BREAKING: RIOTING in Baltimore...

There are more citizens trying to stop looters and vandals in Baltimore than there are looters and vandals.

I think that was true about an hour ago.
Not so sure with what we are seeing now.
Nightfall is coming...the NG better hurry their asses up, it is going to get ugly.
I am honestly afraid someone else is going to die tonight.
There is already a police officer that is reportedly unresponsive.
It won't take much for this to blow.

I'm not sure if you are serious or not. There are many "conservatives" here at USMB who are charged up by watching this violence.
Many of these people are not even from Baltimore, so why would they care if the cit is burned down and people are out of jobs now? They are opportunist and criminals. Nothing more....Nothing less.

The creep with the gas mask who slashed the firemen's hose when he was trying to put out the CVS fire, should be arrested right now. He is an accomplice to arson along with multiple other charges.

Is the idea that the hose cutter should be arrested a controversial matter?

Do you know that we have people her at USMB who think it would be OK to shoot that guy to death right there on the street.

Yes, I suppose there are a few that would take the first shot. I trust they will have multiple videos from multiple locations to arrest all the criminals. There is no excuse for this outrageous behavior. These are crimes of "opportunity."
There are more citizens trying to stop looters and vandals in Baltimore than there are looters and vandals.

I think that was true about an hour ago.
Not so sure with what we are seeing now.
Nightfall is coming...the NG better hurry their asses up, it is going to get ugly.
I am honestly afraid someone else is going to die tonight.
There is already a police officer that is reportedly unresponsive.
It won't take much for this to blow.

I'm not sure if you are serious or not. There are many "conservatives" here at USMB who are charged up by watching this violence.

Why would I not be serious?
WTF are you talking about?
This isn't political in a sense of liberal/conservative...Jesus.
You have a bunch of low life jackasses that are taking the narative away from what is important. This solves nothing.
This isn't Michael Brown. This is different. Something CLEARLY happened to this young man in that van. THAT is what is important.
Not these dumbasses stealing from each other.
These animals represent the ignorant group that votes Democrat. That's who democrats depend on to get voted into office. Now reconsider how intelligent your parties stances are.
These animals represent the ignorant group that votes Democrat. That's who democrats depend on to get voted into office. Now reconsider how intelligent your parties stances are.

This has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans or Conservatives or Liberals. This is about a bunch of opportunist that are acting as thugs and stealing from the very people who were peacefully demonstrating until today.
These animals represent the ignorant group that votes Democrat. That's who democrats depend on to get voted into office. Now reconsider how intelligent your parties stances are.

This has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans or Conservatives or Liberals. This is about a bunch of opportunist that are acting as thugs and stealing from the very people who were peacefully demonstrating until today.
Who just happen to be 97 percent democrat and represent their agenda. Stealing from others.
Protesters clash with police in Baltimore
Let me get this straight... so these people believe that police are using excessive force. So they form a violent riot, putting multiple police officers in the hospital, and thereby necessitating that the police deploy in force with riot gear to protect themselves, and likely store owners and innocent bystanders. How is this a good idea?
Bunch of Thugs taking advantage of chaos and rioting. NOT EXCUSE! Baltimore needs a larger jail to put all these criminals away.

Baltimore arrests more people every day than most countries. On any given day, Baltimore jails hold upwards of 4,000 people.

We need more jails and more people in jail?

Not only yeah but hell yeah....
If people choose to disregard the law they need to be held accountable.
What's the problem with that?

Because the solution as you are presenting it, would not fix the problem in my estimation. Jail is very bad for people -- when you put people in jail when you normally would not (e.g. late library books, the police state, etc) you are desensitizing them to it. Once you are in the system, it becomes near impossible to avoid it.

People who are desensitized to jail/prison, are no longer afraid to go back. It's dangerous to think that jail is a good answer.

In Baltimore, jail is a way to make politicians happy. If there is a high profile crime, the mayor has to look like she gives a shit or no more cushy job. Heads must roll! We need more, TOUGHER laws, because that ALWAYS works! She then gets on the police department and the police then start locking people up like they are at a grateful dead concert. Rights? YOU DON'T NEED NO STINKIN RIGHTS!!!

In a police state, the only important factor is appearances. As long as we LOOK TOUGH on crime, civil liberties do not matter. People in Baltimore are tired of being harassed. They are sick of being handcuffed just for walking home. When someone breaks into their house, the police order them to stop calling or THEY will be arrested.

You people (what do YOU mean "you people") have no fucking clue what a shit hole this place is.

No one knows except the streets; and the streets hold their secrets like a jailer runs his jail.

There are more citizens trying to stop looters and vandals in Baltimore than there are looters and vandals.

I think that was true about an hour ago.
Not so sure with what we are seeing now.
Nightfall is coming...the NG better hurry their asses up, it is going to get ugly.
I am honestly afraid someone else is going to die tonight.
There is already a police officer that is reportedly unresponsive.
It won't take much for this to blow.

I'm not sure if you are serious or not. There are many "conservatives" here at USMB who are charged up by watching this violence.

Why would I not be serious?
WTF are you talking about?
This isn't political in a sense of liberal/conservative...Jesus.
You have a bunch of low life jackasses that are taking the narative away from what is important. This solves nothing.
This isn't Michael Brown. This is different. Something CLEARLY happened to this young man in that van. THAT is what is important.
Not these dumbasses stealing from each other.
Whatever happened to him didn't necessarily happen in the van. He could have been injured elsewhere at another time. Then the van went over a bump and that caused a separation that wasn't survivable.
If it happening downtown, there won't be any noticeable damage. That is an ugly city.
According to reports, rioters are targeting the Inner Harbor section which is a relatively busy commercial and tourist area.
In other words, the anarchists are going where the money is in order to shut down the city's economy and inflict as much damage as possible.
It is my hope that the mayor of Baltimore is removed from office and prosecuted for inciting riot.
Business owners should close down and leave the city.
This one not really about race, guys -- more of a police brutality matter.
No it isn't.....
This whole thing( fighting with arreasting officers) is being allowed to spin out of control..
IN each instance where alleged police brutality is supposedly taking place, it is as a result of the person(s) charged fighting with the police while an attempt to arrest is in progress.
All over a guy that a month ago not a single rioter would've given a two cent fuck about.

It is about hatred of whites. This is just a reason to destroy and show that hatred. 4,300 black on black murder per year and you hear not a peep about them.

No, Mathew, that's how YOU see it, because you see race in EVERYTHING.
And you liberals...."NEVER" see race as a factor in anything?
The idiot mayor is on tv right now. She could be obama's sister.

The fool and she is seriously affected with stupid. She has announced a curfew. Starting tomorrow night.
And it's not even hot, humid summer yet!

No question! Obama's legacy is going to be The Great American Race War.

But is that what George Soros wanted?

How the Fuck is this Obama's fault?
Obama is a very polarizing figure when it comes to race.
He does nothing to bring a calming effect on these incidents. In fact his comments have inflamed passions.
And it's not even hot, humid summer yet!

No question! Obama's legacy is going to be The Great American Race War.

But is that what George Soros wanted?

How the Fuck is this Obama's fault?
Obama is a very polarizing figure when it comes to race.
He does nothing to bring a calming effect on these incidents. In fact his comments have inflamed passions.
Just the passions of racist teapers. Your ilk are impossible to have an honest discussion with. Your hate blinds you.

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