Breaking: Phil Robertson Speaks, Refuses To Back Down From Comments That Upset Gays


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I don't blame him. I would too. Here is what he has said:

‘I will not give or back off from my path.'

‘We are a bunch of rednecks from Louisiana, but I am not uneducated, I have a degree from Louisiana Tech. 'But this week I have been called an ignoramus. This week I have been asked, "Is this the first time you have brought up sin?" I said, "Are you kidding? I have been traveling to and fro spreading this message." 'Then he said, "Well do you invite yourself to go and get your Bible and tell people what you are now sharing with us." I said, "No they are inviting me."


Sexual sins are numerous and many, I have a few myself. So what is your safest course of action? If you’re a man, find yourself a woman, marry them and keep your sex right there.

‘You can have fun, but one thing is for sure, as long as you are both healthy in the first place, you are not going to catch some debilitating illness, there is safety there.

‘Commonsense says we are not going to procreate the human race unless we have a man and a woman. From the beginning Jesus said, "It is a man and a woman." Adam was made and Eve was made for this reason. They left their fathers and mothers and be united to become one flesh, that’s what marriage is all about.

‘But we looked at it and said it was an outdated stereotype. When you look back at the human race, the sins have always been the same: We get high, we get drunk, we get laid, we steal and kill.

he said, ‘The acts of the sinful nature are obvious. Sexual immorality, is number one on the list. How many ways can we sin sexually? My goodness. You open up that can of worms and people will be mad at you over it.

‘I am just reading what was written over 2000 years ago. Those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom. All I did was quote from the scriptures, but they just didn’t know it. Whether I said it, or they read it, what’s the difference? The sins are the same, humans haven’t changed.

‘If you give them the bad news, they’ll start kicking and screaming. But you love them more than you fear them, so you tell them.

‘A lot of times they don’t even wait for you to finish and say, ‘But there’s a way out, do you want to hear the rest of the story or what?

‘Jesus will take sins away, if you’re a homosexual he’ll take it away, if you’re an adulterer, if you’re a liar, what’s the difference? If you break one sin you may as well break them all.

‘If we lose our morality, we will lose our country. It will happen. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all walk around without stealing from each other and killing each other?

‘Why don’t we just love each other enough that we wouldn’t want to do these things to each other?’

Pictures of Phil leaving church this morning in West Monroe, La.
EXCLUSIVE Phil Robertson speaks out: Duck Dynasty star says he is a lover not a hater | Mail Online
We need to attack the perverts since most of them are child molesters. That's the point that should be made.
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We need to attack the perverts since most of them are child molesters. That's the point that should be made.

I agree. If gays are allowed to have their way, then the pedophiles will want equal rights based on gay rights. We must fight the gay agenda and I think after this debacle with them attacking Phil's beliefs, the majority of the American people are waking up to this moral and cultural threat they are waging upon us God loving Christian moral people.
Every word he spoke was the exact truth. It was almost indescribable to see that kind of clarity after the swamp liberals have dragged us into. I wish he would take his Word on the road. I would love to hear him in person.

Phil Robertson could just be the right person at the right time. I'm going to download his book.
Phil Robertson Speaks, Refuses To Back Down From Comments That Upset Gays

No one wanted or expected him to do so.

He indeed should stand by what he says and believes and not retract a thing.

Of course, the fact that ‘Robertson speaks’ completely undermines the right’s idiotic ‘argument’ that he’s been ‘silenced.’

If he’d been ‘silenced’ he wouldn’t be speaking now.
Phil Robertson Speaks, Refuses To Back Down From Comments That Upset Gays

No one wanted or expected him to do so.

He indeed should stand by what he says and believes and not retract a thing.

Of course, the fact that ‘Robertson speaks’ completely undermines the right’s idiotic ‘argument’ that he’s been ‘silenced.’

If he’d been ‘silenced’ he wouldn’t be speaking now.

Lots of people wanted him to STFU, and I am willing to bet that some expected him to. Funny thing, the only people that have backed down so far is Cracker Barrel.
I love my cousin, who had this to say.

Getting upset about Phil Robertson's suspension and the future of "Duck Dynasty" does not make me look at you in a more positive light. I'd be embarrassed to admit that I spend my time watching so called "reality television." There is a great big world out there of things that actually matter. Get out there and explore it a bit.
^^^ For the record, the only reality show that I watch if it is considered one is Dancing With The Stars. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I only watch it when someone that I like is on it, so I have not seen every season.
Watching Duck Dynasty and their deadpan comments, Uncle Si's crazy stories....they make me laugh and feel good. Anything that does that is a good thing, in my humble opinion.
I love my cousin, who had this to say.

Getting upset about Phil Robertson's suspension and the future of "Duck Dynasty" does not make me look at you in a more positive light. I'd be embarrassed to admit that I spend my time watching so called "reality television." There is a great big world out there of things that actually matter. Get out there and explore it a bit.

I would be more embarrassed to have an opinion about it while claiming that anyone who watches it is intellectually stunted. That is just me though, so feel free to look down on everyone that likes the show from your ivory tower.
I love my cousin, who had this to say.

Getting upset about Phil Robertson's suspension and the future of "Duck Dynasty" does not make me look at you in a more positive light. I'd be embarrassed to admit that I spend my time watching so called "reality television." There is a great big world out there of things that actually matter. Get out there and explore it a bit.

The ONLY thing more idiotic, is getting upset at what Phil Robertson had to say.

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