BREAKING: Rezaeian and 3 others released in Iran

Yep.....Nazis and Iranians......they go together like peas and carrots.
the cat dream of mice
The feeling is mutual.
Remember what Barack said about your country?

"Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries are tiny compared to the Soviet Union. They don't pose a serious threat to us the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us,” Obama said.Amanda Carpenter - Obama: Iran is Just a Tiny Country

all gop nominees :

iran won

It's clear English is your second language.
dont troll my bad english

its not second.its 4th

Dani-----the problem is not just your English-------your posts make no sense because the thoughts you express are not logical
the cat dream of mice
The feeling is mutual.
Remember what Barack said about your country?

"Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries are tiny compared to the Soviet Union. They don't pose a serious threat to us the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us,” Obama said.Amanda Carpenter - Obama: Iran is Just a Tiny Country

all gop nominees :

iran won

It's clear English is your second language.
dont troll my bad english

its not second.its 4th

Dani-----the problem is not just your English-------your posts make no sense because the thoughts you express are not logical

i think its your problem .because you are not enough smart for understanding my post...... :badgrin:
great aryan always win
Yep.....Nazis and Iranians......they go together like peas and carrots.
the cat dream of mice
The feeling is mutual.
Remember what Barack said about your country?

"Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries are tiny compared to the Soviet Union. They don't pose a serious threat to us the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us,” Obama said.Amanda Carpenter - Obama: Iran is Just a Tiny Country

all gop nominees :

iran won

It's clear English is your second language.

I think he is rubbing salt into wounds.
He is gloating that Iran won the deal. Pointed more so at the GOP in this thread. I think I undesrtood him clearly right away.

and he is right. Iran got the better of the deal by far. Along with the Nuke deal they won't sign. They winners. USA is loser.
Yep.....Nazis and Iranians......they go together like peas and carrots.
the cat dream of mice
The feeling is mutual.
Remember what Barack said about your country?

"Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries are tiny compared to the Soviet Union. They don't pose a serious threat to us the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us,” Obama said.Amanda Carpenter - Obama: Iran is Just a Tiny Country

all gop nominees :

iran won

It's clear English is your second language.

I think he is rubbing salt into wounds.

no. i dont
im just happy : :badgrin::badgrin:


Who'd they steal it from?
Do you get some kind of weird thrill by playing the idiot?

Thankfully for him breathing is an innate behavior.
Got pwned and now you need somebody's help.

That's what you see? Let me clue you in, at least two posters in this thread agree, you're not very smart. You have been unable to demonstrate anything resembling a relevant point in this thread.
That's an opinion......and opinions are like assholes.

Everyone has one.

I bet you're proud of that one.
Cruz and Rubio are denouncing the deal. No doubt, all the Right Wing candidates will appear and say the same things.
They're sticking to the deal they made 7 years ago to deny the Obama Administration anything.
No, denouncing it now is sour grapes. We've already paid for it.

I'm wondering when the next hostage situation will rear it's ugly head.

Wondering or hoping?

And neither one of these recent releases was a "hostage situation".
What do you call paying blackmail money in exchange for somebody that has been taken prisoner?'re the idiot. Not me.

You need to learn to focus. I'm not gonna rehash legitimate issues I brought up during this exchange.

Why didn't Iran hold the sailors hostage then?
He is gloating that Iran won the deal. Pointed more so at the GOP in this thread. I think I undesrtood him clearly right away.

and he is right. Iran got the better of the deal by far. Along with the Nuke deal they won't sign. They winners. USA is loser.

iran deal: usa isnt hardliner and iran hardliner are loser
swap prisoner= iran is winner.usa is loser
because we happy for jason rezaeian and hekmati and .... too.because they are iranian too.
He is gloating that Iran won the deal. Pointed more so at the GOP in this thread. I think I undesrtood him clearly right away.

and he is right. Iran got the better of the deal by far. Along with the Nuke deal they won't sign. They winners. USA is loser.

iran deal: usa isnt hardliner and iran hardliner are loser
swap prisoner= iran is winner.usa is loser
because we happy for jason rezaeian and hekmati and .... too.because they are iranian too.

Completely agree. The extremists in both countries have lost.
It's amazing how easily liberals can be misdirected by a bright, shiny object.

They want to believe that Obama isn't the liar and the charlatan that he is.

