Alito refuses to recuse

LOL the only time you lot complain is when YOUR side is in danger, not once have you asked for the 3 libs on the court to recuse ever.
I have said the whole court needs to be flushed. Clean slate and start over. They are all corrupt. All 9.
You actually thought a bunch of dipshit lefties could pressure him into recusing himself? You guys are fuckin delusional. No one takes your whiney complaints seriously. :laugh:
No, I knew he wasn't honest enough to do it. He's a republican, after all.
I am not sure why he should.....a flag is somehow showing some sort of bias? hahha

wake me up when he has a child making money off the outcome of the case
Say it again. But in English.
Dude, are you sure you wanna go on record as being unable ti figure out a simple typo on your own?

It also proves that the ethics thing they engineered for themselves is useless just like I said when it was agreed to. It has no teeth and assumes the justices are honest, which is a huge mistake in this day.

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