BREAKING: RIOTING in Baltimore...

Can you liberals supporting the black's anti police BS just stop and think for a moment? Look at the animals they have to deal with. They deal with so many fucked up people that are willing to burn down their own city for no reason. They prey on the innocent and just destroy and destroy. How could any cop deal with them without using "excessive" force. Look at what these bitch tactics have let happen. I guess the blacks proved their point that police brutality is all justified.

note to dumb white person: killing another human being is never justified...understand?
It actually is. If they were throwing bricks at me I would shoot them. That's a lethal weapon...
The return of the raider as an instant message enabled gang is a phenomenon at odds with progress. It is a warning that darker times are returning, that while everyone may pack phones that have more processing power in one inch than a room of computers did 30 years ago, the march of progress is moving backward.

But the real purpose of a riot isn’t to benefit the rioters. It’s to benefit those who incite the riot. The rioters and looters react in response to riot-friendly conditions created from above. If you build the political infrastructure for a riot, the rioters and looters will come. Sultan Knish Savages With Cell Phones
Man, why why why, burn your own shit down, why?????? Just another damned city that will pay for all this bs in the enjoy the free shit you dumb fucks. Next month, next year, you'll be begging for the very things you loot and burn today.....will you dumb fucks ever learn????
How many more cops need to kill how many more blacks needlessly before you'll see we need to fix the cops. They've become too militarized. Dont you think? They need to learn how to de escilate situations better and we need to teach them anger management etc.

But then what do you do if a guy resists arrest? How come cops aren't killing white criminals?
If you don't want cops enforcing laws, then stop passing laws.
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.

Are you a single parent ?
Man, why why why, burn your own shit down, why?????? Just another damned city that will pay for all this bs in the enjoy the free shit you dumb fucks. Next month, next year, you'll be begging for the very things you loot and burn today.....will you dumb fucks ever learn????
How many more cops need to kill how many more blacks needlessly before you'll see we need to fix the cops. They've become too militarized. Dont you think? They need to learn how to de escilate situations better and we need to teach them anger management etc.

But then what do you do if a guy resists arrest? How come cops aren't killing white criminals?
If you don't want cops enforcing laws, then stop passing laws.
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
Then come up with the solutions on your own. More good moms like you would help. I like the mom who smacked her son when she found him rioting.

Are you still with the father? Does racism Cause so many black people to get pregnant before marriage? I think fatherless men are a root problem regardless of color.
The return of the raider as an instant message enabled gang is a phenomenon at odds with progress. It is a warning that darker times are returning, that while everyone may pack phones that have more processing power in one inch than a room of computers did 30 years ago, the march of progress is moving backward.

But the real purpose of a riot isn’t to benefit the rioters. It’s to benefit those who incite the riot. The rioters and looters react in response to riot-friendly conditions created from above. If you build the political infrastructure for a riot, the rioters and looters will come. Sultan Knish Savages With Cell Phones
Notice how they use gays and racism to divide us?
How many more cops need to kill how many more blacks needlessly before you'll see we need to fix the cops. They've become too militarized. Dont you think? They need to learn how to de escilate situations better and we need to teach them anger management etc.

But then what do you do if a guy resists arrest? How come cops aren't killing white criminals?
If you don't want cops enforcing laws, then stop passing laws.
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
As long as they don't start attacking the cop I'd say that have a decent chance at surviving encounters.


Why was he running? What happened just before? We dont think he should have murdered that man, but I wouldnt give the runners family a penny because he ran.
“I think this is where Democrats screw up, you know?” former Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), who says he may run for president, told Yahoo News recently. “I think that they have kind of unwittingly used this group, white working males, as a whipping post for a lot of their policies. And then when they react, they say they're being racist.” LA Times
WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
As long as they don't start attacking the cop I'd say that have a decent chance at surviving encounters.

Do you believe your son would have fought the cop in the first place for no reason and then ran? If you think he would have done that then you should be scared. If not then you have nothing to worry about. You might as well worry about him being struck by lightning if he always complies with the police and has respect.

Your too silly for words....really you are.
So give me examples of the assassination like behavior you think cops have against black people?

Do you live or have you ever lived anywhere near any black people? Near any who live in a city? I see with my eyes, that's the best I can tell you. If you don't see it, why would you believe someone whom you disbelieve in the first place? Police target certain people -- that's a fact. They target college kids, veterans of the military, blacks, people who look like dope heads, etc.

Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
As long as they don't start attacking the cop I'd say that have a decent chance at surviving encounters.

Do you believe your son would have fought the cop in the first place for no reason and then ran? If you think he would have done that then you should be scared. If not then you have nothing to worry about. You might as well worry about him being struck by lightning if he always complies with the police and has respect.

