Breaking Revelation: Muellers Law Firm Gave 99.81% Of Its Campaign Contributions To Hillary Clinton


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Of course they did. You don't think the left cheered his appointment out of fairness do you?
Story just broke. My fellow natural born citizen Americans, it is my conclusion that since its now confirmed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a serious conflict of interest in this phantom expedition to nowhere, it's time to end this charade and stop the waste of taxpayers money.
Of course it did. A little known fact: In Washington DC there are Republican law firms and Democrat law firms. Republicans use only the former while Democrats use only the later. Likewise, the later donate only to Democrats and the former donate only to Republicans. If you were a Republican, would you use a firm that was infested with poisonous Democrat snakes?
Story just broke. My fellow natural born citizen Americans, it is my conclusion that since its now confirmed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a serious conflict of interest in this phantom expedition to nowhere, it's time to end this charade and stop the waste of taxpayers money.

Your link no longer exists. Hilarious!
It does now!

Newt Gingrich: Mueller’s Law Firm Gave 99.81% of its Campaign Contributions to Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)
Story just broke. My fellow natural born citizen Americans, it is my conclusion that since its now confirmed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a serious conflict of interest in this phantom expedition to nowhere, it's time to end this charade and stop the waste of taxpayers money.

Your link no longer exists. Hilarious!
Kind of like you and Warrens link to Native American heritage. Poof and it's gone.
Story just broke. My fellow natural born citizen Americans, it is my conclusion that since its now confirmed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a serious conflict of interest in this phantom expedition to nowhere, it's time to end this charade and stop the waste of taxpayers money.

Newt Gingrich: Mueller’s Law Firm Gave 99.81% of its Campaign Contributions to Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

My conclusion is that you and Gingrich are first class idiots. Campaign contributions do not disqualify them from working with Mueller and does not constitute a conflict of interest. There are over a dozen lawyers working with Mueller including 3 who work for the federal government. The only charade is you are Trump sycophants like Gingrich who put the interests of Trump above those of the country.

If we were to follow your thinking, Sessions would not be able to investigate Democrats because it would be a conflict of interest. We would need 3 AGs and 3 US Attorneys. O)ne would be a Republican who can investigate Republicans. The second would be a Democrat that can investigate Democrats. The third would be a independent who can investigate independents. That is ridiculous as is your argument.
The only people worried about the firing of Mueller is the MSM. Rachel "Blinky" Maddow for example threatens impeachment if The Donald dumps the Swamp Rat. The fact is nobody gives a shit. Fire that subversive Swamp Rat already Mr. President!
Story just broke. My fellow natural born citizen Americans, it is my conclusion that since its now confirmed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a serious conflict of interest in this phantom expedition to nowhere, it's time to end this charade and stop the waste of taxpayers money.

Your link no longer exists. Hilarious!

everything Steve McRussian posts is horseshit.

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