BREAKING: RIOTING in Baltimore...

WTF. Scum. I'm a huge fan of people exercising their right to protest, but fuck this shit. Rioters make things so much worse. They dont give a flying fuck about the cause, and just drag down those that do. It won't finish pretty.
Dude, you'd be the first one to hide in your crawlspace.
Ready.....For what?.....You don't even know what would be coming at you.
How can you form a plan when uninformed?
Are you denying there has been rioting and looting in Baltimore?
Not denying anything at all. I am just speakng truth while you are making it into a race war thing. You are a racist teaper. A pussy. You are blinded by hate.

Please start your race war...I guarantee am ready. Hell, if you are so tough...why aren't you in Baltmore right now, starting your race war and protecting the cops. PUSSY.

Stop supporting thugs that destroy people property. it is wrong.
I am not supporting thugs. Your hate makes you blind to what is being said. No one is condoning these savages...I am simply condemning teaper racsm and hate.

Too complex for you to understand...I know.
THe tea party has NOTHING to do with the troubles in Baltimore.
You see for a multiple number of times black people committing random acts of wanton violence and destruction of property. In order to find cover, you lash out. The tea party and to lesser extent, Caucasians are your target.
Just stop it.. Don't bother arguing. You've been exposed.
:lol: Caucasians aren't my target you idiot fucking teaper. Your hate and racism is the target. what a teaper buffoon. fucking pathetic.
I don't hate anyone.....Your loss. Douche....
So when did you lose your ability to think clearly?
Emoting seems to be your forte.
You think all Caucasians are racist. Denying that would be patronizing and insulting.
Yup they are at it again. I'll say the same thing for Baltimore as I did for Ferguson, not one dime should be spent to rebuild these area's . let the businesses go where they are appreciated and let the destroyed buildings rot.
Not denying anything at all. I am just speakng truth while you are making it into a race war thing. You are a racist teaper. A pussy. You are blinded by hate.

Please start your race war...I guarantee am ready. Hell, if you are so tough...why aren't you in Baltmore right now, starting your race war and protecting the cops. PUSSY.

Stop supporting thugs that destroy people property. it is wrong.
I am not supporting thugs. Your hate makes you blind to what is being said. No one is condoning these savages...I am simply condemning teaper racsm and hate.

Too complex for you to understand...I know.
THe tea party has NOTHING to do with the troubles in Baltimore.
You see for a multiple number of times black people committing random acts of wanton violence and destruction of property. In order to find cover, you lash out. The tea party and to lesser extent, Caucasians are your target.
Just stop it.. Don't bother arguing. You've been exposed.
:lol: Caucasians aren't my target you idiot fucking teaper. Your hate and racism is the target. what a teaper buffoon. fucking pathetic.
I don't hate anyone.....Your loss. Douche....
So when did you lose your ability to think clearly?
Emoting seems to be your forte.
You think all Caucasians are racist. Denying that would be patronizing and insulting.
No, don't think all caucasians are racist. I think YOU are racist along with the rest of the teaper filth. Most whites are are simply a racist POS.

You must have canadian blood...because, you sure are an idiot.
Dude, you'd be the first one to hide in your crawlspace.
Ready.....For what?.....You don't even know what would be coming at you.
How can you form a plan when uninformed?
Are you denying there has been rioting and looting in Baltimore?
Not denying anything at all. I am just speakng truth while you are making it into a race war thing. You are a racist teaper. A pussy. You are blinded by hate.

Please start your race war...I guarantee am ready. Hell, if you are so tough...why aren't you in Baltmore right now, starting your race war and protecting the cops. PUSSY.

Stop supporting thugs that destroy people property. it is wrong.
I am not supporting thugs. Your hate makes you blind to what is being said. No one is condoning these savages...I am simply condemning teaper racsm and hate.

Too complex for you to understand...I know.
How bout you be the poor old black man needing meds but all the fucking animals destroyed the CVS? Imagine being in their shoes you racist sack of shit.
Another teaper, racist douche bag is tryng to create an argument for me. what a useless piece of shit. You fit in well at this hate site....they will support you at all turns.

Where did say that support the racist fag?
The angrier you get, the funnier this gets....
Not denying anything at all. I am just speakng truth while you are making it into a race war thing. You are a racist teaper. A pussy. You are blinded by hate.

Please start your race war...I guarantee am ready. Hell, if you are so tough...why aren't you in Baltmore right now, starting your race war and protecting the cops. PUSSY.

Stop supporting thugs that destroy people property. it is wrong.
I am not supporting thugs. Your hate makes you blind to what is being said. No one is condoning these savages...I am simply condemning teaper racsm and hate.

Too complex for you to understand...I know.
How bout you be the poor old black man needing meds but all the fucking animals destroyed the CVS? Imagine being in their shoes you racist sack of shit.
Another teaper, racist douche bag is tryng to create an argument for me. what a useless piece of shit. You fit in well at this hate site....they will support you at all turns.

