BREAKING:Obama says he would veto bill letting you keep your present health care plan

Uh yes, he will veto the Republican plan. He's already gone too far telling them they actually can keep their old crappy junk policies.
Well, Obamacare isn't the answer, but then neither is going back the way it was. America can't afford to go back to a healthcare system that increases in cost 4 times the inflation rate, which means 4 times the annual increase of household incomes.

Nope....This episode in US history is a great learning experience. That lesson is that government cannot manipulate the marketplace without creating catastrophe.

The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.

Nope....This episode in US history is a great learning experience. That lesson is that government cannot manipulate the marketplace without creating catastrophe.

The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.

ACA is NOT the answer. The law is a pile of garbage. The results have proved this out.
Government must NOT interfere beyond its obligation to regulate from the outside looking in.

The role out has been terrible but the concept is not bad at all, and the narrative so far has proved this out.

We have had social market regulatory democracy for more than 100 years, and a small bunch of TeaPs are not going to change that at all.

The health care fact of our lives is here to stay.
The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.

ACA is NOT the answer. The law is a pile of garbage. The results have proved this out.
Government must NOT interfere beyond its obligation to regulate from the outside looking in.

You'll never convince a liberal of that--ha.ha.

In 2008 they watched the near collapse of our banking system through Federal Government mismanagement of--Fannie Mae/ Freddie Mac--along with the federal government's mis-management of the derivities markets--that all lead to the collapse.

Social Security--Medicare--Medicade and the US post office is considered bankrupt. We owe the bank of China 17+ trillion dollars--and all a liberal can think of--is how they're going to rip off the Federal Government and all of us cough-cough rich people more, or should I say those that work and pay taxes? IOW--What's in it for them.

Obamacare was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for them--and they're watching it explode right before their eyes. Like a drug addict to government spending, they're in complete denial. They want more--more--more and can't understand and or have no conception what-so-ever of what is actually happening. The word not affordable is not their dictionary.


The worst part is---Instead of believing in their fellow Americans they chose their politicians.

Everything you know is pure Pubcrappe- change the
Nope....This episode in US history is a great learning experience. That lesson is that government cannot manipulate the marketplace without creating catastrophe.

The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.


Well, Kormac, I could see that that could be the upshot of this but not with Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. They just would not allow any Republican compromise or help in rewriting of the ACA and that is exactly what has to be done. It has to be simplified, and made sense to people. Elders should not be getting coverage for maternity and singles shouldn't be getting family packages.
This bill is just propaganda for Rush and the hater dupes, like those Pub ''job bills'''re pathetic...

In every one of your posts appear the words "pub" "hater" and "dupes".
Your originality is astounding!
You're right- they're also in the title of the book, and are the disgraceful story of our time- greedy megarich idiot un-American Pubs and their brainwashed, ignorant, racist ugly American hater dupes...They've ruined the country since 1985-
Uh yes, he will veto the Republican plan. He's already gone too far telling them they actually can keep their old crappy junk policies.

Crap? You don't what the hell you're talking about. Most people were perfectly content with their policies. The purchase is THEIR choice.
Of course you frigging flaming libs HATE choice.
Now, what would you say to a health insurance policy that has no deductible, but covers only 60% of your total medical expenses?
This bill is just propaganda for Rush and the hater dupes, like those Pub ''job bills'''re pathetic...

In every one of your posts appear the words "pub" "hater" and "dupes".
Your originality is astounding!
You're right- they're also in the title of the book, and are the disgraceful story of our time- greedy megarich idiot un-American Pubs and their brainwashed, ignorant, racist ugly American hater dupes...They've ruined the country since 1985-

You've read ONE book in 28 years and you have been convinced of the wisdom in this literary masterpiece so much so that you feel the urge to parrot THREE terms used by the author?
You are one angry individual. To the point where you've apparently lost what little capacity you once had for independent thought.
The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.

ACA is NOT the answer. The law is a pile of garbage. The results have proved this out.
Government must NOT interfere beyond its obligation to regulate from the outside looking in.

The role out has been terrible but the concept is not bad at all, and the narrative so far has proved this out.

We have had social market regulatory democracy for more than 100 years, and a small bunch of TeaPs are not going to change that at all.

The health care fact of our lives is here to stay.

