Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

Yet when gay activists tried to get the issue back on the ballot, they couldn't even get enough signatures to qualify.

Even California which generally has a culture of a slime pit couldn't muster up enough signatures on a petition to get it back on the ballot.

These kind of culturally destructive acts happen in a sequence. We would never have had same sex marriage if we hadn't started on the road toward degeneracy long ago. When we accepted a divorce rate through the roof, more children aborted than born, found normalcy in a pregnant teen age girl, accepted that 7 year olds get STDs and should have school provided condoms that's when same sex marriage became inevitable. As will every other boundary down the line.

Since when has our government been the mortality police?

Did you see government anywhere in my statement? Let me clarify.

Once the people of this country decided to embrace degeneracy they decided to get married and get divorced at record rates and for the most specious of reasons, when the people accepted abortion as common, and found pregnancy in teen age girls just part of growing up, and stood by in silence while the way to combat STD's in 7 year old was to give them free condoms, is when the people became so amoral, degenerate and depraved that accepting same sex marriage became inevitable. As will every other boundary down the line. The people of this nation shouldn't need a nanny government to tell them right from wrong. They should do what they did for over 200 years. They should throw these concepts in the dump where it belongs. Should have done all along.

Do you see anything about the government? I mean if you do there is something very wrong with your reading comprehension. As I have maintained, always, this entire culture is becoming degenerate. Accepting same sex marriage as normal is part of the continuing decline into degeneracy. It has been going on for awhile. Same sex marriage is nothing more than another rung on the ladder down.

Rejecting such degeneracy has caused a fracture in our society that is getting deeper and wider to the point where neither side can muster up enough support to maintain national cohesiveness or security. As we decline other nations rise and they should. Just as Christians displaced the excesses of Rome, including orgies and yes, widely practicesed homosexuality, someone will come in and make us a better people too.
“Every general increase of freedom is accompanied by some degeneracy, attributable to the same causes as the freedom.” - Charles Horton Cooley
Yet when gay activists tried to get the issue back on the ballot, they couldn't even get enough signatures to qualify.

Even California which generally has a culture of a slime pit couldn't muster up enough signatures on a petition to get it back on the ballot.

These kind of culturally destructive acts happen in a sequence. We would never have had same sex marriage if we hadn't started on the road toward degeneracy long ago. When we accepted a divorce rate through the roof, more children aborted than born, found normalcy in a pregnant teen age girl, accepted that 7 year olds get STDs and should have school provided condoms that's when same sex marriage became inevitable. As will every other boundary down the line.

Since when has our government been the mortality police?

Did you see government anywhere in my statement? Let me clarify.

Once the people of this country decided to embrace degeneracy they decided to get married and get divorced at record rates and for the most specious of reasons, when the people accepted abortion as common, and found pregnancy in teen age girls just part of growing up, and stood by in silence while the way to combat STD's in 7 year old was to give them free condoms, is when the people became so amoral, degenerate and depraved that accepting same sex marriage became inevitable. As will every other boundary down the line. The people of this nation shouldn't need a nanny government to tell them right from wrong. They should do what they did for over 200 years. They should throw these concepts in the dump where it belongs. Should have done all along.

Do you see anything about the government? I mean if you do there is something very wrong with your reading comprehension. As I have maintained, always, this entire culture is becoming degenerate. Accepting same sex marriage as normal is part of the continuing decline into degeneracy. It has been going on for awhile. Same sex marriage is nothing more than another rung on the ladder down.

Rejecting such degeneracy has caused a fracture in our society that is getting deeper and wider to the point where neither side can muster up enough support to maintain national cohesiveness or security. As we decline other nations rise and they should. Just as Christians displaced the excesses of Rome, including orgies and yes, widely practicesed homosexuality, someone will come in and make us a better people too. don't see any "government" in your post.


I DO see a lot of bigoted Christian hatred. Care to explain?
I think the stupidity of your logic is summed up here:

If the law is defined as man and woman, exactly how gays not included?

Usually people give terse answers like this when they've discovered they're wrong. Proposition 8 says, "only marriage between a man and woman shall be valid or recognized in the state of California". Notice it doesn't say anything about gay or straight. Meaning, gays aren't being denied anything...other than the "right" to get their way, which isn't a right at all.

Hey Einstein, why would a gay man want to marry a woman? Let's start with that. Could you be married to someone you weren't sexually attracted to in the slightest?

And if a gay man wants to marry a man instead, why shouldn't they get the state and federal benefits heteros get? What difference does it make to you?

Gays have been getting married for decades already anyway. I know this because I've been to the weddings. Lots of religions marry gays these days. It's the benefits granted by the state and the federal governments that the gays want now. What do you mean, "right" to get their way? You're whining because gays just want the same benefits?
Since when has our government been the mortality police?

Did you see government anywhere in my statement? Let me clarify.

Once the people of this country decided to embrace degeneracy they decided to get married and get divorced at record rates and for the most specious of reasons, when the people accepted abortion as common, and found pregnancy in teen age girls just part of growing up, and stood by in silence while the way to combat STD's in 7 year old was to give them free condoms, is when the people became so amoral, degenerate and depraved that accepting same sex marriage became inevitable. As will every other boundary down the line. The people of this nation shouldn't need a nanny government to tell them right from wrong. They should do what they did for over 200 years. They should throw these concepts in the dump where it belongs. Should have done all along.

Do you see anything about the government? I mean if you do there is something very wrong with your reading comprehension. As I have maintained, always, this entire culture is becoming degenerate. Accepting same sex marriage as normal is part of the continuing decline into degeneracy. It has been going on for awhile. Same sex marriage is nothing more than another rung on the ladder down.

