 Mr. Bush tried to put Mr. Rosenstein on the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, but Maryland’s Democratic Senators scuttled his nomination.

President Obama kept Mr. Rosenstein on the job, and in 2012 then-AG Eric Holder appointed him and another prosecutor to look into national-security leaks. Mr. Holder called Mr. Rosenstein “highly-respected and experienced,” adding that he had “every confidence” that Mr. Rosenstein and his colleague Ronald Machen would “doggedly follow the facts and the evidence in the pursuit of justice wherever it leads.”

Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy, then Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, called the two “strong, capable and independent.”

In other words, Mr. Rosenstein is the kind of person Democrats should want as deputy attorney general. And if they believed their own previous advertising, they’d trust Mr. Rosenstein to make fair and honest legal judgments about any Russian investigation without appointing a special counsel.
Well, well, well, who would have ever suspected an Obama douchebag approved this sleazy insult to our system of justice? Every judge Obama appointed should be considered an enemy of the people. They don't give a damn about the law. Their primary concern is advancing the leftwing agenda, no matter what it takes.

Make sure you read the story. It shows precisely the kind of sleazy douchebags we're up against.

BREAKING: Obama Holdover Accused of Corruption Approved Trump Lawyer Raid


The inmates are running the asylum and locking up the guards.

When the media first began to spin the raid on the president's lawyer, they claimed that it had been approved by a Trump appointee. Of course it hadn't. It came from Rosenstein on one end. And Trump's appointee had recused himself. That left his deputy, an Obama holdover.

Robert Khuzami. And there are reports that he allegedly made the decision.

Khuzami was in charge of SEC enforcement under Obama. He did speak at the RNC convention in '04 in support of the Patriot Act and donated to McCain in '08. But as we've seen with Mueller, that kind of thing is old news. The much more significant factor is his SEC gig.
So someone who spoke at the RNC convention twice in support of the patriot act wanted to advance the left wing agenda???? Rosenstein is a Trump appointee by the way, what's his excuse to approve it?

Khuzami spoke at the RNC convention? Please provide a link. He's an Obama appointee.

Rosenstein is an establishment douchebag who hates Trump. That much is clear.

Khuzami 2004 GOP convention | User Clip |

Somedays you have to wonder what goes on between your two ears
...and Jeff Flake is a RINO. So fucking what? Khuzami is an Obama cocksucker.
Well, well, well, who would have ever suspected an Obama douchebag approved this sleazy insult to our system of justice? Every judge Obama appointed should be considered an enemy of the people. They don't give a damn about the law. Their primary concern is advancing the leftwing agenda, no matter what it takes.

Make sure you read the story. It shows precisely the kind of sleazy douchebags we're up against.

BREAKING: Obama Holdover Accused of Corruption Approved Trump Lawyer Raid


The inmates are running the asylum and locking up the guards.

When the media first began to spin the raid on the president's lawyer, they claimed that it had been approved by a Trump appointee. Of course it hadn't. It came from Rosenstein on one end. And Trump's appointee had recused himself. That left his deputy, an Obama holdover.

Robert Khuzami. And there are reports that he allegedly made the decision.

Khuzami was in charge of SEC enforcement under Obama. He did speak at the RNC convention in '04 in support of the Patriot Act and donated to McCain in '08. But as we've seen with Mueller, that kind of thing is old news. The much more significant factor is his SEC gig.
So someone who spoke at the RNC convention twice in support of the patriot act wanted to advance the left wing agenda???? Rosenstein is a Trump appointee by the way, what's his excuse to approve it?
The Democrats love Rosenstein. He does what they want. You are full of shit. Rosenstein has been around since GWB...and stayed on when Obubba was feigning being President.

Schumer’s Prosecutor Extortion

The irony is that Mr. Rosenstein is the independent operator that Democrats say the country needs. He started as U.S. Attorney in 2005 under President George W. Bush and was confirmed by voice vote. In 2007 Mr. Bush tried to put Mr. Rosenstein on the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, but Maryland’s Democratic Senators scuttled his nomination.

President Obama kept Mr. Rosenstein on the job, and in 2012 then-AG Eric Holder appointed him and another prosecutor to look into national-security leaks. Mr. Holder called Mr. Rosenstein “highly-respected and experienced,” adding that he had “every confidence” that Mr. Rosenstein and his colleague Ronald Machen would “doggedly follow the facts and the evidence in the pursuit of justice wherever it leads.”

Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy, then Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, called the two “strong, capable and independent.”

