BREAKING:Obama says he would veto bill letting you keep your present health care plan

One day after announcing he "might" change Obamacare to let people keep their present health care plans, Senators are revealing that he threatened to veto a bill to do just that.

Oh, well. So much for Presidential promises.


Obama Issues Veto Threat for "Keep Your Plan" Legislation - Katie Pavlich

If you want your plan, you can keep....veto!

The House of Representatives is getting ready to vote on legislation today legalizing the reinstatement of lost insurance plans thanks to Obamacare. Essentially, the Keep Your Plan Act does exactly what President Obama administratively (and probably illegally) declared as a "fix" for mass insurance cancellations. Late last night GOP Leader Eric Cantor revealed President Obama intends to veto the legislation should it pass and reach his desk for a signature.
The question I would ask is WHAT ELSE would the House try to sneak into their bill? You can be absolutely, positively sure that any bill the House would put up would have absolutely zero to do with making ACA work. We are speaking of the gop which has voted to repeal ACA 41 times and now we are supposed to believe they want to pass a bill that would help ACA succeed. I'm sorry, I was never raised to be an idiot.

Just what the hell do you think happened when Congress wrote a 2500 page bill?
Is it free of stuff 'snuck in there'?
This bill doesn't just let people stay on their pre-ACA policies, it also lets the insurance companies keep selling those policies to new customers.

Another classic boneheaded overreach by the GOP.

Oh shit! Insurance companies selling plans people want. The horror of it!

Anyone against that is a communist POS.
all obama has to do is veto 1 bill and that will give him 1 more than bush. LOL
If I am not mistaken for most of the bush years both the Houses of Congress were controlled by republicans. Those same republicans were lined up to kiss bush's ass so it was unnecessary for bush to veto any bills. He was getting everything he wanted. It was only during the last couple of years that Democrats were able to get bills to the presidents desk for signing. The bottom line is this, it took Obama almost 5 years to get to the same number of veto's that took bush 2 years. The way bush piled up veto's is certainly nothing to be proud of.
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The Republicans in the House are now going to prevent Obama from fixing the bill by refusing to pass any bill that can pass the Senate or get the president to sign.

If the ACA isn't fixed, it will be 100% the GOP's fault.

Well that would be the democrat spin version. And you may believe that might work, but this is the end of the line. No more spin. No more political games.
This is Obama's signature piece of legislation. It is hi legacy. he OWNS it. And so does every democrat that supports it.
The ACA law is flawed to its core. And was created and marketed to the American people based on disinformation and what we now know were outright lies.
TK, we are not going back to the way it was.

Son-of-a- bitch it looks like we are going back to the way it was.

However, you can go back to your homeland and enjoy Putin Care.


Well, Obamacare isn't the answer, but then neither is going back the way it was. America can't afford to go back to a healthcare system that increases in cost 4 times the inflation rate, which means 4 times the annual increase of household incomes.


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This bill doesn't just let people stay on their pre-ACA policies, it also lets the insurance companies keep selling those policies to new customers.

Another classic boneheaded overreach by the GOP.
I said it before and I will say it again: The republican House voted 41 times to repeal ACA and now, SUDDENLY, they are coming up with a plan to save ACA. Does that make even the tiniest bit of sense?
Plleeeaaaasssssseeeee!!!!!!! Anyone who believes the republican plan is a serious plan that will benefit ACA and President Obama has a serious problem with reality!!!!! Further, anyone who believes the republican plan has a chance of passing should start looking out for men in white uniforms who are carrying big butterfly nets. No one, and I mean NO ONE, tries to kill a bill for 3 1/2 years and then suddenly decides to come to the rescue and save what they have been trying to kill.

I don't think many of you appreciate the one most important reason to oppose ACA.

The Affordable Care Act is about government control over, WE THE PEOPLE.

July 08, 2012 12:00 am • By Doug Ross,

The Affordable Care Act consists primarily of taking away many of our liberties by advocating health care for the less fortunate.

The government does not possess the authority to require an individual to purchase health insurance, so why try trick the uniformed into thinking the government knows what is best for them?

