BREAKING:Obama says he would veto bill letting you keep your present health care plan

Mortally ill people who’ve lost their insurance and their doctors will soon be dying because of Obamacare. Ted Cruz (who is not a natural born Citizen) and Sarah Palin needs to gather a couple of dozen of these poor souls from around the nation, and hold a press conference with them surrounding him, and declare: “Mr. President, tear down this Obamacare now! It’s time to repeal this monstrosity. Too many innocent people are dying already. Let’s stop the horror before more are killed by it.”
Liberals don't care what happens with healthcare, as long as it's mandatory.
One day after announcing he "might" change Obamacare to let people keep their present health care plans, Senators are revealing that he threatened to veto a bill to do just that.

Oh, well. So much for Presidential promises.


Obama Issues Veto Threat for "Keep Your Plan" Legislation - Katie Pavlich

If you want your plan, you can keep....veto!

The House of Representatives is getting ready to vote on legislation today legalizing the reinstatement of lost insurance plans thanks to Obamacare. Essentially, the Keep Your Plan Act does exactly what President Obama administratively (and probably illegally) declared as a "fix" for mass insurance cancellations. Late last night GOP Leader Eric Cantor revealed President Obama intends to veto the legislation should it pass and reach his desk for a signature.

The man is schizophrenic. That's the only thing i can figure.
We can now let people keep their plans after all...Obama says that's fine.
Obama now decrees these plans as acceptable.
But then says Republicans pushing to allow people to get these same plans are not acceptable.

Can someone explain just what the fuck Obama is doing?
Obama says you can keep your plan because I the great and powerful and magnificent and all knowing and all kind and benevolent decreed it.

I will however not allow anyone else to do that....
One day after announcing he "might" change Obamacare to let people keep their present health care plans, Senators are revealing that he threatened to veto a bill to do just that.

Oh, well. So much for Presidential promises.


Obama Issues Veto Threat for "Keep Your Plan" Legislation - Katie Pavlich

If you want your plan, you can keep....veto!

The House of Representatives is getting ready to vote on legislation today legalizing the reinstatement of lost insurance plans thanks to Obamacare. Essentially, the Keep Your Plan Act does exactly what President Obama administratively (and probably illegally) declared as a "fix" for mass insurance cancellations. Late last night GOP Leader Eric Cantor revealed President Obama intends to veto the legislation should it pass and reach his desk for a signature.

Another partisan political move by rightwing world?

This bill also says anyone can buy junk plans, not just people cancelled. Total BS, hater dupes lol...
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This bill doesn't just let people stay on their pre-ACA policies, it also lets the insurance companies keep selling those policies to new customers.

Another classic boneheaded overreach by the GOP.

Leave it to you to show your blind loyalty to the Chosen One.
Obamacare is an absolute disaster.
Obama 'decided' suddenly it was ok for people to keep their insurance. He even is 'allowing' them to get their policies back.
The problem is the policies are in violation of federal law. And will have to be cancelled within a year anyway. Insurers will not write illegal policies. But Obama and the democrats will report that the insurance companies are screwing their customers by not offering pre Obamacare policies.
What a bunch of political nonsense.
Obama may have gone to the well one too many times here. it has become painfully obvious this 'decree' by Obama is politically motivated.
This bill is just propaganda for Rush and the hater dupes, like those Pub ''job bills'''re pathetic...
This bill doesn't just let people stay on their pre-ACA policies, it also lets the insurance companies keep selling those policies to new customers.

Another classic boneheaded overreach by the GOP.

It's the Democrats pushing it and voting for it.
And how dare insurance companies be allowed to sell policies people want to buy? It's an outrage!
Nearly 100 dems were threatening to go with the Upton plan before Obama's fix.

And only 39 voted to do so.

So, there's that...
There's WHAT?!
The other 61 wussed out not wanting to defy 'their' president. Yeah, right.
This bill doesn't just let people stay on their pre-ACA policies, it also lets the insurance companies keep selling those policies to new customers.

Another classic boneheaded overreach by the GOP.
I said it before and I will say it again: The republican House voted 41 times to repeal ACA and now, SUDDENLY, they are coming up with a plan to save ACA. Does that make even the tiniest bit of sense?
Plleeeaaaasssssseeeee!!!!!!! Anyone who believes the republican plan is a serious plan that will benefit ACA and President Obama has a serious problem with reality!!!!! Further, anyone who believes the republican plan has a chance of passing should start looking out for men in white uniforms who are carrying big butterfly nets. No one, and I mean NO ONE, tries to kill a bill for 3 1/2 years and then suddenly decides to come to the rescue and save what they have been trying to kill.


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