Where did say that support the racist fag?
The angrier you get, the funnier this gets....
:lol: Who is angry? Typical teaper...hyperbole is a requirement for your ilk.
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake who clearly stated that so called protesters, I call them rioting thieveing thug anarchists, were given space to destroy, has in an impromptu news conference denied making the statement.
News reporters are being attacked. Businesses are burning.
Pictures on TV are showing police doing nothing.
News people are questioning as to why this is . Speculation is the City government, the Mayor in particular have been told to stand down.
I cannot fathom a mayor of a city thinking so much of the political aspects, they she would essentially suspend law and order.
WTF. Scum. I'm a huge fan of people exercising their right to protest, but fuck this shit. Rioters make things so much worse. They dont give a flying fuck about the cause, and just drag down those that do. It won't finish pretty.
Blacks have set back any sympathy for their "plight". 50 years. Selma was made meaningless.
Stop supporting thugs that destroy people property. it is wrong.
I am not supporting thugs. Your hate makes you blind to what is being said. No one is condoning these savages...I am simply condemning teaper racsm and hate.

Too complex for you to understand...I know.
How bout you be the poor old black man needing meds but all the fucking animals destroyed the CVS? Imagine being in their shoes you racist sack of shit.
Another teaper, racist douche bag is tryng to create an argument for me. what a useless piece of shit. You fit in well at this hate site....they will support you at all turns.

Where did say that support the racist fag?
The angrier you get, the funnier this gets....
:lol: Who is angry? Typical teaper...hyperbole is a requirement for your ilk.
You are angry. You've been swearing at me, calling me names for at least 10 posts......
I'm glad you're pissed. I am glad you hate me. I am happy you think I hate you....Wanna knwo why. Because you are a flaming lib that is showing your true colors....
100% intolerant of any other viewpoint.
I am not supporting thugs. Your hate makes you blind to what is being said. No one is condoning these savages...I am simply condemning teaper racsm and hate.

Too complex for you to understand...I know.
How bout you be the poor old black man needing meds but all the fucking animals destroyed the CVS? Imagine being in their shoes you racist sack of shit.
Another teaper, racist douche bag is tryng to create an argument for me. what a useless piece of shit. You fit in well at this hate site....they will support you at all turns.

Where did say that support the racist fag?
The angrier you get, the funnier this gets....
:lol: Who is angry? Typical teaper...hyperbole is a requirement for your ilk.
You are angry. You've been swearing at me, calling me names for at least 10 posts......
I'm glad you're pissed. I am glad you hate me. I am happy you think I hate you....Wanna knwo why. Because you are a flaming lib that is showing your true colors....
100% intolerant of any other viewpoint.
:lol: You either garner respect or you don't. You don't...teaper.
WTF. Scum. I'm a huge fan of people exercising their right to protest, but fuck this shit. Rioters make things so much worse. They dont give a flying fuck about the cause, and just drag down those that do. It won't finish pretty.
Blacks have set back any sympathy for their "plight". 50 years. Selma was made meaningless.
They should keep doing it until Nov 2016.
So far not one far left drone condemning the riots..
Surprised it took so long.

And you right wing loons want blacks to vote with you when you have zero empathy for them? So funny.
. It's so easy to have empathy isn't it? Liberals don't have to take a moral stand against the criminality and then stand aside calling us racists for calling these animals for what they are. So easy for you people. That's why you liberals aren't worth the powder to blow you all to hell.
Stop supporting thugs that destroy people property. it is wrong.
I am not supporting thugs. Your hate makes you blind to what is being said. No one is condoning these savages...I am simply condemning teaper racsm and hate.

Too complex for you to understand...I know.
THe tea party has NOTHING to do with the troubles in Baltimore.
You see for a multiple number of times black people committing random acts of wanton violence and destruction of property. In order to find cover, you lash out. The tea party and to lesser extent, Caucasians are your target.
Just stop it.. Don't bother arguing. You've been exposed.
:lol: Caucasians aren't my target you idiot fucking teaper. Your hate and racism is the target. what a teaper buffoon. fucking pathetic.
I don't hate anyone.....Your loss. Douche....
So when did you lose your ability to think clearly?
Emoting seems to be your forte.
You think all Caucasians are racist. Denying that would be patronizing and insulting.
No, don't think all caucasians are racist. I think YOU are racist along with the rest of the teaper filth. Most whites are are simply a racist POS.

You must have canadian blood...because, you sure are an idiot.
Ok genius...Please provide an example of racism on my part....
BTW, I have never been a member of the "teepers"..Whatever that might be....
BTW, sunshine, earlier you stated there are "black teepers"....So how could the teepers be racist?
You are so all over the place. Your inability to think straight and spew such vitriol indicates you are a very angry and hateful person..
WTF. Scum. I'm a huge fan of people exercising their right to protest, but fuck this shit. Rioters make things so much worse. They dont give a flying fuck about the cause, and just drag down those that do. It won't finish pretty.
Blacks have set back any sympathy for their "plight". 50 years. Selma was made meaningless.
They should keep doing it until Nov 2016.

Repubilcans would win the presidency as the democrats would look weaker then shit on crime.

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