BREAKING: RIOTING in Baltimore...

Your too silly for words....really you are.
So give me examples of the assassination like behavior you think cops have against black people?

Do you live or have you ever lived anywhere near any black people? Near any who live in a city? I see with my eyes, that's the best I can tell you. If you don't see it, why would you believe someone whom you disbelieve in the first place? Police target certain people -- that's a fact. They target college kids, veterans of the military, blacks, people who look like dope heads, etc.

Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
I fully aware they stereotype. I was simply pointing out the fact that cops don't pull people over to commit random black killings. All cases involve violence and people that aren't complying. It's never a respectful man getting shot cause he's black.

I submit that you don't nor can't know this. You are guessing just like every other post you have pounded out on your trusty-dusty keyboard.
Oh please. Now we have random stops and random killings.
I don't know how to respond to that..In fact, such statements do not dignify a response.

Good, you are as ignorant as they come, so that's cool ass bananas.
Can you liberals supporting the black's anti police BS just stop and think for a moment? Look at the animals they have to deal with. They deal with so many fucked up people that are willing to burn down their own city for no reason. They prey on the innocent and just destroy and destroy. How could any cop deal with them without using "excessive" force. Look at what these bitch tactics have let happen. I guess the blacks proved their point that police brutality is all justified.

...snip..., that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.

Just tell your sons not to run away from a cop when detained and obey his orders.
Maybe your race should take heed of solutions that whites (conservative) offer. God knows your (and liberal) solutions have failed. Listen or don't, it's up to you, but blame yourself, not the cops or the white man. Take a look at the happy, contented lives of conservative black people live. That life is available for the taking.
?..snip...Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
When you're looking for a daisy to pick, you don't look for the nearest stockyard.
?..snip...Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
When you're looking for a daisy to pick, you don't look for the nearest stockyard.

I see, so that becomes a justification to bust people who faught for your freedom over some weed? That's justification for our current police state?

What the Fuck is wrong with this country and why is all of this ok with everybody?
...snip..., that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.

Just tell your sons not to run away from a cop when detained and obey his orders.
Maybe your race should take heed of solutions that whites (conservative) offer. God knows your (and liberal) solutions have failed. Listen or don't, it's up to you, but blame yourself, not the cops or the white man. Take a look at the happy, contented lives of conservative black people live. That life is available for the taking.

You don't know shit about shit. First off, no one but a bunch of jackasses is saying that this Baltimore thing is about race because it isn't.

Secondly, you are making a mighty big assumption about how police act in Baltimore.

You don't live here, if you did, you would not live in the neighborhood that the young man who was murdered lived, so don't act like you have a fucking clue, because you don't.
You don't know shit about shit. First off, no one but a bunch of jackasses is saying that this Baltimore thing is about race because it isn't.

Secondly, you are making a mighty big assumption about how police act in Baltimore.

You don't live here, if you did, you would not live in the neighborhood that the young man who was murdered lived, so don't act like you have a fucking clue, because you don't.
I live in a safe, decent neighborhood because mt neighbors and I make it so. Listen and learn or be condemned to the shithole you help make for yourself.
You don't know shit about shit. First off, no one but a bunch of jackasses is saying that this Baltimore thing is about race because it isn't.

Secondly, you are making a mighty big assumption about how police act in Baltimore.

You don't live here, if you did, you would not live in the neighborhood that the young man who was murdered lived, so don't act like you have a fucking clue, because you don't.
I live in a safe, decent neighborhood because mt neighbors and I make it so. Listen and learn or be condemned to the shithole you help make for yourself.

I don't live in Baltimore or any ghetto. Further evidence of how little thought goes into most posts that you make.
How many more cops need to kill how many more blacks needlessly before you'll see we need to fix the cops. They've become too militarized. Dont you think? They need to learn how to de escilate situations better and we need to teach them anger management etc.