Iran has been murdering Americans for decades, and we're supposed to forget about their aggression whenever they give us a tiny token like a few hostages being released after being falsely imprisoned for way too long. What difference does it make that it cost us $150 billion dollars and who knows what else to get it done. How much will it cost us the next time they take hostages?

It didn't cost us $150B fool.
That money was always Iran's money held as frozen assets.
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What I am getting out of this Thread is:

The US scores a victory, and the GOP is unhappy about it.
We're also getting the usual red herring fallacies from the right – in this case the US sailors detained by Iran, in a failed attempt to deflect from the president's victory winning the release of Americans held in Iran and the successful implementation of the nuclear accord.

What's amusing is the successful release of the American sailors is likewise a victory for the president, made possible by the successfully negotiated nuclear accord.

Most on the right are as pathetic as they are ridiculous.
It's amazing how easily liberals can be misdirected by a bright, shiny object.

They want to believe that Obama isn't the liar and the charlatan that he is.

Iran has been murdering Americans for decades, and we're supposed to forget about their aggression whenever they give us a tiny token like a few hostages being released after being falsely imprisoned for way too long. What difference does it make that it cost us $150 billion dollars and who knows what else to get it done. How much will it cost us the next time they take hostages?

It didn't cost us $ 150B fool.
That money was always Iran's money held as frozen assets.

That's what happens when dishonest politicians and pundits get to say whatever they want without challenge. Dumb fucks like Mud end up believing the bullshit. That dummy actually thinks that we are giving Iran 150 billion dollars of taxpayer money. No wonder he wants to vote for one of those assholes.
How do Obama and Kerry get any credit for this release ?

so true dillduck-------its like praising a six year old kid for managing to tie his shoelaces

Halliburton stock values will plunge now that the opportunity to attack another country has been reduced....unless....another Republican is elected President. Then another excuse for was will be formulated.

Which president pretty much created Halliburton, old man? I'll give you two hints, Brown-Root and the Vietnam War

And DICK has profited greatly!

DICK resigned from Halliburton many years ago and gave millions of dollars in stock options to CHARITY.
We are not at war with Iran, therefore GC rules do not apply.

nice technicality. Nothing a few dozen cruise missiles could not heal. Enough dealing with lunatics. Hands off our soldiers immediately forever. Or else.
Further evidence as to why republicans have no business being anywhere near the levers of power until they can learn to act like adults.
We are not at war with Iran, therefore GC rules do not apply.

nice technicality. Nothing a few dozen cruise missiles could not heal. Enough dealing with lunatics. Hands off our soldiers immediately forever. Or else.
Further evidence as to why republicans have no business being anywhere near the levers of power until they can learn to act like adults.

When is the last time "a few dozen cruise missiles" solved anything?
There is no crime in breaking down and drifting into territorial waters. In fact, in that instance, the country should render aid as they are stranded at sea. Taking them at gunpoint was an act of war. Period.
No one said there was.

And there's no crime in detaining individuals who have entered into a given country's territorial waters absent authorization.

The detention of the American sailors was addressed in an appropriate and diplomatic manner – the sailors entered Iranian waters absent authorization, were detained, and released according to protocol – a clear diplomatic success and victory for the president.

You're trying to contrive a 'controversy' where none exists for purely partisan reasons – you're concerned that these series of diplomatic and foreign policy victories by the Obama Administration will reflect positively on a president whom you despise, will benefit Clinton in her bid for the WH, and undermine republican efforts to propagate their lie that American foreign policy is 'in a shambles,' where clearly nothing could be further from the truth.

Your failed attempts to contrive this into a 'controversy' and deflect from the thread topic renders you and others on the right ridiculous and pathetic.
Then why didn't he perform this "success" in the past 7 years? Because there were no $ to bestow for the men being released?

Probably because none of them were prisoners 7 years ago and first we had to establish communication. I don't see why you assume it's just a matter of flipping a switch.
I believe all but perhaps Levinson were taken during Obama's watch. Well, a switch was flipped and just as quickly as giving them their $150B and we got to get our people back...for 7 of theirs and 14 off Interpol's red list. A little (or a lot) lopsided wouldn't you say? And you want us to thank Obama and Kerry?

We didn't give them their money quickly.

And of course they were all on "Obama's watch" and now they are going home. Do you really want to keep their 7 who are held for sanctions that are no longer valid? What would be the point? Yes, I do want to thank Obama and Kerry because if we had a Republican in the White house who thinks like you guys do we'd never be talking to Iran in the first place.
We still have one more person not accounted for. The family wants to know where he is when he can be brought home. Why is it the US voluntarily release 21 people from possible arrest when we get 5 of our people back. Obama is tripping over himself giving in to Iran. How he stands without a backbone is beyond me.

