Breaking poll: Bernie leads in California (state with most delegates)

Ethe DNC will choose Biden just as they chose Hillary. Bernie was toast before he even stated that he would run.
Bernie's a genuine Commie with bad, violent people working for him. Trump needs to have the FBI dig through ever email and phone call! Bernie honeymooned in Moscow! We can't have Putin influencing our elections and hacking our democracy
The establishment left will attack him relentlessly.

Watch the machine go into action, as is it just getting started.

If you Bernie supporters laughed when it happened to Trump, you are about to get more of it.

Bernie was already fucked in the 2016 Primary.
This is great news for Trump. Bernie will lose in a landslide.
The Trump campaign is nervous about Bernie because of his appeal to the working class.

LOL. It's funny because you actually believe that. I guarantee you Trump is praying for Bernie to be his opponent.
Voters chose Hillary and voters will choose Bernie.

Joe Biden is in third place 11% behind Bernie .
Joe is toast. It will be Bernie vs Corrupt Don.
The Trump campaign is nervous about Bernie because of his appeal to the working class.
Bernie Sanders grabs lead in California presidential primary
Economically Sanders is fine,its his social views that suck. I am banking on a leftist like Warren or Sanders winning in 24 to eliminate asinine college debt.

I'm hoping Trump sends you to a country more to your liking
Ethe DNC will choose Biden just as they chose Hillary. Bernie was toast before he even stated that he would run.
Voters chose Hillary and voters will choose Bernie.
You mean even with Bernie and Warren out because they need to be in the senate? I seem to remember the democrats claimed the whole impeachment started over Trump trying to get dirt on his political opponent. Can't be an opponent unless he has already been anointed. Otherwise he would have been one of many.
Joe Biden is in third place 11% behind Bernie .
Joe is toast. It will be Bernie vs Corrupt Don.
The Trump campaign is nervous about Bernie because of his appeal to the working class.
Bernie Sanders grabs lead in California presidential primary
Economically Sanders is fine,its his social views that suck. I am banking on a leftist like Warren or Sanders winning in 24 to eliminate asinine college debt.

I'm hoping Trump sends you to a country more to your liking
Sad to see a once free thinking man turn into a Trump cultist. I would love to move to Poland or Hungary but that's years away IF I ever get a chance. America can wallow in its filth and income inequality until a new French Revolution happens and the rich suddenly lose their heads.

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