Yes. What could possibly be more important than the "narrative".
I googled "social market regulatory democracy".....You made that up...
When market based concepts and the open marketplace are mentioned, why is ti you get so frightened?
Fear of the unknown? Fear of not having someone there to explain it you? Fear of making the wrong choice? The need to have an overlord take care of you?
ACA is NOT the answer. The law is a pile of garbage. The results have proved this out.
Government must NOT interfere beyond its obligation to regulate from the outside looking in.

The role out has been terrible but the concept is not bad at all, and the narrative so far has proved this out.

We have had social market regulatory democracy for more than 100 years, and a small bunch of TeaPs are not going to change that at all.

The health care fact of our lives is here to stay.

Yes. What could possibly be more important than the "narrative".
I googled "social market regulatory democracy".....You made that up...
When market based concepts and the open marketplace are mentioned, why is ti you get so frightened?
Fear of the unknown? Fear of not having someone there to explain it you? Fear of making the wrong choice? The need to have an overlord take care of you?

You are afraid of the unknown. "social market regulatory democracy" is an excellent descriptor of the developing market system in the last hundred years, one responsible to the American consumer. ACA, no matter how modified, is not going away.
It would be great to see both Parties get together to do something that helps the People, rather than their Political Parties. It would be so refreshing. It is time to scrap this thing. And i think even most Democrats understand that. I really do hope they step up and do what's right.
It would be great to see both Parties get together to do something that helps the People, rather than their Political Parties. It would be so refreshing. It is time to scrap this thing. And i think even most Democrats understand that. I really do hope they step up and do what's right.

I suppose it could happen. Out of fear for their jobs if nothing else.

... until we consider who they really work for. :(
Congress passing a bill is part of the Constitutional process. Obama can't allow that.

In actuality the bill differs from Obama's actions. The move to allow old plans would destroy Obamacare, which rests on destroying the individual market for insurance in favor of exchanges. This is why he is threatening a veto.

Of course it would. The money wouldn't be there to drive it forward.
As best I can tell, the screwup was in all the conditions, and limits, and loopholes in the grandfather clause;

they should just clean that up, say happy now?, and move on.

The screw up was in conceiving, writing, and passing the ACA to begin with. They need to clean that up by repealing it and putting in actual reform that helps people.
You are saying that we should trash ACA and accept the republican plan for health care. The problem with this is that in the 3+ years that have elapsed since ACA was passed the republicans have done absolutely nothing to make ACA better or to develop and propose an alternate plan.
Currently the only organized plan the republicans seem to have is to do nothing about everything.

Oh, and by the way, republicans were giving ample opportunity to help write and tailor the bill to make it better. They wasted their opportunity and now all they can do is bitch about the bill.
No matter how often you polish a turd, it still remains a turd.

One thing is for certain. NOTHING introduced or passed by the Senate can be trusted to be in the peoples interest. Nothing.. That would 100% of anything they propose.
Now , this bill will not fix all of the cancellations. It can't Obamacare would crash, so Obama does not want all policies to come back. Nor does he want new policies to be bought at sub par coverage. The insurance companies are not happy with Obama. Or the Republicans now, since the Upton bill came out.

Some state insurance regulators are not going to go along with these plans whether it's a law or not. It is just too much of a change to take place in one month when it took them three years to put the present changes in effect now. It just can't be done.

Look at what your lies wrought, Obama! Oh, when we first deceive... what a web we weave!

It would not fix the ones that were lost due to companies changing their business model to prevent having to provide insurance at all.
So in less than 24 hours after telling the nation he will let us keep our policies, he now will veto legislation that allows us to keep it.

Obama doesn't need a bill to change the expiry date for the non compliant ACA policies. He just issues an EO instead. Problem punted to next year.
The Republicans in the House are now going to prevent Obama from fixing the bill by refusing to pass any bill that can pass the Senate or get the president to sign.

If the ACA isn't fixed, it will be 100% the GOP's fault.

The entire congress should be stopping him from playing dictator and making whatever changes he wants, when he wants. It's indefensible they are allowing him to do this.

Legislation only covers what becomes law. The timeline of when it becomes law is left up the the Executive branch. That is how it works and every POTUS has issued EO's defining timelines, priorities and deadlines.
We can now let people keep their plans after all...Obama says that's fine.
Obama now decrees these plans as acceptable.
But then says Republicans pushing to allow people to get these same plans are not acceptable.

Can someone explain just what the fuck Obama is doing?

Obama hasn't vetoed anything so what needs to be explained?

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