The Affordable Care Act is about government control over a large market and the welfare of those people. As more companies drop their health insurance plans, those individuals will be required to join a government-controlled health plan and be subservient to that ideology.

This is just what the socialistic president wants — more people dependent on government and therefore more control over those individual lives. Again, just smoke and mirrors. Watch this hand while I steal your liberties.

— Jack Jaros, Whiting

Affordable Care Act is about government control
all obama has to do is veto 1 bill and that will give him 1 more than bush. LOL
If I am not mistaken for most of the bush years both the Houses of Congress were controlled by republicans. Those same republicans were lined up to kiss bush's ass so it was unnecessary for bush to veto any bills. He was getting everything he wanted. It was only during the last couple of years that Democrats were able to get bills to the presidents desk for signing. The bottom line is this, it took Obama almost 5 years to get to the same number of veto's that took bush 2 years. The way bush piled up veto's is certainly nothing to be proud of.

I didn't read your post, ron. I didn't have to. I saw it....


Deflection is the answer when there is no answer.​
This is a crappe bill, the Pubs are trying to repeal O-CARE IN A HUGE PILE OF STEAMING BS PROPAGANDA, JUST LIKE iRAQ...A DISGRACE.

Dems are bad at this corrupt, money talks, DEMAGOGGING capitalist running dog, BULLSHYTTE. LIBERAL media my ass, hater dupes...maybe the journalists, CERTAINLY NOT the guys who run it...
This bill doesn't just let people stay on their pre-ACA policies, it also lets the insurance companies keep selling those policies to new customers.

Another classic boneheaded overreach by the GOP.

Oh shit! Insurance companies selling plans people want. The horror of it!

Anyone against that is a communist POS.
Yes, there is a horror to it. The insurance companies are selling people junk insurance. People buy this insurance thinking they are covered when in fact these plans will do nothing to protect the buyer. For example, some of the plans offer $2000 for stays in the hospital. That sounds pretty great except for the fact that the average cost of a one day stay in the hospital is around $1850 per day.
What a terrific policy. You get involved in a serious car crash and are in the hospital for 21 days. That wonderful insurance will pay for ONE (1) day and the buyer of the insurance will be responsible for the other 20 days ($39,000). Note, I did not cover costs for X-rays, MRI's or CAT scans. If surgery was required add on another $50K to $100K which is also not covered by the policy.
Still want one of those junk policies?

Harry Reid & Obama hate people keeping the insurance plan they like! Spread the news!
The GOP Bill on ACA removed core consumer protections.

That's why realistic people don't like it.

And why the bill will go No Where.

Which protections might those be? Care to post them here?
Christ. When will people like you learn you cannot simply post unsubstantiated things and not be challenged to show proof....
We can now let people keep their plans after all...Obama says that's fine.
Obama now decrees these plans as acceptable.
But then says Republicans pushing to allow people to get these same plans are not acceptable.

Can someone explain just what the fuck Obama is doing?

Obama is letting his ego run the country.
all obama has to do is veto 1 bill and that will give him 1 more than bush. LOL
If I am not mistaken for most of the bush years both the Houses of Congress were controlled by republicans. Those same republicans were lined up to kiss bush's ass so it was unnecessary for bush to veto any bills. He was getting everything he wanted. It was only during the last couple of years that Democrats were able to get bills to the presidents desk for signing. The bottom line is this, it took Obama almost 5 years to get to the same number of veto's that took bush 2 years. The way bush piled up veto's is certainly nothing to be proud of.

I didn't read your post, ron. I didn't have to. I saw it....


Deflection is the answer when there is no answer.​
I could give a shit whether your read my post or not. There is absolutely nothing that I or any thinking person could say on this board that would make it's way into your cement head.
Oh, and for your information it was tyroneweaver who brought up the name of bush. I merely reminded him of why bush had so few vetoes. Posting history you wish to forget or ignore is NOT deflection.
This is no surprise. Obama knows that if he signs off on the bill that the Republican house voted and approved today- to keep the promise of keeping your insurance and-or the dog and pony show that's going on in the Democrat Senate that had the opportunity to fix this in 2010 and btw voted AGAINST a fix--that Obamacare will collapse under it's own weight.

