BREAKING: RIOTING in Baltimore...

It's already under way...Random black on white crime is on the increase. It started with the knock out game. There has been an increase in random violent crimes committed by mainly black males against Caucasians.
Look at the black occupiers of restaurants. They black brunchers have targeted Caucasian owned businesses.

More bullshit, misinformation from the easily impressed ditto-heads. There never was a "knock out game" and NO, I'm not interested in even going there. It was crap -- every case I saw involved some sort of dispute.
There never was a knockout game? So all those videos of those random attacks were what? Computer generated images?.....Yeah, ok...
Oh no, wait. I have it......Vast right wing conspiracy....
And it's not even hot, humid summer yet!

No question! Obama's legacy is going to be The Great American Race War.

But is that what George Soros wanted?

How the Fuck is this Obama's fault?
Obama is a very polarizing figure when it comes to race.
He does nothing to bring a calming effect on these incidents. In fact his comments have inflamed passions.
Just the passions of racist teapers. Your ilk are impossible to have an honest discussion with. Your hate blinds you.
Ahh. Very good. I see you are spewing the lib progressive narrative.....
1. In the case of any criticism of Obama, make sure you refer to hatred and racism
2. Make sure you refer to the criticizer as a RACIST....
Sorry Charlie....Your shit doesn't work with me.

For all the stuff I agree with the democrats on. Them allowing shit like this to happen pretty much makes them unacceptable.

We need strong law enforcement or nothing else really matters.
There never was a knockout game? So all those videos of those random attacks were what? Computer generated images?.....Yeah, ok...
Oh no, wait. I have it......Vast right wing conspiracy....

Correct, it was crap and certainly did not exist to the degree that you clowns wanted it too.
And it's not even hot, humid summer yet!

No question! Obama's legacy is going to be The Great American Race War.

But is that what George Soros wanted?

How the Fuck is this Obama's fault?
Obama is a very polarizing figure when it comes to race.
He does nothing to bring a calming effect on these incidents. In fact his comments have inflamed passions.
Just the passions of racist teapers. Your ilk are impossible to have an honest discussion with. Your hate blinds you.
Ahh. Very good. I see you are spewing the lib progressive narrative.....
1. In the case of any criticism of Obama, make sure you refer to hatred and racism
2. Make sure you refer to the criticizer as a RACIST....
Sorry Charlie....Your shit doesn't work with me.

For all the stuff I agree with the democrats on. Them allowing shit like this to happen pretty much makes them unacceptable.

We need strong law enforcement or nothing else really matters.
Funny that a dem would say that after every time a thug gets shot all the libs freak out.
All Americans should be rioting over the lawlessness of their central government.
More than likely a racist teaper liar. I was on TWITTER! Must be true. If not, USMB will float that narrative because it fits well with the overall attitude of hate on this site.
Yes all who are not liberals are to be labeled "Teaper racists".....Does that about sum it up?
My you are a learned student of the lib/progressive play book.
Peaceful protest are turning into riots, confrontations with police ... situation beginning to look somewhat unstable.

Mad Cabbie NOT taking fares to or from B-more.
you in a safe place Mad_Cabbie ?!!!

I'm trying to avoid the city, but I will go if need be. If one of those fags throws a rock at me I'll break his fucking riotous scull.
Ahh.....Only the governor can activate the National Guard. The mayor of a city can make the request.

Thanks, Larry Hogan (R) is the one to call, but that was requested by mayor Blake.
Higan just put them on alert

Correct, they have NOT been called in ... yet. Good call.
hey dude . I know we have bad medicine but I hope you stay safe if you are working tonight

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