But then what do you do if a guy resists arrest? How come cops aren't killing white criminals?
If you don't want cops enforcing laws, then stop passing laws.
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
Let me tell you my past. Been arrested twice. Each time I did what the officer asked. First time drunk. Didn't try to run. The second was for a fight. I was only defending myself but I won so he arrested me wrongfully because you have the right to defend yourself. I was pissed I was the one being arrested. Cock sucker cop cost me $1000 getting off in court.

When cop said hands behind back guess what I did?

Your time to argue is in court. Dont argue with cops.
Yeah..Wining a fight when one iss attacked them getting arrested for it is pretty shitty.
Where I come from, cops don't arrest people for getting into a fight. If they see it, they break it up and send the combatants on their way.
When I moved to South Carolina,...different story. I was at a sports bar. These two guys got pissed at each other. They take it outside.
They duke it out while ringed by spectators. The cops came and broke up the fight but not before warning everyone in the parking lot that they had two choices. Go back inside or go to jail. Well the two pugilists got taken away. And of course the friends of each start yapping at each other and the cops. All in all, several people were arrested. Each received $168 fines. The the thing is, they all spent the night in jail. That's because the magistrate does not work on Saturday night. So she wasn't around to issue bonds.
That's kind of bullshit. Losing was then more than a days pay for the average worker and having to spend the night in the Gray Bar Hilton..But, they were warned.
I don't think a person in defense of one's self should be thrown in jail and charged. But remember this. Cops don't make the laws. The good ones have to abide by them just like anyone else. And they will not risk their career. So they just cart our asses to the pokey.
I don't think anyone argues the point that not following cops orders is a stupid idea that could get someone hurt. Most people realize police have a dangerous job
Its the fact that some people can be doing nothing, get pulled over and get killed... been wayyyy too many instances to write off as nothing.
I really thought the Ferguson incident, with so many people getting involved...things might start getting better. lol ha!
?..snip...Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
When you're looking for a daisy to pick, you don't look for the nearest stockyard.

I see, so that becomes a justification to bust people who faught for your freedom over some weed? That's justification for our current police state?

What the Fuck is wrong with this country and why is all of this ok with everybody?
People normally get along and don't cause trouble. It's the black race out there rioting and burning their homes to the ground. That's not my fault. I haven't done anything to them. Liberals fucked up black people. It's a documented fact the black race is being destroyed since LBJ's Great Society kicked in. I'm tired of the whining. Nobody gave me anything. I worked and earned it myself. Blacks think we owe them a piece of the pie. Screw that. I resent the idea and I don't feel guilty about it either. Intellectually I don't feel whites are better than blacks, but emotionally I do -- at least the thugs out there causing all the trouble in our peaceful society the white conservative man gave you.
If you don't want cops enforcing laws, then stop passing laws.
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
Let me tell you my past. Been arrested twice. Each time I did what the officer asked. First time drunk. Didn't try to run. The second was for a fight. I was only defending myself but I won so he arrested me wrongfully because you have the right to defend yourself. I was pissed I was the one being arrested. Cock sucker cop cost me $1000 getting off in court.

When cop said hands behind back guess what I did?

