BREAKING: Officer Wilson Suffered “Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Attack

The injury doesn't appear in the video, nor is he on medical leave:

Cop Darren Wilson stands over Michael Brown's body in haunting video | Mail Online

What can you really see in that video, it is poor not to mention he screen grabs look like this:

I remember when all the new outlets swore Zimmerman did not have any injuries. But then the pics are released which show the opposite.

How do you know what kind of paid leave he is on? I thought it just said paid leave?
Just another piece to the picture. I still want to wait until the story can be more complete.
I agree. You'd think with such a fracture he'd get medical leave. I wish he would take an interview showing that he was harmed. The arena of public opinion is going to lynch him if he doesn't.

You already are. His injury is proof off an altercation, not proof he needs major medical attention. Sheesh
As far as Wilson not being admitted to the hospital that doesn't always happen.

A couple years ago husband hit a moose at 65MPH, the moose basically landed on his face. He was pretty seriously injured in the accident: lost a chuck of his scalp, lost chunks of skin/tissue/muscle in both his shoulder and neck, and he suffered multiple fractures to his neck and spine, as well as minor brain injury. He was treated in the ER and immediately came home; from the time of the accident until he was home was a grand total of 5 hours ~ and that includes both waiting and drive time from the accident to the hospital in the ambulance of roughly 45 minutes, AND our 30ish minute drive from the hospital to our house. He was only there long enough to get stitched up and get x-rays...

My husband to this day complains that they made him go to the ER in the first place because he doesn't think he needed to go. *rolls eyes* Serves him right for wrecking MY car! (...he only survived because the windows on Subaru's don't have a frame on the top part, so his head was able to push it outward when the roof came down on him. Scary ass shit when you have to drive by the vehicle on the way to the hospital. I do not recommended it at all...)


BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack

BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack | The Gateway Pundit

More real evidence that supports the Police Officer. It is amazing he shot as accurately as he did. His eyesight was compromised in one eye.

This is exactly what I reported in my "choices" post. I apologize for not seeing this one already posted. How can I delete mine (thread)?


The above is examples of the fracture the cop received. There are more graphic examples. But if the cops eye did not show much outward damage, those stating he was not injured and a photo was released, they would say nothing happened if the cop looked like the above people.

Indirect orbital floor fracture ("blowout fracture") — This occurs when the bony rim of the eye remains intact, but the paper thin floor of the eye socket cracks or ruptures. This can cause a small hole in the floor of the eye socket that can trap parts of the eye muscles and surrounding structures. The injured eye may not move normally in its socket, which can cause double vision. Most blowout fractures are caused by an impact to the front of the eye from something bigger than the eye opening, such as a baseball, a fist or an automobile dashboard.

Eye Socket Repair (Fractures)
When the truth comes out the whole left wing and Democrat Party will pay the price. Leftist actions are driving independents to the conservative view of law and order. I see a Missouri governor and an air headed US Senator going into retirement after not getting re-elected.

To be a liberal means never having to say you're wrong, never having to say sorry, and never being held accountable. You don't understand liberals, so let me help you out - whatever a liberal believes is, by definition, true and correct, hence it's impossible for a liberal to be wrong.
Did you know that Johnson, the witness to Brown's death (and the guy who robbed the store with Brown), said in his interview the officer appeared to be in shock he had shot Brown and sat in his car for 2-3 minutes BEFORE he exited the car ( but they both ran away after the cop shot Brown from the car supposedly) and then walked towards Brown and shot Brown in the back, and then continued to shoot again? Of course he forgets he said in the same interview " BOTH HE and Brown Ran away as soon as the cop first shot Brown from within the patrol car.

This moron describes some action by the police officer that indicates the cop tried to run them over with his patrol vehicle. I have not seen this depiction anywhere else. Comes across as coached, no wonder his mouthpiece is at his side...
Did you know that Johnson, the witness to Brown's death (and the guy who robbed the store with Brown), said in his interview the officer appeared to be in shock he had shot Brown and sat in his car for 2-3 minutes BEFORE he exited the car ( but they both ran away after the cop shot Brown from the car supposedly) and then walked towards Brown and shot Brown in the back, and then continued to shoot again? Of course he forgets he said in the same interview " BOTH HE and Brown Ran away as soon as the cop first shot Brown from within the patrol car.

Typical low IQ negro.Can't even keep his lies straight... Neither of these thugs are/were mensa candidates.
This moron describes some action by the police officer that indicates the cop tried to run them over with his patrol vehicle. I have not seen this depiction anywhere else. Comes across as coached, no wonder his mouthpiece is at his side...
If you take his story, then read what witness say its clear he is doing his darnedest to paint Brown in a good light and the officer as rotton. But what is fascinating is his side of the story isn't too far from the trutth. The poor dumb fool just lied to get out of trouble.

Now if Crump got to him prior to his interview things would have been much much more deceitful.
The injury doesn't appear in the video, nor is he on medical leave:

Cop Darren Wilson stands over Michael Brown's body in haunting video | Mail Online
In that video you couldn't tell if he had three ears and 4 eyes...but to YOU it's all very clear...

You can't prove who that is in the video...but because you NEED it to be Wilson you refuse to entertain any other possibilities..

LMAO..and the lies keep unravelling and being exposed every hour..the whole case against the cop is falling apart...
This moron describes some action by the police officer that indicates the cop tried to run them over with his patrol vehicle. I have not seen this depiction anywhere else. Comes across as coached, no wonder his mouthpiece is at his side...

Well, if you watch the video, he says he does not want to say the F word and the guy next to him kinda nudges him and then you can here him off camera prodding him to say, the cop said "get the fuck off the sidewalk".

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