Breaking: President Trump Calls for Adam Schiff’s Immediate Resignation

What Schiff did yesterday was a travesty.

President Trump:

"Rep Adam Schiff fraudulently read to Congress, with millions of people watching, a version of my conversation with the President of Ukraine that doesn't exist. He was supposedly reading the exact transcribed version of the call, but he completely changed the words to make it sound horrible, an me sound guilty. HE WAS DESPERATE AND HE GOT CAUGHT. Adam Schiff therefore lied to Congress and attempted to defraud the American Public. He has been doing this for two years, I am calling for him to immediately resign from Congress based on this fraud!"

Breaking: President Trump Calls for Adam Schiff's Immediate Resignation After He Got Caught Attempting to Defraud the American Public
Schiff should have been censured six times over by now.
Since the demodummies took over the house, the house has gone straight down the shitter just like many Democrat controlled cities have. San Fagcisco, Los Angeles and Portland for example where they're crapping in the streets and diseases that haven't been seen since the dark ages are again threatening mankind.
So when is Trumpybear going to resign?
for what?

The good of the country.
that would be your opinion and my saying obama should be impeached for that same reason would not end well. and it should not.

they got elected, deal with it. all this pandyass pouting is making the left look around 5 years old on a good day.

Isn't this thread about Trumpybear's opinion calling for an elected official to resign based on allegations a 5 year old should be able to debunk?

As if the our Naked Emperor hasn't done the same thing he accused the Rep. of.
So when is Trumpybear going to resign?
for what?

The good of the country.
that would be your opinion and my saying obama should be impeached for that same reason would not end well. and it should not.

they got elected, deal with it. all this pandyass pouting is making the left look around 5 years old on a good day.

Isn't this thread about Trumpybear's opinion calling for an elected official to resign based on allegations a 5 year old should be able to debunk?

As if the our Naked Emperor hasn't done the same thing he accused the Rep. of.
is this the thread you're hijacking to attack trump?

as usual, the left does the very shit they accuse others of doing.
Trump is in panic mode

Why are you afraid of Democracy?

It doesn't take a genius to realize that fear purchases Russian Propaganda and weaponizes it against President Trump during the campaign and afterwards during the failed COUP.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that fear plants spies in The White House, leaks classified information for 3 years, bleach bits Hillary Clinton's Server, destroys 17 Electronic Devices, creates a Fake Mueller Investigation and staffs it with known Trump Haters, and Clinton Campaign Donors, and then tries to impeach everyone from SCOTUS Judges to the AG, to The President, and then sits on all sorts of trade deals and instead rolls out a weekly dog and pony show Kremlin Style and declares, "We Got Him Now" over their latest contrived Fake News release.
So when is Trumpybear going to resign?
for what?

The good of the country.
that would be your opinion and my saying obama should be impeached for that same reason would not end well. and it should not.

they got elected, deal with it. all this pandyass pouting is making the left look around 5 years old on a good day.

Isn't this thread about Trumpybear's opinion calling for an elected official to resign based on allegations a 5 year old should be able to debunk?

As if the our Naked Emperor hasn't done the same thing he accused the Rep. of.
is this the thread you're hijacking to attack trump?

as usual, the left does the very shit they accuse others of doing.

How is it a hijacking? Are post limited to attacking poor Adam? (LOL) Isn't it about what Trumpybear said to Schiff and why he should resign? Glass houses and throwing stones.

You're welcome to your opinion on Obama, (now that's hijacking tangent)
Wait until they find out Adam put a spy in the White House lol
Wait until they find out Adam put a spy in the White House lol

I hear he learned his spying technique from Master Spy B.H. Obama (who of course learned from the master mistress herself and Queen of all things Evil, Hillary).

Where was it this time, the fridge, microwave toaster oven, or TV?
Wait until they find out Adam put a spy in the White House lol

I hear he learned his spying technique from Master Spy B.H. Obama (who of course learned from the master mistress herself and Queen of all things Evil, Hillary).

Where was it this time, the fridge, microwave toaster oven, or TV?
Not sure! But we will find out soon
Trump is flailing
Dude, are you smoking crack or meth today?

The President has THE DNI release The Transcripts, and when Biden is asked about The Ukraine, he runs like the coward he is, and refuses to talk about it or release documents about it.

Biden is flailing and FAILING

Like you.
for what?

The good of the country.
that would be your opinion and my saying obama should be impeached for that same reason would not end well. and it should not.

they got elected, deal with it. all this pandyass pouting is making the left look around 5 years old on a good day.

Isn't this thread about Trumpybear's opinion calling for an elected official to resign based on allegations a 5 year old should be able to debunk?

As if the our Naked Emperor hasn't done the same thing he accused the Rep. of.
is this the thread you're hijacking to attack trump?

as usual, the left does the very shit they accuse others of doing.

How is it a hijacking? Are post limited to attacking poor Adam? (LOL) Isn't it about what Trumpybear said to Schiff and why he should resign? Glass houses and throwing stones.

You're welcome to your opinion on Obama, (now that's hijacking tangent)
Poor Adam?

The guy is a creep who was friends with Harvey Weinstein, Jeff Epstein, and Ed Buck and took money from all of them.
Then he constantly lies. He even solicited people he thought were Russians for 'dirt on Trump'

He's been lying for three years about EVIDENCE he said he had the "PROVED TRUMP COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA TO KICK HILLARY VON CANKLES ASS!"

He stood up there the other day and BOLD FACED LIED AGAIN. He leaks classified and privileged information out of the intelligence committee which is a felony that comes with a 10 year prison sentence.

Poor Adam Schiff?

Now, Poor America for having to deal with him, and Poor Democrat Party for thinking this guy and his antics, lying and planting spies in The White House is a fair way to conduct an election.

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