Your time to argue is in court. Dont argue with cops.
Yeah..Wining a fight when one iss attacked them getting arrested for it is pretty shitty.
Where I come from, cops don't arrest people for getting into a fight. If they see it, they break it up and send the combatants on their way.
When I moved to South Carolina,...different story. I was at a sports bar. These two guys got pissed at each other. They take it outside.
They duke it out while ringed by spectators. The cops came and broke up the fight but not before warning everyone in the parking lot that they had two choices. Go back inside or go to jail. Well the two pugilists got taken away. And of course the friends of each start yapping at each other and the cops. All in all, several people were arrested. Each received $168 fines. The the thing is, they all spent the night in jail. That's because the magistrate does not work on Saturday night. So she wasn't around to issue bonds.
That's kind of bullshit. Losing was then more than a days pay for the average worker and having to spend the night in the Gray Bar Hilton..But, they were warned.
I don't think a person in defense of one's self should be thrown in jail and charged. But remember this. Cops don't make the laws. The good ones have to abide by them just like anyone else. And they will not risk their career. So they just cart our asses to the pokey.
I don't think anyone argues the point that not following cops orders is a stupid idea that could get someone hurt. Most people realize police have a dangerous job
Its the fact that some people can be doing nothing, get pulled over and get killed... been wayyyy too many instances to write off as nothing.
I really thought the Ferguson incident, with so many people getting involved...things might start getting better. lol ha!
Agreed. And why is it happening so often lately? Was this happening 1 5 10 20 years ago?
How many more cops need to kill how many more blacks needlessly before you'll see we need to fix the cops. They've become too militarized. Dont you think? They need to learn how to de escilate situations better and we need to teach them anger management etc.

But then what do you do if a guy resists arrest? How come cops aren't killing white criminals?
If you don't want cops enforcing laws, then stop passing laws.
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
As long as they don't start attacking the cop I'd say that have a decent chance at surviving encounters.


You failed to mention the all the fights that led up to the shooting.
Why am I not surprised?
If you don't want cops enforcing laws, then stop passing laws.
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
As long as they don't start attacking the cop I'd say that have a decent chance at surviving encounters.

And here comes the racism. Nice.....
I find it laughable how you allow yourself to order other people what to do. You attempt to tell others how to think and that they cannot relate to you.....Such irony. And shallow thinking.
You are fighting an internal race war. Every time you hear "white" or "Caucasian"
your blood boils with hate.
Sad that you cannot see beyond color.

Listen, I don't make the news, yaw do. Its not my fault that every single time there is uproar and uphevil in this country, the comon denominator in all this is white folks doing something to blacks, rather its a cop killing or beating of blacks or a community desperate for change....all attributed to white folk. And I'm the racist? 1968. I didn't kill Dr. King, a white man did. the 90's, I didn't beat a man senseless, a white cop did, and on and on and its you and your race that need to strip itself of racism not me
...snip..., that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.

Just tell your sons not to run away from a cop when detained and obey his orders.
Maybe your race should take heed of solutions that whites (conservative) offer. God knows your (and liberal) solutions have failed. Listen or don't, it's up to you, but blame yourself, not the cops or the white man. Take a look at the happy, contented lives of conservative black people live. That life is available for the taking.

You don't know shit about shit. First off, no one but a bunch of jackasses is saying that this Baltimore thing is about race because it isn't.

Secondly, you are making a mighty big assumption about how police act in Baltimore.

You don't live here, if you did, you would not live in the neighborhood that the young man who was murdered lived, so don't act like you have a fucking clue, because you don't.

I live in the south....which makes Baltimore a haven.....and do me a favor, don't come for me unless I send for you!!
?..snip...Police like to bust people when they can nail them to the wall. Profiling people enables them to pull over the people who could win them a drug bust. They don't pull over white people for several reasons, one being the presumed low probability of finding drugs. This greatly affects the overall demographics of who ultimately winds up in jail.
When you're looking for a daisy to pick, you don't look for the nearest stockyard.

I see, so that becomes a justification to bust people who faught for your freedom over some weed? That's justification for our current police state?

What the Fuck is wrong with this country and why is all of this ok with everybody?
People normally get along and don't cause trouble. It's the black race out there rioting and burning their homes to the ground. That's not my fault. I haven't done anything to them. Liberals fucked up black people. It's a documented fact the black race is being destroyed since LBJ's Great Society kicked in. I'm tired of the whining. Nobody gave me anything. I worked and earned it myself. Blacks think we owe them a piece of the pie. Screw that. I resent the idea and I don't feel guilty about it either. Intellectually I don't feel whites are better than blacks, but emotionally I do -- at least the thugs out there causing all the trouble in our peaceful society the white conservative man gave you.

