Breaking: Reince Priebus---"Current Refugee Ban May Not Go Far Enough"

Add the terrorist state of Israel to the list.

If all these nations who are on President Trump's list were predominantly white, Christian nations, you Leftist Maniac Racists would be SUPPORTING President Trump so more White Christians couldn't come to the American nation.

We know you Leftist Maniacs want everyone except White, Christian's your fear of that fuels your psychosis.
Good the voters gave Trump a mandate to stick to his promises and so far so good
This sounds almost too 'good' to be true...

Reince Priebus's MOTHER was born in the Sudan.

Yes, I'm due a standing ovation for that find. Proceed.

Reince Priebus - Wikipedia

Yes but his mother is Greek and not Sudanese.

So your point is what exactly?

"Yes, I'm due a standing ovation for that find. Proceed."

Lol hilarious if not so pathetically tragic, get to the back of the bus darling where you have always belonged.
I love it........add a few more.......the left thinks they have a winner

Like they did with

Grabbing pussy
The election
The debates
The transition

Add more if you like.
Add the terrorist state of Israel to the list.

Where is ny carbafag crying about anti semitism.......?

It's not anti-semitic to disagree with Israeli policy.

Calling Israel a terrorist more than disagreement.
And its more anti semtic than anything Trump has said is done, so you are a fucking hypocrite

If Israel were a terrorist state, there would be no "Palestinians".
Add the terrorist state of Israel to the list.

Where is ny carbafag crying about anti semitism.......?

It's not anti-semitic to disagree with Israeli policy.

Calling Israel a terrorist more than disagreement.
And its more anti semtic than anything Trump has said is done, so you are a fucking hypocrite

If Israel were a terrorist state, there would be no "Palestinians".
Only a lefty would side with those aick palestinians. The left thinks it's ok to use 13 year olds as human bombs.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan could be added.

Perhaps the reason President Trump didn't put Saudi Arabia on the original list is this below situation.

This is what many of us suggested should have happened from beginning, establishing Syrian Safe Zones, had this of been established then nobody would be having this nightmare with all these so-called refugees....but of course the Regime that was in before President Trump wouldn't allow Syrian Safe Zones because they wanted this nightmare with the so-called refugees so they could with the aid of the Globalist POS The UN flood ONLY Western nations with this crowd.

Also it's a disgrace that more attention hasn't previously been given to the outrageous happenings in Yemen, purely the fault of Saudi Arabia who for more than a year have been in full breech of International Law carpet bombing the poorest nation in the Middle East and the Regime that was in before President Trump didn't give a crap about.

The below is a potentially very important and welcome development, both for Western nations and for Syria and Yemen,

Trump discusses Syrian safe zones with Saudi king

"President Trump spoke with the leader of Saudi Arabia, King Salman, on Sunday afternoon.

The president made the call in the Oval Office, where National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and senior adviser Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, joined him.

Trump and King Salman discussed joint efforts to fight terrorism and how to address the civil war in Syria and the conflict in Yemen.

“The President requested and the King agreed to support safe zones in Syria and Yemen, as well as supporting other ideas to help the many refugees who are displaced by the ongoing conflicts,” the White House said in a statement.

“They also agreed on the importance of rigorously enforcing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran and of addressing Iran’s destabilizing regional activities.”

Here's the rest of the article.

Trump discusses Syrian safe zones with Saudi king

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