Your too silly for words....really you are.
So give me examples of the assassination like behavior you think cops have against black people?

Do you live or have you ever lived anywhere near any black people? Near any who live in a city? I see with my eyes, that's the best I can tell you. If you don't see it, why would you believe someone whom you disbelieve in the first place? Police target certain people -- that's a fact. They target college kids, veterans of the military, blacks, people who look like dope heads, etc.

Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
I fully aware they stereotype. I was simply pointing out the fact that cops don't pull people over to commit random black killings. All cases involve violence and people that aren't complying. It's never a respectful man getting shot cause he's black.
Do you believe your son would have fought the cop in the first place for no reason and then ran? If you think he would have done that then you should be scared. If not then you have nothing to worry about. You might as well worry about him being struck by lightning if he always complies with the police and has respect.

Your too silly for words....really you are.
So give me examples of the assassination like behavior you think cops have against black people?

Do you live or have you ever lived anywhere near any black people? Near any who live in a city? I see with my eyes, that's the best I can tell you. If you don't see it, why would you believe someone whom you disbelieve in the first place? Police target certain people -- that's a fact. They target college kids, veterans of the military, blacks, people who look like dope heads, etc.

Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
I fully aware they stereotype. I was simply pointing out the fact that cops don't pull people over to commit random black killings. All cases involve violence and people that aren't complying. It's never a respectful man getting shot cause he's black.

I submit that you don't nor can't know this. You are guessing just like every other post you have pounded out on your trusty-dusty keyboard.
Do you believe your son would have fought the cop in the first place for no reason and then ran? If you think he would have done that then you should be scared. If not then you have nothing to worry about. You might as well worry about him being struck by lightning if he always complies with the police and has respect.

Your too silly for words....really you are.
So give me examples of the assassination like behavior you think cops have against black people?

Do you live or have you ever lived anywhere near any black people? Near any who live in a city? I see with my eyes, that's the best I can tell you. If you don't see it, why would you believe someone whom you disbelieve in the first place? Police target certain people -- that's a fact. They target college kids, veterans of the military, blacks, people who look like dope heads, etc.

Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
I fully aware they stereotype. I was simply pointing out the fact that cops don't pull people over to commit random black killings. All cases involve violence and people that aren't complying. It's never a respectful man getting shot cause he's black.

I submit that you don't nor can't know this. You are guessing just like every other post you have pounded out on your trusty-dusty keyboard.
If it happened we would hear about it. Think about all these angry black people with cameras everywhere? You're just arguing to argue even though you know you're wrong. Maybe the instance I gave happened one time. I don't know but it's not something that happens regularly.
Your too silly for words....really you are.
So give me examples of the assassination like behavior you think cops have against black people?

Do you live or have you ever lived anywhere near any black people? Near any who live in a city? I see with my eyes, that's the best I can tell you. If you don't see it, why would you believe someone whom you disbelieve in the first place? Police target certain people -- that's a fact. They target college kids, veterans of the military, blacks, people who look like dope heads, etc.

Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
I fully aware they stereotype. I was simply pointing out the fact that cops don't pull people over to commit random black killings. All cases involve violence and people that aren't complying. It's never a respectful man getting shot cause he's black.

I submit that you don't nor can't know this. You are guessing just like every other post you have pounded out on your trusty-dusty keyboard.
If it happened we would hear about it. Think about all these angry black people with cameras everywhere? You're just arguing to argue even though you know you're wrong. Maybe the instance I gave happened one time. I don't know but it's not something that happens regularly.

Any black who is angry with a cop when they get pulled over is making a mistake. You will always get the ticket and you may even get harrassed. And if you dont comply and say that I know my rights bullshit you might get physically arrested. You will never win. We cant allow you to win. So do what I do. Yes sir no sir officer.

We can't be defiant towards the police. Fear them like I do.
What exactly does it solve to burn down your community and all the stores within it?
Not one dime of taxpayer money to rebuild Baltimore. Let the cockroaches live in the shit hole.

Last time I checked, you don't have a fucking say in that. Calling everyone in Baltimore cockroaches? Who cares. Fuck you and your godamned state what ever the he'll you call that shithole that you don't take care of.

I hope a skunk sprays one of your 13 cats.
I gotta agree with him Cabbie, I'm not saying that everyone in Baltimore is a cockroach but not one thin dime should go to rebuilding these neighborhoods. Let the businesses move and let the rioting jerks live in the shit hole they created.
The city may not have a choice..If business owners losses are not covered by their insurance policies( chances are the losses are not covered) they will not have a funds to rebuild/reopen anyway. For some, this may be the end of their rope. Then, there is always the long time damage done to the customer base.

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