(sigh)....if I hear one more white person singing that old tired bs crap.....of Nobody gave me anything. I worked and earned it myself. Blacks think we owe them a piece of the pie. Screw that....I'm gonna put in on a tshirt and make me some serious dollars. Boring!!
Man, why why why, burn your own shit down, why?????? Just another damned city that will pay for all this bs in the enjoy the free shit you dumb fucks. Next month, next year, you'll be begging for the very things you loot and burn today.....will you dumb fucks ever learn????
How many more cops need to kill how many more blacks needlessly before you'll see we need to fix the cops. They've become too militarized. Dont you think? They need to learn how to de escilate situations better and we need to teach them anger management etc.

But then what do you do if a guy resists arrest? How come cops aren't killing white criminals?
If you don't want cops enforcing laws, then stop passing laws.
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.

Are you a single parent ?

Yes and No.....Although I was married, my husband was in the military and I rarely saw the guy and my current relationship, financially he was their but emotionally and physically he wasn't most of the time, I say yes, I raised my kids, all 5 by myself, without welfare......I worked every single day of thier lives and still do....we're talking of course years and years ago.
If you don't want cops enforcing laws, then stop passing laws.
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
As long as they don't start attacking the cop I'd say that have a decent chance at surviving encounters.


Why was he running? What happened just before? We dont think he should have murdered that man, but I wouldnt give the runners family a penny because he ran.

I hate to tell you this, but running from the law isn't a new idea thought up by blacks....I do believe Bonnie and Clyde, along with all the gangsters in history, not to mention way back before the beginning of time, people ran from the law....just sayin, You just got lazy cops who'd rather pop 8 bullets in your back than run after you!!
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
As long as they don't start attacking the cop I'd say that have a decent chance at surviving encounters.


Why was he running? What happened just before? We dont think he should have murdered that man, but I wouldnt give the runners family a penny because he ran.

I hate to tell you this, but running from the law isn't a new idea thought up by blacks....I do believe Bonnie and Clyde, along with all the gangsters in history, not to mention way back before the beginning of time, people ran from the law....just sayin, You just got lazy cops who'd rather pop 8 bullets in your back than run after you!!

Matter o' fact, running from the law is exactly where the legendary NASCAR drivers came from. Ever notice how many of them hail from North Carolina? Guess where they got their driving skills.

Two words: "dry counties".
Are they immune to excessive force? Slippery slope. Today black men tomorrow your son.

WOW, that was deep....I'm the mother of 2 black sons, both in their late 30's, married, law abiding and working. (sigh)....its those type of worry the most over. Because all they need is one cop, on a bad day to bring their lives, their livlihood to an end....just because??????

Until you've walked the path that blacks walk, no race in this country has a right to define us nor discuss solutions for us.
As long as they don't start attacking the cop I'd say that have a decent chance at surviving encounters.

And here comes the racism. Nice.....
I find it laughable how you allow yourself to order other people what to do. You attempt to tell others how to think and that they cannot relate to you.....Such irony. And shallow thinking.
You are fighting an internal race war. Every time you hear "white" or "Caucasian"
your blood boils with hate.
Sad that you cannot see beyond color.

Listen, I don't make the news, yaw do. Its not my fault that every single time there is uproar and uphevil in this country, the comon denominator in all this is white folks doing something to blacks, rather its a cop killing or beating of blacks or a community desperate for change....all attributed to white folk. And I'm the racist? 1968. I didn't kill Dr. King, a white man did. the 90's, I didn't beat a man senseless, a white cop did, and on and on and its you and your race that need to strip itself of racism not me
The difference is that white people have the same shit happen to them but the white race doesn't give a fuck if a white piece of shit accidentally gets killed in custody because he is fighting. Blacks have to burn shit down and attack everyone when when dumb ass thug gets killed or hurt resisting arrest.

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