Once again, those people were wanted for sanctions violations and there was little chance we were ever going to get them.

But, you make a great point. Of course the US should have completely shut this deal down unless we got that last American out. Do you have any details about him?

Oh, btw I wouldn't go assuming we don't have other Iranians incarcerated here.
His name is Levinson and he was a contract worker for the CIA.
Probably because none of them were prisoners 7 years ago and first we had to establish communication. I don't see why you assume it's just a matter of flipping a switch.
I believe all but perhaps Levinson were taken during Obama's watch. Well, a switch was flipped and just as quickly as giving them their $150B and we got to get our people back...for 7 of theirs and 14 off Interpol's red list. A little (or a lot) lopsided wouldn't you say? And you want us to thank Obama and Kerry?

We didn't give them their money quickly.

And of course they were all on "Obama's watch" and now they are going home. Do you really want to keep their 7 who are held for sanctions that are no longer valid? What would be the point? Yes, I do want to thank Obama and Kerry because if we had a Republican in the White house who thinks like you guys do we'd never be talking to Iran in the first place.
We still have one more person not accounted for. The family wants to know where he is when he can be brought home. Why is it the US voluntarily release 21 people from possible arrest when we get 5 of our people back. Obama is tripping over himself giving in to Iran. How he stands without a backbone is beyond me.

Once again, those people were wanted for sanctions violations and there was little chance we were ever going to get them.

But, you make a great point. Of course the US should have completely shut this deal down unless we got that last American out. Do you have any details about him?

Oh, btw I wouldn't go assuming we don't have other Iranians incarcerated here.
His name is Levinson and he was a contract worker for the CIA.

Ok, what was a CIA worker doing in Iran? What would the US do if someone working for Iranian intelligence was found here?
Then why didn't he perform this "success" in the past 7 years? Because there were no $ to bestow for the men being released?

Probably because none of them were prisoners 7 years ago and first we had to establish communication. I don't see why you assume it's just a matter of flipping a switch.
I believe all but perhaps Levinson were taken during Obama's watch. Well, a switch was flipped and just as quickly as giving them their $150B and we got to get our people back...for 7 of theirs and 14 off Interpol's red list. A little (or a lot) lopsided wouldn't you say? And you want us to thank Obama and Kerry?

We didn't give them their money quickly.

And of course they were all on "Obama's watch" and now they are going home. Do you really want to keep their 7 who are held for sanctions that are no longer valid? What would be the point? Yes, I do want to thank Obama and Kerry because if we had a Republican in the White house who thinks like you guys do we'd never be talking to Iran in the first place.

You mean sitting there like a pussy and taking it while they're screaming at us about how much they will kill us right in our faces.

Top Iranian Nuke Negotiator Ordered to Stop Screaming at Kerry
Supreme Leader urges him to lower voice, citing the Quran

Javad Zarif / AP
BY: Adam Kredo
February 19, 2015 5:00 am
Iran’s foreign minister and lead negotiator in nuclear talks with the United States has been ordered by the Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader to stop shouting and yelling at Secretary of State John Kerry during negotiating sessions.
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told his country’s state controlled media in a recent interview that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has instructed him to stop yelling at Kerry and other top U.S. officials during the talks.
Reports about Zarif’s temper first emerged in the Iranian press last November, when the United States and Iran agreed to extend talks through June of this year.
Zarif is said to “frequently shout at Western diplomats” with such force that bodyguards have been forced to enter the negotiation room.
During one incident described by Iranian officials to the press, European Union Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, a chief western negotiator, admitted that Zarif had been shouting, and she had gotten used to it.
Abbas Araqchi, an Iranian diplomat who is also a member of the negotiating team, is reported to have said in an interview that during past negotiations in Geneva, Zarif “shouted” at Kerry and spoke to him in a manner “unprecedented” in the history of U.S. diplomacy.
Zarif appeared to cop to this behavior during a recent interview with the state-controlled Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), according to an independent translation of the report provided to the Washington Free Beacon.

Top Iranian Nuke Negotiator Ordered to Stop Screaming at Kerry

Oh noes, not shouting. :eek:
How humiliating! I would have left at the first sign of shouting and not come back until he was under control and with an apology.

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