BREAKING: RIOTING in Baltimore...

Fuck 'em. Let them kill each other. NG should just block off the whole area after getting the innocents out, and let them burn along with their neighborhood. Fucking low lifes.
What exactly does it solve to burn down your community and all the stores within it?
Not one dime of taxpayer money to rebuild Baltimore. Let the cockroaches live in the shit hole.

Last time I checked, you don't have a fucking say in that. Calling everyone in Baltimore cockroaches? Who cares. Fuck you and your godamned state what ever the he'll you call that shithole that you don't take care of.

I hope a skunk sprays one of your 13 cats.
I gotta agree with him Cabbie, I'm not saying that everyone in Baltimore is a cockroach but not one thin dime should go to rebuilding these neighborhoods. Let the businesses move and let the rioting jerks live in the shit hole they created.

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"insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

I hate Baltimore -- its a shit hole. I always wanted better for this place, though. I was once an activist here. I removed graffiti from churches and homes, I drove drug addicted prostitutes to drug rehab and gave people work when they were starving.

That being said, even though this place broke my heart, to me, these aren't just a bunch of worthless negros; these people are my neighbors, my friends and I care very much for them. My son lives here.

The black community has no regard for this country and is doesn't give a damn about the law. They're the racist that wish to destroy and start a fight with other people in this country.

I agree with gracie above!

Of course you do, you self important blowhard.
Lets get real here people. The days of us giving blacks a 'pass' because of the past are numbered. Or should be anyway...

The illness or cancer is quite clear to all but the blind.

Charlie Manson was a tad premature eh?

Why did they wait so long before bringing in the guard???
They should have done that before nightfall.
WTF? They waited until there were 15 additional officers injured before bringing them in.
Lets get real here people. The days of us giving blacks a 'pass' because of the past are numbered. Or should be anyway...

The illness or cancer is quite clear to all but the blind.

Charlie Manson was a tad premature eh?

We need an Andrew Jackson to march these motherfuckers to a reservation away from civilization where they can be tamed.
The Clinton's are the culprits. They needed a riot to get their name off the front page...Hey maybe they did the earthquake in Nepal too.....
Why did the mayor give them one night to burn the place?

Tonight these fools will all be sitting at home with their welfare Church chicken boxes waiting on that next Obama check in the mail

How many more cops need to kill how many more blacks needlessly before you'll see we need to fix the cops. They've become too militarized. Dont you think? They need to learn how to de escilate situations better and we need to teach them anger management etc.

But then what do you do if a guy resists arrest? How come cops aren't killing white ... Snip ....
We need to fix that race, starting with a pair of shears.
Did you see the black mom smacking her kid who was rioting? Even the black cop said "I wish we had more parents like her.

What he meant is he wishes we had more black parents like that.

Where was his father? Probably doesnt have one.

Watch they arrest the mom for assaulting her son. Lol
Why did the mayor give them one night to burn the place?

Tonight these fools will all be sitting at home with their welfare Church chicken boxes waiting on that next Obama check in the mail

Yeah, I'm seeing a few stories on this. Her actions are going to be looked at pretty carefully, as well as her words.


The guard was there and should have gone jack boot on them. It reminds me of the LA riots when Chief Gates was told to stand-down 1 block away from the pack. So it appears the mayor, like Mayor Bradley did, offered free gas and matches to fan the flames

Why did the mayor give them one night to burn the place?

Tonight these fools will all be sitting at home with their welfare Church chicken boxes waiting on that next Obama check in the mail

Yeah, I'm seeing a few stories on this. Her actions are going to be looked at pretty carefully, as well as her words.


The guard was there and should have gone jack boot on them. It reminds me of the LA riots when Chief Gates was told to stand-down 1 block away from the pack. So it appears the mayor, like Mayor Bradley did, offered free gas and matches to fan the flames

Just another example of how bad behavior is enabled. It doesn't stop.

The police were back on their heels it seemed...
I wonder if they were told to stand down and let the thugs get the shit out of their system.
Progressives have ideas to pay blacks to pass blacks NOT to get arrested etc............

These people are mental cases.

For decades, the black culture is totally missing that character trait that came with other immigrants and progressive idea's/policies have only fubar'd things more. If these riots go on long enough, you'll hear TV commentators on CNN and MSNBC recommending leather recliners be set up at riot area's. Black leadership runs things in Baltimore..........this is what you get. Progressives love ghettos = political power forever.:2up:

Welfare funding needs to be pulled for savage-like behavior including knocking up multiple women.........males who do that should get fast tracked back to Africa. Fuck.....we need to create a "civilized standard" fuck up, you end up on Oz. Maybe we set aside part of a whole state where these people can they do in northern Iraq. A few decades of this will change the landscape, that's for sure!!!:boobies::boobies::coffee: One thing is 100% idea's are a 100% failure. Its not even debatable.
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