Alito refuses to recuse

Only because they are correcting all the whacko far Left rulings you favor. Next up is Obergfell.

Obergfell should not be overturned, just corrected to say while a State isn't forced to ISSUE same Sex marriage licenses, they ARE FORCED to recognize those issued in other States under full faith and credit. SSM is an issue for State legislatures on the question of issuing them or not. But the constitution mandates those issued in one State be honored in another.

And to me overturning Chevron is far more important.
Sure, that's what this is about.

Fuckin' moron.

:icon_rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes:

It was obvious what happened. Enemy democrat neighbors berated and baited his wife into doing something. The something was to use the flag as a sign of distress. Now they want to use that against the Justice which would only pave the way for more enemy democrats doing the same thing. It's quite an obvious ploy.

Analysis: New York Times surprised to learn that most voters are not as obsessed with the iNsuReCtioN as they have been instructed to be.​

View attachment 954043
They must not have asked any conservatives, since I don't see the Supreme Court on there. That will last for decades.
Dude, are you sure you wanna go on record as being unable ti figure out a simple typo on your own?

It also proves that the ethics thing they engineered for themselves is useless just like I said when it was agreed to. It has no teeth and assumes the justices are honest, which is a huge mistake in this day.
You're trying to play off that incoherence as a typo? 🤪
You're trying to play off that incoherence as a typo? 🤪

It also proves that the ethics thing they engineered for themselves is useless just like I said when it was agreed to. Iy has no teeth and assume the justices are honest, which is a huge mistake in this day.

It also proves that the ethics thing they engineered for themselves is useless just like I said when it was agreed to. It has no teeth and assumes the justices are honest, which is a huge mistake in this day.

See, not that hard.

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