Of course, Obama is going to VETO any bill that would allow Americans to keep their insurance plans--even though he promised over 40 times that they would be able to keep their plans.

Obama is just looking for someone to blame right now. I suspect it will be G.W. Bush fairly soon, because he is cornered--lol-- He really can't blame Republicans because not a single one of them voted for Obamacare--and they were even blocked from attending committee hearings on it. Remember Nancy Pelosi's comment? You need to vote for this bill before you know what's in it. That's exactly what Democrats did.


You voted for it, You got it!
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TK, we are not going back to the way it was.

Son-of-a- bitch it looks like we are going back to the way it was.

However, you can go back to your homeland and enjoy Putin Care.


Well, Obamacare isn't the answer, but then neither is going back the way it was. America can't afford to go back to a healthcare system that increases in cost 4 times the inflation rate, which means 4 times the annual increase of household incomes.

Nope....This episode in US history is a great learning experience. That lesson is that government cannot manipulate the marketplace without creating catastrophe.
Son-of-a- bitch it looks like we are going back to the way it was.

However, you can go back to your homeland and enjoy Putin Care.


Well, Obamacare isn't the answer, but then neither is going back the way it was. America can't afford to go back to a healthcare system that increases in cost 4 times the inflation rate, which means 4 times the annual increase of household incomes.

Nope....This episode in US history is a great learning experience. That lesson is that government cannot manipulate the marketplace without creating catastrophe.

The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.
Well, Obamacare isn't the answer, but then neither is going back the way it was. America can't afford to go back to a healthcare system that increases in cost 4 times the inflation rate, which means 4 times the annual increase of household incomes.

Nope....This episode in US history is a great learning experience. That lesson is that government cannot manipulate the marketplace without creating catastrophe.

The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.

ACA is NOT the answer. The law is a pile of garbage. The results have proved this out.
Government must NOT interfere beyond its obligation to regulate from the outside looking in.
Nope....This episode in US history is a great learning experience. That lesson is that government cannot manipulate the marketplace without creating catastrophe.

The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.

ACA is NOT the answer. The law is a pile of garbage. The results have proved this out.
Government must NOT interfere beyond its obligation to regulate from the outside looking in.

You'll never convince a liberal of that--ha.ha.

In 2008 they watched the near collapse of our banking system through Federal Government mismanagement of--Fannie Mae/ Freddie Mac--along with the federal government's mis-management of the derivities markets--that all lead to the collapse.

Social Security--Medicare--Medicade and the US post office is considered bankrupt. We owe the bank of China 17+ trillion dollars--and all a liberal can think of--is how they're going to rip off the Federal Government and all of us cough-cough rich people more, or should I say those that work and pay taxes? IOW--What's in it for them.

Obamacare was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for them--and they're watching it explode right before their eyes. Like a drug addict to government spending, they're in complete denial. They want more--more--more and can't understand and or have no conception what-so-ever of what is actually happening. The word not affordable is not their dictionary.


The worst part is---Instead of believing in their fellow Americans they chose their politicians.
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Son-of-a- bitch it looks like we are going back to the way it was.

However, you can go back to your homeland and enjoy Putin Care.


Well, Obamacare isn't the answer, but then neither is going back the way it was. America can't afford to go back to a healthcare system that increases in cost 4 times the inflation rate, which means 4 times the annual increase of household incomes.

Nope....This episode in US history is a great learning experience. That lesson is that government cannot manipulate the marketplace without creating catastrophe.

It's really too bad neither party has done anything to at least keep our healthcare/prescription drug costs on par to what the rest of the wealthy nations pay. I've read articles by a wide spectrum of economist that predict that the healthcare costs will soon trigger an economic crisis in the US. American companies have been complaining for at least a decade about the cost of healthcare in America is a disadvantage for US businesses.
This is a serious and highly potential explosive issue that needs to be addressed.
America just can't afford this trend much longer.
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