Rejecting such degeneracy has caused a fracture in our society that is getting deeper and wider to the point where neither side can muster up enough support to maintain national cohesiveness or security. As we decline other nations rise and they should. Just as Christians displaced the excesses of Rome, including orgies and yes, widely practicesed homosexuality, someone will come in and make us a better people too.

You whine that gay marriage is seat of everything amoral, degenerate and depraved at the start of this thread.... would seem the evil should all be chalked up to heterosexuals.

married and divorced ... heterosexual
Teen pregnancy.... heterosexual
abortion .... requires both sexes... heterosexual.


You imply government imposed morality when you support outlawing gay marriage. How hard is that to understand?

Divorce is now a part of the Homosexual Life also...

The Poster Homo's for Gay Marriage are Divorcing... You didn't hear?...

As for Teen Pregnancy?...

Yeah, Homosexuals can't... It's part of the Problem with their Insistance that they be viewed as Equal in their Deviation to that which Creates us.

If they could Pro-Create, considering the New HIV Rates in places like San Francisco, the Abortion Rate for Homosexuals would DWARF Heterosexuals.

Just an Observation.



Majorities don’t determine civil rights

According to most of your libturd allies in here, they do determine civil rights.

In America, minorities are heard. You'll appreciate it one day when you're in one.

Yes, thank you.
I grew up in the deep south in the late 50s through the 60s.
I saw what my "fellow" man did to blacks then and it is tatooed and burned into my soul forever. Thank God my family taught us to stand up for folks and I am damn proud of my parents for taking the lead in a time back then when it was not the easy thing to do. Most of my kind looked the other way. Not us.
You never forget such things and I know that is the main reason I stand up for everyone now.
They are equal. procreation is not a prerequisit for equality except for in the eyes of the bigots looking for an excuse for self-deluded superiority.

Procreation is the reason the institution of marriage exist. No amount of mindless blather about civil rights and "equality" is going to change that.
According to most of your libturd allies in here, they do determine civil rights.

In America, minorities are heard. You'll appreciate it one day when you're in one.

Yes, thank you.
I grew up in the deep south in the late 50s through the 60s.
I saw what my "fellow" man did to blacks then and it is tatooed and burned into my soul forever. Thank God my family taught us to stand up for folks and I am damn proud of my parents for taking the lead in a time back then when it was not the easy thing to do. Most of my kind looked the other way. Not us.
You never forget such things and I know that is the main reason I stand up for everyone now.

Gay marriage has nothing to do with Jim Crow, segregation or civil rights.

Only the congenitally gullible are falling for that con. Blacks, especially, are not falling for it.
They are equal. procreation is not a prerequisit for equality except for in the eyes of the bigots looking for an excuse for self-deluded superiority.

Procreation is the reason the institution of marriage exist. No amount of mindless blather about civil rights and "equality" is going to change that.

That's irrelevant once the State provides benefits for being married.
I have no problem with gay marriage, but the people of California voted not to have it in their state. If judges are just going to overturn the will of the people then why vote at all?

I'm not for gay marriage, but I'm also against referendums. I don't support mob rule.

edit: referendums are a leftist thing.
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They are equal. procreation is not a prerequisit for equality except for in the eyes of the bigots looking for an excuse for self-deluded superiority.

Procreation is the reason the institution of marriage exist. No amount of mindless blather about civil rights and "equality" is going to change that.

Procreation is no prerequisite for marriage. If it was, we would not allow old people to marry and would annul a marriage once a member was found to be incapable of having children

Also, allowing gay marriage does nothing to reduce the number of heterosexual marriages that can procreate
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They are equal. procreation is not a prerequisit for equality except for in the eyes of the bigots looking for an excuse for self-deluded superiority.

Procreation is the reason the institution of marriage exist. No amount of mindless blather about civil rights and "equality" is going to change that.

So, if one cannot procreate, they are not allowed to legally marry. That is, in your world.
Gay marriage should be legal and so should polygamy, if a man wants to marry 4 women or a gal wants to marry her 3 boyfriends who cares?
Agree while you are sleeping around with a multitude of partners you might as well marry them as long as you can only claim taxes on one WHO CARES ?
When you get right down to it, after all the smoke and mirrors are blown away, the opposition to gay marriage is, "I don't like fags" or, "God hates fags."

That's really what is at the bottom of it.

Yep, and you fear the most, what you understand the least.

Most people who are against gay marriage don't really know much about them. Sorry, but the reason people are gay is because of the way their brain is built. Swedish scientists did MRI brain scans of both straights AND gays and found out it's not a "choice", as sexuality is hard wired in the brain at birth.

Denying gays the ability to marry is stupid.

For the most part it is a choice.

You choose to smoke and it becomes a habit.

Same thing with being gay.

Some, however, don't know what sex they're supposed to be.

Transgenders catch hell in the gay community. Did you know that?
Its not the same loving to smoke is not the same as loving a person
Yep, and you fear the most, what you understand the least.

Most people who are against gay marriage don't really know much about them. Sorry, but the reason people are gay is because of the way their brain is built. Swedish scientists did MRI brain scans of both straights AND gays and found out it's not a "choice", as sexuality is hard wired in the brain at birth.

Denying gays the ability to marry is stupid.

For the most part it is a choice.

You choose to smoke and it becomes a habit.

Same thing with being gay.

Some, however, don't know what sex they're supposed to be.

Transgenders catch hell in the gay community. Did you know that?
Its not the same loving to smoke is not the same as loving a person

Maybe...just mudwhistle, it is.

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