Breaking: President Trump Calls for Adam Schiff’s Immediate Resignation

BTW, if this is so serious, why did schiff treat it like a farce?

Thanks for the link. I've been intending to donate a few bucks to him, and you just made that a lot easier.
Yeah sure you were...liar....libs are cheapskates...
You are certainly free to believe that we aren't donating to Schiff. He gets the money regardless.
Not from you, that’s for sure
So, how are we going to deprogram the Trump cultists after Trump is gone?

Any thoughts? There are too many of them, so we can't just leave them like they are. We need to somehow turn them back into loyal productive citizens.
A very large number of them will deny ever being supporters.....just like they did with McCain and Romney.
So, how are we going to deprogram the Trump cultists after Trump is gone?

Any thoughts? There are too many of them, so we can't just leave them like they are. We need to somehow turn them back into loyal productive citizens.
A very large number of them will deny ever being supporters.....just like they did with McCain and Romney.
So, how are we going to deprogram the Trump cultists after Trump is gone?

Any thoughts? There are too many of them, so we can't just leave them like they are. We need to somehow turn them back into loyal productive citizens.
2025 , I’ll enjoy the ride
So Libphuckistan?

That's an awful place to live.

The Sheep apparently are more attractive than the women there.

Hahahaha, blow it out your ass, dick breath.

Happy Fry-day

Whatever you say, SHEEP BREATH!

Russian troll panic ^

You’re all over it for sure
So when is Trumpybear going to resign?
for what?
Lying in public. Which Schiff didn't do.
Which part was quoted from the transcript?
Schiff said this before launching into his in-not-so-many-words rendition of what he called a "classic organized crime shakedown:"
Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the President communicates...

Apparently this was beyond the President's comprehension level. I know he talks like a Dr. Seuss book, but I thought he did that for his base, not because he doesn't comprehend more complicated language himself.

Here are Schiff's actual words, if anyone doesn't believe me. The quote is at 4:00
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So when is Trumpybear going to resign?
for what?
Lying in public. Which Schiff didn't do.
Which part was quoted from the transcript?
Schiff said this before launching into his in-not-so-many-words rendition of what he called a "classic organized crime shakedown:"
Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the President communicates...

Apparently this was beyond the President's comprehension level. I know he talks like a Dr. Seuss book, but I thought he did that for his base, not because he doesn't comprehend more complicated language himself.
yet when trump does this type of stuff to people on the left, they hate it.

we seem stuck on hating what we do being ok when we do it to people we hate. it just seems odd to me to profess to hate an activity, do it, then say "they made me do it" and pretend we're grown up.
So when is Trumpybear going to resign?
for what?
Lying in public. Which Schiff didn't do.
Which part was quoted from the transcript?
Schiff said this before launching into his in-not-so-many-words rendition of what he called a "classic organized crime shakedown:"
Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the President communicates...

Apparently this was beyond the President's comprehension level. I know he talks like a Dr. Seuss book, but I thought he did that for his base, not because he doesn't comprehend more complicated language himself.
Where’s the part that none of it was factually correct?
Wonder how long before it comes out Schiff or other democrats were in contact with the whistleblower before the accusation became public...
He was supposedly reading the exact transcribed version of the call....

As big of a despicable piece of shit with eyes that Schiff is, that's not true....He prefaced his not-at-all funny "parody" with a marginally comprehensible, yet real, disclaimer.
This is politics. The truth had no place here.
So when is Trumpybear going to resign?
Over what?

Remember when you DoTards promised to make his life so miserable that he would quit?

You all said, "Watch what we do to him. He will quit within two years."

How's that working out for you now?
What's the Russian take on this impeachment investigation, Comrade?
Burisma, the so called "Company" that gave Hunter Biden $84,000 a month is associated with The Ukrainian-Russian Mob.

Joe Biden Extorted The Ukraine to fire The Prosecutor who was in charge of Investigating Hunter Biden and Soros' Corruption, and as soon as he was fired, both Investigations were Abruptly Ended.

REPORT: $1.8 Billion Missing From Ukrainian Firm, Biden’s Son Sits On Board…

Russia cuts off gas supply to Ukraine after talks collapse

Total boss dies in Moscow air crash

Ukraine faces 'unprecedented' energy crisis

Natalia Fileva, Leader in Russia’s ‘Babyflot’ Airlines, Dies at 55

Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?
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He was supposedly reading the exact transcribed version of the call....

As big of a despicable piece of shit with eyes that Schiff is, that's not true....He prefaced his not-at-all funny "parody" with a marginally comprehensible, yet real, disclaimer.
This is politics. The truth had no place here.
Especially If you live on the left

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