In other words, Mr. Rosenstein is the kind of person Democrats should want as deputy attorney general. And if they believed their own previous advertising, they’d trust Mr. Rosenstein to make fair and honest legal judgments about any Russian investigation without appointing a special counsel.
It was Rosenstein who called for the special prosecutor so what are you talking about?
So someone who spoke at the RNC convention twice in support of the patriot act wanted to advance the left wing agenda???? Rosenstein is a Trump appointee by the way, what's his excuse to approve it?

Khuzami spoke at the RNC convention? Please provide a link. He's an Obama appointee.

Rosenstein is an establishment douchebag who hates Trump. That much is clear.
You provided the link lol. I suggest you read your own sources.
It says he spoke there once in 2004. That's old news. What's clear is that he is corrupt as shit. It's easy to understand why he approved the warrant.
What you are saying is that you are free to ignore pieces of this guy's past if it doesn't support your claims? Kind of convenient but whatever keeps your bubble intact I guess.
we look at who paid him, and then the corruption.

Thank you for providing evidence that anyone who received money from the NRA is too corrupt to vote on gun legislation.
You provided the link lol. I suggest you read your own sources.
It says he spoke there once in 2004. That's old news. What's clear is that he is corrupt as shit. It's easy to understand why he approved the warrant.
What you are saying is that you are free to ignore pieces of this guy's past if it doesn't support your claims? Kind of convenient but whatever keeps your bubble intact I guess.
He's an Obama appointee, dumbass. That's what you're trying to ignore.
Nope, I don't ignore anything. I'm simply pointing out that the guy by his past is Republican. And since Rosen stein is a Trump appointee,your premise falls flat on 2 counts.
He's an Obama appointee, moron. He's not a Republican.
You are correct:
Jul 23, 2013 · Washington's revolving door is opening for another former Obama administration official with the hiring of Robert Khuzami by Kirkland & Ellis.
It says he spoke there once in 2004. That's old news. What's clear is that he is corrupt as shit. It's easy to understand why he approved the warrant.
What you are saying is that you are free to ignore pieces of this guy's past if it doesn't support your claims? Kind of convenient but whatever keeps your bubble intact I guess.
He's an Obama appointee, dumbass. That's what you're trying to ignore.
Nope, I don't ignore anything. I'm simply pointing out that the guy by his past is Republican. And since Rosen stein is a Trump appointee,your premise falls flat on 2 counts.
He's an Obama appointee, moron. He's not a Republican.
If you speak at the RNC convention and donate to McCain in 2008 you are a Republican.
You are an idiot. Citizen Donald Trump donated to many Democrats in the past....even to Bitchillary. He is certainly not a goddamned Democrat.
He's an Obama appointee, dumbass. That's what you're trying to ignore.
Nope, I don't ignore anything. I'm simply pointing out that the guy by his past is Republican. And since Rosen stein is a Trump appointee,your premise falls flat on 2 counts.
He's an Obama appointee, moron. He's not a Republican.
If you speak at the RNC convention and donate to McCain in 2008 you are a Republican.
He became an advisor to the Obama campaign in 2008. Where's the evidence that he donated to the McCain campaign? That seems highly implausible to me.

Your fucking OP states he donated to McCain! Do you not even read the shit you copy and paste???

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He must have known McCain was a fucking RINO.
What you are saying is that you are free to ignore pieces of this guy's past if it doesn't support your claims? Kind of convenient but whatever keeps your bubble intact I guess.
He's an Obama appointee, dumbass. That's what you're trying to ignore.
Nope, I don't ignore anything. I'm simply pointing out that the guy by his past is Republican. And since Rosen stein is a Trump appointee,your premise falls flat on 2 counts.
He's an Obama appointee, moron. He's not a Republican.
If you speak at the RNC convention and donate to McCain in 2008 you are a Republican.
He became an advisor to the Obama campaign in 2008. Where's the evidence that he donated to the McCain campaign? That seems highly implausible to me.
Even if he did donate to McCain, McCain is a RINO. How does that make this guy a Republican? Libs really seem to have their wires crossed. I call it the Reality Dysfunction.
What you are saying is that you are free to ignore pieces of this guy's past if it doesn't support your claims? Kind of convenient but whatever keeps your bubble intact I guess.
He's an Obama appointee, dumbass. That's what you're trying to ignore.
Nope, I don't ignore anything. I'm simply pointing out that the guy by his past is Republican. And since Rosen stein is a Trump appointee,your premise falls flat on 2 counts.
He's an Obama appointee, moron. He's not a Republican.
If you speak at the RNC convention and donate to McCain in 2008 you are a Republican.
You are an idiot. Citizen Donald Trump donated to many Democrats in the past....even to Bitchillary. He is certainly not a goddamned Democrat.

He was till the time the choose to run as a Repub and he governs like a Dem

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